Author Archives: Shlomo

Amona Residents Blast Jewish Home: “They Sold Us Out!”

Amona residents and their supporters expressed dismay Monday morning at the deal worked out between Jewish Home chairman Naftali Bennett and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu which would pass the Regulation Law – but without a critical clause necessary to save Amona. The tentative agreement, worked out Sunday evening, would ensure the passage of the Regulation Law, normalizing Jewish communities in […]

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NYC Mayor Asks Obama Administration to Cover Trump Security Costs of Over $35 Million Dollars

Your tax dollars hard at work… New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is asking the Obama administration to foot the $35 million bill for securing Trump Tower, the New York Daily News reported Monday. Safeguarding the building and President-elect Donald Trump since he won the election Nov. 8 has proven to be an expensive headache for the city. NYPD […]

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Youtube Bans Yet Another Prager U Video – Fighting Anti-Semitism Is Now “Hate Speech”

Youtube’s ardor to usher in a new era of Orwellian censorship arose once again Monday when the media giant issued yet another ban on a Prager U video. Back in October, Youtube declared war on the conservative movement when they openly banned 21 Prager U videos from being shown on their platforms, alleging they contained inappropriate content. That list became 22 videos as of Monday morning. […]

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Donald Trump Names Ben Carson for “Housing and Urban Development Secretary”

Ben Carson gets a handout from Trump where he’ll now be in charge of those HUD homes that were confiscated from (mostly black) drug dealers. Dr. Ben Carson will be Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the president-elect’s transition team confirmed Monday morning. “Ben Carson has a brilliant mind and is passionate about […]

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Never Make a Deal With Terrorists: Netanyahu Says He Will Work With Trump to “Renegotiate” Iran Nuclear Deal

Netanyahu should have already taken out Iran’s nuclear program using the Israeli Air Force. Now he wants to help make a “deal”. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday reiterated his harsh criticism of last year’s international nuclear deal with Iran and said he would work with President-elect Donald Trump on fixing it, The Weekly Standard reported. Netanyahu, during an […]

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Nearly Half of Israelis See No Chance of Trump Scrapping Iran Nuke Deal

The poll also found that only 3% of those surveyed believe the president-elect will move the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. From the Jerusalem Post: The poll, conducted by Dialog, asked Israelis a number of questions surrounding their views on the recent US presidential election, and its impact on Israel and antisemitism. The poll revealed that […]

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Nancy Pelosi: We Democrats Are Happy Losing That’s Why I’m Still Minority Leader

Nancy Pelosi [the same Pelosi who claimed that terror group Hamas was a “humanitarian” organization] has never ever been accused of being smart. The reason for that was on display today on Face the Nation when she was asked a pointed question by John Dickerson: DICKERSON: The Democratic Party is in a moment of questioning about its identity. You were reelected to […]

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Jesse Jackson Jr. Urges President Obama to Pardon Millions of Ex-Inmates — Including Himself and his Wife

“An official declaration of TIME SERVED, for each and every eligible member of the American family, from the highest office of the land” Jackson wrote. Jesse Jackson Jr. urged President Barack Obama Thursday to pardon millions of former prison inmates, a group that would include Jackson and his wife, former Chicago Ald. Sandi Jackson. … “Mr. President, for those Americans […]

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Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin Already Mad at Donald Trump: “Big Sell-Out Is Coming”

Two of Donald Trump’s most high profile supporters Ann Coulter (who wrote a book called “In Trump We Trust”) and Sarah Palin may already be regretting their decision and casting off any blame from themselves. Both Ann Coulter and Sarah Palin criticized the president-elect on Friday, following months of staunchly supporting his election. “Sounds like the big sell-out is coming. Oh […]

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Trump Sues Michigan Election Officials Over Presidential Recount

President-elect Donald Trump sued the Michigan Board of State Canvassers and Michigan Elections Director Chris Thomas in the latest attempt to prevent a recount of the presidential vote. The suit, filed Friday evening with the Michigan Court of Appeals and the Michigan Supreme Court, requests leave to appeal theBoard of Canvassers’ ruling allowing the recount requested by Green Party candidate […]

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Mosque With Ties to Hamas Terrorists Gets Gun Training

CAIR-Florida Regional Operations Director Nezar Hamze’s mosque gun training tour has taken him to numerous Islamic centers throughout Florida. One of the centers is the Islamic Society of Sarasota and Bradenton, [yet another] mosque with a sinister past of embrace for those associated with [Arab Muslim terrorists in Israel], including support for suicide attackers and their families. There is no such […]

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Israel’s UN Envoy Slams General Assembly Head for Wearing PLO Nazi Flag Scarf

The U.N. again blatantly displayed that it is biased against the Israel and in favor of the Arab Muslims terrorists who openly call for genocide of the Jewish people. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Israel’s Ambassador […]

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Why isn’t the media demanding Keith Ellison PUBLICLY renounce his RACIST ANTI-SEMITIC past?

Keith Ellison’s bid to become the DNC’s next chairman is on the rocks given the racist and anti-Semitic past comments of the Muslim U.S. House Rep., and yet the media isn’t demanding that he loudly and publicly denounce his past statements like they did with Trump! I wonder why!! The Washington Post describes why he’s having such a tough time: […]

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Armored Troops, Border Guards, Furious at Amona Assignment: “We Didn’t Enlist to Evict Jews”

A lot has changed in Israel’s public opinion since February 1, 2006, when an overwhelming force of 10,000 Police, Border Guard and IDF troops pounced on the community of Amona in Samaria to carry out Supreme Court demolition and eviction facing an estimated 4,000 Jewish residents and protesters. As the court decreed new date for the demolition and evacuation of […]

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Trump Announces James Mattis Who Called Israel “Apartheid” State as Defense Pick to Head Pentagon

James Mattis claims “Israeli settlements” are turning country into an “Apartheid” state — and now he will head the Pentagon. President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday confirmed reports that he would be nominating retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis as his pick for secretary of Defense. Trump made the revelation in his first post-election rally in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Thursday evening, hours after The Washington Post […]

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Trump Campaign Worker Convicted On Ten Counts Of Election Fraud In Michigan

In Grand Haven, Michigan, political activist and blogger Brandon Hall has been found guilty on ten counts of election fraud. Hall was charged with election law fraud after forging signatures on 2012 petitions for a judicial candidate. His trial was delayed because of a legal battle over whether to try him for a felony or a misdemeanor. Despite the charges hanging over him, the […]

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Jew-Hater Muslim Keith Ellison Running for DNC Lead Was an Active Leader in Nazi Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam

Rep. Keith Ellison has a long history of anti-Israel actions and support from terrorists. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging that Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) not be appointed to head the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Ellison’s dangerous positions, involvements and anti-Israel congressional initiatives have included the following: • This past summer, Ellison (aka Keith X. Ellison, aka Keith […]

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Border Patrol Agents Make Sure Burritos are Warm and Provide Childcare to Illegals

“Basically 100%” of families crossing border allowed into the U.S. According to Border Patrol Chief Mark Morgan, agents along the southern border have been reduced to “professional child care providers” whose priorities include keeping the provided burritos warm for illegal crossers. Instead of sending the agents out on regular patrol duties and doing searches for drug dealers, Morgan sends his […]

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Abbas: We will NEVER recognize Israel

On Wednesday, Abbas reiterated that the Arab Muslims will not accept a state with temporary borders or interim solutions, and stressed that they will continue to refuse to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click […]

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OSU Assistant Director Asks for “Compassion” for Butcher Knife and Car Ramming Terrorist

What the hell is wrong with these idiot liberals? Assistant Director of Office of Residence Life at The Ohio State University Office of Residence Life, Stephanie Clemons Thompson, in a now viral Facebook post asked her followers to “find compassion” for the Buckeye terrorist. Debra Heine published the following image of Thompson’s post: A better image image was tweeted by Jewels […]

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White House Warns Against “Blaming Islam” for OSU Jihad Terrorist Attack

How many Jews, Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists have perpetrated terrorist attacks in this century? Exactly. “Our response to this situation matters. If we respond to this situation by casting aspersions on millions of people that adhere to a particular religion or if we increase our suspicion of people who practice a particular religion, we are more likely going to contribute […]

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Turkish President Calls on All Muslims to “Protect” Jerusalem From the Jews

It’s being reported that yesterday, at a symposium on Jerusalem in Istanbul, that Erdogan called on all Muslims to “protect” Jerusalem and said it shouldn’t just be left to [so-called] “Palestinian” children armed with stones: There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click […]

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Mohammad Is Now the Second Most Popular Boy’s Name in United Kingdom

And it takes the number one spot in London. Mohammad is already the number one most popular baby name in Israel. Mohammad is the second most popular boy’s name in the United Kingdom, just behind the name Oliver, according to the Liverpool Echo. Olivia was the most popular girl’s name, followed closely by Lily and Sophie. The implications of the name “Mohammad” […]

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Muslim State-Run Moroccan TV Show Gives Makeup Tips for Battered Women

A daytime show on Moroccan television has sparked an online petition after staging a detailed live tutorial that showed women at home how to cover up facial bruises from domestic violence. According to international statistics, Morocco is home to some of the world’s most disempowered women. Sabihayat is a studio lifestyle on the popular majority state-owned 2M channel that airs […]

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Trump To Name Steven Mnuchin, Former Soros Employee, As Treasury Secretary

“More than half of his federal-level contributions have gone to Democrats, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.” The New York Times reports that Donald Trump will name Steven Mnuchin, his campaign’s national finance director, as Treasury secretary. Mr. Mnuchin, the son of a Goldman Sachs partner, joined the firm after graduating from Yale University. He worked there for 17 years, […]

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Drain the Swamp Update: Trump Picks Mitch McConnell’s Wife as Transportation Secretary

CNN, Politico, and several other news outlets are reporting that the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (RINO-KY), Elaine Chao, will be named to be President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to be the next head of the Department of Transportation. Born in Taiwan to Chinese parents, Elaine Chao, the first Asian-American woman in American history to hold a Cabinet-level position […]

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Officials: Ohio Terrorist Was ‘Inspired’ by Islamic State; Islamic State Claims Responsibility

Islamic State claims responsibility for Ohio State University jihad attack. Authorities believe Abdul Razak Ali Artan, who carried out Monday’s attack at the Ohio State University, was inspired by terrorist propaganda from the Islamic State (ISIS) and deceased Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, enforcement sources told CNN on Tuesday. The sources pointed to Facebook postingsArtan made Monday, which referenced Awlaki, who […]

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Jimmy Carter to Barack Hussein Obama: Grant Recognition to ‘State of Palestine’ at UN

Former US Pres. and Jew-hater Jimmy Carter is again working to destabilize the security of Israel in a ninth-hour appeal to outgoing President Obama. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is […]

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CNN: Americans Wear Hijabs To Comfort Muslim Women Fearful Of Trump

CNN’s New Day show with Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota aired a segment about Muslim women who are fearful as a result of Donald Trump’s election. Afterward, Camerota hadsome ideas about how non-Muslims can make Muslims feel better. (Wait, isn’t that NASA’s job?) Camerota mused that maybe everyone can wear hijabs in solidarity, like when people shave their heads when a […]

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Muslim Keith Ellison Running to Lead DNC Called for Blacks-Only Society Within US and Reparations for Slavery

Rep. Keith Ellison, the Minnesota Democrat vying for the top post at the Democratic National Committee, once proposed the idea for a blacks-only society within the United States and also called for reparations. The Daily Caller uncovered several columns Ellison wrote for a newspaper at the University of Minnesota under the pen name Keith E. Hakim. Among the ideas he […]

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“Black Lives Matter” Comes Out in Defense of Mass-Murdering Dictator Fidel Castro

Is anyone surprised by this? The anti-capitalist, anti-law enforcement, anti-Israel, anti-“colonialist” movement Black Lives Matter has issued a statement in support of “El Comandante,” Cuba’s monstrous dictator Fidel Castro following his death on Friday, thanking him for giving refuge to FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist fugitive Assata Shakur. As reported by Heat Street, BLM posted a eulogy to Fidel on Sunday titled “Lessons […]

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Amona Settlers Reject State Plan to Expel Hilltop Jews to Appease Muslims

“Hours after 120 Religious Zionist Rabbis, from all parts of the country, published a letter calling on their followers to head to Amona and help its residents resist the forced evacuation.” Residents of the West Bank Amona [settlement] early Tuesday morning rejected the latest attempt by the state to “avoid” a violent demolition of their hilltop community on December 25. “The […]

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Ohio State Terrorist Portrayed Himself as “Peaceful, Praying Muslim” in Student Newspaper

It’s the same thing all over again from the so-called “religion of peace”. The [Muslim terrorist] responsible for the [butcher knife and car ramming] attack on Ohio State University campus Monday morning once portrayed himself as a “peaceful” Muslim while speaking to Ohio State University newspaper staff. The university newspaper The Lantern interviewed the suspect, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, in a special feature titled “Humans of Ohio […]

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Trump Considering David Petraeus for Secretary of State After Pleading Guilty to Leaking Top-Secret Government Files

Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server for classified State Department emails made her unfit for high office. But that isn’t stopping him from considering David Petraeus, who pleaded guilty to knowingly leaking secret government files — and lying to the feds about it — for secretary of state. Trump’s hourlong meeting Monday with Petraeus, a retired […]

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UN Glorifies Castro, Showing The World Why The Failed Organization Is Nothing More Than A Den For Dictators

Today’s United Nations is the antithesis of the bastion of humanity First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt championed over six decades ago. Walking through the corridors of power at the UN building in New York are some of the worst violators of human rights, theocrats, autocrats, sadists, and madmen. Built on a blueprint of tragic irony, the UN isn’t just an inept, isolated […]

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Muslim Cleric: Happiness Over Israel Terrorist Fires “Is in Keeping With the Sharia”

Islam is a religion of pure hatred. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. “Jordanian-Palestinian Cleric Mashhoor bin Hassan: I Am Happy over Israel Fires, the Jews behind All the Wars on Earth,” MEMRI, November 25, 2016: […]

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Islamic State Nazis Stage First Direct Attack on Israeli Forces — and Promptly Die

This just proves what Israel could do to terrorist Hamas and Fatah if they really wanted to save their country and people. In the first direct attack on Israeli forces since the Syrian civil war began in 2011, four Islamic State gunmen opened fire on Israeli soldiers — and were promptly killed. The Daily Mailreports the Israeli soldiers were protecting […]

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Trump Just Reneged on His Campaign Promise to Repeal Obamacare

Seventeen days before the election, Donald Trump issued his “Contract with the American Voter.” Three days after winning that election, abandoning one big item in that contract. In his contract, Trump promised that within the first 100 days of his administration he’d push for legislation that “fully repeals ObamaCare and replaces it with Health Savings Accounts, the ability to purchase health […]

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