Category Archives: Articles

Trump Offers to Fund All Obamacare Subsidies in Exchange for Border Funds

Trump promised voters on the campaign trail a full repeal of Obamacare, and that Mexico would pay for the border wall. He lied about all of it. A new report reveals President Trump’s attempts to work out a mutually agreeable deal with Democrats, in regards to the upcoming federal budget. According to POLITICO, the White House offered to fund Obamacare subsidies, dollar […]

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PLO “Peace Partners” Claim Terrorists Who Murder Israelis and Americans Are “Victims”

An official from the PLO told reporters at the UN that a convicted “Palestinian” terrorists who are given “cash benefits,” are in fact the victims of “Israeli terrorism.” There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. The Washington Free […]

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Pope Francis Stirs Backlash for Comparing Muslim “Refugees” With Jews in Nazi Concentration Camps

We would like to know if the Pope is considering removing all walls and fences from the Vatican since he claims that’s Christians don’t build walls to keep out Muslims. Pope Francis on Saturday called on world governments to let refugees out of their “concentration camps.” He meant “refugee centers.” A week ago or so, White House spokesman Sean Spicer […]

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Police Officer Killed in Islamic State Paris Attack Aided Muslim “Refugees” and Was Gay Activist

The police officer killed in the Islamic State-claimed attack in Paris on Thursday was a gay rights activist who also helped aid [Muslim] “refugees” in Greece. Thursday’s terrorist attack in Champs-Élysées, a section of Paris, claimed the life of 37-year-old police officer Xavier Jugelé, who was a proud gay man and gay rights activist, The New York Times reports. A […]

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Trump’s State Department Claims “Iran Compliant With Nuclear Deal”; Extending Obama’s Sanction Relief

Barack Hussein Obama allowed terrorist Iran to build nuclear weapons, and now the Trump administration is continuing to do exactly the same as Obama. With a new White House, many have wondered about the fate of the 2015 nuclear agreement made between the Obama administration and Iran. The Trump administration’s stance on the agreement became a little clearer on Tuesday […]

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Hamas terrorists ‘crawling through the tunnels’ made out of the cement Netanyahu gave them for free

Senior Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar declared on Thursday that the terror group was continuing its preparations for “the liberation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and all the Palestinian land.” There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Speaking at a […]

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Paris’ Muslim cop killer had been jailed for 20 years for trying to murder police, but freed early

Paris terrorist said ‘I want to kill police’ before gunning down police officers. He was clearly overflowing with gratitude at the magnanimity of the kuffar. “Freed to kill more police: Isis terrorist who shot dead policeman and wounded two others on the Champs-Elysees was jailed for 20 years for trying to kill officers – but released early,” by Dave Burke and […]

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Bible Hating Supreme Court Rules Israeli Employees Must Work on Shabbat

The Israeli Supreme Court just made the Bible illegal in the holy land of Israel. Netanyahu does nothing. The Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled in favor of permitting shops, entertainment centers and drugstores in Tel Aviv on Shabbat. The decision, written by Court President Miriam Na’or, said that the 2014 bylaw enacted by the Tel Aviv municipality is “balanced, takes […]

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Rabbi of Tzfat Shmuel Eliyahu says to stop giving jailed terrorists special privelidges

Rabbi of Tzfat Shmuel Eliyahu has stated that from a Biblical perspective, it is wrong to give money, free food, free electricity, free water, free medicine, free housing, and even free concrete and building materials that Hamas is using to build terror tunnels when they are holding the bodies of Jewish victims. He also goes on about the hunger strikes […]

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Muslim woman receiving cancer treatment in Israel arrested smuggling explosives from Gaza hidden in her cancer meds

News flash to Jews in Israel… stop trying to save the lives of Muslim terrorists who are promising to exterminate you! It’s insanity! This should be (but won’t be) a lesson to those who tout the efficacy of hearts-and-minds initiatives: the divinely commanded imperative to wage war against the Infidels always trumps any gratitude a good mujahid might feel toward […]

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CNN Covers Up Genocidal Crimes of U.S.-Backed Muslim Syrian “Rebels”

Through selective reporting, the omission of facts and reliance on dubious sources of information, media outlets have sought to twist the facts and whitewash crimes committed by these Muslim terrorists. (MPN) Damascus — This week, Syria saw one of its most deadly attacks against civilians fleeing al-Qaeda-held areas in Al-Fu’ah and Kafrayah through a government-rebel civilian swap. Rebels targeted and killed […]

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“It’s performance art”: Lawyer for Alex Jones says InfoWars founder is an actor “playing a character”

The real Alex Jones is not his bombastic, conspiratorial InfoWars persona, his lawyer is hoping to convince a Texas jury in the radio host’s child-custody battle [where his soon-to-be ex-wife’s charge that he’s an unfit father]. That’s more or less what attorney Randall Wilhite told Texas District Judge Orlinda Naranjo, the Austin American-Statesman reported on Sunday. Wilhite told Naranjo that […]

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Bill O’Reilly meets up with commie Pope Francis as he’s booted from Fox News for sexual harassment

Bill O’Reilly meets Pope Francis in the Vatican V.I.P. line. Bill O’Reilly met Pope Francis on Wednesday morning in Vatican City as reports of the cable news anchor’s impending exit from Fox News continue to swirl stateside. O’Reilly, who announced last week he would take a vacation from “The O’Reilly Factor,” was in the Vatican’s VIP line in St. Peter’s […]

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Alabama girl expelled from school for an entire year for possessing a toy water gun

The idiot brainwashing liberals running the curriculum are so far out there that they make school into a complete joke in every single way. What ever happened to learning? A 16-year-old Alabama girl was caught by teachers with a water pistol, and was expelled from the school for an entire year as a result. According to the Montgomery Advertiser, Sara Allena […]

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Trump congratulates Turkey’s Muslim dictator on seizing power over Turkey

Even though it was official released from the office of the press secretary, the Trump administration is now denying the statement they made that he called dictator Erdogan to congratulate him on consolidating even more dictatorial power to himself. If you bet that Trump wasn’t dumb enough to congratulate the dictator of Turkey for being able to hoodwink his way through an […]

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Black College Students: Objective Truth Is “White Supremacy” and a “Myth”

A group of black students at one of America’s ritziest private colleges has sent a lengthy open letter to their school president charging that the search for objective truth is a white supremacist invention used for “silencing oppressed peoples.” The letter also criticizes free speech as “a tool appropriated by hegemonic institutions.” The students who wrote the letter attend Pomona College […]

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Federal judge blocks bid to bring back ‘pig painting’ on Capitol Hill

A federal judge has blocked efforts to bring back to U.S. Capitol grounds a controversial painting that depicts a police officer as a pig. David Pulphus, a student artist from Missouri, and Rep. William Clay, his Democratic congressional representative, had sued Architect of the Capitol Stephen Ayers for removing the painting in January amid a showdown with law enforcement groups […]

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Police arrest and harrass innocent young religious Jew from Beit El – out hiking with his family

Police arrest 18-year-old youth for participation in violent clash, ignore proof he was not involved. An 18-year-old youth from the town of Beit El was arrested near the town of Kochav Hashachar in Israel’s Binyamin Region. According to reports by Honenu, a legal aid organization the arrested youth was suspected of participating in a violent clash provoked by residents of […]

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Trump’s Base Turns On “Flipper-In-Chief”

Blink, and you missed Trump’s blistering, seamless transformation into what appears to be a mainstream politician earlier this week.  In the span of just a few hours, President Trump flipped to new positions on several core policy issues, backing off on no less than five repeated campaign promises. Unfortunately, at least for his re-election hopes, Trump’s support base, you know…the […]

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We Have To Earn $42,000 Every Year Just To Cover Our Obamacare, And Trump Wants to Keep It

My wife and I are both older than 60. We are in excellent health, not under any prescription drug regimen, and physically active. We live in New Hampshire, which enjoys not only a variety of weather patterns, but a plurality of Obamacare insurance providers. My wife and I have not benefitted from an employer-provided health insurance plan for more than […]

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Experts claim Teens are becoming transgender because it’s “trendy”

Children think it’s “cool” to be transgender and they’re trying the self-identity out in droves, claims an Australian psychiatrist. Psychiatrist Stephen Stathis, who runs the gender clinic at Brisbane’s Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital and is responsible for diagnosing gender dysphoria, reports that “many” youth are “trying out being transgender” in order to stand out. You shall not lie with a […]

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Brainwashing Shocker: MIT Press Releases “Communism for Kids” Book

A new book published by MIT Press that’s actually titled Communism for Kids — I kid you not. The Washington Free Beacon reports that the book, “written by a German author who specializes in political theory and ‘queer politics,’ was released last month. The thesis of the children’s book is that communism is ‘not that hard,’ but has not been implemented […]

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Trump’s base turns on him

Even Ann Coulter who wrote a book defending Trump is turning on Trump. Donald Trump’s true believers are losing the faith. As Trump struggles to keep his campaign promises and flirts with political moderation, his most steadfast supporters — from veteran advisers to anti-immigration activists to the volunteers who dropped their jobs to help elect him — are increasingly dismayed […]

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Why didn’t Trump drop a bomb on Iran who is building nuclear weapons and promises a nuclear holocaust?

This is going to be the most politically incorrect explanation ever told. In fact, many liberals will literally explode when they read this. Stay with me here. Anyone who knows us here at JTF knows that we love when Muslim terrorists are liquidated. Any time Muslims kill other Muslims in the name of jihad, we believe they are “right” in […]

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Wikileaks: “Those Tunnels the U.S. Is Bombing in Afghanistan? They Were Built by the CIA”

Wikileaks pointed out Thursday night that the tunnel network America just dropped the “mother of all bombs” on in Afghanistan was “built by the CIA.” Whoops. As the New York Times reported in 2005: The first time bin Laden had seen the Tora Bora caves, he had been a young mujahedeen fighter and a recent university graduate with a degree […]

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Planned Parenthood Defeats Bill to Allow Women to See Ultrasound of Their Baby Before Abortion

They don’t even want these women to have the choice (not a forced ultrasound!) because it might reduce the number of abortions and baby parts they can sell. The abortion business Planned Parenthood managed to lobby enough Colorado lawmakers to defeat a bill Thursday that would have given women the chance to see an ultrasound of their unborn baby before […]

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Muslim doctor in Michigan charged with mutilating little girls by cutting off their clitorises

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Livonia, Michigan is known as Little Palestine. The Detroit suburb is famous for its anti-Israel meetings. You could go hear Mustafa Barghouthi, Omar Barghouti and Ali Abunimah without taking a […]

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Facebook Refuses To Remove Child Porn One Month After Separate Incident Involving BBC And Police

Our JTF Facebook page was removed for having a faded picture of Rabbi Meir Kahane next to a girl praying at the Western Wall because it “violated community standards.” But child porn… that doesn’t violate Facebook’s community standards at all. Social media giant Facebook – whose “Fake News” thought police include the degenerates over at Snopes, and which has banned conservative accounts such as […]

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Nazi Graffiti Smeared on Northern Virginia JCC on Seder Night

Police in Annandale, Fairfax County, Virginia, on Tuesday issued a statement saying: “Our detectives are investigating two incidents of bias-motivated graffiti that were reported today at two religious institutions in Annandale. Around 7:15 AM, staff at the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia, 8900 Little River Turnpike, reported anti-Semitic symbols and words had been spray-painted on the building’s exterior. Then, […]

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Muslims Are Taking Black Africans as Slaves, Starving Them to Death, Selling Them and Taking the Women to Rape Them

You won’t hear about that on liberal CNN or Politico. Muslim smugglers are taking countless Africans as slaves, with many instances of people being starved to death and women being raped. Under Gaddafi, blacks in Libya were protected, but as soon as he was toppled, the Libyans began to enslave them and put them in cages. This was all thanks […]

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Is your baby racist? Liberals think so.

New “research” claims that babies are racist as early as 6 months old. It’s completely absurd but then, liberals think everything is racist. Unbelievable. Is YOUR baby racist? — Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) April 12, 2017 From Twitchy: We confess: we clicked, and there’s not a lot there. The two studies presented are less about racism than race-based bias, […]

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Mom furious after daughter implanted with dangerous 3-year contraception for birth control on school field trip

An Oklahoma mother allowed her daughter to go on an educational field trip only to have her return with a three-year chemical contraceptive implant inside her arm. Langston Hughes Academy hosts an annual sex-ed class by Youth Services of Tulsa. When Miracle Foster’s daughter wanted to learn more, she allowed her to visit the clinic. But Youth Services of Tulsa […]

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New Mexico bans medical doctors from therapy for minors who want professional help with homosexuality

The Bible is now illegal. You don’t even have a choice. So much for freedom of religion unless you’re a Muslim. New Mexico has become the sixth state to criminalize any professional counseling that helps minors overcome unwanted feelings of same-sex attraction. Republican Gov. Susana Martinez signed SB-121 into law on Friday. The law bans doctors, nurses, and licensed therapists […]

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