Category Archives: Articles

U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’

At the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, participating nations have prepared a treaty that would create an “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” giving Third World countries the power to haul the U.S. into a global court with enforcement powers. Congress would be bypassed – left out in the cold – by this climate deal, critics say. Policies once […]

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More Arab Terrorists Stab Jews in West Bank and Jerusalem – Two Dead

Knife-wielding [Arab terrorists] attacked Israelis in Jerusalem and the West Bank on Friday and police said they had shot dead two assailants, in a further wave of violence spurred partly by tensions over a Jerusalem holy site. Four people, including another [Arab] assailant, were wounded in the incidents at an Israeli paramilitary police checkpoint outside the West Bank city of Nablus and […]

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Two injured in Jerusalem light rail stabbing attack

Arab terrorist launched attack at Ammunition Hill light rail station; armed civilians helped neutralize him. An Arab terrorist stabbed two people at the Ammunition Hill light rail stop in Jerusalem Friday afternoon, close to 1:15 pm local time. One, a 22 year-old yeshiva student and US citizen, is suffering from stab wounds to his upper body, Arutz Sheva has just confirmed. A second victim, 20, […]

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Iranian Defense Minister Threatens ‘Bloodthirsty’ U.S. and Israel With ‘An Unforgettable Lesson’

Iranian Defense Minister Gen. Hossein Dehghan on Saturday issued a threat to the U.S. and Israel – who he called “warmongering” and “bloodthirsty” – in the event of a military move against his country. “[O]ur armed forces are always ready to give a response to the U.S. administration and the Zionist regime’s mischiefs,” Dehghan said on Saturday, according to Iran’s […]

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Iran has refused to accept the terms of the nuclear “agreement” it signed – Obama will “resume talks”

Who didn’t see this coming? The president and founder of MEMRI (Middle East Media Research Institute), Yigal Carmon, says the American media has dangerously refused to notice that Iran has not only not approved the terms of the JCPOA (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action it signed with the P5+1), but that it has no plans to do so. Even […]

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True Social Justice: Activists Shouting ‘Black Lives Matter’ Bring Hillary Speech To A Halt

Hillary Clinton just got a dose of her own medicine. Pass the popcorn please. On Friday, a Hillary Clinton speech was arrested by activists chanting “black lives matter” and singing, who generally took over the show. This already great news has an even greater twist, though: the event thus interrupted was the African Americans for Hillary rally in Atlanta, as noted […]

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Bernie Sanders and the Left: Abortion Is ‘Choice’ But Death Penalty is ‘Murder’

Question: how can we begin to explain the moral compass of liberals like Sanders who call imposing the death penalty on adults duly convicted of heinous crimes “murder,” but refer to the killing of innocent, unborn babies as “choice” or other grotesque euphemisms like “women’s health?” AL SHARPTON: With Biden out, Hillary Clinton is building her lead. The latest NBC […]

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Spitzer: I buried plan to give illegal immigrants licenses to help Hillary

In a stunning admission, former Gov. Eliot Spitzer says he buried a plan to give drivers’ licenses to illegal immigrants just to help Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign back in 2007. The licenses became a key issue in Clinton’s nomination fight with Barack Obama, who said he was for the licenses at a debate in Philly, while Clinton danced around taking […]

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RINO Ryan succeeds Boehner as speaker

“There’s nobody in the Republican Party who could be worse than Paul Ryan,” the president of the immigration control group NumbersUSA, Roy Beck implored. “He has spent his entire adulthood ideologically connected to the open borders crowd. Open Borders is in his ideological DNA. That’s the terrifying thing. He’s an ideologue and his spent his whole life working for ideologues. […]

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Iran Imprisons Another American; 4 Hostages Now Held

And Barack Hussein Obama wants to give terrorist Iran nuclear weapons. An Iranian-American businessman was arrested by Iranian security forces two weeks while he was visiting relatives in Tehran from his home base in Dubai, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. The newspaper, citing people briefed on the situation, said Siamak Namazi, head of strategic planning at Crescent Petroleum […]

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Egyptian TV host, historian agree: burning Jews the solution

An Egyptian television host and a noted historian agreed that burning Jews is the “only solution” for the “Jewish problem” on Tuesday, in an interview on Rahma TV.  Footage of the interview was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). “The Crusaders killed the Jews as well,” Islamic history professor Yusri Ahmad Zidan stated. “They rounded them up in a […]

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Qatari Foreign Minister: Israel ‘is Offending 1.5 billion Muslims’

Qatar’s Foreign Minister Khalid Al Attiyah yesterday accused Israel of “offending 1.5 billion Muslims” over the status of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, according to Israel National News. Speaking to Al Jazeera, the minister said, “I don’t think we are in a position to have any cooperation with Israel at this stage.” At this stage? That begs the question, at […]

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Coming to a city near you: Muslim Migrants fighting violently while throwing and destroying furniture of the refugee shelter

And Obama allowing U.N. to flood the U.S. with Muslim “refugees”. A senior FBI official has admitted the U.S. is finding it virtually impossible to screen out terrorists that could be hiding among the tens of thousands of Syrian migrants heading soon to American cities through the State Department’s refugee-resettlement program. These barbaric Muslim so-called “refugees” in Dresden are throwing […]

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Jewish IDF soldier injured in stabbing near Kiryat Arba

Israeli soldier injured in stabbing attack at Turn 160 on road linking Kiryat Arba to Hevron in Judea. An Israeli soldier was lightly injured Thursday morning in a stabbing attack at Turn 160 on the road linking Kiryat Arba to Hevron in Judea. According to an initial investigation, the knife-wielding Arab terrorist, a 23-year-old resident of Hevron, approached a group of security forces […]

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AIPAC Supports and Donates to Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Politicians Giving Nukes to Iran

You just don’t get any lower than this judenrat scum that support pure evil, endangers the Jewish people, and throws Israel under the bus. Democratic Senator Chris Coons from Delaware betrayed his backers and his voters when at the end of the summer, as the Senate returned from recess, he announced that he was supporting President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal […]

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British Schools Calling For Boycott Against Israel

When over three hundred university teachers and lecturers sign a public declaration in the UK Guardian newspaper of an academic boycott against Israeli academics you know there is a deep sickness in the cloistered halls of British academia. There is room to criticise Israel but, in the words of Booker Prize laureate, Howard Jacobson, when in literary terms “critical” describes […]

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Ted Cruz crushes left-wing media at Republican presidential debate (new JTF video)

Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) sparked one of the more contentious moments of Wednesday night’s GOP debate when he took issue with the way CNBC’s Carl Quintanilla phrased a question on the budget deal struck by President Barack Obama and Congress. “Congressional Republicans, Democrats and the White House are about to strike a compromise […]

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Islamic State Posting Pics of Babies with Knives to Celebrate Jewish Stabbings

From the barbaric “religion of peace” comes baby pictures with knives celebrating the mass murder of Jews. Social media is one of the tools ISIS uses to push its propaganda to the widest available audience. The Islamic terrorist group is not one to shy away from utilizing extreme shock value to proselytize its message of “death to the infidels.” And […]

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Obama Tells Police Chiefs The Police Are Racist

Obama declares “there’s some racial bias in the system.” Obama addressed the need for criminal justice reform in Chicago Tuesday afternoon in front of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Having grown up in a Chicago neighborhood near where shootings happen, the president said he knows all too well the effect rampant crime can have on a community. Obama first praised the police […]

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The IRS is still targeting conservatives

The IRS is still holding up the nonprofit applications of tea party groups, including one that has been waiting nearly six years for approval, as conservatives panned the Justice Department’s announcement last week that it had cleared the tax agency, and former senior executive Lois G. Lerner, of any wrongdoing. The Obama administration’s decision, outlined in a Friday afternoon letter […]

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Seventh Grader: Teacher Told Class God Is a Myth–and Grades Depended on Agreeing

A seventh grade student in Katy, Texas says that her reading teacher instructed her class that God is a “myth” and that any student who says God is a “fact” or an “opinion” is wrong. Jordan Wooley, a straight-A student at the West Memorial Junior High School–part of the Katy Independent School District (ISD)-said she and her classmates were told […]

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By the numbers: 778 Muslim terror attacks since Rosh Hashanah

The State of Israel submitted to the High Court for Justice Tuesday responses to nine petitions filed against the confiscation and demolition orders for the homes of six terrorists who killed Rabbi Eitam and Naama Henkin, Malachi Rosenfeld and Danny Gonen. The State requested for interim orders to be postponed, in the absence of grounds for the court to intervene. Since the beginning of 2013, […]

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State Department “Cracks Down” on Israel Travel – Employees restricted from Old City, West Bank

The Islam defending Obama administration couldn’t be any more openly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. The Department of State’s diplomatic security section is tightening restrictions on travel for its employees throughout Israel amid a spike in [Arab Muslim] violence that has killed at least eight [Israeli Jews], according to a recent internal report distributed to U.S. employees residing in the Jewish state. […]

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Planned Parenthood murders babies with beating hearts delivered during abortion procedures

In the latest video release from a pro-life organization exposing hideous, grotesque practices by Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, a doctor for a tissue-harvesting partner of the taxpayer-funded organization appears to admit that a baby’s “heart actually is still beating” at times following abortions. In addition, an ex-tissue procurement technician for StemExpress LLC, Holly O’Donnell, gave a first-person […]

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The Fantasy Islam – Welcome to the game of hiding what’s in the Koran

Fantasy Islam: A game in which an audience of non-Muslims wish with all their hearts that Islam was a “Religion of Peace,” and a Muslim strives to fulfill that wish by presenting a personal version of Islam that has little foundation in Islamic Doctrine. As I have mentioned before, “Fantasy Islam” is a popular game among many non-Muslims and so-called […]

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New York Nazi Times Front Page Indulges “Blunt” Arab Muslim “Protest Songs” Encouraging the Stabbing Murder of Jews

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel and the Jews. Jodi Rudoren and Rami Nazzal reported from the West Bank on the front page of Friday’s New York Times: “Palestinians Set Their Rage to Violent Beat.” The worst thing that Rudoren the Jerusalem bureau chief, and Nazzal had […]

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Unbelievable: New York City law enforcement is now handled by the European Union and U.N.

Quote: “The project … will seed a long-term network of experts and practitioners working to counter far-right extremism.” New York City is handing over part of is police power to “a new global, terror-busting network to try to combat homegrown extremism,” according to a press statement issued September 29. In an announcement made at the United Nations, New York Mayor […]

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France: Muslim screaming “Allahu akbar” & “Kill the Jews” stabs Jew, punches rabbi

“The initial official report was that a Rabbi and two congregants had been stabbed by a ‘drunk’. But the real story is turning out to be more of the same old Muslim supremacism and anti-Semitism.” (Daniel Greenfield) Europe is ridding itself of its Jews by allowing millions of these Jew-haters to colonize the continent. They not only sacrifice the Jews, […]

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12-Year-Olds Taught in America: “Islam and 9/11 Not Connected”

How stealth Jihad gets at our kids. Parents in Illinois are outraged that a public school there is painting a positive picture of Islam and teaching impressionable young students that Islam bears no responsibility for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States. This is just the latest incident demonstrating a growing trend in American education to portray the intolerant, […]

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Israeli Jew, 40, stabbed after rocks thrown at his car; terrorist fled

An Israeli man was stabbed by an Arab terrorist shortly before 10 a.m. on Sunday morning at the entrance to the haredi community of Metzad in Gush Etzion. Security forces and Magen David Adom teams were immediately dispatched to the scene. According to MDA, the condition of the injured victim, 40, is moderate. He has been transferred to Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem with stab wounds to the upper […]

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