Category Archives: Articles

Young Jewish man arrested on the Temple Mount in Israel for suspicion of praying

A young Jewish man was arrested on the Temple Mount Thursday afternoon, for suspicion of saying “Shema Israel,” legal aid society Honenu reported. The detainee is being represented by a Honenu attorney. The latest time to say the Shema on Thursday according to Jewish law was 9:27:29 AM, which suggests the young man was only reading the verse, rather than […]

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Bill Clinton Used Taxpayer Money to Subsidize Foundation, Private Email Server

We knew the Clinton Foundation relied on a variety of deep-pocketed donors, but did we realize that many of those donors included us? According to a shocking new report from Politico, Bill Clinton’s aides used taxpayer funds to subsidize the Clinton Foundation, an associated business, and Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Politico’s investigation found that American tax dollars went toward the purchasing […]

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Trump to Meet With Mexican President Ahead of Immigration Speech

Donald Trump said late Tuesday that he will fly to Mexico Wednesday to meet with President Enrique Peña Nieto just before delivering a critical speech on immigration in Arizona. Here’s the Republican nominee’s tweet confirming the session: i Have Accepted The Invitation Of President Enrique Pena Nieto, Of Mexico, And Look Very Much Forward To Meeting Him Tomorrow. — Donald […]

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ANOTHER school bans students from bringing American flags to football game

To leftists, the American flag is racist… unless it’s a gay LGBTQIAPK rainbow flag. Owasso High School students contend officials turned them away from a school football game on Friday because they wanted to bring American flags into the event. The incident occurred on the same night that a South Carolina high school banned students from displaying American flags at a […]

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IRS encourages illegals to steal Social Security numbers

Ted Cruz would have worked to abolish the IRS but so-called “conservatives” voted in liberal reality TV clown Donald Trump who supported Hillary Clinton. The IRS is not notifying taxpayers when their Social Security numbers are stolen, the agency’s inspector general said Tuesday, confirming an April admission from the agency’s top official. “The IRS has not established an effective process […]

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More Than 28,000 Mexican Citizens Housed in U.S. Federal Prisons

There are 28,683 Mexican citizens being housed in U.S. federal prisons as of the most recent statistics, PJM has learned. The figure represents the total number of inmates with Mexican citizenship in the custody of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Prisons as of July 30, 2016, out of the total 193,391 inmates. Mexican inmates are currently the second largest group of inmates based […]

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NBC: Donald Trump Donated to Sleazy Democrat Anthony Weiner’s Political Campaigns

Donald Trump donated to former New York politician Anthony Weiner’s campaigns on multiple occasions before the real estate mogul entered the 2016 presidential race. According to NBC News, Trump gave $2,300 to Weiner’s congressional campaigns in 2007 and 2010, the maximum dollar amount allowed under the law. Trump also gave Weiner $150 when he ran for the New York City […]

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Russians hacked state voter databases

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has detected breaches in Illinois and Arizona’s voter registration databases, a U.S. official confirmed to multiple news outlets late Monday. Russian hackers are believed to be behind the leaking of voter records, which included citizens’ names, home addresses, driver’s license information and party affiliations. Officials have not disclosed when the compromises took place or the […]

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Donald Trump’s Current So-Called Immigration Policy Is a Complete Joke

Donald Trump’s current immigration policy would deport a laughably low number of illegal immigrants… that is, if he doesn’t cave or flip-flop AGAIN. Donald Trump’s statements throughout the last week about deporting illegal immigrants suggest that the percentage of illegal immigrants he wants to deport is tremendously low. The Republican presidential nominee’s statements in recent days have been inconsistent, but the […]

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Trump Campaign Manager: Steve Bannon’s Participation in Voter Fraud

Stephen Bannon, the chief executive of Trump’s election campaign, has an active voter registration at a house that is vacant. We seem to be All-Bannon-All-The-Time this morning (see these posts by by colleagues Susan Wright and Joe Cunningham), but this is just too good to let pass. Over the years, Trump campaign manager Steve Bannon’s alt-right advocacy site,, has carried on […]

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Clinton Foundation Tied to Hezbollah

Hillary’s ‘charity’ connected to Nigerian-Lebanese donor Gilbert Chagoury, who donated $1 million. Hillary Clinton’s rendezvous with scandals during her tenure as Secretary of State has refused to subside yet again – this time linking her and the Clinton Foundation to a donor who allegedly has ties to Hezbollah. When the latest batch of emails sent and received from Clinton’s private […]

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$114M QB Won’t Stand For National Anthem Because America ‘Oppresses Black People’

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick remained seated on the bench during the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” at the beginning of Friday night’s loss to the Green Bay Packers, while the rest of his teammates and coaches stood, according to CBS Sports. Why? Well, it wasn’t because he was tired or injured. After the game he told, “I […]

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Chris Christie defensive about report claiming he is the source of Trump’s flip-flop on illegal amnesty

Chris Christie got pretty defensive about whether a report was true that he was the source of Trump’s “softening” [on illegal amnesty]. I love how all of sudden Christie is shy about seizing credit for something. It’s probably because the brain-addled buffoon hasn’t actually figured out what his position is and Christie can’t tell if he’ll get the credit, or the […]

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Trump campaign CEO: “I don’t want my daughters going to school with Jews”

Documents from divorce proceedings reveal that Trump campaign CEO and former Breitbart News chairman Stephen Bannon’s ex-wife had accused him of domestic abuse and said the conservative filmmaker harbored anti-Semitic views. “He said that he doesn’t like Jews,” Bannon’s second wife, Mary Louise Piccard said in court filings. Piccard added that “he didn’t want the girls to go to school […]

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Trump campaign selling pro-LGBTQ merchandise

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is selling pro-LGBTQ merchandise on the GOP nominee’s website. “Show your pride and your support for Trump with this exclusive equality tee,” reads the Trump shop’s description of the “Trump Pride Men’s Tee.” The 2016 Republican nominee’s outreach to the LGBTQ community is much different than any of his predecessors in the role. As part of […]

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Adelson WITHHOLDS $100 MILLION donation he promised until Trump’s polls improve, and gaffes end

According to the Guardian, actual billionaire Sheldon Adelson is withholding $100 million he promised to the presidential campaign of fake billionaire Trump until he stops saying stupid stuff. The donor, who one friend said has been “irked by a lot of things”, had already met Trump privately at least twice this year. He has pushed for the candidate to visit […]

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Philly: Muslim strangled pregnant girlfriend to death for not wearing hijab

Both mother and unborn baby were killed. Jury selection started Monday morning in the case of a 28-year-old man who allegedly strangled his pregnant girlfriend inside a one-bedroom efficiency apartment near Chelten and Chew avenues in East Germantown. Roysce “Yusef” Haynes is charged with first-degree murder in connection with the Sept. 2012 of Atiya Majah Perry. Opening arguments in the […]

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Oklahoma: Muslim charged after sending white powder to a … mosque

The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), designated a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates, and other Muslims have on many occasions not hesitated to stoop even to fabricating “hate crimes,” including attacks on mosques. A New Jersey Muslim was found guilty of murder that he tried to portray as an “Islamophobic” attack, and in 2014 in California, aMuslim was found […]

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Ted Cruz spokesman rips trump to shreds on Twitter about reversal on illegal immigration

Ted Cruz’s spokesman, Ron Nehring, just went after Trump on Twitter and ripped him pretty good for changing his position on immigration. Nehring points out that Cruz said this is exactly what would happen if Trump became the nominee, and then hammers him hard for not being a man of principle even on his signature position. His other tweets are […]

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13 Jews arrested at tomb of Yehoshua Bin Nun for praying

While Jews are arrested for praying, Arabs who violently assault Jews go free. Thirteen Jewish worshippers were arrested early Friday morning by the tomb of Yehoshua Bin Nun inside the [Arab] village of Kfil Harat in Samaria. The Jews were taken into custody by Israeli authorities and transferred to the Ariel police station, where they were questioned on suspicion of violating […]

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Chris Christie “Inspired” Trump’s Complete Flip-Flop on Illegal Immigration

Another liberal Chris Christie who helped Obama get re-elected helped inspire Donald Trump to flip-flop on his #1 key issue. Birds of a feather flock together. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani told a media outlet that Chris Christie was an influential force behind Donald Trump’s pivot this week to a “more humane” approach to dealing with illegal immigrants living […]

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Limbaugh: “Who Knew” Trump Would “Convert the GOP Base to Supporting Amnesty”?

Because with Trump supporters, it’s not about the issues, the constitution, or conservatism… it’s about idol worship of a rich liberal TV reality star. An amazed Rush Limbaugh took to radio Thursday to voice his surprise over Donald Trump’s softening of his position on illegal immigration to a stance many critics have asserted is “amnesty.” “Could you imagine what it’s […]

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IRS wants ‘sharing economy’ to share tax receipts with the feds

The IRS on Monday released a series of tips aimed at “encouraging” people and companies in the “sharing economy” to pay their fair share of taxes, amid growing nervousness that billions of dollars are changing hands off the books without it being reported. The IRS launched a new “sharing economy resource center” that is meant to help Uber drivers, those […]

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Hannity and Coulter still blame #NeverTrump and GOP for liberal Donald Trump’s own failure

In order to prove just how far up their own Obamas they have their heads, Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity whined like crybabies that somehow everyone else is to blame for Trump getting schlonged by the worst Democrat candidate in a generation. Just like the liberal moron they support, they can’t take personal responsibility for the terrible nomination choice they […]

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Team Cruz on Trump’s immigration shift: Told you so

The conservative senator, eyes on 2018 and 2020, warned voters Trump was a liberal in disguise. As Donald Trump soft-pedals his once-hard-line immigration rhetoric, supporters of his vanquished primary foe Ted Cruz have one message for Republican voters: We told you so. Cruz spent the final months of his unsuccessful presidential primary run arguing that Trump was a not-so-closeted liberal […]

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Rush Limbaugh: Trump’s Supporters Are Smart Enough To Not Care That He Lied To Them And Used Them

It is really hard to quantify how far the quality of Rush Limbaugh’s political analysis has fallen in the last 15 months or so. Rush has always been a little panglossian about the Republican nominee for President, but his analysis of Trump and the 2016 election has come completely untethered from any semblance of reality. Rush’s show is basically an […]

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Obama’s “Moderate” Muslim Brotherhood Running Islamic State Children’s Terrorist Training Camp in Jordan

Officially, the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS are critical of each other and have not been known to collaborate. But Majid al-Dabbas, reporting for Ammon News Wednesday, claims the Brotherhood is involved in running a training camp for “underage children” that teaches them “semi-ISIS” activities in Jordan. The camp is allegedly located on the outskirts of Amman, and photographs on Ammon […]

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Ann Coulter: Maybe it’s ‘in our interest’ to keep some illegal immigrants

Phony Ann Coulter doesn’t just defend Donald Trump… she changes her positions she has had for years to match his. The Washington Examiner interviewed Ann Coulter yesterday on Trump’s changing immigration positions and she said something that caught their ear: Donald Trump supporter Ann Coulter isn’t giving up on her candidate yet, even as he appears to be shifting on […]

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Russian ‘documentary’ claims Jews behind Titanic, Chernobyl and 9/11

REN TV, which aired the short film, has a potential customer reach of 100 million, Jewish Chronicle reports. A “documentary” aired on a [major] Russian television station with a potential reach of 100 million viewers laid blame for some of history’s greatest calamities at the feet of the Jews. According to The Jewish Chronicle, the short film, which aired on […]

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