Author Archives: Shlomo

Jeb Bush: U.S. Should Accept Muslim Refugees from Middle East and Africa

Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush stated the US should accept refugees from the Middle East and Africa, but “make sure” they’re not terrorists on Wednesday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel. Jeb said, [relevant remarks begin around 6:40] “We should accept — we’re a country that has a noble tradition of accepting refugees. We […]

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Director of National Intelligence: ‘Huge Concern’ Over Islamic State Infiltrating US, West Through Refugee Crisis

The civil war in Syria has created a refugee crisis in the millions, overwhelming a number of European nations that are struggling to cope with the influx. While critics are accusing the U.S. of being slow to respond, this may be a good thing given what , Director of National Intelligence, had to say on Wednesday about the Islamic State’s […]

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Feds investigated top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin for embezzlement

Huma Abedin is Hillary Clinton’s aide who has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group. Federal investigators formally investigated top Hillary Rodham Clinton aide Huma Abedin for the crime of embezzlement after confirming she took a “Babymoon” vacation and maternity time at the State Department without expending her formal leave, resulting in thousands of dollars of pay she wasn’t entitled […]

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‘How many Lamborghinis were purchased with the blood of innocent children?’

Congress hears testimony on Planned Parenthood’s baby body-parts trade. The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday launched an investigation into revelations of Planned Parenthood’s baby body-parts trade to determine whether the abortion provider should continue to receive taxpayer funding, which currently amounts to more than half-a-billion dollars a year. It’s an issue on which there is no middle ground, and the […]

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Obama wants to bring some of Europe’s Syrian Muslim ‘refugees’ to the U.S.

Terrorist-linked CAIR calls on the administration to “bring them here.” The Obama administration is reportedly considering exacerbating a crisis largely of its own making. Following the immigration onslaught in Europe that has generated graphic images, including a 3-year-old Syrian boy washing up dead on a Turkish beach, thousands of migrants trapped in a Budapest train station, and 71 dead discovered in a truck abandoned on an […]

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Negotiate with Terrorists and Nukes? Donald Trump: “I will renegotiate with Iran”

There is no good “deal” with terrorists. GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says he would renegotiate President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal should he make his way into the Oval Office. “If we have to wait until the next president is sworn in to revisit this nuclear weapons agreement, then the next president better be someone who knows how to negotiate […]

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Most E. Jerusalem Arabs Support Car Terror but Want Citizenship

In depth research shows most East Jerusalem Arabs identify with Hamas but prefer Israeli ID card to PLO’s. Most Arabs in East Jerusalem prefer Israeli citizenship to becoming citizens of a [so-called] “Palestinian” state, but they also support terror against Jews, according to in depth research carried out by David Pollock of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and […]

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Anti-Semitic Crimes Against Jews Surge in London – Spike 93%

According to figures from the Metropolitan police, hate crimes against the Jewish community in London has surged a stunning 93.4% in the last year. A new report by International Business Times UK highlights the disturbing trends … citing statistics from the London police, IBT UK reports that over the last twelve months, police recorded 499 anti-Semitic crimes, almost double the 258 […]

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Arab Muslim “Refugees” or Convenient Economic and Demographic Exodus?

The sudden and unexpected wave of economic refugees from Syria and Iraq appears to have similarities to the wave of young economic refugees fleeing Central America who started flooding our borders last year with several governments, including our own, as enablers and financers of forced settlement. When this administration, bent on changing the face and demographics of America, granted amnesty […]

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Judge in Kim Davis Case Ordered Students ‘Re-Educated’ on Homosexuality

U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning, who jailed Kentucky clerk Kim Davis for refusing to obey an order to issue same-sex marriage licenses through her office, once ordered Kentucky students to be “re-educated” about homosexuality. The American Civil Liberties Union, which filed a lawsuit against the Rowan County clerk, in 2003 sued the Boyd County Board of Education to allow […]

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University of Chicago Study: Criminals do not buy their guns legally

Jazz Shaw at Hot Air posted about this development (that every Second Amendment supporter knows); criminals do not buy their guns legally at gun stores. I mean, it’s mind-blowing … that gun control supporters continue to fail at grasping this fact (via Chicago Sun-Times): Chicago criminals are finicky about how they get their guns, according to a new study by the […]

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Traitor Debbie Wasserman Schultz votes in favor of giving Iran nukes

Judenrat self-hating Jew, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is a disgrace and a traitor to the Jewish people. The head of the Democratic Party, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., choked up while discussing her “gut wrenching” decision to vote in favor of the Iran nuclear deal. “There’s nothing that’s more important to me, as a Jew, than to ensure Israel’s existence is […]

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Hillary Can’t Decide Whether Her Lawyers Deleted Her Emails or She Did

Both. Neither. No wait … Bush! That most transparent of all politicians, Hillary Clinton, gave an interview to Andrea Mitchell on Friday morning in which she discussed her ongoing-and-only-getting-worse email scandal. During that interview she made a statement that Mitchell briefly focused on, even prompting Clinton to repeat it. The folks at Legal Insurrection were paying attention. From LI: In […]

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Parents Upset that Middle Schoolers Assigned to Write ‘Allah is the only god’

Parents at a middle school in Spring Hill, Tennessee, just outside of Nashville, are upset that their children have spent three weeks studying Islam and were assigned to write the Shahada profession of the Islamic faith: “Allah is the only god.” Making the situation worse, parents said the teacher skipped over the section on Christianity. Though the parents understand that […]

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Survivors of Botched Abortions Will Testify Before Congress Against Planned Parenthood

The House Judiciary Committee has announced that Congress will hold its first hearing on the Planned Parenthood scandal next week, following the recess. Among the witnesses to provide testimony are two women who survived abortion attempts; they will speak from first-hand experience about the horrors of the abortion industry. The first of a series of hearings, titled “Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the […]

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When Liberals Say They Want to ‘Coexist’ THIS is What They Really Mean

So, clearly, liberals can coexist with everyone else except Republicans — because we’re obviously on the same level as rapists and murderers and, of course, the terrorist Iran leaders chanting “Death to America!” From MRCTV: Obama again refused to use the words “radical Islamists,” instead blaming the chants on a few Iranian “hardliners”: “I realize that resorting to force may […]

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Obama wins critical backing on giving terrorist Iran nukes, virtually ensuring survival in Congress

The Obama administration now appears to have enough support in Congress to stave off Republican efforts to reject the president’s controversial Iran nuclear deal, after a retiring Maryland Democratic senator came out Wednesday morning in favor of the pact. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., announced her support for the deal as Secretary of State John Kerry delivered a lengthy and detailed […]

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Iran Army Commander: We’ll Keep Arming Until Israel Overthrown

One of Iran’s top military commanders has said the Islamic Republic will continue to bolster its military capabilities until Israel is destroyed and a [so-called] “Palestinian” Arab state established in its place. There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy the Jews. Brigadier General Mohsen Kazzemeini, a senior commander in the Islamic […]

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Muslim CAIR Joins Racist Black Lives Matter Movement

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has joined the Black Lives Matter movement. As Michelle Moons reported, CAIR leaders and members joined Black Lives Matter in a march on the California State Capitol on Wednesday, targeting Gov. Jerry Brown’s office over a new bill that, in part, would expand bans on racial profiling to include perceived ethnicity. As police officers are […]

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Muslim hordes causing chaos in Europe

Graphic scenes out of Hungary today show thousands of [Muslim] migrants pushing and shoving their way into a train station, yelling and chanting “No camp! No camp!” as dozens threw their bodies onto the railroad tracks in protest of the government’s refusal to let the trains roll into central Europe and their final hoped-for destination – Germany. The migrants, most […]

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Obama’s gun law enforcement at work: sell 55 illegal guns, get one year probation

When Shannon Miles walked up behind Harris (TX) County Deputy Sheriff Darren Goforth and pumped 15 9mm rounds into him he did so with a weapon he was not allowed to possess. Via Houston Chronicle: Court records reveal that Miles had a lengthy criminal history. His first reported arrest came in February 2005 for failing to identify and giving false […]

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VA Inspector General Report: 307,000 Veterans Died Waiting For Health Care

Concerned Veterans For America’s CEO, Pete Hegseth, released this statement about Wednesday’s IG report: “Wednesday’s OIG report reinforces what Concerned Veterans for America has been saying for years — the VHA is desperately in need of reform. Measures such as the VA Accountability Act, along with the proposals included in CVA’s bipartisan “Fixing Veterans Health Care” report, are a necessary first […]

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Thousands Take to New York Streets to Protest Iran Deal

Thousands of protesters poured into Manhattan Tuesday evening to demand, outside Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s New York office, that Congress vote against the Iran nuclear agreement. “Change your vote!” chants reverberated through the crowd after former Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., said he was “shocked” and “disappointed” that Gillibrand decided to back the accord last month. “Since the agreement was signed in the […]

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President of EU Labor Union Chokes Jewish Woman, Claims ‘Hitler should have exterminated all Jews.’

Belgian police have concluded an investigation into a vicious anti-Semitic assault at a cafe in Brussels, in which a European Union official physically attacked a female co-worker, while verbally abusing her as a “dirty Jewess.” The assault, in full view of other restaurant patrons, occurred on the patio of the “Italiano” cafe near European Union headquarters in the city, Haaretz reports. A 50-year old […]

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Democratic National Committee brags about hiring illegal alien

Feds urged to investigate ‘violation of federal immigration and election laws’ Judicial Watch, the watchdog on federal government, is calling on the Federal Election Commission to investigate the employment by the Democratic National Committee of an illegal alien in potential violation of federal rules and regulations. At issue are claims in the Washington Post that the DNC hired Cindy Nava […]

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Stop California’s Attorney General From Intimidating Conservative Donors

Liberals today are determined to aggressively stamp out and intimidate anyone who disagrees with them. That is why, when the IRS “accidentally” leaked the identities of donors to the National Organization for Marriage, those donors faced reprisals in the form of boycotts and public harassment. Since conservatives seem to have abandoned the field of boycotts for reasons of questionable wisdom, […]

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“Black Lives Matter” Radio Host Calls for Race War & Cop-Killing

“It’s open season on killing whites and police officers.” A blogtalkradio program associated with the Black Lives Matter movement spewed racist hate and called for a race war Monday, reports Breitbart. The YouTube video of the audio recording has since been removed as a violation of YouTube’s policy prohibiting hate speech, but Breitbart has video (above) of the host “King Noble” making the comments, […]

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