Category Archives: Articles

Religion of Peace: At least 9 people dead in yet another Islamic terror attack this time at Munich shopping center

A massive manhunt for three gunmen was underway in Munich Friday night after a suspected terror attack on a city shopping mall left at least nine people dead and an unknown number injured. Late Friday, authorities said they were investigating whether one of the victims was an attacker who had committed suicide. Police spokesman Peter Beck told reporters, “there are […]

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Ivanka Trump Says Donald Trump Will Impose Federal Oversight Of Wages And Mandate ‘Affordable’ Childcare

If you had any doubt that Donald Trump marks the capture of the Republican party by the Democrats, last night’s speech by Ivanka Trump should disabuse you of those notions. This has long been the philosophy at the Trump Organization. At my father’s company, there are more female than male executives. Women are paid equally for the work that we […]

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Former KKK Leader and Trump-Lover David Duke is Running For U.S. Senate

Trump admirer and former Grand Dragon of the KKK David Duke is running for U.S. Senate, and he says it was Trump’s meteoric rise that inspired him! Louisiana wasn’t done embarrassing itself when it gave Trump a primary victory, so it’s gonna go ahead and vote for David Duke a little more than it probably should! Yeehaw!!

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John Kerry: Refrigerator chemicals are just as bad as Islamic State

Air conditioners and refrigerators pose as big a threat to “life on the planet” as the threat of terrorism, Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday. Kerry was in Vienna negotiating a global climate deal to phase out chemicals used as refrigerants in basic household and commercial appliances such as air conditioning and refrigerators, called hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs. The chemicals […]

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Trump Praises Muslim Turkey Totalitarian Leader, Says “We Don’t Have Moral Authority” To Lecture Him On Tyrannical Crackdown

Trump “sounds just like Obama, if not worse!” How is this better than Hillary?? The New York Times wrote about an interview they had with Trump on Monday, on the topic of foreign policy. In this interview Trump revealed some very startling positions on both Turkey and NATO. First, Trump says that America does not have the moral authority to lecture […]

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Ignoring science to convince the public that we’re doomed by global warming

The news has become stranger since the climate policy debate has decoupled from the IPCC. Ludicrous claims of certain doom and nightmarish futures splash across the headlines, seldom with rebuttals (climate scientists are complicit in their silence). This one-sided flow of “news” will shape public opinion slowly but surely, creating support for bold measures by President Clinton. Activists are panicking […]

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Donald Trump’s nomination is the first time American politics has left me truly afraid

Tonight, Donald J. Trump will accept the Republican Party’s nomination for president of the United States. And I am, for the first time since I began covering American politics, genuinely afraid. Donald Trump is not a man who should be president. This is not an ideological judgment. This is not something I would say about Mitt Romney or Marco Rubio. […]

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David Duke: Jews Plagiarized Michelle Obama’s Speech to Shame Melania Trump

The staffer that wrote Melania’s speech is a registered Democrat (big surprise) who claims ‘mistake’ made with speech because Melania ‘always liked’ Michelle Obama. Nazi David Duke, the former KKK Grand Wizard, blamed Melania Trump’s plagiarized speed on the Jews: “This is a con job, sabotage, political character assassination plan from the get go!” declared the former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke regarding the […]

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Trump Pushing Islam: Muslim Prays Blessing Over Republican Convention and Donald Trump

At the close of Tuesday’s Republican National Convention session in Cleveland, Sajid Tarar, founder of a group called “American Muslims for Trump” prayed for Allah to bless Donald Trump. “Oh my G-d!” Tarar exclaimed, using G-d’s name in a way that many Christians consider to be blasphemous. “I can smell the success in the air. I can feel the change. I see […]

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Transgender Caitlyn Jenner at the Republican National Convention

This is no longer the conservative party. Caitlyn Jenner, an avowed Republican who is the world’s most famous transgender woman, defended gender rights Wednesday in Cleveland on the sidelines of the Republican convention that picked Donald Trump for president. Jenner, 66, became an icon of the transgender movement last year when “she” announced her transition to become a woman and […]

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Hillary’s IMAM: The Democratic nominee’s close ties to “the Turkish Khomeini”

The Daily Caller on Wednesday revealed numerous ties between Hillary Clinton and members of the shadowy network surrounding Fethullah Gulen, the controversial Muslim cleric who has been called “the Turkish Khomeini,” and whom the Erdogan regime is accusing of instigating the coup that nearly toppled it on Friday. According to the Caller, the Gulen camp has been one of Hillary’s […]

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Obama-Backed Syrian “Rebels” Behead Child, Financed by YOU

“And these are the ‘good guys,’” says Daily Mail. Syrian rebels [terrorists], who’ve been supplied by the Obama administration with money and missiles with U.S. taxpayer dollars, have beheaded a boy believed to be under 12 years old. The [Muslim terrorists] filmed the gruesome act and it was seen by The Daily Mail: The video captures Nour al-Din al-Zenki fighters in […]

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Donald Trump Defends Putin On Murdering Journalists and Political Opponents

The Donald defended Putin while appearing on ABC’s “This Week” with George Stephanopolous, saying that no one had proven that he’d ever killed journalists and political opponents. Watch below: The Chicago Sun-Times Washington Bureau Chief tweeted a list in response: Here’s the analysis:

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Here’s Why The RNC Didn’t Want A Reset Of The Convention Rules — It Was About Ted Cruz!

The RNC worked hard to make sure the RNC convention rules weren’t reset at the convention on Monday, but their reasoning wasn’t about protecting Trump from possible threats against his nomination. Rather, it was about trying to keep Ted Cruz from becoming the nominee in 2020! YAHOO NEWS – For the first time in 36 years, there was a vote […]

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Republican National Convention shuts down YouTube comments in wake of anti-Semitic abuse from Trump supporters

Anti-Semitism continues to ominously swirl around the Donald Trump campaign. I even have to block and remove anti-Semitic comments from Jew-hating Trump supporters here on JTF! The Republican convention shut down comments on its YouTube livestream after anti-Semitic abuse appeared during a speech by Linda Lingle, the Jewish former governor of Hawaii. Comments including “Make America Jewish Again” punctuated by yellow stars […]

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Trump Supporters Surround Utah Delegate and Threaten To Kill Her in RNC Convention Bathroom

A Utah delegate is making some really strong claims against Trump supporters at the RNC convention: A Utah delegate was reportedly threatened inside a bathroom at Quicken Loans Arena during the Republican National Convention Monday. According to NBC, Utah delegate Kera Birkeland was on the floor during the Rules vote as one of the delegates calling for a roll call […]

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Former DIA Chief Flynn: Hillary ‘Should Never Have a Security Clearance Again’

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton should “never” have a security clearance again nor should she receive classified intelligence briefings. House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) wrote a letter to the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper requesting that he deny Clinton classified intelligence briefings given her history with […]

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Iran ‘proudly’ outlines expansion of nuclear program

Iranian Foreign Minister boasts of ability to renew full-scale nuclear program in coming years. A secret document added to the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal was revealed on Tuesday, highlighting the rogue state’s intentions to renew and even expand full-scale uranium enrichment operations in the coming years. The document, an addendum to last year’s agreement, was filed by Iran with the […]

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Ivanka’s Rabbi Drops Out of Republican National Convention

Rabbi Haskel Lookstein has backed out of offering the convocation for the Republication Convention. Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, rabbi emeritus of New York City’s Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun and the rabbi who is known for having converted Ivanka Trump, has backed out of his commitment to offer the invocation Monday at the U.S. Republican National Convention. The rabbi was to offer the […]

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Surprise! Donald Trump’s Campaign Supports The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

If you’ve been paying attention at all the title was a rhetorical question. The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington. Throughout the campaign, Trump has been […]

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Hillary: “White Americans Need To Do A Better Job Recognizing Their Privilege”

The only thing she could do better is to give all the #BlackLivesMatter thugs loaded weapons and have the police wear uniforms with targets on them. Monday in Cincinnati at the 107th NAACP convention, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said white Americans need to “recognize our privilege and and practice humility.” Clinton said, “We white Americans need to do a […]

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“Art of the Deal” Co-Author Now Regrets Writing Book, Says It’s Full Of Falsehoods – “I Put Lipstick on a Pig”

Where was this guy in the primary when it mattered? I’m not sure it would have made much difference, but that was the time to speak out about Trump, especially when Trump kept pushing his book as second only to the Bible. The co-author of Donald Trump’s best-seller “The Art of the Deal” says he regrets writing the 1987 book, […]

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Paul Ryan: “This is not a war with Islam”

Dear amnesty supporting Paul Ryan, if Muslims are our “partners”, then were are all the “moderate” Muslims denouncing the mass slaughter of innocent people? House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has continued to edge away from Donald Trump’s “inflammatory” rhetoric, saying Tuesday that “this is a war with radical Islam. It is not a war with Islam. Muslims are our partners.” While […]

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Rush Limbaugh: It should be #BlackLivesMurder

Rush Limbaugh is now calling the Black Lives Matter movement “Black Lives Murder.” The Daily Caller reports the conservative talk show king — commenting on the acquittal of a white Baltimore cop in the death of Freddie Gray — said Monday on his nationally-syndicated radio show: “This could be a problem in Baltimore now. I’m serious. This is the kind […]

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3 Police Officers Killed and 6 Shot by Blacks Dressed in Black and Body Armor in Baton Rouge

• Gunman opened fire close to Baton Rouge Police Department headquarters • Three officers slain, three in critical condition • One suspect is dead, described as a “black male with body armor,” wearing black fatigues and firing a semi-automatic rifle • The attack comes two days after the funeral of Alton Sterling, a black man killed by police during an […]

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After Calling Ted Cruz The Worst Liar He’s Ever Known, Trump Back To Calling Him A ‘Good Guy’

El Trumpo showed his infinite flexibility with the truth again today, pretty much his only skill, as he went back to calling Ted Cruz a “good guy”! In case you’ve forgotten, his nickname for the Tednado was “Lyin’ Ted.” Trump is an infant who acts like any single thing he dislikes is the “worst ever” and then moves on to […]

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Reeling from Falling Polls, Paul Ryan Floods District with Mailers on Border Security After Funding Every Obama Open Borders Initiative

Following a new primary election poll showing that House Speaker Paul Ryan has plummeted to well below 50 percent in his home district, Ryan is out with new mailers assuring Wisconsin voters of his desire to secure the border, and urging them to support him in his contentious August 9th primary election. The new mailers touting Ryan’s support for border […]

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PLO Praises Student ‘Martyrs’ Who ‘Excelled’ By Attacking Jews

Following the release of high school seniors’ final exam results by the PLO this week, the official press praised “martyrs” who did not graduate because they were busy carrying out terror attacks against Israelis. The PA’s official daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida’s lead article listed 16 [Arab Muslim] students who did not take their final exams, but nevertheless “passed the difficult [test] of dying as martyrs for the […]

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Months Of Servitude With No Payoff Has Left Chris Christie “Livid”

Poor Chris Christie. For months, he acted as Trump’s loyal manservant. He stood dutifully by during press conferences, often becoming the butt of Trump’s fat jokes. Some reports state he was fetching Trump’s lunch for him. Who knows what other errands he ran in service to the Manhattan bully? Several months ago, politicos and casual observers were shocked by a […]

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Gay Mafia makes the First Amendment Defense Act necessary

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held hearings earlier this week on the First Amendment Defense Act, which was introduced a few months ago in the House of Representatives by Rep. Paul Labrador (R-ID) and by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) in the Senate. The legislation would protect religious liberty by preventing the federal government from taking actions against […]

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Hillary Clinton Promises To Gut The First Amendment Within The First 30 Days Of Her Term

It would be ideal if we had even one of the major candidates in this race who was at least moderately tolerable on the First Amendment, but no such candidate exists. Hillary Clinton, like all liberals, only approves of free speech that comports with liberal ideals. And, ironically, the candidate most beholden to large corporate donors of any Presidential candidate […]

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