Category Archives: Articles

IRS Rehired Employees That Falsified Documents and Had Unauthorized Use of Taxpayer Accounts

The same IRS under Obama is still the same IRS under Trump. The Internal Revenue Service rehired employees who were previously involved in agency misconduct such as falsifying documents or having unauthorized access to sensitive taxpayer information, according to an audit from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. Considering that identify theft is a major concern, auditors wanted to inspect the […]

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Man ‘marries’ his laptop, sues for state recognition and a wedding cake

I wonder if he’ll ever leave his laptop for a younger tablet. Chris Sevier says that if same-sex couples are able to get married and demand that Christian bakers make them wedding cakes, then he should be allowed to marry his laptop and demand a cake to celebrate the union between one man and one machine. The self-identified “machinist” says he married his […]

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Court rejects Azariya’s appeal; Sentences soldier to 18 months for killing jihad stabbing terrorist

This is a chillul Hashem. Any jihad terrorist caught in the act of stabbing or murdering innocent Jews should be killed immediately and certainly not protected or released in prisoner “swap deals”. This soldier is a hero! “The terrorists are laughing at us, its an embarassment!” Azariya’s mother rips judges after appeal rejected. Court rules he will enter jail in […]

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So-called “Peace Partner”: Jordan’s Muslim Dictator Vows to “Stop the Judaisation” of Temple Mount

[Jordan’s dictator] King Abdullah II on Saturday congratulated himself before an assembly of local newspaper editors and journalists, saying “he spared no occasion to put the ‘Palestinian’ cause and defend Jerusalem before the world,” according to the Petra state news agency, adding, “There is no voice that speaks better than Jordan as we carry out our historic political and legal role to stop […]

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“Only in the Jewish state would they throw you out of your home” for being Jewish

Netanyahu just can’t kiss enough Muslim tuchus and can’t give in enough to jihad terrorism. Hundreds of thousands of Likud activists gathered on Thursday in Tiberias, demanding Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu allow the families living in Hevron’s Machpela House to remain in their homes. The building was bought legally by Jews, but when the families tried to register it […]

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Iran Says It Will Pursue Nuclear Bomb Program ‘With Full Power’

Iran has condemned new sanctions passed by the U.S. Congress over its missile program and vowed to continue it. “We will continue with full power our missile program,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi was quoted as telling state-controlled television on July 29. “We condemn the hostile and unacceptable action,” he said of the sanctions. Ghasemi said Tehran considers consider the […]

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Schmuck Schumer Lavishes Praise On RINO John McCain for Voting to KEEP Obamacare

Following the vote in which three phony Democrats masquerading as Republicans, senators John McCain (RINO – AZ), Lisa Murkowski (RINO – AK), and Susan Collins (RINO – ME)  joined their Democrat brethren in voting to keep 100 percent of the disastrous Obamacare debacle intact, Democrat Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (COMMIE – NY) lavished praise and adoration on the three establishment squishes, but was […]

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Google Hides Muslim Violence; Changes Search Results to Conceal Criticism of Islam and Jihad

“Google’s first page results for searches of terms such as ‘jihad’, ‘shariah’ and ‘taqiyya’ now return mostly reputable explanations of the Islamic concepts. Taqiyya, which describes the circumstances under which a Muslim can conceal their belief in the face of persecution, is the sole term to feature a questionable website on the first page of results.” “Reputable” according to whom? […]

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Likud claims their version of Israeli “security” is “holy” after caving to terrorism

“Israeli security is holy and it is endangered more than anything by those who childishly and irresponsibly use it as a platform for tweeting.” You just can’t get any lower than to claim G-d is making you throw Jews out of their homes for being Jewish, releasing mass-murdering jihad terrorists in “swap” deals that immediately murder more Jews, allowing Arabs […]

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Muslim Jordan’s dictator thanks Trump for US role in caving to terrorism on the Temple Mount in Israel

Leave it to Trump to pressure Israel to remove metal detectors that would save Jewish lives. US President Donald Trump and King Abdullah II of Jordan spoke by phone Friday about the crisis in recent weeks surrounding the Temple Mount, the Royal Hashemite Court announced. A statement in Jordanian state media said the king thanked Trump for his administration’s role in […]

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Ted Cruz After GOP Obamacare Repeal Fail: ‘No Party Can Remain in Power by Lying’

After three establishment RINO (Republicans In Name Only) squishes, John McCain (AZ), Lisa Murkowski (AK), and Susan Collins  voted against even a fake, so-called “skinny” repeal of Obamacare late Thursday night, keeping all of the disastrous anti-American legislation in place, Texas Senator Ted Cruz , a constitutional conservative who has fought to repeal Obamacare perhaps more than any other Republican, said that “No party can […]

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California deputy attorney general charged with child porn

A California deputy attorney general has been charged with possessing child pornography at his San Diego County home following a months-long investigation, according to court records and local media. Raymond Liddy, 53, was arrested at his home in the resort city of Coronado, California, on Tuesday and accused of owning images that appeared to depict minors under age 12 engaging […]

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Now you can get a college scholarship for being a homosexual

Now you are rewarded with free college for being a homosexual pervert. A historically black Atlanta-area college launched a scholarship program solely for two sophomore students who self-identify as LGBTQ. Spelman College received a $100,000 private contribution for the Dr. Levin Watkins Jr. Scholars Program as well as a lecture series that will explore contemporary issues of race, gender, and sexuality. […]

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Culture Rot Update: “My Dog Underwent Gender Reassignment Surgery”

The left is so insane that it’s hard to believe something so mental and disturbing would become a new “norm.” Where are all the leftist “animal rights” activists? Is this not animal abuse? The Guardian has been notorious for its gruesome articles; for instance, one that was recently published responding to the impending death of Charlie Gard by saying “children do not belong […]

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Muslim Violence on Temple Mount: Arabs Attack Israeli Police

Once the Arab Muslims learned that terrorism works due to Netanyahu, they decided to continue their violence and riots. Arabs attacked Israeli police on the Temple Mount Thursday as Muslim worshipers returned to the holy site after a 10-day boycott to protest Israeli security measures. Livestreamed footage taken from the Mount of Olives, overlooking the Temple mount, showed thousands of […]

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What good did caving to terrorist Jordan do? King Abdullah furious with Netanyahu

Jordanian monarch demands Israel prosecute stabbing attack victim, despite hearing results of Israeli investigation. Jordan’s King Abdullah reacted furiously to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s warm welcome of the embassy security guard who was injured in a stabbing attack near the Israeli embassy in Jordan Sunday. The officer, who has only been identified by his first name, Ziv, was lightly injured when […]

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White House Praises Netanyahu for Caving to Muslim Terrorism on Temple Mount

Netanyahu’s cowardly caving in to terrorism has only made it worse as an Arab Muslim “day of rage” is causing violence on the Temple Mount. Trump administration officials are praising Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for removing screening equipment from the Temple Mount as the actions of a “responsible” leader, amid criticism from those on the premier’s political Right that he […]

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Instead of scrapping Iran nuke deal, Trump administration pushing for more “inspections”

And who is building Iran’s nuclear bomb-making program? Trump’s KGB boss Vladimir Putin. And what is Obama’s Iran deal? More inspections. The Trump administration is pushing for inspections of suspicious Iranian military sites in a bid to test the strength of the nuclear deal that President Donald Trump desperately wants to cancel, senior U.S. officials said. The inspections are one […]

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Iran Conducts Rocket Space Launch to Test Long Range Nuclear Missile Program

Iran announced on Thursday that it had launched an advanced satellite-carrying rocket that experts believe is cover for the Islamic Republic’s long-range ballistic missile program, which has become a flashpoint in relations between Tehran and the Trump administration. Iranian state media carried the announcement early Thursday. It represents the most significant successful test of such technology, which can be used […]

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Private Jewish Orthodox school for girls ages 3-8 faced with closure for not teaching LGBT and gender reassignment

The Bible is quickly becoming illegal. [Fox News] – There are no longer any limits in the radical secular mission to indoctrinate youngsters in the West. It was recently reported that an English private school for Orthodox Jewish girls aged three to eight is facing closure because it does not teach students about gender reassignment or homosexuality. In other words, bureaucrats […]

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Trumnp’s State Department Busy Scrubbing References to Islamic State ‘Genocide’ of Christians

The State Department’s top lawyers are systematically removing the word “genocide” to describe the Islamic State’s mass slaughter of Christians, Yazidis, and other ethnic minorities in Iraq and Syria from speeches before they are delivered and other official documents, according to human rights activists and attorneys familiar with the policies. Additionally, Democratic senators are delaying confirmation of Mark Green, Trump’s […]

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77% of Israelis Feel The Removal Of Metal Detectors From Har Habayit (Temple Mount) Represents Israeli Surrender To The Waqf

According to a Channel 2 poll carried out by Midgam and iPanel, 77% of Israelis feel the removal of the metal detectors from Har Habayit (Temple Mount) represents surrender while 17% feels it does not. In addition, 68% feel placing the metal detectors was the correct move, 23% disagree and 9% do not know. Did PM Netanyahu handle the Har […]

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After Temple Mount “victory,” Arab Muslim MKs in Israeli government set sights on Western Wall

Look at the damage that happens when Israel caves in to Muslim terrorism. Arab Members of Knesset declared “victory” Tuesday as Israel reversed security measures at the Temple Mount, adding that their struggle for control over the compound also extends to the Western Wall. MK Taleb Abu Arar (Joint List) stressed that “Jews have no rights at al-Aqsa Mosque” and […]

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Because Netayahu Caved to Terror, PLO Fatah urges: Intensify “struggle” over Temple Mount

PA president says ties will only be restored after all Israeli security measures put in place since shooting at the site ‘disappear.’ PLO President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction has called for Muslims to “intensify the popular struggle” over the Temple Mount, despite the removal of metal detectors and security cameras from the holy site after a week of protests over […]

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Hamas terrorists celebrate: We won the battle over Temple Mount; Calls for “day or rage” this Friday

Hamas terror group claims victory due to Netanyahu caving to terrorism and removing metal detectors and cameras from Temple Mount. Now they are calling for ‘Day of Rage’ this Friday. Giving in to terrorists only creates more terror and murder. The Hamas terror organization held on Wednesday a march in the Gaza Strip celebrating Israel’s dismantling of the metal detectors […]

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Pakistani-Born IT Aide of Democrat Debbie Wasserman Schultz Arrested Trying to Flee Country

Democrat IT aide Imran Awan arrested at Dulles while trying to flee the US. Pakistani-born Imran Awan, who was a longtime IT aide to former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was reportedly arrested at Washington, D.C.’s Dulles International Airport Monday night while trying to flee the country. According to Fox News’ Chad Pergram, federal agents and the U.S. Capitol […]

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Avoid scams: Stay safe on Facebook

The immensely popular social networking site Facebook has a user base of over 1.19 billion, which also makes it a popular medium for scammers. It is important to be able to identify a threat before it hits you because the consequences that follow one “quick click” may leave your bank account empty and your identity stolen. 53% of scams target […]

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Evil: PLO pays $3,120 a month reward for BRUTAL killing of Israeli family

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. According to The Tower, the PLO is paying a lot of money to the family of the scumbag who brutally slaughtered an Israeli family.  The family of Omar al-Abed, the knife-wielding Palestinian terrorist who brutally murdered three members […]

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Terrorism works with coward Netanyahu: Existing security cameras on Temple Mount also removed

Cabinet decision on removal of magnetometers also apparently included existing security cameras already accepted by Jordan and the Waqf. While the Security Cabinet decided last night to remove the advanced metal detectors (magnetometers) from the Temple Mount, this morning, Tuesday, it appears that the Cabinet decision included the dismantling of existing security cameras on the Temple Mount, as well. Yesterday, the Cabinet […]

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High Court orders Temple Mount terrorists’ bodies be returned to families

The High Court of “Justice” orders police to return the bodies of the three Temple Mount [terrorists] to their families. The bodies have been held by authorities since the July 14 terror attack in which two Israeli police officers were killed. Police have demanded guaranties from the families that the funerals of the three Arab Israelis won’t turn into parades […]

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US Jews are helping the families of terrorists

The New Israel Fund should change its name to the Pro-terrorist Fund so potential donors know where their money is going. This week, a New Israel Fund supported organization Hamoked filed in Military court to stop the destruction of four homes of [so-called] “Palestinian” terrorists located in “Ramallah District: three in Deir Abu Mash’al and one in Silwad.” Hamoked is fighting […]

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If Islam is so Fantastic, Why is it That Muslims Always Seem to Want to Come and Flee to Christian and Jewish Countries?

Katie Hopkins dropped the $64,000 question that in this age of progressive political correctness nobody wants to answer. “One of the questions I’ve been asking myself in my column and on the radio is ‘If Islam is so fantastic, why is it that Muslims always seem to want to come and flee to Christian countries?’“ “And it’s a question that doesn’t […]

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Netanyahu Caves to Terrorist Jordan; Makes Deal with Muslim Dictator to Remove Metal Detectors on Temple Mount

Netanyahu fails yet again to protect the Jewish people in Israel. Metal detectors reportedly to be removed from Temple Mount, security guard returned from Jordan. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Jordanian King Abdullah spoke earlier this evening and an understanding is reportedly being reached to resolve the crisis between the two neighbors. According to the Channel 10 report, the agreement stipulates […]

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Petra: 20 Jews detained for praying; all Jewish religious items confiscated

A group of approximately 20 haredi Jews are being detained at a hotel near Petra, Jordan, after they sought to go to the grave of the Biblical figure Aharon the High Priest, Ynet reported. The pilgrims’ religious items were confiscated, including their tefillin (phylacteries) and scullcaps. Today (Monday) is the first of the Hebrew month of Av, traditionally considered to be the […]

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Jordanian Police Forbid Jewish Tourists from Praying on Penalty of Imprisonment

Rabbi Menashe Zelicha, the rabbi of the Pardes Katz neighborhood of Bnei Brak, and fellow Haredi tourists who are in Jordan on the occasion of the yahrzeit of Aharon HaKohen Monday, Rosh Chodesh Av, found themselves at the center of a very tense and hostile situation following Sunday’s attack in the Israeli embassy compound. Speaking to religious station Radio Kol […]

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Israeli Embassy guard in Jordan kills terrorist after being stabbed with screwdriver

An Israeli Embassy guard in Amman, Jordan, killed his 17-year-old [Muslim terrorist attacker] after being stabbed in the chest with a screwdriver. The attacker reportedly entered the home of an embassy official on Sunday evening to replace the furniture when he saw the security guard and stabbed him. The guard then pulled out his firearm and shot the attacker in […]

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It’s Good For America and Israel, Not Russia, To Stop The CIA From Funding Syrian Jihadists

STOP giving money and weapons to violent Muslims in enemy countries! The latest batch of horse manure peddled by the mainstream media came after yet another anonymous leak from within the intelligence community to the Washington Post. On Wednesday last week, the Post reported that President Trump had ordered the Central Intelligence Agency to stop arming and training the rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad in […]

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DISGUSTING: Media Draws Equivalence Between Family Of Jews Slaughtered By Arab Terrorist And Violent Arab Killed in Rioting

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. After three Israeli Jews were slaughtered in their home by a 19-year-old Palestinian terrorist as they sat down for their Sabbath meal, celebrating the birth of a new child, the […]

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