Category Archives: Articles

Meet the Trump admin official paid to promote LGBT ‘rights’ around the world

President Trump is keeping in place a special international LGBT “envoy” established by the Obama administration to promote acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism abroad in the name of U.S. foreign policy. The decision to preserve open homosexual Randy Berry as Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTI Persons was reported Monday by the homosexual newspaper Washington Blade. It is another […]

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Trump Snaps at Jewish Reporter Who Asks How He Will Tackle anti-Semitism

‘Sit down, I understand the rest of your question. I’m the least anti-Semitic person you have ever seen in your entire life,’ the U.S. president tells an ultra-Orthodox reporter. U.S. President Donald Trump lashed out on Thursday at an ultra-Orthodox Jewish reporter who asked him what his administration is prepared to do against anti-Semitism, apparently interpreting the question as a […]

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Obeying the Bible Is Illegal: Washington State Supreme Court Says Florists Must Participate in Same-Sex Ceremonies

Shame on the silent religious leaders who refuse to stand against government tyranny! There is only one thing more appalling than the Washington Supreme Court’s 9-0 ruling against religious liberty today. It is the silence of Christian [and Jewish] leaders across America, leaders who choose convenience over confrontation, leaders who would rather be popular than prophetic, leaders who prefer the favor […]

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Two Muslims plead guilty to terror plot to set off pressure-cooker bomb in NYC for Islamic State

Two New York residents accused of conspiring to support ISIS and plotting to set off a pressure-cooker bomb in the city have pleaded guilty to all charges, federal prosecutors and New York officials said. Munther Omar Saleh, 21, of Queens, and Fareed Mumuni, 22, of Staten Island, were charged with “conspiring and attempting to provide material support” to ISIS and […]

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Trump Tells Netanyahu to “Hold Back on Settlements”; Netanyahu Says He Is “Ready to Study Restraining Settlement Building”

After meeting with Trump, Netanyahu says he is “ready to study restraining the building in the settlements.” During a joint press conference today, Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu talked “peace”, “two-state solutions”, and other major topics. But it’s what Trump said regarding settlements that has the Internet buzzing. Via CNN: President Donald Trump told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday […]

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Traitor Defense Minister Liberman Vows Airport for Mass-Murdering Hamas Terrorists… in Arabic

With an airport, terrorist Hamas would immediately import weapons and missiles from Iran and other terrorist countries. Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman on Thursday turned to the [PLO] to urge Hamas to lay down its arms in order to set the stage to facilitate “direct negotiations” and “compromises” between the sides. Speaking Arabic as part of an interview published on the official website […]

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GOP senators unnerved by Trump-Russia relationship

Senate Republicans are expressing growing concerns about the relationship between the Trump administration and Russia. While Republicans aren’t yet willing to endorse a special investigative committee, GOP senators have indicated that could change. “Everybody is unnerved by what they read, but [they’re] not going to make decisions based on headlines,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman […]

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Poll: 46% of Russians Have Positive Views of Mass-Murdering Dictator Joseph Stalin

Positive views of dictator Joseph Stalin among Russians has reached a 16-year high, The Washington Post reported. In a survey conducted on the topic of Russian and Soviet leaders, 46 percent of Russians expressed a positive view of Stalin, while 32 percent said they had “respect” for Stalin. The 46 percent was the highest percentage of positive answers since the […]

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REPORT: Iran warns Trump NOT to disclose secret deals in Obama’s Iran deal

It sounds like Iran is very worried about Trump releasing the secret deals that are involved in Obama’s Iran deal, so much so that they are already warning Trump not to release any information: FREE BEACON – Senior Iranian officials are warning the Trump administration about disclosing secret deals related to the nuclear deal that have long been hidden from […]

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Scalia Breaks It Down: Is There a “Right” to Immigrate to the U.S.?

Monday marks a year since the tragedy of Justice Antonin Scalia’s death while on a hunting trip in west Texas, and his legal insight remains as poignant and pertinent as the day he left this world. The Ninth Circuit court has recently come under fire from all sides for their “absurd,” “dangerous,” and “damningly silly” ruling against President Donald Trump’s […]

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CIA Chief Met With Fatah PLO Abbas Immediately Before Netanyahu-Trump Summit

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. From Haaretz: CIA director Mike Pompeo met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday in Ramallah, a day before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s White House meeting with U.S. President Donald […]

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More leaks: Mike Flynn wasn’t only Trump aide communicating with Russia pre-election

Yet another leak is slamming into the Trump administration tonight, with the accusation that Mike Flynn wasn’t the only advisor who contacted the Russians before the election, but many aides did it, many many times. Watch below: From the New York Times, who broke the story: Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential […]

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What do the world’s 15 worst countries for women all have in common? Islam.

In a culture that permits physical abuse from a husband, convicts rape victims of adultery and stones them, cuts off clitorises of young girls so they may never enjoy sex, forces women to cover their entire bodies seeing them as vulgar sexual organs, doesn’t allow women to drive or vote in elections, allows marriage to underage girls and young children, and allows men to have sex […]

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Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary Also Used Unsecure Email To Share Sensitive Information With Foreign Officials

The private email used in work instances by former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson was not only unsecure, it was used to exchange sensitive information with foreign officials. As a result of obtaining 216 pages of documents filed by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act request, it can be seen that Johnson used his private email to conduct […]

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Ted Cruz in push to revoke citizenship from Americans who join Islamic State

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is renewing a push for Congress to pass legislation that would revoke the citizenship of any American who tries to join the Islamic State or other terrorist groups. Cruz thinks that banning people from terrorist-stricken countries from entering the U.S. only deals with half of the problem, and that the federal government also needs to worry […]

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Senator Bob Corker: “Israel Blocked Trump From Moving U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem”

Honestly, how is Netanyahu not acting like Obama? Unbelievable! U.S. President Donald Trump has a lot of opposition to his promise to finally move the American embassy back to Jerusalem. No one expected Israel itself to be among that opposition. But that’s precisely what US Senator Bob Corker, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, suggested in an interview with […]

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Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn resigns over Russian contacts

“Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail”, officials say. President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, resigned late on Monday after revelations that he had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office and misled Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations. Flynn’s resignation came hours after it was reported […]

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DOJ: TSA workers smuggled 20 tons of cocaine into the US

You know the airport security that pat down 10 year old girls and stripped searched disabled senior citizens in wheelchairs? Turns out, some of them smuggled a ton of drugs into the country while they pulled you aside and questioned you because you brought deodorant in your luggage. Twelve current and former Transportation Security Administration employees are facing charges they smuggled millions […]

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University scientists claim left-wing violence is caused by global warming: “The planet made them do it”

Iowa State University scientists have published an analysis that claims global warming is the root cause behind the increase in violence we’re witnessing right now across society. Not only does the analysis fall for the global warming climate hoax based on fraudulently manipulated temperature data and severe scientific fraud committed by the NOAA, it also seeks to dissociate violent left-wing […]

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Trump’s Secretary of State Funding Hamas: “Tillerson, Stop funding terror!”

The investigation demonstrated that through an organization posing as a “Palestinian” humanitarian aid agency, millions of dollars were transferred over the last few years to educational and welfare institutions identified with Hamas, which is considered a terror organization by the US. In the wake of the new revelations, Shurat Hadin appealed to the new Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, demanding […]

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Netanyahu Takes Off for Trump Meeting: “We See Eye to Eye on Mideast” and “Two-State Solution” Deal With Terrorists

Netanyahu informed Security Cabinet that he told Trump last month that he supports PLO terrorist state, even though nothing can keep it demilitarized. The ONLY thing that will save Israel is to throw them out of Israel – not make a deal with terrorists. Natanyahu says he believes exaclty what Trump believes. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or […]

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Trump Not A Big Fan Of Fifth And Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution

Civil asset forfeiture is the power of government to seize property suspected of being produced by, or involved in, criminal activity based only on the suspicion of such activity, even before being charged or convicted of a crime. There is no “due process” protection as spelled out in the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution, specifically protection against the […]

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These 27 Universities Purchased Body Parts From Aborted Babies for Experimentation

In the process of its investigation into the fetal tissue markets, panel investigators found just how deeply entrenched many of the nation’s top universities are in the abortion industry. The depth of this entanglement between many universities and abortion clinics has been exposed by the Select Panel’s research into the fetal tissue industry. Many taxpayers would be outraged that many […]

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South Carolina 6th Graders Learn Five Pillars of Islam

Kids in public schools learning about the religion of Islam in great detail continues to happen in the U.S.A. TruthRevolt has kept a careful eye on this phenomenon, reporting on instances such as in California, Florida, Tennessee, and Minnesota where students either sang songs about Ramadan (complete with the lyrics “Allahu Akbar”), designed a Muslim prayer rug, or wrote down the […]

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While 800 Jews expelled from Amona are homeless, Israeli groups deliver coats to Arab “refugees” in Syria connected to Al Qaeda

HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed, Dror Israel and the Combat Genocide Association collected about 3,000 boxes of winter clothing and supplies as part of “Operation Human Warmth” – except there was no warmth for their fellow Jews in Israel. “Refugees” in Syria will soon be receiving donated winter supplies — but they won’t know that the coats and boots keeping them warm […]

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Not The Onion: Saudi Crown Prince Receives CIA Medal For “Efforts Against Terrorism”

We are sad to report that despite the change in administration, the “new” CIA is exactly the same as the “old” one. In a stunning mockery of fact, either real, “alternative” or gratuitously made up, on Friday the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, who is also Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, received a medal […]

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Justice Department Kills Obama’s Pervs-In-The-Girls-Bathroom Rule

Last May, the Obama administration carried out a direct assault on Western civilization. In a single directive, issued without the benefit of Congressional input or even an attempt to adhere to rule-making procedure under the Administrative Procedure Act, the Obama administration decreed that the mentally ill and sexual perverts who claim to be mentally ill had to be allowed to […]

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Nearly 1 in 5 immigrants in U.S. illegally in mostly liberal NYC, Los Angeles areas

A report shows nearly one in five immigrants in the U.S. illegally live in the New York and Los Angeles metropolitan areas. The report released Thursday by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center estimates more than 2 million immigrants in the country illegally lived in the two areas in 2014. Pew says the country has about 11.1 million immigrants who do […]

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Trump: Settlement Construction Unhelpful to “Peace”, Israel Should Act “Reasonably” and “I don’t want to condemn Israel”

Trump claims Jews building on their own land and building in Jerusalem is “unreasonable” and prevents “peace” because it upsets Muslim terrorists. Trump says that expanding the settlements eats away at the remaining territory. “Advancing settlement activity is not helpful to peace”, US President Donald Trump said ahead of his meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In the brief excerpt of the […]

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Sunni Muslim Arab countries to be part of Trump’s solution for “peace” for Israel

American Middle East policy experts believe that US President Donald Trump is seeking to bring Sunni Arab states, such as Egypt (that runs anti-Semitic television shows claiming Jews use children’s blood in their matza) and Saudi Arabia (where most of the 9-11 hijackers were from), into his emerging framework for a peace settlement between Israel and the [terrorist PLO], according […]

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9th Circuit announced it’s decision to stop Trump’s travel ban from Muslim terrorist countries

The 9th Circuit announced it’s decision on the appeal by the Trump administration on the restraining order placed on his travel ban, and they have found AGAINST the stay. BREAKING: 9th Circuit DENIES stay. — Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) February 9, 2017 9th circuit court of appeals rules against reinstating travel ban. #BREAKING — Lance West (@lancewest) February 9, 2017 […]

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Matt Drudge now says Trump’s own Republican party of ‘should be sued for fraud’

Matt Drudge, who supported Donald Trump throughout the presidential campaign, expressed frustration with Trump’s own party Wednesday, saying Republicans “should be sued for fraud.” Drudge rarely speaks out publicly, but in a tweet sent Wednesday morning, Drudge blasted Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for invoking a little-known Senate rule Tuesday night, which resulted in Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren no […]

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