Category Archives: Articles

Today: Indictment against innocent and brave IDF soldier because he shot dead a terrorist stabber

Soldier’s defense team expected to demand open trial for the soldier, who shot dead a terrorist. The military prosecution will present an indictment to the Jaffa Military Court Monday, charging a yet-unnamed IDF soldier who served in Hevron for manslaughter for shooting dead a [terrorist who not only had just stabbed an innocent Jew but also appeared to have a […]

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Obama Administration Slams Israel For ‘Excessive Force’ Against Arab Muslim Terrorists

The Obama administration accused Israel of “excessive use of force” against Arab Muslim terrorists while innocent Jews are being stabbed and murdered. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. An annual State Department human rights report accused Israeli […]

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Iran parades Russian S-300 missile system in military display while mocking Israel

Iran proudly displayed parts of its recently acquired Russian S-300 air defense system Sunday in a military parade celebrating Army Day, Fars news agency reported. The missiles themselves were absent from the display. Every year, Iran’s armed forces hold parades across the country to mark Army Day. In a ceremony in Tehran, broadcast live on state television, trucks carrying the […]

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The Trump Disorganization

Donald Trump runs The Trump Organization, his real estate company that dabbled in failed meat, water, and education industries, among others. His campaign for president, on the other hand, has been anything but organized. The way he’s run his campaign has the appearance of a wealthy man who decided he’d run for president on a lark, then woke up to […]

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Brussels Terrorist Was Star Of Documentary About So-Called “Successful Integration Of Immigrants”

The Syrian-origin Swedish passport holder arrested in Belgium last week for his involvement in the Brussels bomb terrorist attacks is a former poster boy for Sweden’s efforts at integrating migrants into their society. Now accused of murder, and captured on CCTV cameras carrying bags which contained the explosive devices which killed 32 civilians, Islamist Osama Krayem had once been hailed […]

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Ted Cruz Wins All 14 Wyoming Delegates

Republican U.S. presidential hopeful Ted Cruz won all 14 delegates at stake on Saturday in Wyoming, besting rival Donald Trump, who made little effort to win the rural state, and further narrowing the gap in the race for the party’s nomination. Cruz is trying to prevent Trump from obtaining the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the Republican nomination at the […]

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Report: Shin Bet preventing Jewish “detainees” from keeping Shabbat

Families of five Jews under Shin Bet custody for so-called ‘Jewish terrorism’ plead with rabbis to allow their children to keep Shabbat. The families of five Israeli Jews detained by the Shin Bet (Israeli Security Agency) on suspicion of “Jewish terrorism” turned to Israel’s chief Rabbis late Thursday night, imploring them to speak to security officials on their behalf. The five […]

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Obama Administration Says Men Entering Girl’s Locker Rooms is a Civil Right

As federal agencies are taking aim at cutting funding to states that pass so-called “bathroom bills,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest invoked the civil rights battles of past generations in states that passed or are considering a similar law. “State’s like Tennessee and to a certain extent North Carolina and Mississippi have a long history — even over the last couple […]

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Cruz Defends NC’s New Law: No, Men Should Not Be in Bathrooms With Little Girls

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has argued all along that the state’s new law, which requires gay and transgender people to use the bathroom or locker room that corresponds to their biological gender, is common sense. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz seems to agree. “Men should not be going to the bathroom with little girls,” the Texas senator said on […]

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Kids Granted Permission By Judge To Sue US Government For “Lack Of Action” On Junk-Science Global Warming

Because, hey… it’s only our tax dollars and politically motivated global warming, right? A lawsuit filed by a group of young people in Oregon claiming the American government is negligent in its actions, and lack of action, on climate change has moved forward. The plaintiffs accuse the government of “violating their constitutional rights to life, liberty and property, and their right to essential public trust resources, by […]

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Feminists Declare Having STDs a ‘Privilege’ – And They Want to Teach That to 7th Graders

The world has gone utterly mad. Now that we’re two weeks in, did you know that April is apparently “Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Awareness Month”? No? We didn’t think so. Well, it’s time to get the word out to a larger audience and, in order to do that, feminists are instructing all those afflicted with STIs to be loud and proud about it. […]

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Donald Trump used to call people who said things were “rigged” sore losers

Elections: If you listen to the leading candidates in both political parties these days, you’d think everything in this country is “rigged.” It’s a terrible message that simply excuses irresponsibility. Donald Trump is the latest to toss around the “rigged” claim, which is a bit ironic since he was on the other end of that allegation not too long ago. […]

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Senior Donald Trump adviser a fan of NYC bondage and swinger’s club

Paul Manafort was following the Midtown bondage and swinger’s club Decadence on Twitter. Make America kinky again? Paul Manafort — a senior Donald Trump adviser and long-time GOP consultant — appears to be a fan of the Midtown bondage and swinger’s club Decadence. Manafort was following the swanky spank spot — which bills itself as the city’s “most intimate swing […]

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Bernie’s New Anti-Semitic Jewish Outreach Director: “F*** you, Bibi” for being a “mass-murderer”

The Sanders campaign’s newly hired Jewish outreach director wrote an expletive-laden Facebook post last year that condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a mass-murderer. “Bibi Netanyahu is an arrogant, deceptive, cynical, manipulative a**hole,” wrote Simone Zimmerman, a former J Street student activist, in the March 3rd 2015 post. “F*** you, Bibi … you sanctioned the murder of over 2,000 people […]

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FBI Director: Rise of “Islamophobia” a “concerning issue”

On “Islamophobia,” see here. On pandering to the Muslim community in Detroit and counting on Muslims there to aid in counterterror efforts, remember that Hamas-linked CAIR has more than once advised Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement. In January 2011, its San Francisco chapter featured on its website a poster that read, “Build A Wall of Resistance / Don’t […]

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Cruz: Trump Threatening the Delegates

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz blasted rival Donald Trump in a radio interview Tuesday, using some of the harshest [criticism] of the campaign to date, accusing the Republican front-runner of being a bully, inciting violence and using dirty tricks to intimidate voters and delegates. He also said that the billionaire is a bad businessman who has been surrounded by sycophants his entire […]

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Top Trump Crony Paul Manafort Lobbied for Saudis – and Specifically AGAINST Israel

The basic issue is this: Israel considers Jerusalem to be its capital. Most of the ‘international community’ opposes honoring this, largely because a large hunk of the ‘international community’ doesn’t want to offend duly the somewhat smaller hunk of the ‘international community’ that wants to murder every Israeli Jew it can reach and drive the rest into the Mediterranean Sea. […]

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Leftist Facebook CEO: ‘Instead of Building Walls We Can Help Build Bridges’

This comes after Mark Zuckerberg has claimed we can beat Islamic State terrorists “using love”. “As I look around the world, I’m starting to see people and nations turning inward, against the idea of a connected world and a global community,” Zuckerberg stated. “I hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as ‘others.’ I hear them calling […]

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Poll: 59% of Israeli youth are right-wing

Survey finds 82% of high-schoolers say there’s no chance of a deal with so-called “Palestinians”, half oppose having Arab MKs. A new poll has found that youth in Israel are increasingly right-wing in their political opinions, and are overwhelmingly Zionist and loyal to their country. The survey, conducted by the New Wave Research institute for Israel Hayom and published in part on […]

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Obama administration: IRS must publicize sensitive tea party data obtained in targeting

The IRS says it has stopped targeting the tea party — but three years later, the tax agency is still holding on to the sensitive information it pried from the conservative groups through invasive questions, and officials are even vowing to make the answers public. Groups caught up in the scandal say that is proof the targeting is continuing, and […]

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IRS chief: Agency encourages illegal immigrant theft of SSNs to file tax returns

The IRS is struggling to ensure that illegal immigrants are able to illegally use Social Security numbers for legitimate purposes, the agency’s head told senators on Tuesday, without allowing the numbers to be used for “bad” reasons. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen made the statement in response to a question from Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., during a session of the Senate […]

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The Facts: Cruz Swept Colorado because the Grassroots Chose Ted, not Trump

Judging only by Donald Trump’s fuming Twitter feed, the Drudge Report’s banner — “Cruz Celebrates Voterless Victory” — or the raging headlines of the alt-right’s favorite “news” websites, one would be justified in thinking that a nefarious cabal of The Establishment stole Colorado’s delegates to the Republican National Convention from Trump and handed them on a silver platter to Ted […]

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Trump the Sore Loser (Again)

Donald Trump is right: The system is rigged. It’s rigged in favor of front-runners. That’s why Trump, who is leading the Republican nominating contest, has a larger percentage of delegates (46 percent) than of votes (37 percent). Unsurprisingly, Trump never mentions when the rules have helped him. He much prefers to whine and peddle conspiracy theories when they don’t. Trump’s […]

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Top Imam tells Muslim migrants to “breed children” with Europeans to “conquer their countries”

… and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing.’ A top Iman has told Muslims to use the migrant crisis to breed with European citizens and ‘conquer their countries’. Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem claiming Europe was only welcoming refugees as a new source of labour. He said Europe was facing a […]

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Trump’s Health Care Plan Just Got Scarier

The Donald’s chief policy adviser pledges that it will be “bipartisan.” Ronald Reagan famously said that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.” As Obamacare has demonstrated all too clearly, any such declaration from a federal official is indeed cause for alarm. Nearly as scary for conservatives is […]

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Wake-Up Call: One Quarter of British Muslims Admit Supporting Forced Sharia Law

And those are only the numbers of those who admit want Sharia law. A new comprehensive survey of Muslims living in Great Britain is raising new concerns about assimilation and shared values, as significant percentages of poll respondents espouse at least some views widely seen as illiberal within Western societies. In light of deadly ISIS attacks in two European capitals within […]

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Bloomberg Poll: Three-Quarters of Married Women Dislike Trump – Will Hurt Trump in Coming Contests

Gee, I wonder why? Donald Trump is viewed negatively by almost three-quarters of married women in a potential general election and trails Hillary Clinton by double digits among those voters, highlighting his weakness in a key segment of the Republican base. Seventy percent of married women who are likely general-election voters have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican front-runner, according […]

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Republican Jews Look to Ted Cruz

They’ve already backed multiple other candidates, but Cruz is trying to get Republican Jewish Coalition members to rally one more time. As Cruz heads to the Republican Jewish Coalition’s spring meeting here, he’s about to encounter a group of donors that, in another cycle, would have already been enthusiastically committed to the likely Republican nominee. But this time around, many […]

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How Bernie Sanders and other leftists help whitewash Jew-hatred on the Left

At a Bernie Sanders event in New York City, a black “community activist” began ranting about “Zionist Jews” running the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. At previous events, Sanders had been quick to condemn what he claimed was bigoted and Islamophobic rhetoric by Republicans. But when confronted with the real thing by a left-wing activist at one of his own […]

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Supreme Fail: Trump’s ‘Best People’ Accidentally Tell His Supporters To Vote for Cruz Delegate

This is just … well it’s just the bee’s knees you guys. We’ve already reported several times here at RedState how bad Trump’s organization is blowing it in Colorado, but believe it or not, they still managed to make things worse. They told their people to vote for Cruz people. Seriously. See, the delegate ballot consists of numbers, with each […]

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