Author Archives: Shlomo

Three masked gunmen in France target Jewish family for robbery and assault – Parents and son hospitalized

A French anti-Semitism watchdog group reports that a Jewish family was attacked and robbed in their suburban home Wednesday. According to the National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA) report, three masked men, described as of African descent [Muslim], broke into a home in Le Blanc-Mesnil, a few kilometers outside of Paris. They then held the parents and son captive […]

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Planned Parenthood facing investigations over ‘abhorrent’ video on selling aborted baby body parts

A shocking video showing a top Planned Parenthood official casually discussing the shipment of aborted fetus body parts to research labs is fueling calls in Washington and state capitals for investigations and hearings. The video, shot last July, was released by the Center for Medical Progress on Tuesday. It shows two undercover CMP activists posing as employees from a biotech […]

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Government Census Bureau Predicts 1.24 Million More Immigrants To Enter USA in 2015

New data from the U.S. Census Bureau—published in recognition of “World Population Day,” which was July 11—predicts that 1.24 million new immigrants will enter the United States in 2015. The Census Bureau published the new data in its International Data Base, which contains population estimates and projections up to the year 2050. The figure from the Census Bureau is a calculation […]

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NAACP Proposes Sand Blasting Stone Mountain to Remove Davis, Lee, Jackson

There is no end… The Atlanta chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has proposed that the sculpture of Confederacy President Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee, and General “Stonewall” Jackson be sand blasted off the side of Stone Mountain in Georgia. Chapter leader Richard Rose is telling local news outlets, “Those guys need to go.” […]

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Hitler and Gun Control

One of the issues that liberals and gun control advocates are most loath to discuss is how heavily and effectively totalitarians and mass murderers have relied upon gun registration and other firearms controls to round up “enemies of the state.” Hitler, Stalin, Castro, and Mussolini all seized upon gun laws to punish, incarcerate, and even exterminate their opponents, while permitting […]

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Judenrat Leftist American Jews Who Shamefully Support A Boycott of Israel

These same Jews voted in Obama who is giving terrorist Iran nuclear weapons. These self-hating traitors stab Jews in the back for trying to defend their lives from mass murderers. Funded heavily by the New Israel Fund ($237,980 from 2006-2013), Israel Social TV is an NGO often used as a platform for conveying the anti-Israel ideologies of numerous NIF organizations.  […]

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The mainstreaming of sexual deviancy

You. Will. Be. Made. To. Care. The Learning Channel (TLC) is promoting an upcoming reality series called “All That Jazz.” It features a mentally disturbed teenage boy who, with his parents’ connivance, labors under the illusion that he is a girl. Big things are on the horizon for one of our favorite transgender teen activists. Jazz Jennings, the 14-year-old who […]

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US, World Powers Seal Formal Suicidal Nuclear Pact with Terrorist Iran

‘Today will be remembered in history as a black day for the entire free world.’ Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reacted to the Iranian nuclear deal on Tuesday morning, after Iranian and Western diplomats revealed a deal had been reached ahead of an official announcement of the agreement at noon Vienna time. According to Netanyahu, “the nuclear deal with Iran is […]

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Hillary Claims Suicidal Terrorist Iran Nuclear Deal Is An “Important Moment”

Hillary Rodham Clinton praised the nuclear deal with Iran on Tuesday as an “important step,” saying the agreement would end up “putting the lid on Iran’s nuclear program.” Clinton was on Capitol Hill for a series of closed-door meetings with congressional Democrats, where she’s been detailing her early work on the landmark agreement and expressing her support for the final […]

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Planned Parenthood in the business of selling baby parts

We all knew that Planned Parenthood was a brutal, corrupt criminal enterprise staffed by soulless cretins but now we have proof no only of their moral depravity but of their criminality. The non-profit citizen journalism group, Center for Medical Progress, wandered into an abortion facility in California and interviewed Dr. Deborah Nucatola, an abortionist and  ‎Senior Director, Medical Services at Planned […]

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Hillary Clinton, Backed By Wall Street, Wants to Dismantle Wall Street?

It isn’t easy being Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is drawing big crowds. Pantsuits weren’t a staple on the Paris Fashion Week runways. Disgusting commoners want to touch you, and people want to know things about your email and Benghazi and all these things they were supposed to forget about once they were dazzled by Hillary Clinton’s wisdom and beauty. And […]

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Oregon: 15-Yr-Olds Can Get Sex Change without Parental Consent – Covered under Medicaid

Citizens of Oregon have been alarmed by the slow realization of a new law implemented this past January that said 15-year-old boys and girls can get a sex-change operation without parental consent – the first law of its kind in the United States.  The new law passed not by a ballot measure, or a legislative bill, or even judicial fiat, but by […]

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Obama Administration Will Sign Nuclear Deal “At Any Cost”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unloaded on the Obama Administration’s continued concessions to the Iranian regime. Massive crowds chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” in Iran’s capital on Friday. The protesters carried an effigy of Barack Obama at the rally. Then they torched it on the ground. Despite the continued threats from Tehran, the Obama administration and world […]

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Iranian Newspaper: Iran Could Destroy White House ‘in Under 10 Minutes’

And Obama wants to give them nukes. An Iranian daily newspaper said in a recent editorial that Iran is capable of destroying the White House “in under 10 minutes.” The editorial was printed on June 17 in the paper, “Kayhan,” which The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) says is affiliated with the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. The paper […]

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Gee, Thanks… Court Orders Police to Permit Jews to “Protest” Being Barred from Temple Mount

On Sunday, attorney Yitzhak Baum, who works for Israeli Zionist legal aid organization Honenu, petitioned Israel’s Supreme Court regarding the refusal of Jerusalem police to allow Temple Mount organizations to rally this coming Tuesday, July 14, at one of the gates of the Temple Mount. The rally organizers wished to protest the police barring Jews from the Temple Mount compound […]

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Obama Loves Drug Dealers: Pardons Prison Sentences of 46 Federal Drug Pushers – Some With Firearms

But Jonathan Pollard is still in prison. Ahead of two events this week where he will talk about criminal justice reform, President Barack Obama commuted the sentences of 46 federal drug offenders. Obama released a video on Facebook about the decision on Monday. “We are at a moment where good people in both parties, Republican and Democrats, and folks across the country […]

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Boston police officer’s Muslim son arrested in terror plot to attack a university

The son of a Boston police captain has been arrested in an FBI sting and accused of plotting to commit terrorist acts in support of the Islamic State militant group, including the setting off of pressure-cooker bombs at an unidentified university and the killing of students live online. Alexander Ciccolo’s father alerted authorities last fall that the younger man had […]

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Israel Rearrests Freed Terrorist – Less Than 24 Hours Later

Islamic Jihad leader Khader Adnan rearrested for violating travel ban on Old City of Jerusalem, after lengthy media circus for his release. Israeli police on Monday re-arrested [Muslim] Arab terrorist and Islamic Jihad leader Khader Adnan on Monday, less than one day after he was freed following a 56-day hunger strike that allegedly brought him near death. “Khader Adnan was arrested because he had no right […]

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13 Year Old Jewish Boy Beaten by Six Men Yelling “Hit the Dirty Jew” in Paris

Six men beat and rob 13-year-old in latest anti-Semitic incident, which have reportedly doubled in a year. A religious young man was attacked for wearing a kippah in Paris. The motive behind the attack was anti-Semitic: The perpetrators of the attack called out, “hit the dirty Jew.” One of the attackers stole the victim’s cell phone before fleeing the scene. […]

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Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner ‘will only be charged with misdemeanor’ for fatal Malibu crash that left 69-year-old widow dead

Getting away with murder – highest charge he could face is misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter. Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner will only be charged with a misdemeanor for her fatal crash in February that left a 69-year-old widow dead, a report has claimed. According to TMZ, police have concluded that no drugs, alcohol, or talking or texting on a phone were to blame […]

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New Islamic State video: prisoners made to lay in mass graves before being slaughtered with machine guns

Their sickest video yet: ISIS release footage of their biggest massacre in which prisoners were made to lay in mass graves before being machine-gunned to death Islamic State fanatics release sickening new footage of mass execution The 22minute-long film shows wholesale slaughter of Iraqi military cadets It was filmed at last year’s notorious Speicher massacre, in Tikrit, Iraq Men are […]

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Israel Frees Arab Islamic Jihad Terrorist After Hunger Strike — Again

A [Muslim Arab] terrorist incarcerated in an Israeli prison has been freed after carrying out a 56-day hunger strike. “Khader Adnan, who was in administrative detention, was released” Saturday night, Israel Prison Service spokesperson Sivan Weizman told the AFP news agency. Adnan was among those who were arrested in response to the abduction and murder of three yeshiva teens in […]

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Israeli, American flags burned during Iran’s annual ‘Jerusalem Day’

Millions of Iranians participated in annual [so called] pro-Palestinian Al-Quds Day rallies, which in many places featured chants calling for death to Israel and the United States. The government-organized rallies, named for the Arabic name for Jerusalem, took place across Iran on Friday and included the burning of flags of both nations. Iran’s regional rival Saudi Arabia was also publicly […]

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German Will Be Taught in Israeli Schools

So much for “Never Forget”. Israeli public schools will introduce a German-language elective for ninth-graders. The program will start in five schools, the German-language Israelnetz online news agency reported. Israeli and German officials signed a Joint Declaration of Intent last week to enable official exams to be administered and German language certificates awarded that will be recognized in Israeli and […]

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Netanyahu blocks death penalty for mass murdering terrorists

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has blocked, at least temporarily, a bill which would require judges to impose the death penalty on convicted terrorist murderers. That move provoked anger from the bill’s sponsor, Yisrael Beytenu MK Sharon Gal, who accused the prime minister of not being serious about fighting terrorism. The proposed law is fiercely opposed by some MKs – primarily, though not […]

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Iran, Nukes, and Obama: ‘Every Major Goal that President Obama Set’ Has Been Abandoned

Speaking to George Stephanopoulos this morning, Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina explained on ABC’s “This Week” that, were she President of the United States, she would “walk away from the negotiating table” in Vienna. “If you can’t walk away from the negotiating table,” Fiorina argued, “the other side just keeps negotiating.” “We have caved on every major goal that President Obama set,” […]

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US Government Records Boss Resigning After Hackers Stole Data on 22 Million People

The U.S. government’s human resources director, Katherine Archuleta, resigned Friday, a day after disclosing that hackers stole personal data for more than 22 million people in one of the worst security breaches in history. U.S. personnel chief Katherine Archuleta resigned Friday in the wake of massive data breach that allowed hackers to steal the records of more than 21 million […]

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The New York Nazi Times’ War on Ted Cruz

Not all political manifestos are worth reading; most frankly aren’t worth picking up. Candidates vying for high office peddle books penned by ghost writers to capture some cash and, more importantly, media attention. But whatever the motive behind the publishing or quality of the writing, one would hope that bestseller lists would accurately reflect when a book written by a […]

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Democrats Propose Elimination of ‘Husband’ & ‘Wife’ in Federal Law: “Too Offensive”

Over two dozen Democratic lawmakers have determined the words “husband” and “wife” too oppressive and exclusionary to be used in federal law, and have now proposed to replace them with gender-neutral words like “spouse,” “partner” or “married couple.” According to Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) words like “husband” and “wife” in federal law no longer have meaning because the Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage a […]

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Michelle Obama To Tribal Youth: America Embracing ’Wisdom Of Your Ancestors’ On Global Warming

Seriously? The left just makes up the most insane garbage and calls it “science” or “history” when it’s obviously neither. Speaking to a gathering of American tribal youth at the White House today, First Lady Michelle Obama praised their heritage, pointing out the cultural significance of Native Americans to the institutions of the United States. “Long before the United States […]

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Federal Judge orders Obama administration to court to explain why it has ignored immigration injunction

Federal Judge Andrew Hanen, who previously issued an injunction against further enforcement of President Obama’s unilateral executive actions on immigration, has issued an order directing the defendants (to include the HHS secretary) appear before him in court in August to attempt to explain to him why they shouldn’t be held in contempt of court. From his order: The Court was […]

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White House Keeping Israel in the Dark on Iran Talks, May Extend Negotiations Indefinitely

They’re blowing past deadlines with zero consequences and making excuses for Iran’s noncompliance with the terms of various existing interim agreements, so what’s the point of erecting meaningless deadlines at all? It’s becoming increasingly clear that the Obama administration will secure a deal with Iran — no matter how watered down its requirements may be and regardless of how long the process takes. It’s come […]

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Chris Matthews admits: Democrats want illegals for votes

Liberal talk-show host Chris Matthews has candidly admitted what Democrats steadfastly refuse to acknowledge: They favor immigration amnesty because it could help them win elections. While interviewing former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on MSNBC on Monday, Matthews said, “the Democrats want votes, let’s face it.” In a fast-paced exchange with Giuliani, Matthews rattled off comments in quick-succession, while the […]

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MTV’s ‘White People’ Will Check Your Privilege For You

Obviously, a sequel called ‘Black People’ will never be made. MTV has released the trailer for an upcoming documentary that will explore what it means to be young and white in America. “This is great! Let’s all get uncomfortable together!” exclaims the host. From journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, who won a Pulitzer for covering the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007, comes White […]

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Nuclear Talks Extended As Iranian Leader Repeats Threat To Destroy Israel

A day before U.S. State Department spokesperson Marie Harf confirmed on Tuesday that the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 nations will be extended at least until Friday, an Iranian leader reiterated the Islamic Republic’s desire for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” “The presence of the Israeli regime is temporary,” Iranian Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani told the Hizbullah-linked Al Ahd […]

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Jews to Protest Ban of Jews from Temple Mount for Muslim Ramadan to Appease Terrorists

Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount have been told repeatedly that they are banned from entering Judaism’s holiest site due to Ramadan over the past several weeks – and one group plans to protest. Haim Brosh, spokesman for Students for the Temple Mount, spoke to Arutz Sheva on Wednesday about the situation. “Jews who arrived in recent days to the Temple Mount […]

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UNESCO passes antisemitic resolution, world yawns

JPost reports: Israel slammed the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on Tuesday for adopting a “completely one-sided resolution” on the Old City of Jerusalem that “deliberately ignores the historical connection between the Jewish people and their ancient capital.” The resolution, adopted by the World Heritage Committee meeting in Bonn, Germany, takes Israel to task for – among other grievances […]

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Hamas close to restoring pre-Protective Edge rocket capabilities

The price for not finishing the war. Exactly one year ago, on July 8, 2014, the IDF launched Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip to stop incessant rocket fire aimed at southern Israel and to destroy Hamas’ network of underground tunnels dug under the Israel-Gaza border to facilitate terror attacks against Israeli citizens [Jews]. The IDF’s Southern Command said […]

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Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014

While illegal immigrants account for about 3.5 percent of the U.S population, they represented 36.7 percent of federal sentences in FY 2014 following criminal convictions, according to U.S. Sentencing Commission data obtained by Breitbart News. According to FY 2014 USSC data, of 74,911 sentencing cases, citizens accounted for 43,479 (or 58.0 percent), illegal immigrants accounted for 27,505 (or 36.7 percent), […]

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Yet another lie from Hillary Clinton: Benghazi committee contradicts claim of no subpoena

The House Select Committee on Benghazi released Wednesday the March 4 subpoena for former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails, refuting her claim in a national TV interview that she was never subpoenaed. The subpoena was issued directly to Mrs. Clinton after lawmakers became aware that she exclusively used personal email and an email server kept in her home […]

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