Category Archives: Articles

No age discrimination: Muslim ‘migrants’ rape elderly women, 90 and 79

In Europe, no female of whatever age is safe from Muslim “migrants”: Young girls are advised to wear magic tattoos to protect themselves from being molested in public swimming pools. Young women are advised to wear sneakers so they can outrun ‘refugees’. The physically handicapped are not safe (see “Wheelchair-bound woman raped by refugees at Sweden asylum center“). Kind-hearted women […]

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Report: Trump’s Greenblatt Ordered Netanyahu to Stop Construction Outside Settlements Block

President Trump’s diplomatic envoy Jason Greenblatt last week proposed to Prime Minister Netanyahu a deal that included tacit American approval of construction in eastern Jerusalem and the settlement blocks at rates to be coordinated between Washington and Jerusalem – in exchange for a complete halt on construction outside the settlement blocks in Judea and Samaria, Ha’aretz reported Thursday, citing an […]

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School orders boy to “tolerate” undressing with girl and make it “natural”

A teenage boy was told by school leaders that he had to “tolerate” undressing in front of a female student and to make it as “natural” as possible, according to a blockbuster lawsuit filed in a Pennsylvania federal district court. The lawsuit, filed Tuesday by Alliance Defending Freedom and Independence Law Center, alleges the Boyertown Area School District shamed the teenage […]

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Koch Brothers Announce Fund for Those Who Vote Against Socialist Trumpcare!

Conservative billionaires David and Charles Koch are backing a last-minute million dollar gambit to try to push the Republican Obamacare replacement bill into oblivion. The effort against the bill will hold millions in campaign donations but will only release that money to Republicans who vote against the replacement legislation that President Trump has backed. From CNN: The advocacy groups helmed […]

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Police: Illegal Alien Strangled Man to Death in North Carolina

Federal immigration officials want to deport the Salvadoran 18-year-old charged with murdering a man whose body was found Sunday on a Raleigh greenway trail. The exact immigration status of Jose Humberto Lara-Pineda, 18, wasn’t immediately clear. The Department of Homeland Security filed paperwork saying that records in a federal database and the subject’s own statements lead officials to believe that […]

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After Illegal Rapes 14 Year Old in High School Bathroom, Maryland Liberals have to Explain Immigration Policy

Maryland liberals are unhappy that their immigration policies are being questioned, in light of an alleged rape that took place in a high school bathroom, perpetrated by at least one illegal alien. Here’s what the local Fox affiliated in D.C. reported when they spoke with a Democratic county council president about the case: Council President says Montgomery Co. isn’t a “sanctuary […]

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London attack: 7 Muslims arrested in multi-home raids

It’s Muslims again in a brutal terrorist attack mass-murdering innocent people? What a surprise! Maybe it was yet another “lone wolf” attack. I mean… it just couldn’t be because the Koran tells Muslims to kill infidels. Police said they believed the attacker acted alone and was “inspired by international terrorism.” As usual, there were efforts to minimize the attack [and to […]

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Black female student physically beat other girls for “culturally appropriating” braided hair

I have an idea for this racist beast. Stop “culturally appropriating” white inventions and advancements if you believe so deeply in this type of simple-minded garbage. Pitzer College students recently spraypainted a wall to tell white women to stop wearing hoop earrings, which allegedly appropriate the culture of “women of color.” A Hampshire College female basketball player allegedly went much further, assaulting […]

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Death toll now four in yet another Muslim terror attack at UK Parliament

And others have suffered “catastrophic injuries,” so it could continue to rise. “FOUR people are dead – including police officer and terrorist – and 20 more injured – after killer mowed down pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before killer is shot attacking police in Parliament grounds,” by Richard Spillett, Tim Sculthorpe, Martin Robinson, Alexander Robertson and Mark Duell, MailOnline, March 22, […]

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Conservative House Republicans say they have votes to block Trump’s Obamacare 2.0

Conservative House Republicans said Monday that they have enough votes to block the passage of the GOP’s legislation to dismantle ObamaCare if there is a vote on Thursday and all Democrats vote down party line. Members of the House Freedom Caucus, which has about 35 members, have called on House leaders to repeal more elements of ObamaCare, The Wall Street […]

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Trump Threatens Conservatives Rejecting Socialist Trumpcare

According to several news outlets, from Politico to FOX News, Republican President Donald Trump has given an ultimatum to conservative members of the House Freedom Caucus, either vote for the American Health Care Act (AHCA), which doesn’t fully repeal Obamacare but leaves all of its apparatus in place, or risk losing their seats in the next election. “Oh, Mark, I’m going to […]

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IRS Still Hasn’t Changed The Policy It Used To Justify Targeting Pro-Israel and Conservative Groups

An obscure bureaucratic policy that allowed IRS officials to target conservative and Tea Party tax exemption applicants during the 2010 and 2012 election campaigns is still in place, meaning the same abuses may be continuing, according to a nonprofit government watchdog. The federal tax agency’s policy requires IRS officials to stop processing tax-exempt applications that are “likely to attract media or […]

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More Than 180 State Legislators Oppose Trump’s Socialist Obamacare 2.0 Healthcare Bill

More than 180 lawmakers have voiced opposition to the proposed House GOP healthcare replacement bill, The Daily Signal reported. State legislators from 25 states collectively sent a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., last week expressing concerns with the legislation, specifically phasing out Medicaid expansion. “To fulfill the promises we made to […]

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What? Ivanka Trump now getting an office and access to CLASSIFIED information

The AP is reporting that Ivanka Trump is now getting an office as well as access to classified information. What’s interesting about this is that she isn’t even a government employee: First daughter Ivanka Trump gets a West Wing office, will have access to classified info, by @catherine_lucey — AP Politics (@AP_Politics) March 20, 2017 AP – Cementing her role […]

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Public schools making America smaller, Africa larger on new maps, allegedly to ‘fight white racism’

So now liberals want to change the maps in public schools so that they will be completely inaccurate because they are somehow racist. Let’s face it, liberals are some of the most racist people and race obsessed in the world. Boston public schools, among others, are discarding Mercator maps and replacing them with Peters maps.  Mercator maps have been faulted […]

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India’s prime minister just selected an anti-Muslim candidate to lead its largest state

The head of the world’s biggest democracy just appointed to a top government post a person who publicly supported the death penalty for violent Muslims. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday appointed Yogi Adityanath, a five-term member of India’s parliament who’s been called the “hate spewing ‘yogi,’” [mostly by Muslims and liberals] as chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, India’s […]

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While Trump Talks Tough, U.S. Quietly Cutting Nuclear Force

The Air Force is quietly shrinking its deployed force of land-based nuclear missiles as part of a holdover Obama administration plan to comply with an arms control treaty with Russia. The reductions are nearing completion despite President Donald Trump’s argument that the treaty gives Moscow an unfair advantage in nuclear firepower. The reduction to 400 missiles from 450 is the […]

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North Korea issues SHOCK war warning: “If a single bullet is fired, we WILL nuke the US”

Trump’s response? “North Korea’s Kim is acting very, very badly.” Kim Jong-un’s rogue state issued the stunning warning as Washington and South Korea carry out war games in the region. Pyongyang blames the rest of the world for rising nuclear tensions as the DPRK continues its quest for nuclear missiles capable of striking the US mainland. Last week, US President […]

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End of U.N. ban on Iran missile activity puts the U.S. and Israel in even more grave danger

And Netanyahu still does nothing except talk big, and break promises. International talks with Iran over its nuclear program, Israeli leadership offered a common refrain: Ten years may be a long time in the life of a politician, but it is nothing in the life of a nation. In that spirit, Israel’s government is already planning for the expiration of […]

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Ted Cruz CRUSHES Paul Ryan’s Lies About Repealing Obamacare

Constitutional conservative Ted Cruz shredded RINO Paul Ryan‘s deceptive and dishonest claim that Obamacare can only be repealed under three phases and said that the “repeal and replace” bill known as the American Health Care Act (AHCA) only repeals two of the 12 free market-killing mandates of Obamacare that have made insurance premiums unnecessarily skyrocket. Appearing Sunday on CBS’s Face the […]

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Autopsy Proves Planned Parenthood Killed Young Woman in Botched Abortion

The death of a young mother [who mudered her unborn baby], Cree Erwin-Sheppard, just three days after receiving a surgical abortion at a Planned Parenthood facility in Kalamazoo, Michigan, has turned into a mystery worthy of the fictional Sherlock Holmes. Questions of why she died and who was responsible remain covered up under heavy redactions in her recently released autopsy report. […]

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Google Now Flagging, Burying Content “Offensive” to Liberals

Almost completely naked homosexual men kissing in front of young children is offensive to me. Do you think Google cares about what offends conservatives? In Google’s latest move to suppress news which doesn’t fit the company’s [leftist] worldview, the search engine is now enabling review teams to flag content they subjectively deem offensive or upsetting. The flagging will in turn affect search results, […]

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Trump Security Chief: “I Saved Obama’s Amnesty Plan”

On Friday, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, targeted by House Democrats over President Trump’s immigration enforcement policies, made a startling admission, boasting, “I’m the best thing that happened to DACA. It is still on the books.” Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, aka DACA, was implemented by the Obama administration in June 2012, permitting illegal immigrants who entered the United States […]

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Trump Embraces the PLO Fantasy

Caroline Glick weighs in on how new president Donald Trump is making the same mistakes as his predecessor Barack Hussein Obama. U.S. President Donald Trump is losing his focus. If he doesn’t get it back soon, he will fail to make America great again or safe again in the Middle East. After holding out for a month, last week Trump […]

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FBI Director James Comey: “There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America”

FBI Director James Comey warned Wednesday that Americans should not have expectations of “absolute privacy,” adding that he planned to finish his term leading the FBI. “There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America; there is no place outside of judicial reach,” Comey said at a Boston College conference on cybersecurity. He made the remark as he discussed […]

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Canada Lectures U.S. On Closing Border – Then Turns More Mexicans Away Than It Has In Years

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made a point of setting himself and his country in opposition to Donald Trump’s calls for tightening border security and clamping down on illegal immigration. So is Canada standing by Trudeau’s virtue-signaling, “pro-immigrant” pronouncements? Not like Trudeau and his Liberal Party would have you believe. In 2016, Canada turned back more Mexican immigrants than it had in several […]

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What was the Point in Winning the Election if We’re Going to Replace Obamacare With RINOCARE and Pressure Israel on Settlements?

There is an interesting phenomenon that happens among red state Democrats in the Senate every six years. They suddenly start sounding conservative when their re-election bid approaches. They talk more conservatively. They act more conservatively. They vote more conservatively, at least until they get re-elected and can go back to holding the Democratic Party line in the Senate. The same […]

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Report: Top Trump adviser member of Nazi-affiliated organization

New report shows Trump counter-terrorism adviser is member of Hungarian group which cooperated with Nazis during WWII. Sebastian Gorka, a top counter-terrorism adviser to US President Donald Trump, may be a member of a Hungarian order which had ties to the Nazis during World War II, according to a report released Thursday by The Forward. According to the report, leaders of […]

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Trump and the UN targeting Israel again

Apartheid was a political system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination in South Africa during the mid to late 1900’s. In a new report issued by the United Nations’ Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Israel has been found guilty of apartheid when it comes to how they deal with the [so-called] “Palestinians”—a group of people who refuses to […]

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Hezbollah is preparing Syria as second battlefield against Israel

Hezbollah intends to wage its next war against Israel from deep within Syria, according to a report on a pro-Hezbollah news site last week. The report, found on the web site Ya Sour, quoted Hezbollah sources saying the group intends to fire long-range projectiles at the Jewish state from the Qalamoun and Anti-Lebanon Mountain ranges, areas firmly under the Shiite group’s […]

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Ted Cruz: Republicans will be a LAUGHING STOCK if they fail to repeal Obamacare

Ted Cruz said today at a FreedomWorks rally that now that Republicans have won the elections they are out of excuses, that if they fail to repeal Obamacare then they will rightly be a considering a laughing stock. Watch: He’s exactly right on this, which is why it is so important that they take the time to get it […]

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Saudi deputy crown prince says “Donald Trump a true friend of Muslims” after White House meeting

Saudi Arabia’s deputy crown prince has hailed Donald Trump as a “true friend of Muslims” and said he does not believe the President’s controversial immigration ban targets Islam. … “President Trump expressed his deep respect for the religion of Islam, considering it one of the divine religions that came with great human principles” … Saudi Arabia has been accused of fueling […]

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Mother and Son Transition to Become Father and Daughter

And the Dad is okay with it. Welcome to the new Sodom and Gomorrah. The Western world is currently in the throes of trans-mania, and the following report proves it’s only going to get worse. A mother-son-turned-father-daughter duo was recently featured on Australia’s 60 Minutes news program to discuss their respective transitions. The pair has made the media rounds before as they’ve been documenting […]

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Hamas fires even more rockets on Southern Israel; IDF attacks a couple of buildings in Gaza that will likely have no impact

Unless the Israeli government grows some and wipes the Arab Muslim terrorists out, these attack will mean absolutely nothing. It’s a joke, and the innocent Jews in Israel pay the price in blood. The Israel Air Force (IAF) attacked and destroyed two terrorist infrastructures belonging to Hamas in northern Gaza overnight Wednesday. The airstrike was carried out in response to a […]

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Netanyahu Expects to Reach “Deal” With Trump on “Restrained Settlement Construction”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expects to reach understandings with the United States within a few weeks on “curbing” construction in the settlements, according to an Israeli official. Although the understandings with U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration are likely to include Israeli willingness to impose significant “restrictions” on construction in West Bank settlements, the Prime Minister’s Bureau believes that this will […]

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Hawaii Judge Nominated By Obama Puts Trump’s Travel Ban from Terrorist Countries on Hold; Claims Ban Would Harm Its Tourism Industry

President Donald Trump Wednesday slammed a federal judge’s decision in Hawaii that put his second travel ban on hold — calling it “unprecedented judicial overreach” that “makes us look weak.” “We are going to fight this terrible ruling,” Trump told supporters at the Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tenn. “We are going to take our case as far as it needs […]

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