Author Archives: Shlomo

TrumpCare Is Great If You’re Rich And Want Health Costs To Explode

The Trump brand, supposedly synonymous with giving customers nothing but the best, is now attached to a health care plan that, in one critical respect, is by far the stingiest of any GOP plan on the table. At the final debate before Super Tuesday, Donald Trump made little sense talking about health care, repeating several times that he wouldn’t let people die in […]

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Donald Trump is Anti-Israel

“Trump would not commit to recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.” Here’s a rundown of Trump’s major pronouncements on Jewish issues so far in the 2016 race. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Trump would remain “neutral” […]

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It’s Time for Rubio to Go

Rubio has benefitted from more generous media attention than Beyonce. Rubio got clocked last night – after his staffers forecast he could win up to four states, he carried just Minnesota. That’s the only state he’s won. He has 110 delegates total. His vaunted 3-2-1 victory plan – third in Iowa, second in New Hampshire, and first in South Carolina […]

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“Deals” with Iran? Mullahs Execute Every Man in an Entire Village

While the world’s human rights watchdogs continue their romance with the Iranian regime. Where is the professional journalism the mainstream media keeps talking about? While they have been focusing on Iran’s artificial democratic elections, the mainstream liberal outlets seem to have intentionally ignored one of the most heinous and egregious acts that the ruling mullahs of Iran committed during the elections. The […]

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Ex-KKK Grand Wizard David Duke: Trump ‘Jumped 10 Points in the Polls’ Thanks to Me!

David Duke really lost it during an interview today with Newsmax TV host Steve Malzberg. Malzberg couldn’t even get through the intro before Duke started shouting at and objecting to what he was saying. He angrily ranted about how he’s referred to as an ex-KKK grand wizard when the late Democratic senator Robert Byrd was not afforded the same courtesy. […]

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PLO’s Abbas: Murderous terror wave is a ‘legitimate peaceful protest’

PA chairman says the current “intifada” is nothing but a “popular peaceful uprising”, refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. [PLO] chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday reiterated his opposition to recognizing Israel as a Jewish state, and also referred to the current terror wave as a “legitimate peaceful protest”. He made the comments at the start of a meeting […]

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Prominent Birther Loses Again As IL Judge Dismisses Challenge Against Ted Cruz

Cruz stays on the ballot. Lawerence Joyce of Poplar Grove, IL is one of the most prominent birthers in the country. The hospital pharmacist and occasional lawyer was among those who challenged Barack Obama’s eligibility to be President in 2008 and into 2009. Those challenges against Obama went absolutely nowhere. Flash-forward to 2016 and Mr. Joyce is continuing his birther […]

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Muslim Woman Who Beheaded 4-Year-Old Toddler: “Allah Made Me Do It”

And he did. Gulchekhra Bobokulova horrified the world Monday when she went to a Moscow metro station with the severed head of four-year-old Nastya Meshcheryakova, whom she served as a nanny, and began waving the poor girl’s head around while screaming “Allahu akbar.” Once Russian police got around to arresting her (she brandished the head and raved for fully twenty […]

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First Nazis and the KKK – Now Louis Farrakhan Praises Trump for Telling Jews, ‘I Don’t Want Your Money’

In an anti-Semitic tirade over the weekend, Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the religious group Nation of Islam, praised Republican front-runner Donald Trump for signaling that when he is president, he won’t be controlled by Jews, The Washington Examiner reports. “[Trump] is the only member who has stood in front of the Jewish community, and said I don’t want your […]

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Obama Quietly Pushes to Increase Number of Syrian Refugees US Takes

Despite mounting evidence proving there is no way to properly vet refugees and weed out those with nefarious intentions. Despite the fact that a genocide is taking place, but less than a miniscule fraction of incoming refugees are Christian. Despite a pathological problem among migrants across Europe who burn, loot, rape, assault and otherwise spit on their host countries at will. Despite European cities’ impending collapse. Despite pleas […]

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Why Veterans Must Oppose Trump

Running scared from a debate hosted by Megyn Kelly in Iowa, Donald Trump instead hosted an Iowa event to, according to his campaign, “raise money for the Veterans and Wounded Warriors, who have been treated so horribly by our all talk, no action politicians.” The $6 million raised went, curiously, straight to Donald Trump’s campaign website — an odd way to […]

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Boston Police Commissioner: ‘We’re All Muslims Deep Down’

  Robert Spencer wrote on PJ Media today about Boston Police Commissioner William B. Evans’ bizarre declaration at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, when he stated, “We’re all Muslims deep down. We all yearn for peace.” What? We all want peace and that makes us Muslim at our core? Christians don’t yearn for peace? Jews? Not only has Evans apparently bought fully into […]

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Cruz wins Texas, Oklahoma, Alaska in Super Tuesday primaries; Calls on Other Candidates to Unite Behind Him

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz called on the remaining GOP field to unite behind his candidacy to defeat front-runner Donald Trump after winning his home state and neighboring Oklahoma in the Super Tuesday primaries. “Tomorrow morning, we have a choice,” Cruz told cheering supporters at the Redneck Country Club in Stafford, Texas. “So long as the field remains divided, Donald Trump’s […]

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Why Donald Trump Would be a Bigger Disaster Than Hillary Clinton

There’s still time to turn it around, of course. But now that many conservatives are moving from the bargaining phase to the depression phase of the Kubler-Ross model, we can begin to grapple with the prospective reality of a Trump-vs-Hillary general election. Whether you’re an ideological conservative, a proponent of limited government or someone who believes that the president has […]

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Cruz Wants NYT to Release Tape of Trump Saying He’d Soften on Immigration

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday called on GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump to ask The New York Times to release a recording of an off-the-record meeting with its editorial board at which he is speculated to have said he might soften his tone on immigration once elected. Buzzfeed Editor-in-Chief Ben Smith reported earlier Monday that the tape has achieved […]

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Trump refuses to disavow KKK support

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday refused to distance himself from white nationalist and former KKK leader David Duke after the latter announced his support for Trump’s presidential bid. Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union” program on Sunday, host Jake Tapper asked Trump if he would “unequivocally condemn David Duke and say you don’t want his support.” “Just […]

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Harassment Continues: Administrative Orders Extended Against Jewish Hilltop Youths

Even as terror rages and Jews are murdered in the streets, the government takes the time to lengthen administrative orders against Jewish youths. It was around six months ago when dozens of administrative orders were issued against Jewish youths from the Shomron and various hilltops. Many of the orders are now expiring, yet even as Arab terror rages, the government […]

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Facebook CEO Zuckerberg: German Policy Inviting More Muslim Refugees ‘Inspiring,’ U.S. Should ‘Follow Their Lead’

Mark Zuckerberg praised Germany for their “inspiring” refugee policies during a visit to the country and reiterated his commitment to combating “hate speech” on Facebook. Speaking at a town hall event in Berlin, the 31-year old billionaire said German leadership in the refugee crisis has been “insipiring” and a “role model for the world.” “I hope other countries follow Germany’s […]

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Meet Donald Trump: The King of Sleaze – Brought First Strip Club to Casinos and Much More

Donald Trump is widely known as the presidential candidate and businessman who promises to “Make America Great Again”. It’s time for Republicans of all stripes and Evangelicals in particular to meet Donald Trump, The King of Sleaze. In 2013, when Mr. Trump owned the Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City he brought the first strip club to the area’s casinos. […]

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Confirmed: Obama Sent Weapons to Muslim Terrorists in Benghazi

One of the few interesting items in the New York Times’ whitewash of Hillary and Obama’s illegal Libyan war is the confirmation of weapons shipments. Obama ultimately took her side, according to the administration officials who described the debate. After he signed a secret document called a presidential finding, approving a covert operation, a list of approved weaponry was drawn […]

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Silent Intifada Weekly Summary: One Jew was murdered and eight were injured in over 140 attacks this week

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that […]

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Hillary: ‘We Don’t Need to Make America Great,’ ‘Instead of Building Walls, We Need To Be Tearing Down Barriers’

Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton argued, “we don’t need to make America great. America has never stopped being great. … Instead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers” in a speech after winning Saturday’s South Carolina Democratic primary. Hillary stated, “[T]omorrow, this campaign goes national. We are going to compete for every vote, […]

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National Review: Trump Is Worse Than Hillary

An article published Friday by conservative media outlet National Review has declared that Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump would be a worse president than Hillary Clinton. The magazine has stridently opposed Trump throughout the GOP primary, even devoting its entire Feb. 15 issue to articles denouncing the real estate billionaire. Earlier this week, it ran an editorial titled “The Fight […]

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Cruz Tells Trump: I Was Fighting Illegal Immigration While You Were Firing Dennis Rodman

At the presidential debate last night in Houston, Texas, Donald Trump took some punches from opponent Senator Ted Cruz on the issue of immigration. “In 2013, when I was leading the fight against the ‘Gang of 8’ amnesty bill, where was Donald?” Cruz asked. “He was firing Dennis Rodman on ‘Celebrity Apprentice.’” Cruz went on to say that Trump gave […]

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Facebook’s Zuckerberg: ‘All Lives Matter’ is ‘Disrespectful’ and ‘Malicious’

NBC News reports that Mark Zuckerberg angrily reprimanded his Facebook employees in a private memo on Thursday, warning them to “stop crossing out ‘black lives matter’ and writing ‘all lives matter’” on the company’s famous signature wall. Doing so, he wrote, is “disrespectful” and “malicious.” Employees are encouraged to write or draw on the whiteboard walls at Facebook in Menlo Park, California. It is […]

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Students told to pretend to be Muslim and write essay on their conversion to Islam

British moms and dads were fuming after a school instructed students to write an essay explaining why they had converted to Islam. Gemma Gough posted the assignment on Facebook – and said her child would not be completing the assignment. “This is not acceptable,” she wrote. ‘Kids are too impressionable and imagine if these letters got in the wrong hands […]

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Trump: “As president, I can’t take Israel’s side”

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. During a wildly animated GOP debate Thursday evening, GOP front-runner Donald Trump asserted that, as president, he cannot side with Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because doing so would “demean” […]

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Obama ignores law, accepts anti-Semitic BDS boycott against Jews in Israel

Despite new law’s explicit protection of businesses over the Green Line, Obama says ‘settlements’ are fair game. After signing a bill targeting anti-Israel boycotters, President Barack Obama pledged not to enforce one of the law’s clauses extending the anti-boycott protections to Israeli businesses operating in “Israeli-controlled territories”. The law, which passed with strong Republican support, bars the US government from […]

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Trump busted: Video shows he blatantly lied on healthcare in debate

Donald Trump claimed during Thursday’s Republican debate that he never said that government should pay for everybody to be covered by healthcare, but that’s exactly what he said in a “60 Minutes” interview last fall. During the debate, Sen. Ted Cruz asked Trump a direct question: “Donald, true or false, you’ve said the government should pay for everyone’s healthcare?” Trump […]

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‘Release Them Tomorrow’: Cruz Calls on Trump to Publish His Tax Returns Immediately

During Thursday night’s heated GOP debate, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz called on rival Donald Trump to release his tax returns, something Cruz says the billionaire is “afraid” to do. Cruz slammed Trump, who is currently being audited, telling the audience that the billionaire businessman could release his tax returns tomorrow, and should in light of the audit, but said […]

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Kerry on Gitmo Detainee Who Rejoined Al Qaeda: “He’s Not Supposed to Be Doing That”

Terrorists aren’t supposed to be doing a lot of things, Mr. Kerry. That doesn’t really stop them. On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry responded to the news that a former Guantanamo Bay detainee had returned to terrorism by saying, “He’s not supposed to be doing that.” According to Mediaite, Kerry was appearing before the Senate Appropriations Committee to discuss State Department budget requests when Republican Mark Kirk asked […]

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Trump and Rubio Gave Us Gang of Eight and the “Open Borders” Illegal Amnesty Bill

Donald Trump’s donations to members of Congress gave the country the Gang of Eight immigration bill that Trump now criticizes Florida Sen. Marco Rubio for being part of, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said during Thursday’s GOP presidential debate. “If you look at the eight members of the gang of eight, Donald gave over $50,000 to three Democrats and two Republicans,” […]

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