Category Archives: Articles

Trump’s ego bruised: says “Iowa meaningless”, turns into cry baby

Is this what you would want for a president? Me either. Donald Trump went into the Iowa caucuses on Monday as the Republican presidential front-runner and finished an unexpected second. Now, he is retweeting a follower who declared Iowa is “meaningless” in the overall election picture. “@restorereality Iowa is meaningless…keep pushing forward, run the table in NH SC NV and […]

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Another Hamas terrorist dies in illegal terror tunnel collapse

Why are these terrorists and supporters not being eliminated or, at the very least, thrown out of Israel? Because it’s “racist” to defend yourself. A member of Hamas’s “military arm,” the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, has died after an underground tunnel collapsed in the Gaza Strip Tuesday. The terrorist was identified by Hamas’s Al Aqsa TV station as 23-year-old Khaider a-Zahar. His […]

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Trump: I Can Appeal to Sanders Voters on Trade Because Of Our Similar Views

If this isn’t a wake-up call about phony deal making Trump, I don’t know what is. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says he can appeal to supporters of independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is making a strong challenge in the Democratic race, because they have similar views on trade “We are getting horribly beaten in trade,” Trump said in […]

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Stephen Colbert Exposes Trump’s Flip-Flops In Hilarious “Trump vs Trump” Debate

On The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, host Stephen Colbert played a hilarious “debate” consisting of videos of Donald Trump showing how he’s radically changed position on a variety of issues–sometimes with only weeks in between the time the videos were shot. It’s pretty eye-opening: Given that the oldest video in this montage (minus, of course, old endorsement commercials) is […]

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UMass Students Earn Academic Credit for Building Gay LGBTQA-Themed Light Displays

No. We’re not making this up. Parents typically work especially hard to ensure their children have the opportunity to attend college and receive the education and skill-sets needed to make it in the world. Apparently, a requisite life-skill is to learn how to make an electronic light signs with a gay, lesibian, bisexual, transgender, queer and asexual theme. In other words, “Queer […]

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Evil Netanyahu-Yaalon-Bennett-Deri regime in Israel extends anti-democratic imprisonment of Jewish hero Meir Ettinger by 4 months

בס”ד ‘A political arrest in the worst prison branch in Israel’ Meir Ettinger’s administrative arrest extended another 4 months without trial as he hunger strikes – his wife tells all. By Shimon Cohen Nationalist activist Meir Ettinger had his administrative detention extended on Monday by an additional four months by Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon (Likud). He has been held since […]

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David Limbaugh: Vote Cruz in Iowa

I keep hearing from supporters of other GOP candidates that Ted Cruz can’t win the general election because he is too conservative and too preachy. These same people criticize him for not being authentically conservative and also support others who are preachy. I have long lamented the conventional wisdom, swallowed whole by many nominally conservative Republicans, that a true-blue consistent […]

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Why I’m not supporting Trump

When the publisher of National Review Magazine, Jack Fowler, called and asked me to write 300 words on why I oppose Donald Trump for president of the United States, my first thought was about the derision that was sure to come from Trump supporters. I was not disappointed, or rather I am disappointed that no one who reacted negatively rebutted […]

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To ‘Reaffirm the Importance of Religious Freedom,’ Obama to Visit US Mosque With Ties To Terrorists

The White House announced on Saturday that President Obama will be visiting a Baltimore mosque on Wednesday—the first time he’s done so in the U.S.  The intended purpose, according to the White House, is to “celebrate the contributions Muslim Americans make to our nation and reaffirm the importance of religious freedom to our way of life.” “The president will hold a […]

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John Kerry: The Bible Commands Us To Protect Muslims From Global Warming

Kerry begins this speech by stating that someone named ‘Shriek’ had drafted a strategy for American and Muslim relations. Who this Shriek is exactly is unknown, but apparently his words ‘religion matters’ is ‘a mantra in the State Dept’. Kerry continues stating that ‘our faiths’ referring to Christianity and Islam are ‘inextricably linked’. Kerry’s words are bizarre, to say the […]

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Boko Haram Jihadis Burn Children Alive, Slay Over 100 Villagers in Nigeria Massacre

In one of their most heinous massacres to date, [Muslim terrorists from] Boko Haram group slaughtered over a hundred victims in a village in northeast Nigeria Saturday night, including a number of children whom they burned alive. The latest atrocity from the jihadi group allied to the Islamic State took place in the village of Dalori, some three miles from Maiduguri, […]

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Ted Cruz Is the Real Deal

You know you are not a member of the Republican establishment when Karl Rove tells you to “never darken the door of the White House again.” That happened to me in 2002, and that’s when I knew I had chosen the right side on the immigration issue. Things have changed in 2016; the establishment is under siege. But who is […]

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Michael Reagan: My Father Would Be ‘Absolutely Appalled’ By Trump as GOP Nominee

Donald Trump’s comparison of his “conversion” to conservative as similar to that of Ronald Reagan distorts the real estate billionaire’s long liberal history, the son of the late president tells Newsmax TV. In an interview Friday with “Newsmax Now” host John Bachman, political commentator Michael Reagan said his father’s change from Democrat to Republican “wasn’t something that happened overnight.” “Donald Trump […]

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Iranian commander: We’re doubling our missile activities

Iran remains unfazed by United States sanctions over its ballistic missile program, boasts of doubling its efforts to produce missiles. Iran remains unfazed by the United States sanctions imposed on it over its ballistic missile program and is continuing its anti-American rhetoric. In fact, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps on Saturday said that Iran has actually […]

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Gallup: Trump Has Highest Unfavorable Rating of Any Candidate Ever

Donald Trump has the highest unfavorable rating since Gallup began tracking the indicator for nominated candidates from either political party during the 1992 elections. Just two days before the Iowa caucuses, 60 percent of Americans surveyed view Trump unfavorably, versus 33 percent who see him favorably. By comparison, Democrat Hillary Clinton’s rating is 52 percent, while Jeb Bush’s is 45 […]

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Why would any religious person vote for Trump?? Country’s first strip-club-in-a-casino in the Trump Casino

Trump is not a person who has ever (and I mean ever) been a moral person or someone who followed the Bible in any way. Scores, the New York-based franchise, will open its $25 million entertainment complex in the Trump Taj Mahal in August, according to a company spokeswoman. The site was about two years in the making and will […]

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Silent Intifada Weekly Summary: Nearly 100 terror attacks this week leave one Jew murdered and six injured

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that […]

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EMAIL FALLOUT: State Department withholds ‘top secret’ Clinton memos; some ‘too damaging’ to release

The intelligence community has deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging” to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding. The determination was first reported by Fox News, hours before the State Department formally […]

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Ted Cruz Super PACs Offer $1.5 Million for Veterans if Donald Trump Will Debate Him One-on-One In Iowa

A pair of pro-Ted Cruz Super PACs just offered $1.5 million for veterans if Donald Trump will debate Cruz one-on-one in Iowa before Sunday evening. Keep The Promise I and Keep The Promise II offered up the sizable donation for America’s veterans on Wednesday evening. The principal donors of Keep the Promise I, the Mercer family, and Keep the Promise […]

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Read Letter Ted Cruz Just Sent Donald Trump Formally Inviting Him to One-On-One Debate

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz sent a letter to 2016 rival Donald Trump late Wednesday, formally challenging the billionaire businessman to a one-on-one debate this Saturday. Cruz’s campaign said a space had been reserved at the Western Iowa Tech Community College in Sioux City for a debate to take place at 8:00 p.m. “We owe it to the men and […]

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Obama Joins Israel Boycott, Labels West Bank Goods

In a step towards joining an Israel boycott, the U.S. is now requiring goods originating from the West Bank (also known as Judea and Samaria) to be labeled separately from products from the rest of Israel, following the European Union’s crackdown on products from the disputed territories. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection service, which falls under the Department of Homeland Security […]

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Donald Trump will soon betray the GOP

It’s hard to believe that some people – the same people who have been complaining that the phony RINO “republicans” have betrayed their conservative voters by making “deals” – can’t see that Trump is just more of the same by his very own history. Right now, conservatives are being torn between two conflicting ways of thinking about the clear frontrunner […]

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More Taxes? Both Sanders and Clinton Promise to Raise Taxes in Dem Primary

[Fox News] – Benjamin Franklin is credited with the observation that nothing is certain “except death and taxes.” Bernie Sanders would probably agree, and then some. In an election season marked by populist anger, his plan to raise at least $19.58 trillion in higher taxes over 10 years — almost 20 times the tax hikes Hillary Clinton proposes — has […]

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Ted Cruz is right—most New York values don’t work for the rest of the country

New York — With the news that former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is again pondering a presidential run against a field currently dominated by a Manhattan real estate mogul, a Brooklyn-reared socialist and the former junior senator from the Empire State, it’s time to grudgingly acknowledge that maybe Ted Cruz was onto something after all: The last thing Campaign 2016 […]

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National Coalition of Rabbis Endorse Ted Cruz for President

A coalition of rabbis representing Jews throughout America — cutting a wide swath of Orthodox Judaism, from the Modern Orthodox left to the ultra-Orthodox right — have united to back the candidacy of Republican Texas senator Ted Cruz for president, can exclusively report. For church-state reasons, the rabbis are signing their “open letter” independent of their congregational, educational and […]

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Donald Trump can’t bear to have anyone question his record. That’s why he won’t debate

Jeb on Trump: “Poor little Donald, being mistreated,” he added. “If you think he’s going to be mistreated now? … How do you think the general election’s going to work out? Or dealing with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin? Or dealing with the challenges of being president?” “Donald Ducks.” With a tip of the hat to my friend Chris Loesch for the […]

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Following Trump’s Backing Out Of Fox News Debate, Ted Cruz Challenges Trump to One-On-One Debate

Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz on Tuesday challenged 2016 rival Donald Trump to a one-on-one debate after the real estate mogul announced he would skip the debate hosted by Fox News later this week. Cruz made the challenge during an appearance on conservative radio host Mark Levin’s show. .@tedcruz: “If @realDonaldTrump is afraid of Megyn Kelly… let’s have debate mano […]

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Hillary Clinton Considering Appointing Obama to Supreme Court

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is open to the idea of nominating President Barack Obama for a seat on the Supreme Court, she said Tuesday, responding to a question at an Iowa town hall. “I will certainly take that under advisement,” she said in Decorah, responding to a man’s recommendation. “I mean, he’s brilliant, he can set forth an argument […]

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Amnesty International: Iran World’s Leading Executioner of Children

Yet the civilized world is bending over backwards for the terrorist state while they develop nuclear weapons. The so-called “civilized world” is literally bending over backwards to accommodate Iran. Meanwhile, a new Amnesty International report released Monday reveals that the Islamic Republic is the world’s leading executioner of children: In a new report, Amnesty International said that it had documented […]

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Former White House Spokesman: If Trump Wins, GOP ‘Will no Longer be Called Conservative’

If Donald Trump is elected president, his victory will completely alter the ideology of the Republican Party, which will no longer be called conservative, Ari Fleischer, former White House spokesman for President George W. Bush, tells Newsmax TV. “It’s really been a test of , who are Republicans? For years the assumption was Republicans have a conservative base and that […]

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Tony Perkins, evangelical giant, endorses Cruz: ‘This is about his standing on conservative principles’

Evangelical leader Tony Perkins, who serves as president of the Family Research Council, has named his personal pick for president and it’s Sen. Ted Cruz, the candidate he sees as standing for the principles espoused by the Founding Fathers. In a tweet, Perkins wrote: “I am personally endorsing Ted Cruz for president of the United States. #Cruz2016.” He also went […]

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Christian leaders balk at Falwell’s Trump endorsement: ‘The late Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr. would be rolling over in his grave’

Jerry Falwell Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump on Tuesday was swiftly met with a backlash from other Christian conservatives sounding the alarm about what they see as a dangerous candidate with questionable morals. While the official backing of Trump wasn’t a big surprise — Falwell had heaped praise on Trump last week when he spoke at Liberty University — it […]

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Donald Trump Boasts about His History of Bribing Politicians

Trump, the so-called ‘anti-establishment’ candidate boasts about his history of bribing politicians. I’m not sure what is worse: Donald Trump bragging about paying off politicians, or the cheering by Republican-debate audiences when Donald Trump brags about paying off politicians. See, when I worked for the Justice Department, we didn’t just indict the slimy pols — from both parties — on […]

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23 Year Old Jewish Woman Stabbed To Death By Arab Terrorist

Hundreds attend funeral of 23-year-old killed in Beit Horon by Palestinian terrorists, remember her love of books and ‘great curiosity’; grave is close to that of Dafna Meir, murdered last week. Hundreds of people on Tuesday attended the funeral of 23-year-old Shlomit Krigman, who sustained serious injuries during a stabbing attack in the West Bank settlement of Beit Horon Monday […]

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Trump Vows a ‘Close,’ ‘Good Relationship’ With Pelosi and Schumer as President

Trump vows to team up with the traitors who gave us Obamacare. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump used a Tuesday appearance on MSNBC to tout the fact that, as president, he would work with Democratic leaders in Congress to get things done. He specifically talked about House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and asserted he was “close” to Sen. Charles […]

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Cruz backer Steve King: Trump is buying endorsements

Ted Cruz’s most influential backers, stunned by Donald Trump’s commanding lead and growing list of endorsements, opened a new line of attack against the GOP front-runner on Tuesday – suggesting the New Yorker is buying support. One of Cruz’s most important surrogates in Iowa, Rep. Steve King, on Tuesday said Donald Trump has succeeded in lining up critical endorsements because […]

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