Category Archives: Articles

Foreign-Born More Likely To Have Job Than Native-Born Americans

Foreign-born people in the U.S. were more likely to have a job last year than native-born Americans, based on new data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2014, the unemployment rate for foreign-born people was 5.6 percent, compared to 6.3 percent for native-born Americans. Both groups experienced declines in unemployment from the year prior when foreign-born unemployment was 6.9 percent […]

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Transgenderism in Girl Scouts

We live in a Bruce Jenner era, where a former athlete’s pronouncement that he identifies as a woman is celebrated on the prime-time stage. The normalizing of that which is not is in overdrive in the adult world, and increasingly, is spilling over to affect children like never before. Pushing adult pathologies such as transgenderism onto children does much damage, […]

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Synagogue in Israel Ransacked and Holy Books Burned by Arab Muslims

See the pictures below. A branch of the Bnei Akiva religious-Zionist youth movement in Nazareth Illit (Upper Nazareth) was ransacked and its synagogue defiled this week, in a suspected act of nationalistic vandalism by local Muslims. Prayer books and other holy books in the synagogue were were desecrated and burned. In addition, Israel flags were defiled, equipment cabinets were overturned, […]

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Iran: 800,000 Missiles Pointed at Tel Aviv

According to a top Iranian advisor, Tehran has “tens of thousands” of missiles pointed at Israel, and will not hesitate to use them. Iran issued yet another threat against Israel on Thursday, Channel 2 reported. According to a top Iranian advisor, Tehran has “tens of thousands” of missiles pointed at Israel, and will not hesitate to use them. Speaking Thursday, Yahya […]

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Netanyahu lied during the election: Tells EU’s chief diplomat he is committed to “two-state solution”

There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy the Jews. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the European Union’s top diplomat that he was committed to finding a two-state solution with the Palestinians, as long as they recognize the Jewish state. “I don’t support a one-state solution – I don’t […]

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Nazi flag flies high over mosque in Israel

Islamic Jew-hatred, it’s in the Qur’an. When I ran ads highlighting the relationship and cooperation between the the Third Reich and the Muslim world, Western media and cultural elites widely condemned and vilified me.  When Muslim annihilationists (under the cynically named “Palestinian” movement) proudly display their Nazi sympathies, all is quiet on the Western front. Israel should have blown up […]

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I Am A Soldier. Here’s What Would Happen If I Used Email Like Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal emails are in the news again, and members of the U.S. military and intelligence community sense that there’s a dangerous double standard developing regarding the handling of classified information. I know this because I currently serve. The New York Times revealed Monday that Clinton regularly discussed and circulated emails from close family associate Sidney Blumenthal as a source […]

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Confirmation that U.S. was Running Weapons Through Benghazi to Syria Under Obama and Clinton

“U.S. intelligence agencies were fully aware.” Fox News reports that before the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, the Obama administration was running weapons through Benghazi to Banias and Borj Islam, Syria, and that “U.S. intelligence agencies were fully aware” of that: US Intelligence agencies were fully aware that weapons were […]

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Marco Rubio loves the NSA and domestic surveillance almost as much as Hillary Clinton does

As the 2016 presidential race begins to heat up, candidates from both major parties are already jockeying for position on key political issues. One of the most talked about one concerns all Americans: privacy and how successive presidential administrations have interpreted their own power and statutory law to permit widespread electronic surveillance by the National Security Agency. In recent days, […]

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ObamaCare Continues to Fail: 31 Million People Can’t Afford Healthcare

High out-of-pocket costs or deductibles resulted in 31 million people becoming underinsured last year, nearly double the amount in 2003. The new estimates released by the Commonwealth Fund Wednesday illustrate that Obamacare may not be doing enough to provide healthcare at an affordable cost. The study shows that more Americans are not feeling the slowdown in healthcare costs in their […]

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Islamic State controls 50 percent of Syria after takeover of Palmyra

The Islamic State terror group controls over half of Syrian territory after seizing the village and archaeological site of Palmyra in the central part of the country Thursday, activists monitoring Syria’s civil war said. Rami Abdurrahman of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told the Associated Press the extremists overran the archaeological site, just to the southwest of the […]

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Free Speech in Danger: Half of Democrats, A Third of Republicans Want to Ban “Hate Speech”

And remember, it’s the government that determines what “hate speech“ is. “Stir up hatred against” is a fancy way of saying “be really mean to.” New poll by YouGov shows just how far toward totalitarianism Americans are slipping: YouGov’s latest research shows that many Americans support making it a criminal offense to make public statements which would stir up hatred against […]

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Violence in Baltimore Surges

Locals point to “hesitant” policing after six officers charged. The situation in Baltimore has worsened dramatically since the outbreak of riots following the death of Freddie Gray, with the number of gun-related deaths jumping up, while insiders specifically cite the high-profile charging of six officers as having discouraged officers from doing their jobs in tough areas. As the Washington Post reported Sunday, […]

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Obama Administration Knew that al Qaeda Terrorists Had Planned Benghazi Attack 10 Days in Advance

Administration knew three months before the November 2012 presidential election of ISIS plans to establish a caliphate in Iraq and knew of arms being shipped from Benghazi to Syria. (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained more than 100 pages of previously classified “Secret” documents from the Department of Defense (DOD)and the Department of State revealing that […]

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Israel slams US for allowing Iran to violate sanctions

An Israeli official alerted the US government of the purchase; “Unfortunately, the deal still went through and there was no success in preventing it.” A senior Israeli official took a swipe at Washington on Tuesday over Iran’s purchase of second-hand civilian aircraft, saying the acquisition violated US sanctions and went ahead despite a tip-off from Israel. Iranian Transport Minister Abbas […]

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Two Jews Wounded in Jerusalem Car Terror Attack

Two police officers wounded in attack near Mount of Olives; terrorist attempted to ‘confirm kill’ but was neutralized. Two Israeli border policewomen have been wounded in a suspected car-terror attack in Jerusalem, close to the Mount of Olives. A police statement reported that two police officers were run over by an Arab motorist in the A-Tur neighborhood; their wounds have been described […]

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Common Core Lesson Plan Teaches Hamas and Fatah Terrorists Are “Peaceful” – Role Plays for the Division of Jerusalem

A Massachusetts program for middle- and high-school students is coming under fire for its political bent and anti-Israel bias. According to a report in the publication The College Fix, the workshop teaches that Hamas and Fatah — which began as the [so-called] Palestinian National Liberation Movement founded by Yasser Arafat — promote “more peaceful means than intifada”; that Hamas is […]

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Obama’s Global Warming Hysteria: “Climate change is a national security threat”

But Obama says Islam is a “Religion of Peace” and not a threat at all. President Obama will use a commencement speech at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy Wednesday to argue ever more forcefully that climate change is a threat to America’s national defense. “Climate change will impact every country on the planet. No nation is immune,” Obama will say, […]

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DOJ Official: Slavery to Blame for Riots in Ferguson and Baltimore

Vanita Gupta, head of the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, has told a lawyers group in Colorado that slavery and Jim Crow helped fuel the Ferguson and Baltimore riots. The last few days have seen a number of fanciful stories with the Obama administration seemingly questioning the authority of local police. I’ve long maintained that the administration is nakedly […]

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Transgender Girl Scouts: Stop This Nonsense…Now!

Conservative critics are once again expressing frustrations with the Girl Scouts of America over the group’s transgender policy — and a recent blog post that affirms its stance. Titled, “The Meaning of ‘Serving All Girls,’” and written by Dr. Andrea Bastiani Archibald, who is identified as a “chief girl expert,” the blog post opens by explaining the Girl Scouts’ history […]

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Sweden Offers Taxpayer-Funded Benefits To Lure ‘Alienated’ Jihadists Home

“Sweden knows how to save the world from Islamic State (IS) terrorists as they tire of beheadings, crucifixions, murders and random acts of extrajudicial killing. Just be very, very nice to them.” Suicide of the West. We are living in the Age of Insanity. “Stockholm Syndrome: Sweden Offers Taxpayer-Funded Benefits To Lure ‘Alienated’ Jihadists Home,” by Simon Kent, Breitbart, 18 […]

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Hillary Caught in Another Email Lie: New Docs Reveal She Used Second Private Account While Sec. of State

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been caught in another lie regarding her private email accounts that she used during her tenure at the agency. Though her lawyer David Kendall told the House Select Benghazi Committee that Clinton’s “[email protected]” email address “was not an address that existed during Secretary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State,” new emails obtained by […]

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Obama Green-lights Anti-Semitism

The President of the United States is generally regarded as the most powerful man in the world, and so people pay close attention to what he says and does. When it comes to the State of Israel and Jews, President Obama’s words and actions have always reeked of disdain. This is a fact not lost on anti-Semites. During Obama’s presidency anti-Semites have […]

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Poll: 92% of Israeli Jews Say Jerusalem is Eternal Capital

The overwhelming majority of Israeli Jews support keeping Jerusalem as Israel’s permanent capital, according to a poll published Sunday, with just 8% suggesting Israel capitulate to international pressure to move the capital to Tel Aviv. The poll also examined the roll of Jerusalem, and the story of the 1967 Six-Day War, in education.

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Who Funds the “Academic Scholarship” that Delegitimizes Israel?

Universities, Institutes, journals, Aramco, foundations, academic chairs are all funded by Arab money – and truth plays no role in their scholarly endeavors. Manfred Gerstenfeld interviews Ofira Seliktar “The issue of who finances the so-called ‘academic scholarship’ that delegitimizes the State of Israel, and of who supports the various campus activities against it, is extremely complex and multifaceted. The partial […]

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Egyptian authorities using sexual violence on ‘massive scale’

Egyptian security forces are using sexual violence against detainees on a massive scale, according to the International Federation for Human Rights. A report by the organisation suggests men, women and children are being abused “to eliminate public protest”. Many are subjected to virginity tests, rape and gang rape after arrest. Egypt’s Interior Ministry said it would not comment until it […]

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In Google, There is No Israel

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and American actress Natalie Portman were, according to Google, born in [so-called] “Palestine”, not Israel. There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy the Jews. Rivlin was born on September 9, 1939 in Jerusalem, in the State of Palestine. That’s what visitors to Google are told […]

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Al Sharpton’s Daughter Is Suing New York for $5 Million For a Sprained Ankle She Doesn’t Have

The Sharpton scam artists – Like father, like daughter… Dominique Sharpton, daughter of the famous Rev. Sharpton, is suing New York City for $5 million. The reason: She sprained her ankle last year. The New York Post reported early Sunday on the lawsuit, in which the 28-year-old Sharpton claims to have been “severely injured, bruised and wounded” when she stumbled over uneven […]

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Obama: Some Folks in New Israeli Government Don’t Want “Two-State [Final] Solution”

There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy the Jews. In an interview with al-Arabiya, President Obama had this to say about peace prospects between Israel & The Palestinian Authority: I continue to believe a two-state solution is absolutely vital for not only peace between Israeli & Palestinians, but for the long-term […]

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Abortion Increases Risk of Breast Cancer

“This is the type of research we have been calling for.” Biochemical researchers at Georgia Regents University revealed earlier this week research that linked abortion to higher increases in breast cancer among women, reports LifeNews. According to the study, pregnant women produce high levels of the gene DNMT1 – responsible for maintaining breast, or mammary, stem cells that enable breasts rapid growth during pregnancy – […]

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French Jewish Woman Beaten in Paris Suburb by 3 Muslims Shouting ‘Hitler Didn’t Finish His Work’

Islamic Jew-hatred, it’s in the Qur’an. A French Jewish woman was assaulted by three men in an apparent antisemitic attack in the Paris suburb Sarcelles last Wednesday, the Algemeiner has learned. The three assailants were of African origin and shouted “Hitler did not finish his work” and “dirty race” while assaulting the woman, according to a French antisemitism watchdog. The […]

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Mental Case: John Kerry hopes Iran deal can be a ‘positive influence’ on North Korea

John Kerry is a complete mental case. Secretary of state John Kerry said Saturday he is hopeful that the successful conclusion of a nuclear deal with Iran will send a positive message to North Korea to restart negotiations on its own atomic program. Speaking at a joint news conference with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Beijing, Kerry said he […]

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