Category Archives: Articles

Israel Defense Minister: Trump administration “warned us not to apply Israeli sovereignty to Judea and Samaria”

Defense Minister warns right-wing parties push for annexation of Judea and Samaria will bring an immediate crisis with US. [Traitor to the Jewish people and schmuck] Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beytenu) on Monday attended a meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Speaking to reporters at the beginning of the meeting, Liberman discussed the recent video […]

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North Korea fires four ballistic missiles

North Korea launched four ballistic missiles in the direction of Japan’s territorial waters on Sunday, a salvo that coincides with American and South Korean military drills in the region. “We are conducting an analysis [with the U.S.] on the missiles to determine their type and other specifications,” the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff said, according to Yonhap News Agency. […]

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So-Called ’97 Percent’ Global Warming ‘Consensus’ Number is a HOAX

We’ve heard it time and time again: “97 percent of scientists agree global warming is real and man-made.” Question one aspect of the global warming “consensus” and politicians and activists immediately whip out the figure. “You disagree with 97 percent of scientists?” The 97 percent figure was often used by the Obama administration to bolster its case for phasing out fossil […]

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It Begins: Alabama Drive-In Becomes the First Theater to Boycott ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Over Openly Gay Character in Children’s Movie

Disney’s live-action film “Beauty and the Beast” will be Disney’s “gayest movie yet.” Director Bill Condon revealed that with the recent progress the LGBTQ community has seen, he was influenced to portray a gay “moment” between two of the characters — Gaston and LeFou. Condon told Attitude that LeFou’s admiration for Gaston runs a little deeper than just a bromance: “LeFou […]

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Now in Israel: LGBT groups pressure preschools to drop all “Mom and Dad” references and provide gay coloring books

A new directive from Israel’s Education Ministry calls on preschool teachers to stop referring to “Mom and Dad” in preschool activities. The staff at the pro-LGBT Hoshen Organization, which offers training to preschool staff on the subjects of gender and sexual identity, has suggested Israeli preschool teachers speak about “parents” instead of “Mom and Dad.” “It’s worth remembering that there […]

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NYPD police claim Jewish graves destroyed “due to neglect” and “not act of vandalism”

And of course, it’s not a hate crime either. Headstones toppled at a cemetery that serves the Jewish community in Brooklyn, New York, were determined to be due to neglect, not vandalism. The fallen headstones at the Washington Cemetery was discovered on Saturday night, according to reports. At first vandalism was suspected. New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind tweeted photos of […]

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Netanyahu to Be Grilled by Police for Fourth Time on Monday for Corruption Charges

Police will question Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu under caution on Monday for a fourth time. The investigation will reportedly deal with both criminal investigations into Netanyahu, termed Case 1000 and Case 2000. The probe into Case 1000 may take longer than previously thought, with it now expected to end sometime in April instead of in late March, as investigators had […]

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Chuck Schumer helped Muslim athlete ‘overcome’ the travel ban — now charged with heinous sex crime against a child

New York Sen. Chuck Schumer (D) recently helped an Indian snowshoe athlete get a visa to come to the United States to compete in an event. Now that athlete has been charged with a heinous sex crime against a child. Schumer, the Senate minority leader, along with Clyde Rabideau, mayor of Saranac Lake, New York, petitioned for Tanveer Hussain and […]

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Iran Defense Minister: “Main threat” is from US and Israel, “We need to hit the enemy where it hurts the most”

Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan recently said that the main threat to Iran was from America and its ally, Israel, and that in order to gain the upper hand in battle Iran should operate in a situation of asymmetric warfare, and have sufficient power to surprise the enemy in order to “hit it where it hurts the most.” He was […]

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Illegal Alien Molests 3-Year-Old of Family Who Let Him Stay

Douglas Hus-Flores, a 19-year-old from Guatamala has been arrested on charges of first-degree sexual assault and risk of injury to a minor, after he molested the 3-year-old daughter of that family that he lived with. An immigration detainer has been placed on him as well as a $250,000 court appearance bond, following his arraignment at the Stamford courthouse Thursday afternoon. The […]

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Why Were the 7,000 Antisemitic Incidents Under Obama Largely Ignored?

You know why. Because the liberal media was protecting Obama. In the last two months, almost 100 Jewish community centers and day schools have been targeted with antisemitic threats. The map of the threats is shocking. It stretches from Maine to Florida, Texas, Colorado, all the way to California and Washington. Despite more than 190 antisemitic incidents, no arrests have been made. […]

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Facebook Reopens PLO Fatah Page, Enables Terror Promotion

Facebook reinstated Fatah’s terror-promoting page after only two days, without demanding the removal of violent posts calling on Muslims to murder Jews. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. On Monday, Facebook shut down the terror-promoting account belonging to Fatah, the ruling […]

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TSA Keeps Docs From Federal Investigators

House Committee On Oversight and Government Reform (HOGR) Chairman Jason Chaffetz threatened to subpoena the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Thursday for documents the agency refuses to turn over to federal investigators probing whistleblower retaliation. The Utah Republican was taken aback when Acting TSA Administrator Huban Gowadia said unwritten guidance from the Department of Homeland Security permits her agency to withhold […]

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Does Accepting Homosexuality Curb the Spread of HIV? A 35-Year Experiment

In 1981, a flush of gay infections announced the American AIDS epidemic.  A debate ensued: should homosexuality be suppressed by closing gay bars and baths, outlawing homosexual activity, and rigorously enforcing laws against public sex, etc., thus dampening opportunities for homosexuals to spread the disease?  Or should it be mainstreamed by “reducing discrimination” – passing LGBT legal protections, admitting gay […]

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LOL: Nancy Pelosi Demands To See Details Of ObamaCare Replacement Before It Passes

You know it. I know it. Any changes to Obamacare are going to be a complete disaster. It needs to be repealed. Instead, these politicians are hiding what they are doing. Hypocrite Nancy Pelosi joins in to protest. Senator Rand Paul spent his Thursday … drawing attention to the fact that the House Republican leadership isn’t too keen on letting members in […]

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A third Jewish cemetery has been vandalized in two weeks, this time in Rochester

A Jewish cemetery in Rochester, N.Y., was found vandalized Thursday morning, making it the third such graveyard incident over the past two weeks. Officials at the Waad Hakolel Cemetery, known as the Stone Road Cemetery, reported five toppled headstones. Britton Road Association president, Michael Phillips, was hesitant about labeling the incident a hate crime. “I don’t want to label it […]

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Muslim teen facing 20 years in jail for machete attack on Jewish teacher “in Allah’s name”

Islamic Jew-hatred – it’s in the Quran. The 17-year-old monster is being tried as a child. “We are targeted by terrorists because we are French and because we are Jewish. No one feels safe. We get spat on and verbally insulted every single day. Anti-Semitism – a hideous monster – is still very much alive.” TEEN JIHADI FACING 20 YEARS […]

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Bernie Sanders asks: Shouldn’t U.S. aid to Israel be diverted to Muslim terrorists in Gaza?

  At a time when anti-Semitic attacks are at an all time high, Bernie Sanders wants to make all donations to the Jews in Judea and Samaria illegal and give money to the terrorist PLO that mass-murders Jews. Sen. Bernie Sanders asked David Friedman, President Donald Trump’s nominee to be ambassador to Israel, whether he would back using funds earmarked for […]

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Feds Spend almost $400,000 to Study Transgender Ugandans

The federal government is spending $393,790 to study Ugandan men who identify as women…  in a study designated for men. The Free Beacon reports: A new grant worth $163,996 was awarded just six days into the Trump administration, continuing a project that was initially awarded in April 2016. Leading researchers on the project say it is “problematic” that there is an “almost complete lack […]

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Islamic State: “Dress up like a Jew and make sure you have plenty of weapons under your coat”

Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists have issued a chilling call for fellow [Muslims] to ‘terrorise’ Jewish communities in the West. … Supporters were advised to ‘dress up like a Jew’ and conceal weapons under their coats before ‘unleashing the pain of the Muslims’ on their victims. The terrifying call to arms emerged on an ISIS-linked Telegram channel called Lone Mujahid – a chat […]

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Disney to Push Homosexuality on Children in Upcoming ‘Beauty and the Beast’: “Disney’s Gayest Film Ever”

And now back to our regularly scheduled cultural suicide. According to The Telegraph, Disney’s new live action Beauty and the Beast “will star a manservant exploring his sexuality.” Super. Apparently, Emma Watson’s Beauty has gotten a feminist makeover, and the character of Le Fou has the hots for his boss Gaston. The Telegraph cites an interview director Bill Condon did […]

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Trump Suggests Wave of Anti-Semitic Incidents Could Be False Flags Perpetrated by Jews

Similar suggestions have been a theme on Nazi conspiracy theory websites and are being promoted aggressively by Nazi leader David Duke on his Twitter account. U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday indicated for the second time that he believes it is possible that the current wave of anti-Semitic incidents could be “false flags” – perpetrated by the left or by Jews themselves […]

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Father of soldier convicted for shooting a terrorist during stabbing attack: “I knew from the outset they were setting up my son”

Charlie Azariya, father of convicted IDF soldier Elor Azariya, said Wednesday he would fight until his son’s innocence is proven. Charlie Azariya, father of convicted IDF soldier Elor Azariya, said Wednesday at a press conference that that court had made a mistake in convicting his son and promised to fight until the truth emerged regarding the matter. “All the people […]

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FCC votes to block internet privacy rule that would protect consumers’ personal data

The Federal Communications Commission on Wednesday voted 2-1 along party lines to block a new internet privacy rule from taking effect. The rule would have required internet service providers to take more stringent steps to protect consumers’ personal data. The provision was part of a larger set of broadband privacy rules passed by the FCC in October under the Obama administration, and […]

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Trump: Black colleges an ‘absolute priority’ in my administration

Are black only colleges actually racist segregation? What do you think would happen if someone opened an all white only college? And why is this a top priority for Trump? When did equal rights turn into special privileges? President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order aimed at bolstering historically black colleges and universities, and said his administration will make […]

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Moshe Feiglin Is Right: “Return the State of Israel to the People”

Former Knesset member Moshe Feiglin, chairman of the Zehut party, spoke this evening (Tuesday) to two-thousand participants at the party convention held at Hangar 11 in Tel Aviv Port. Feiglin introduced the new party’s principles and referred to the report on Operation Protective Edge: “Everyone is talking about the Protective Edge report, while ignoring the basic facts: the government sent […]

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Bill Nye wants “climate change skeptics” put in jail; Says “we’ll see what happens”

Bill Nye, who is not actually a real scientist, said that he believes anyone that disagrees with him on global warming should be put in jail because it “affects his quality of life”. Global warming skeptics should be jailed by the federal government because “this extreme doubt about climate change is affecting my quality of life as a public citizen,” […]

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More Rockets Fired By Arab Muslim Terrorists in Southern Israel; No Injuries

A rocket landed in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, bordering the Gaza Strip, overnight Sunday. No injuries or damage were reported. IDF forces are searching the area. Red alert sirens were not sounded as the rocket fell in an open, unpopulated area. Just last week, Two rockets launched from the Sinai Peninsula exploded near Moshav Naveh in southern Israel’s Eshkol […]

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THE THREATS CONTINUE: At least 20 bomb threats were made to Jewish institutions in 12 or more states on Monday

At least 20 bomb threats were made to Jewish institutions in 12 or more states on Monday, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), causing the organization to issue a security advisory. The wave of threats was the fifth in recent weeks and came one day after Jewish community leaders found more than 500 headstones toppled at a Jewish cemetery in Philadelphia. […]

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PLO’s Ambassador to Iran: “I Pray that Iran Will Produce 1,000 Nuclear Bombs”

In a February 20 interview on Hizbullah’s Al-Manar TV, [PLO] Ambassador to Iran Salah Zawawi warned against what he called the “Western enterprise” to establish the Greater Israel and to turn the Arabs into “servants, if not slaves in our region.” “I pray to Allah that Iran will produce 1,000 nuclear bombs,” he said, adding that they would not be […]

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Canada: Ontario unanimously passes “anti-islamophobia” motion to make it against the law to criticize Islam

The Ontario legislature unanimously passed an anti-Islamophobia motion Thursday afternoon, a marked difference from the heated debate happening among Conservatives over a similar motion at the federal level…. …Des Rosiers introduced the motion Dec. 1 in response to incidents in her Ottawa-Vanier riding such as anti-Muslim graffiti, and young women wearing hijabs who were spat on, she said. It took […]

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CNN’s Chris Cuomo Doubles Down: 12-year-old girls who don’t want to see a penis and “overprotective and intolerant dads” are “the problem”

Last Thursday, the day after co-moderating the DNC chair debate on CNN with Dana Bash, Chris Cuomo took to Twitter to ask if 12-year-old girls who didn’t want to see a man’s penis are “the problem” or if the problem is actually “overprotective and intolerant dads.” Needless to say, he got excoriated on Twitter, and rightfully so. National Review’s David […]

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JTF This Week: 18 months in prison for IDF soldier who killed terrorist; Trump has changed nothing in Israel (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 18 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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“There are 15 terror tunnels under Gaza border” after Netanyahu sends them cement, food, and supplies

Gee, I wonder where they got all the cement to make those tunnels? Remember all those trucks of cement, food, supplies, and medicine sent to them by Netanyahu we warned about? From Arutz Sheva: The State Comptroller will release the report on Operation Protective Edge on Tuesday, two and a half years after the conflict. Senior officials in the Security Cabinet […]

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