Category Archives: Articles

Yes, Donald Trump Has Muslim Friends

Despite vowing to engage in wholesale surveillance of American Muslims, close American mosques and ban anyone who is Muslim from entering our country, Trump has repeatedly told us:  “I love the Muslims!”   Well on Sunday Trump went further by quantifying how many Muslims he loves, telling a reporter that he has at least 20 Muslim friends. Typically when people […]

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YouTube Suspends Account of PMW Group that Exposes Anti-Semitism and Violence

There is no such thing as the word “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Palestinian leaders are notorious for speaking with forked tongues. Duplicitous officials often talk of peaceful dialogue and two-state solutions when addressing Western audiences but it’s an entirely different […]

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How Scalia and Ted Cruz Saved the 2nd Amendment

Since the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the GOP presidential field has, in a rare show of unity, supported Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s statement that Scalia’s replacement should be determined by the results of the November election. Democratic hypocrites like Sen. Chuck Schumer accuse the GOP of obstructionism, the memory of their blocking of George W. Bush […]

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Conservative Author Mark Levin Endorses Ted Cruz for President

Conservative author and Constitutional scholar Mark Levin has endorsed Ted Cruz as his choice to become the next president of the United States. Levin, who is also a nationally syndicated radio host and the editor-in-chief of Conservative Review, announced the endorsement on his new Levin TV online channel. He said during the night’s episode of Levin TV: “My purpose here tonight is […]

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Trump uses speech as 20-minute infomercial promoting his own defunct branded products

The Republican frontrunner rejected Mitt Romney’s attacks as he held up a magazine that wasn’t his and showed off steaks of unclear origin. Presidential candidates are often asked to defend their records. But that does not usually result in a 20-minute infomercial promoting the candidate’s own branded products. After decisive wins in Mississippi and Michigan, Donald Trump took the stage […]

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Attorney General Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has Discussed Legal Action Against Global Warming “Deniers”

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has “discussed” taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for “denying” the “threat of carbon emissions” when it comes to climate change. During Lynch’s testimony at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said that he believes there are similarities between the tobacco industry denying scientific […]

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Trump Adviser Boosted Obama-phones, Said Entitlement Foes Hate The Poor

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is being advised by a political consultant who has worked to promote the fraud-ridden Obamaphone welfare program and suggested entitlement program opponents hate the poor. Trump adviser Barry Bennett was hired by telephone companies who profit on Obamaphones to set up a front group to disguise the giveaway as something Republicans could be fooled into supporting. […]

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Bernie Sanders denies poor white people exist

Asked about racial blind spots, Bernie Sanders says, ‘when you’re white you don’t know what it’s like to live in a ghetto or be poor.’ Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) made a highly questionable statement on Sunday night during a Democratic presidential debate against Hillary Clinton hosted by CNN, after he was asked about racial blind spots he might have as a white […]

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Report: Islamic State Forces Children to Play Soccer with Victims’ Heads

A report indicates there is evidence that members of the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) have forced children to play soccer with decapitated heads as a way to desensitize them to violence. “Children not only get desensitised to violence, but they also deem these practices as normal, and eventually defend them,” wrote the researchers at the London based think tank the Quilliam Foundation. “Children have […]

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‘Unacceptable’: Trump Campaign Manager Roughing Up Reporter

Donald Trump’s campaign manager was accused of roughing up a Breitbart reporter following the billionaire’s Florida press conference Tuesday night. An unidentified witness told Politico that reporter Michelle Fields attempted to ask Trump a question at the event when campaign manger Corey Lewandowski forcibly grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back. The move almost brought Fields to the […]

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Canada’s Leftist Trudeau: ‘Being Open and Respectful’ Will Defuse Islamic Terrorism

Yeah, that should work. TruthRevolt reported earlier on liberal Prime Canadian Minister Justin Trudeau’s 60 Minutes interview last Sunday in which he condescendingly declared, among other things, that Americans need to pay more attention to world affairs. Also in that interview, the dreamy young Trudeau announced that being “open and respectful” to the Muslim world is a better security strategy than “big walls and […]

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Bernie Sanders: “Israel is the cause of Middle East strife”

Bernie Sanders is a self-hating Jew who spews the same anti-Semitic propaganda that Nazis and terrorists do. Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders claims his [so-called] ‘judaism’ is an important part of who he is. Israel is apparently not part of his ‘judaism‘ liberalism. Here he is speaking on Monday in Dearbornistan, Michigan. Let’s go to the videotape: Honestly, he doesn’t […]

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Rabbi Kahane Was Right: Half of Israeli Jews favor expulsion of Arabs from Israel

The Pew Research Center released an explosive new study on religion and politics in Israel on Tuesday. The study measured religious identification amongst Jews and political views among Israelis in general. According to the Pew’s polling data, a whopping 48% of Israeli Jews believe that Israel should expel or transfer Arabs from the country, versus 46% who opposed such measures. […]

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New video questions Trump’s stance on gay marriage

A new video released by a “conservative” LGBT group tries to cast Donald Trump as inconsistent on gay marriage, calling on the Republican front-runner to clarify his stance amid broader claims from Trump’s opponents that his positions on key issues are difficult to nail down. The video, released by Log Cabin Republicans, uses Trump’s past remarks to challenge recent statements he’s […]

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Marco Rubio Campaign in Disarray as Questions Forcibly Surface About His Viability as Presidential Candidate

The presidential campaign of Marco Rubio is in disarray as the first-term Florida Senator’s window of opportunity for the White House seems to be slamming shut. Questions about his supposed viability as a presidential candidate forcefully surface, even inside his own inner circle, amid horrendous performances by the establishment-backed candidate. CNN’s Jamie Gangel and Tal Kolpan reported late Monday: A […]

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Cruz wins big as Rubio fades

Cruz bolsters case as the anti-Trump with big wins as Rubio fades. Sen. Ted Cruz’s two big wins on Saturday bolstered his case that he is the strongest candidate to stop Donald Trump’s march toward the Republican nomination, as Sen. Marco Rubio’s support faded. Cruz crushed Trump in Kansas, upset the businessman in Maine, and provided Trump with a tougher […]

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Emergency Committee for Israel: Why is Donald Trump always kissing up to dictators?

The Emergency Committee for Israel has released its first online advertisement in a while. It’s directed at Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Here’s the press release: Today the Emergency Committee for Israel released “Trump Loves Dictators,” a 30-second ad highlighting Donald Trump’s disturbing affection for anti-American dictators. The ad will appear online and on television in primary states this week. […]

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Nazi party elected to Slovakian parliament for first time

“Our Slovakia” party gains 14 parliamentary seats in Slovakia’s elections. In a shocking development, [the Nazi] party in Slovakia won seats in the nation’s parliament for the first time. In the results of Saturday’s national elections announced Sunday, the [Nazi] “Our Slovakia” party scored 8 percent of the votes, which is equal to 14 seats. The country’s parliament, the National […]

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SNL Targets Trump KKK and Nazi David Duke Controversy in Parody Ad

“Saturday Night Live” was back this week with a new political spoof. This week, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump was the target. The segment parodied the standard campaign ad, with one little twist. “The media’s been saying pretty negative things about Donald Trump,” the narrator begins as the camera rolls over a suburban American neighborhood. “But what are real Americans […]

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Cruz Shreds Media for Wanting ‘Coronation’ of Trump as GOP Nominee So He Can Lose to Hillary

Republican presidential candidate and Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) sat for an interview with CBS’s John Dickerson Friday afternoon in National Harbor, Maryland that aired on Face the Nation and lambasted the media for “hav[ing] a coronation” of Donald Trump as the GOP nominee so he could be viciously defeated by Hillary Clinton in November. While discussing the possibility of a […]

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An American Tyrant

He has more fun citing Mussolini than Madison. The country got a very good idea of how Donald Trump would conduct himself if elected President of the United States during this exchange with Bret Baier during Fox News GOP debate in Detroit last week: BAIER: Mr. Trump, just yesterday, almost 100 foreign policy experts signed on to an open letter refusing […]

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Ted Cruz Wins Kansas, Maine Caucuses – Huge Blow to Trump

Texas Senator Ted Cruz defeated Donald Trump in Kansas and Maine Republican presidential caucuses on Saturday, demonstrating the strength of his campaign organization and appeal among conservatives as he casts himself as the party’s main alternative to the real estate mogul. The votes in the caucuses in Kansas, Maine and Kentucky, plus a primary in Louisiana, were the first tallied […]

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Donald Trump Drops Out of Scheduled CPAC Appearance

Through a verified Twitter account Friday, the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) announced, that at the last minute, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump dropped out of his scheduled Saturday appearance. “Very disappointed @realDonaldTrump has decided at the last minute to drop out of #CPAC,” CPAC tweeted, “his choice sends a clear message to conservatives.” Very disappointed @realDonaldTrump has decided at […]

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David Limbaugh: Time to unite behind Ted Cruz

Mitt Romney’s speech against Donald Trump is not likely to win many converts. Romney’s remarks will just further vindicate and entrench Trump supporters. Romney … is quintessentially GOP establishment and has shown by his speech that he still doesn’t understand the role he and his colleagues have played in bringing about the Trump surge. During campaign season, these guys always […]

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Shock Poll: Donald Trump Earns More Muslim Support Than Rest of GOP Field Combined

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)–an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror financing trial, and a designated terror organization in the United Arab Emirates–conducted a poll of 2000 Muslim voters throughout six Super Tuesday states. The results, released Wednesday, were surprising. While Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders earned 46% and 25% support, respectively, Donald Trump has the […]

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Trump gives “Certificate of Deception” from now-defunct Trump University

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz hammered Donald Trump, his top rival for the GOP presidential nomination, on Thursday, tweeting out what he called a “Certificate of Deception” for Trump’s now-defunct Trump University. Get your own #TrumpUniversity certificate of deception here —> — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) March 3, 2016 Trump University was actually a series of seminars started a decade […]

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Silent Intifada Weekly Summary: 12 Jews were injured in over 100 terror attacks this week

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that […]

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TrumpCare Is Great If You’re Rich And Want Health Costs To Explode

The Trump brand, supposedly synonymous with giving customers nothing but the best, is now attached to a health care plan that, in one critical respect, is by far the stingiest of any GOP plan on the table. At the final debate before Super Tuesday, Donald Trump made little sense talking about health care, repeating several times that he wouldn’t let people die in […]

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