Category Archives: Articles

Islamic State Posting Pics of Babies with Knives to Celebrate Jewish Stabbings

From the barbaric “religion of peace” comes baby pictures with knives celebrating the mass murder of Jews. Social media is one of the tools ISIS uses to push its propaganda to the widest available audience. The Islamic terrorist group is not one to shy away from utilizing extreme shock value to proselytize its message of “death to the infidels.” And […]

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Obama Tells Police Chiefs The Police Are Racist

Obama declares “there’s some racial bias in the system.” Obama addressed the need for criminal justice reform in Chicago Tuesday afternoon in front of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Having grown up in a Chicago neighborhood near where shootings happen, the president said he knows all too well the effect rampant crime can have on a community. Obama first praised the police […]

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The IRS is still targeting conservatives

The IRS is still holding up the nonprofit applications of tea party groups, including one that has been waiting nearly six years for approval, as conservatives panned the Justice Department’s announcement last week that it had cleared the tax agency, and former senior executive Lois G. Lerner, of any wrongdoing. The Obama administration’s decision, outlined in a Friday afternoon letter […]

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Seventh Grader: Teacher Told Class God Is a Myth–and Grades Depended on Agreeing

A seventh grade student in Katy, Texas says that her reading teacher instructed her class that God is a “myth” and that any student who says God is a “fact” or an “opinion” is wrong. Jordan Wooley, a straight-A student at the West Memorial Junior High School–part of the Katy Independent School District (ISD)-said she and her classmates were told […]

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By the numbers: 778 Muslim terror attacks since Rosh Hashanah

The State of Israel submitted to the High Court for Justice Tuesday responses to nine petitions filed against the confiscation and demolition orders for the homes of six terrorists who killed Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin, Malachi Rosenfeld and Danny Gonen. The State requested for interim orders to be postponed, in the absence of grounds for the court to intervene. Since the beginning of 2013, […]

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State Department “Cracks Down” on Israel Travel – Employees restricted from Old City, West Bank

The Islam defending Obama administration couldn’t be any more openly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. The Department of State’s diplomatic security section is tightening restrictions on travel for its employees throughout Israel amid a spike in [Arab Muslim] violence that has killed at least eight [Israeli Jews], according to a recent internal report distributed to U.S. employees residing in the Jewish state. […]

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Planned Parenthood murders babies with beating hearts delivered during abortion procedures

In the latest video release from a pro-life organization exposing hideous, grotesque practices by Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, a doctor for a tissue-harvesting partner of the taxpayer-funded organization appears to admit that a baby’s “heart actually is still beating” at times following abortions. In addition, an ex-tissue procurement technician for StemExpress LLC, Holly O’Donnell, gave a first-person […]

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The Fantasy Islam – Welcome to the game of hiding what’s in the Koran

Fantasy Islam: A game in which an audience of non-Muslims wish with all their hearts that Islam was a “Religion of Peace,” and a Muslim strives to fulfill that wish by presenting a personal version of Islam that has little foundation in Islamic Doctrine. As I have mentioned before, “Fantasy Islam” is a popular game among many non-Muslims and so-called […]

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New York Nazi Times Front Page Indulges “Blunt” Arab Muslim “Protest Songs” Encouraging the Stabbing Murder of Jews

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel and the Jews. Jodi Rudoren and Rami Nazzal reported from the West Bank on the front page of Friday’s New York Times: “Palestinians Set Their Rage to Violent Beat.” The worst thing that Rudoren the Jerusalem bureau chief, and Nazzal had […]

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Unbelievable: New York City law enforcement is now handled by the European Union and U.N.

Quote: “The project … will seed a long-term network of experts and practitioners working to counter far-right extremism.” New York City is handing over part of is police power to “a new global, terror-busting network to try to combat homegrown extremism,” according to a press statement issued September 29. In an announcement made at the United Nations, New York Mayor […]

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France: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” & “Kill the Jews” stabs Jew, punches rabbi

“The initial official report was that a Rabbi and two congregants had been stabbed by a ‘drunk’. But the real story is turning out to be more of the same old Muslim supremacism and anti-Semitism.” (Daniel Greenfield) Europe is ridding itself of its Jews by allowing millions of these Jew-haters to colonize the continent. They not only sacrifice the Jews, […]

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12-Year-Olds Taught in America: “Islam and 9/11 Not Connected”

How stealth Jihad gets at our kids. Parents in Illinois are outraged that a public school there is painting a positive picture of Islam and teaching impressionable young students that Islam bears no responsibility for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States. This is just the latest incident demonstrating a growing trend in American education to portray the intolerant, […]

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Israeli Jew, 40, stabbed after rocks thrown at his car; terrorist fled

An Israeli man was stabbed by an Arab terrorist shortly before 10 a.m. on Sunday morning at the entrance to the haredi community of Metzad in Gush Etzion. Security forces and Magen David Adom teams were immediately dispatched to the scene. According to MDA, the condition of the injured victim, 40, is moderate. He has been transferred to Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem with stab wounds to the upper […]

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Jewish family of 5 injured in West Bank firebomb terrorist attack

Five Israelis, including a 4-year-old girl, were hurt near the West Bank settlement of Beit El when a firebomb hit their family car. The four-year-old sustained moderate injuries while the remaining four, her brother, mother, 12-year-old sister and father, were lightly injured in the attack Friday, Army Radio reported. All family members were hospitalized in Jerusalem for treatment. Security forces […]

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New ISIS VIDEO in Hebrew: “Not One Jew Will Be Left …..” Threatens to kill Jews Across the World

This is Obama’s legacy. The Islamic State has declared war on the Jewish people, a Muslim from the jihadi group declared in fluent Hebrew, in a new video released by the devout Muslim army. The threatening message, which appeared on social media Friday morning, was titled, “A message to the Jews, the first enemy of the Muslims.” “This is a […]

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Hillary Keeps Lying: “I Didn’t Blame Benghazi On The YouTube Video”

Four pinocchios for the pantsuit. Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s testimony yesterday before the congressional committee formed to investigate the deadly Benghazi debacle that she allowed to happen and then tried to cover up can be summed up in two words: she lied. Boiled down: Despite mountains of email evidence to the contrary, Clinton denied that she previously […]

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No Charges for Lerner at IRS: “Targeting Conservatives and Pro-Israel Groups Not Criminal” Says D.O.J.

She was accused of leading a supposedly neutral government department that targeted not-for-profit groups based on their political leaning, but after an investigation by the Department of Justice, Lois Lerner has been cleared, reports CNN: The probe found “substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment and institutional inertia leading to the belief by many tax-exempt applicants that the IRS targeted them […]

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Abbas demands “incentives” to stem Arab terror wave

PLO/Fatah chairman calls for Israel to release terrorists and resumed so-called “negotiations”. Mahmoud Abbas has demanded that Israel provide him political incentives in exchange for his efforts to stem the latest wave of Arab terror, Channel 10 reported Saturday night. Israel, however, is reportedly reluctant to agree to Abbas’ demands and has only offered the [Arabs] technical solutions. Abbas attended a series of […]

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California Passes Sweeping Laws to Protect, Welcome Illegals

A look at some [several] bills passed by the Democratic-controlled state legislature and signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown: — HEALTH CARE: A new law extends state-subsidized health care coverage to children from low-income families who are in the country illegally. The measure is expected to help 170,000 children. — UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN: This measure lets state courts appoint guardians […]

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Arab Terrorists Stab Yeshiva Student And Attempt Attack On Israeli School Bus Full of Jewish Children

Two [Arab Muslims] brandishing knives who were thwarted in an attempt to board a school bus full of children and stabbed a yeshiva student at the bus stop. The two assailants were shot and critically wounded in the Thursday morning attack in Beit Shemesh, a suburban community located outside of Jerusalem. One died on the way to a Jerusalem hospital. […]

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Hillary Clinton Admits She Broke U.S. Law in Benghazi

Hillary Clinton admitted to the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Thursday evening that she broke the law in handling security for the U.S. consulate there. Under patient but persistent questioning from Susan Brooks, Clinton admitted that she had not signed a waiver for security arrangements on the site, as required by the Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999 […]

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US Spied on Israel; Prepared to Destroy Israeli Bombers to Protect Iran

Obama moved U.S. carriers into the region to prevent Israeli craft from attacking suspected Iranian nuclear plant. In an explosive report we learn that ever since 2012, the United States has been spying on Israel in order to prevent the Jewish State from attacking suspected Iranian nuclear sites, according to Friday’s Wall Street Journal. The White House had sent an additional aircraft […]

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2 year old toddler nearly killed by brutal beating prompts call to withhold bail from illegal immigrants

When Francisco Javier Chavez posted bail on charges of beating a California toddler within an inch of her life in late July, there was little reason to expect the illegal immigrant, who has spent much of his adult life hopping back and forth across the Mexican border, would return to face justice. Two weeks later, at his scheduled arraignment on […]

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Justin Trudeau: Canada’s Obama

The next Prime Minister of Canada will get along fine with Barack Hussein Obama. For years, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper has served as a welcome counterpoint to Barack Obama, and the object of wistful musings about what a fine President of the United States he would have been, if only he had been born south of the border: generally […]

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UN asked to take action against Iran for recent missile test while Obama signs nuke deal

How much more insane can you get? Is anyone actually surprised? The United States, France, Britain and Germany asked the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday to investigate and take “appropriate action” against Iran for conducting a ballistic missile test earlier this month, which they say violated U.N. sanctions. A report to the council committee monitoring sanctions against Iran from the […]

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2 Arab attackers stab Israeli Jew

Two Arab attackers stabbed an Israeli [Jew] on Thursday and were then shot by police, as [worthless] diplomatic efforts continued to try to bring an end to a monthlong spate of violence. Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the attackers, whose identities were not immediately known, were seriously wounded. Rosenfeld said the Israeli man was lightly wounded. Police spokeswoman Luba […]

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Israeli Arab Muslim Crushes Jew to Death; Arabs Celebrate

WARNING: Graphic images below. 55-year-old Avraham Asher Hasno HY”D (May G-d Avenge his blood) of Kiryat Arba in Judea got out of his car today to fight [so-called] “Palestinian” terrorists who were throwing rocks at Israeli cars. Hasno was deliberately run down by [an Arab’s] truck. Then the [Arab Muslims] celebrated Hasno’s death. Arab terrorists threw rocks at several cars […]

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Intel expert: New docs confirm Hillary gun-running op in Benghazi

As former Sectary of State Hillary Clinton prepares to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, new documentary evidence of a secret State Department gun-running operation is adding fuel to the controversy over the Department of Justice prosecution of arms dealer Marc Turi. A member of the independent Citizens Commission on Benghazi claims the publication Tuesday of new evidence […]

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France’s War Against the Jews

The attack on Israel’s sovereignty over the Temple Mount is just the beginning. This quoted article contains the word “Palestinian”. There is no such thing as a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel and the Jews. France’s plan to use its position at the UN Security Council to bring about the deployment of […]

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Leading Historian Backs Netanyahu Over Mufti’s Holocaust Role

And since the anti-Israel Obama administration just said “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments on Wednesday linking a Muslim leader to the Holocaust were not supported by scholarly evidence”, we thought we would prove otherwise. Middle East Forum scholar Dr. Wolfgang Schwanitz has backed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Wednesday night, after the premier was heavily criticized for stating that Mufti […]

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IRS to Recognize Same-Sex “Marriages” Anywhere in U.S.

The IRS will recognize same-sex marriages for tax purposes nationwide — even if they took place in any of the states that still haven’t legalized them — the U.S. Treasury said Wednesday. The Treasury’s announcement of proposed regulations to “interpret the terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ to include same-sex spouses” essentially formalizes the inevitable after the Supreme Court’s ruling in June […]

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It’s now legal to kill your elderly parent in California, but not to protect an unborn child

The state of California, ruled for decades by regressive liberalism, is a riddle, wrapped in a question surrounded by an enigma, as the saying goes. Little of what takes place there, in terms of public policy, makes much sense to the outside world (and probably not much sense even to many living there). For example, though they were born with […]

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Swedish Demonstrators Chant ‘Slaughter the Jews’

Hundreds of protesters in the Swedish city of Malmo were filmed chanting in Arabic about slaughtering Jews and stabbing soldiers. [So-called] “pro-Palestinian” groups organized a rally Monday in the city center against what they consider Israeli violence and to show solidarity with [Muslims in Israel] amid deadly measures taken by Israeli authorities to stop the recent spate of attacks on […]

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Paul Ryan: Job of U.S. Lawmaker Is to Put Yourself in Shoes of Foreigners

Interesting… because I thought his job was to protect this country and the American people. Conservative activists have renewed their scrutiny of Ryan’s support for a radical Republican policy of open borders. Breitbart News has discovered yet another little-noticed video in which Ryan articulates his commitment to immigration policies that would dissolve America’s sovereignty. The video, uploaded by the Journal Times, shows Ryan at a July […]

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