Category Archives: Articles

The New York Nazi Times’ War on Ted Cruz

Not all political manifestos are worth reading; most frankly aren’t worth picking up. Candidates vying for high office peddle books penned by ghost writers to capture some cash and, more importantly, media attention. But whatever the motive behind the publishing or quality of the writing, one would hope that bestseller lists would accurately reflect when a book written by a […]

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Democrats Propose Elimination of ‘Husband’ & ‘Wife’ in Federal Law: “Too Offensive”

Over two dozen Democratic lawmakers have determined the words “husband” and “wife” too oppressive and exclusionary to be used in federal law, and have now proposed to replace them with gender-neutral words like “spouse,” “partner” or “married couple.” According to Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA) words like “husband” and “wife” in federal law no longer have meaning because the Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage a […]

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Michelle Obama To Tribal Youth: America Embracing ’Wisdom Of Your Ancestors’ On Global Warming

Seriously? The left just makes up the most insane garbage and calls it “science” or “history” when it’s obviously neither. Speaking to a gathering of American tribal youth at the White House today, First Lady Michelle Obama praised their heritage, pointing out the cultural significance of Native Americans to the institutions of the United States. “Long before the United States […]

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Federal Judge orders Obama administration to court to explain why it has ignored immigration injunction

Federal Judge Andrew Hanen, who previously issued an injunction against further enforcement of President Obama’s unilateral executive actions on immigration, has issued an order directing the defendants (to include the HHS secretary) appear before him in court in August to attempt to explain to him why they shouldn’t be held in contempt of court. From his order: The Court was […]

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White House Keeping Israel in the Dark on Iran Talks, May Extend Negotiations Indefinitely

They’re blowing past deadlines with zero consequences and making excuses for Iran’s noncompliance with the terms of various existing interim agreements, so what’s the point of erecting meaningless deadlines at all? It’s becoming increasingly clear that the Obama administration will secure a deal with Iran — no matter how watered down its requirements may be and regardless of how long the process takes. It’s come […]

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Chris Matthews admits: Democrats want illegals for votes

Liberal talk-show host Chris Matthews has candidly admitted what Democrats steadfastly refuse to acknowledge: They favor immigration amnesty because it could help them win elections. While interviewing former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on MSNBC on Monday, Matthews said, “the Democrats want votes, let’s face it.” In a fast-paced exchange with Giuliani, Matthews rattled off comments in quick-succession, while the […]

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MTV’s ‘White People’ Will Check Your Privilege For You

Obviously, a sequel called ‘Black People’ will never be made. MTV has released the trailer for an upcoming documentary that will explore what it means to be young and white in America. “This is great! Let’s all get uncomfortable together!” exclaims the host. From journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, who won a Pulitzer for covering the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007, comes White […]

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Nuclear Talks Extended As Iranian Leader Repeats Threat To Destroy Israel

A day before U.S. State Department spokesperson Marie Harf confirmed on Tuesday that the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 nations will be extended at least until Friday, an Iranian leader reiterated the Islamic Republic’s desire for Israel to be “wiped off the map.” “The presence of the Israeli regime is temporary,” Iranian Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani told the Hizbullah-linked Al Ahd […]

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Jews to Protest Ban of Jews from Temple Mount for Muslim Ramadan to Appease Terrorists

Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount have been told repeatedly that they are banned from entering Judaism’s holiest site due to Ramadan over the past several weeks – and one group plans to protest. Haim Brosh, spokesman for Students for the Temple Mount, spoke to Arutz Sheva on Wednesday about the situation. “Jews who arrived in recent days to the Temple Mount […]

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UNESCO passes antisemitic resolution, world yawns

JPost reports: Israel slammed the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on Tuesday for adopting a “completely one-sided resolution” on the Old City of Jerusalem that “deliberately ignores the historical connection between the Jewish people and their ancient capital.” The resolution, adopted by the World Heritage Committee meeting in Bonn, Germany, takes Israel to task for – among other grievances […]

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Hamas close to restoring pre-Protective Edge rocket capabilities

The price for not finishing the war. Exactly one year ago, on July 8, 2014, the IDF launched Operation Protective Edge in the Gaza Strip to stop incessant rocket fire aimed at southern Israel and to destroy Hamas’ network of underground tunnels dug under the Israel-Gaza border to facilitate terror attacks against Israeli citizens [Jews]. The IDF’s Southern Command said […]

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Illegal Immigrants Accounted for Nearly 37 Percent of Federal Sentences in FY 2014

While illegal immigrants account for about 3.5 percent of the U.S population, they represented 36.7 percent of federal sentences in FY 2014 following criminal convictions, according to U.S. Sentencing Commission data obtained by Breitbart News. According to FY 2014 USSC data, of 74,911 sentencing cases, citizens accounted for 43,479 (or 58.0 percent), illegal immigrants accounted for 27,505 (or 36.7 percent), […]

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Yet another lie from Hillary Clinton: Benghazi committee contradicts claim of no subpoena

The House Select Committee on Benghazi released Wednesday the March 4 subpoena for former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails, refuting her claim in a national TV interview that she was never subpoenaed. The subpoena was issued directly to Mrs. Clinton after lawmakers became aware that she exclusively used personal email and an email server kept in her home […]

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Rewarding Black Violence: Obama Giving Free Solar Panels to Low-Income Residents in Baltimore

And you, the tax payer, gets to pay for it. The White House has announced yet another way they are acting on climate change by giving away solar panels to low-income residents in inner cities around the country. The announcement was made Tuesday in Baltimore with the help of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD). The new initiative […]

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Netanyahu asked European leaders to vote AGAINST Israel at U.N.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked several European leaders to support the United Nations Human Rights Council report that slams Israel’s Gaza war actions, a British newspaper reported. Netanyahu called British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other “key allies” last Friday before the Human Rights Council vote later that day, according to the Jewish Chronicle of […]

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65 Year Old Orthodox Jewish Man in Brooklyn Assaulted by Black Couple in Latest Anti-Semitic Attack

A 65 year-old Jewish man was assaulted in Brooklyn Monday night. A black male and female reportedly were laughing as they beat the man in the head 5-6 times with an unknown object. JP Updates reported: An Orthodox Jewish man has become the most recent victim in what appears to be a string of anti-Semitic attacks in the Jewish neighborhood […]

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Arab teachers in Israel indicted for backing Islamic State, pushing jihad in class

Others also charged; some in group, most of whom are Negev Bedouin, planned to join Muslim terrorists in Syria. Five Arab Israelis from southern Israel, three of whom are teachers in the Israeli education system, were indicted for supporting the Islamic State, the Shin Bet security agency said Monday. The teachers were accused of promoting the jihadist ideology in their […]

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Former Iranian President Says He’s Confident Israel Will Be Wiped From the Map

Speaking on the eve of another deadline for nuclear negotiations, Iran’s former president said he is sure the state of Israel would “be erased soon.” Former President Hashemi Rafsanjani, often described in the media as a “moderate,” is just the latest Iranian official to threaten the destruction of the Jewish state, one of the foundations for Israel’s fear of Iran one day […]

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Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Says Obama Is ‘Dead Wrong’ On Global Warming

In 2008, Dr. Ivar Giaever joined over 70 Nobel Science Laureates in endorsing Barack Obama for president, but seven years later the Nobel Prize winner now stands against the president on global warming. “I would say that basically global warming is a non-problem,” Giaever, who won the Nobel for physics in 1973, told an audience at the Lindau Nobel Laureate […]

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Heroin Use in U.S. Reaches Epidemic Levels

Heroin use has increased 63% in 11 years. Heroin use in the United States has skyrocketed, spreading to include groups who previously were less likely to abuse the drug. New data released Tuesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that heroin use increased 63% between 2002 and 2013, and heroin-related overdose deaths have nearly quadrupled […]

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The Homosexual Movement Is The Most Hateful And Most Vile Group In All Of The Western World

The homosexual movement is the most hateful and most vile group in all of the Western world. The sodomites are supremacists; they believe that they have the superior lifestyle, a disposition and constitution more superior than the “others,” who they consider as inferior breeders. This is the ideology of sodomism. Sodomism is the ideology of homosexual superiority, in which the […]

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Islamic State Boy Murders At Least 50 In Suicide Attack

Islam is such a “religion of peace”… or maybe that’s a religion of piece… Like a piece of a body here and there. The Islamic State in Syria claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that was allegedly carried out by a 14-year-old boy, who killed at least 50 Kurdish militiamen in the northern part of the country. Official ISIS media channels released a picture of the boy, […]

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The Obama-Kerry State Department comes out in favor of anti-Semitic BDS boycott Israel group

Read the statement in the tweet below, and it becomes quite clear that the Obama administration has come out in favor of boycotting, divesting from and sanctioning Israel. Obama admin opposes “conflation of Israel and ‘Israeli-controlled territories’ in #TPA bill, per @statedeptspox — Matt Lee (@APDiploWriter) June 30, 2015 No, this administration is different than previous administrations. Previous administrations […]

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Health Insurers Ask for 54% Premium Increase to Pay for Obamacare Mess

Three weeks ago Barack Obama told a crowd “Obamacare is working.” Yeah, right. Of course, the liberal media never fact-checked his statements. They never fact-check this leftist clown. Now this… Health insurers are seeking up to a 54% increase in premiums to pay for the Obamacare mess. Newsmax reported: Americans covered under Obamacare are turning out to be sicker than […]

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Governments had relationships with major hackers

Cybersecurity firm ‘sold spying tools to oppressive regimes to let them spy on activists and journalists’. Hacking Team, an Italian set of hackers that hires out its services to governments and other organizations, has been hacked. The documents taken in the attack have been leaked online, appearing to show the company’s dealings with a range of oppressive governments. The hackers […]

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128 Unaccompanied Illegal Alien Children Caught at Mexican Border Per Day in May

Data obtained by from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) shows about 128 unaccompanied alien children (UACs) were apprehended at the Southwest U.S. border every day during the month of May. In total, 3,965 children were caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally during that month alone. According to the data, May was the month with the most UAC apprehensions […]

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Man who murdered San Francisco woman had been deported several times, officials say

The man arrested in connection with the seemingly random killing of a woman who was out for a stroll with her father along the San Francisco waterfront is an illegal immigrant who previously had been deported five times, federal immigration officials say. Further, Immigration and Customs Enforcement says San Francisco had him in their custody earlier this year but failed […]

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Orthodox Jewish Groups Brace For Consequences Of Gay-Marriage Ruling

The name that keeps coming up when Orthodox Jewish groups consider the consequences of last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision extending same-sex marriage rights to all states has little to do with Jews or gays. Bob Jones University, the private Protestant college in South Carolina, lost its tax-exempt status in 1983 when the Supreme Court ruled that its policies banning […]

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16 airstrikes destroy sites in Syrian stronghold of Raqqa – But it won’t stop Islamic State or Muslim terrorism

This will do absolutely nothing to stop Islamic State and Muslim terrorism. U.S.-led coalition forces conducted 16 airstrikes Saturday and early Sunday against key ISIS buildings and transit routes in the terror group’s stronghold of Raqqa, Syria, a U.S. Army official said. At least 16 airstrikes were reported late Saturday and early Sunday, triggering successive explosions that shook the city […]

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Greece is the perfect example of leftist policies bankrupting the economy

Greece Enters Chaos As Default Looms, Banks Close Greece lurched into chaos Monday after negotiations between its government and international creditors deteriorated further, setting up a stark test of European officials’ control over financial-market contagion and Athens’ ability to survive the brinkmanship it initiated. The country faces a turbulent week ahead after Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras late last week called […]

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UK: ‘Sex Groomed’ Children Preferable to Backlash Against ‘Multiculturalism’

Not only do recent revelations concerning the endemic sexual grooming of British girls by Muslim men demonstrate how crippling political correctness is, but they show how political correctness complements the most abusive elements of Islamic law, or Sharia. According to a June 24 report by the Birmingham Mail, as far back as March 2010, West Midlands Police knew that Muslim […]

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Ralph Nader the Jew Hater: ‘The Worst Anti-Semitism in the World Today Is Against Arabs’

Former Green Party and independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader told the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) to start using the word “anti-Semitism,” arguing that Jews “do not own” the phrase. [Someone should ask Nader how many Muslim Arabs kill Jews and other innocent people on a daily basis? Now how many Jews kill Arabs? Do Arabs need police to protect their […]

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The White Privilege Lie

The same people who believe in “white privilege” also think banning a flag is going to stop racism. Of all the invectives launched against the United States by the resurgent American Left, the charge that in America, White Privilege reigns supreme is the most insidious and culturally ruinous. Its intent is unambiguous: leftists perpetuate the White Privilege lie to smear […]

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Islamic State in Sinai Claims Rocket Attack on Israel

Sinai Province group claims to have fired three rockets on [so-called] “occupied Palestine”. The Islamic State (ISIS) jihadist group’s affiliate in Egypt claimed responsibility for a rocket attack from the Sinai Peninsula into southern Israel on Friday, AFP reports. “Three Grad rockets were fired at Jewish positions in occupied Palestine,” the group, now known as Sinai Province and previously called […]

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Hillary Clinton wanting that money from Jewish donors: “I’ll be better for Israel”

After defending Hamas terrorists on national television and supporting terrorist Iran getting nuclear weapons, supporters have come away with different interpretations of where she stands on Obama’s Iran deal. From Politico: Hillary Clinton is privately signaling to wealthy Jewish donors that — no matter the result of the Iranian nuclear negotiations — she will be a better friend to Israel […]

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‘U.N. Relief and Works Agency and Hamas are two sides of the same coin’

Hamas maintains a tight grip on the U.N. Relief and Works Agency’s (UNRWA) [that condemned Israel for so-called “war crimes”] facilities in the Gaza Strip, and the two’s symbiosis is growing stronger, despite the U.N.’s denials. Israel is reluctant to have UNRWA removed over its strategic “value” in Jordan. Little is known about the second U.N. report on Operation Protective […]

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Chicago kicks in ‘cloud tax’ on streaming services like Netflix, Spotify and Xbox Live

What ever happened to Obama’s “net neutrality”? Chicago Netflix customers: Your bill is about to go up 9 percent. Citizens of Chicago need to prepare themselves for a “cloud tax” that went into effect on July 1. The nine-percent tax to cloud services like Netflix, Spotify and Xbox Live is the result of an “amusement tax” ruling that items “delivered […]

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