Category Archives: Articles

Congressional Budget Office: 22 Million More Americans Uninsured Under Trump’s New Obamacare 2.0

The Congressional Budget Office forecasts 22 million more Americans would be uninsured by 2026 under the Senate’s health bill, compared to leaving the Affordable Care Act unchanged. That’s a minor improvement from the 23 million Americans who would be uninsured under the health bill passed by House Republicans, but it’s still a serious hurdle for the GOP. Republican leaders added […]

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The Impact of Pro-LGBT Trump and Media: Half of All Republicans Believe in Fake Gay “Marriage”

For the first time, the GOP is evenly split when it comes to support for same-sex marriage. According to a recently released Pew Research Center report, 47 percent of Republicans now support gay marriage, while 48 percent do not. This is a significant shift from 2013, when nearly two thirds of Republicans opposed it. While the exact reasons are unclear, the […]

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Hebrew University Professor Equates Israel To Nazi Germany: It’s A “Fact”

On Thursday night 28 Sivan, Channel 2 published recordings provided by the Im Tirtzu organization in which Hebrew University professor, Dr. Ofer Cassif, equated Israel with Nazi Germany during one of his classes, insisting that it was a “fact.” Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg said that this is further proof of the need of an academic code of ethics. “Comparing […]

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Trump Loyalists Mike Huckabee and Ann Coulter Break With Trump Over Obamacare 2.0: “Will Ruin Republican Party”

“If Obamacare-Lite Passes, It Will Ruin the Republican Party.” This is what JTF has been saying from the beginning. I have to wonder if Mike Huckabee really thought this through, as his current opinion on the Senate healthcare bill puts him opposite of President Trump, who Huckabee has become a loyal toady to, in every respect. Where President Trump has […]

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Rex Tillerson: Trump ‘putting a lot of pressure’ on Israel to commit national suicide

President Donald Trump is “putting a lot of pressure” on Israel to restart so-called peace talks with Arab Muslim terrorists, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. “The president was very […]

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Liberals Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner embrace more public roles in White House

Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner are embracing more visible roles in the White House policy process, taking high-profile meetings with foreign leaders, prominent lawmakers and top business executives while garnering media attention. Over the last week, Kushner, who more often is seen at the president’s side but not heard, delivered his first public remarks during a summit with […]

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UN Denies Hezbollah Outposts Are … Hezbollah Outposts Along Israel’s Border

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon says “it’s time for the UN Interim Force in Lebanon to fulfill its mandate.” The Force claimed this week that the “Green Without Borders” non-governmental organization (NGO) — which Danon has warned is being used as a cover by the Hezbollah terrorist organization — does not violate UN Security Council resolutions. “It […]

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Mufti of Jerusalem says 90% of all worldwide terror would disappear “if only the Jews would be killed”

The current PLO-appointed Mufti of Jerusalem, Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, says that 90% of all the sources of terrorism would dry up if the [co-called] “Palestinian issue” was “resolved” [by murdering all the Jews]. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. … But […]

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San Francisco University hit with lawsuit over decades of anti-Semitism

San Francisco State University is being sued for fostering a hostile environment toward Jewish students for the last two decades. San Francisco State University is being sued for allegedly fostering a hostile environment toward Jewish students for the last two decades. The lawsuit, filed this week in U.S. District Court in San Francisco by the nonprofit human rights group the Lawfare […]

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Communists Bernie and Jane Sanders Under FBI Investigation for Bank Fraud, Hire Lawyers

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and his wife, Jane Sanders have hired prominent defense attorneys amid an FBI investigation into a loan Jane Sanders obtained to expand Burlington College while she was its president, CBS News confirms. Politico Magazine first reported the Sanders had hired lawyers to defend them in the probe. Sanders’ top adviser Jeff Weaver told CBS News the couple […]

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Netanyahu and Liberman Freezing Judea and Samaria Construction Because of Trump

The innocent Jews that got expelled from their own homes to appease terrorists are now out of luck and homeless since Netanyahu is reneging on his promises. The Housing Ministry will not publish tenders for construction in Judea and Samaria until the end of 2017 [yeah right], according to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s close associates, Makor Rishon reported Friday. According to […]

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Hezbollah leader Nasrallah on Television: “Hundreds of thousands” ready to fight the Jews in Israel

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Friday warned Israel against attacking Lebanon or Syria, claiming that “hundreds of thousands” of Arab and Muslim [terrorists] would be ready to strike back. “The Israeli enemy should know that if it launches an attack on Syria or Lebanon, it’s unknown whether the fighting will stay just between Lebanon and Israel, or Syria and Israel,” […]

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City of Ferguson settles black thug Michael Brown lawsuit for $1.5 million dollars

  The city attorney for Ferguson, Missouri, has disclosed the settlement amount in the wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of Michael Brown. Attorney Apollo Carey told The Associated Press Friday that the city’s insurance company paid the family $1.5 million to settle the lawsuit. The settlement was first announced Tuesday, but figures of the settlement had not initially been disclosed. The […]

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Transgenders will be able to newly ENLIST in the military by the end of the year

According to a new report, we’re only six months away from allowing transgenders to newly enlist in the military: FOX NEWS – Military chiefs will seek a six-month delay before letting transgender people enlist in their services, officials said Friday. After meetings this week, the service leaders hammered out an agreement that rejected Army and Air Force requests for a two-year […]

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Jerusalem Deputy Mayor : “Netanyahu ordered freezing of the Jerusalem building plans” for 7,000 homes to appease Muslims

Deputy mayor of Jerusalem says approval of 7,000 homes in Jerusalem came only after he told Likud ministers he would go public about freeze. Jews aren’t allowed to build any homes on their own land. Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem and Chairman of the Local Planning and Building Committee, Meir Turgeman, responded this evening to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to […]

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“Massive” Iranian Funding for Anti-Israel Terrorist Groups Revealed

The sums are shocking. Iran’s massive funding of terrorist groups that endanger Israel was exposed in shocking detail by IDF Military Intelligence chief Maj.- Gen. Hertzi Halevi on Wednesday. Speaking at the IDC Herzliya Conference, Halevi revealed that Iran is funding Hezbollah to the tune of $75 million a year, while paying $50 million of Hamas’s budget and approximately $70 […]

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Four GOP senators say they can’t vote for current Obamacare 2.0 bill

Four conservative Republican senators announced Thursday that they opposed the current version of GOP Senate leadership’s health care bill as written. Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah said in a joint statement they’re “not ready to vote for this bill.” “Currently, for a variety of reasons, we are […]

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Jerusalem Protest on Behalf of Yemenite Children Kidnapped by Israeli Government

A protest was held in Jerusalem on Wednesday, 27 Sivan, attended by several hundred persons who demand answers regarding the missing Yemenite children. Some carried signs “Bibi, where are our children” and “The people and the nation must ask forgiveness”. A number of Members of Knesset were counted among protesters as they blocked an area of King George Street. In […]

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CIA busted spying on Americans again: “Every router in America has been compromised”

The latest Wikileaks Vault7 release reveals details of the CIA’s Cherry Blossom project, a scheme that uses wireless devices to access users’ internet activity. [Fox News] – Choosing a strong password for your Wi-Fi router wouldn’t have been enough to defend it from a reported Central Intelligence Agency hacking tool that WikiLeaks revealed last week. The hacking software, known as CherryBlossom, […]

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Terror Attack in Michigan: Police Officer Stabbed in the Neck by Muslim Shouting ‘Allah Akbar’

The stabbing of a police officer at a Michigan airport Wednesday by a Canadian citizen who yelled “Allahu Akbar” and referenced people being killed in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan is being investigated by the FBI as an act of terrorism, officials said. FBI Special Agent in Charge David P. Gelios said at a news conference Amor Ftouhi, a 50-year-old Canadian citizen, […]

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Trump Administration: Israel’s “settlement expansion” doesn’t help “peace process” with terrorists

The Trump administration again said that Israel’s [so-called] ‘settlement expansion’ does not help the [so-called] “peace process”. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert at a media briefing Tuesday spoke about the development of more Jewish communities inn Judea and Samaria in response to a reporter’s inquiry. The report asked Nauert, “If the Israeli government would stop building settlements or would issue […]

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Marco Rubio Helps Muslims Pass Senate Resolution to Criminalize Free Speech

On April 4, 2017, the US Senate passed Senate Resolution 118, “Condemning hate crime and any other form of racism, religious or ethnic bias, discrimination, incitement to violence, or animus targeting a minority in the United States”. The resolution was drafted by a Muslim organization, EmgageUSA (formerly EmergeUSA) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). On April 6, 2017, EmgageUSA wrote the […]

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Trump to prosecute schools that fail to embrace transgender lie

The state of Oregon recently made news by becoming the first state to allow residents a third gender option on their driver’s license or state identification. While this decision to allow gender-science deniers the ability to identify as neither male or female is being hailed as evidence of Oregon’s aggressive leadership, they may find themselves playing catch-up by the time Trump is […]

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Turkey spending tens of millions in Jerusalem to gain foothold and stir up Muslims to commit terrorism against Jews

Turkey is spending tens of millions of dollars to gain a foothold inside Israel’s capital city and to stir up tensions between Arab residents and Israelis, a new investigative report claims. According to the report, set to be published in full by journalist Nadav Shragi this coming Friday in Yisrael Hashavua, since 2004 some $63 million from Turkish NGOs and the […]

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Planned Parenthood Pays Big Bucks For A Big Georgia Loss

Talk about getting no bang for your buck. Planned Parenthood were hoping an influx of ready cash into Georgia’s race for the 6th Congressional District would give them one more friend in Congress. From The Washington Times:  With $734,000 in campaign contributions, the abortion giant was the second-biggest spender on the Democratic side of the ledger — only trailing the Democratic Congressional […]

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US student tortured and freed by North Korea in a coma dies at age 22

Otto Warmbier, an American college student who was released by North Korea in a coma last week after almost a year and a half in captivity, died Monday, his family said. The 22-year-old “has completed his journey home,” relatives said in a statement. They did not cite a specific cause of death. “Unfortunately, the awful, torturous mistreatment our son received at the […]

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Suspect Shouted “Allah Akbar” — Terror Attack at Brussels Central Station in Belgium

More violence from the “religion of peace”. The central train station in the Belgian capital of Brussels was evacuated Tuesday after an explosion was reported and police shot a suspect wearing an explosive belt who shouted “Allahu Akbar,” in what officials described as a foiled terror attack. Federal prosecutor Eric Van der Sypt said authorities are treating the incident “as […]

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Trump Administration Says Schools Can Be Investigated for Wrong Pronoun Use for Transgender Students

The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights has issued an internal memo explaining that refusal by public schools or teachers to refer to a transgender student by his or her preferred pronoun or name could be grounds for an investigation. It was reported Friday that the acting assistant secretary for civil rights, Candice Jackson, issued a memo on June 6 calling […]

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Soros, Clinton-Linked Teneo Among Donors to McCain Institute

Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain in 2012 turned over nearly $9 million in unspent funds from his failed 2008 presidential campaign to a new foundation bearing his name, the McCain Institute for International Leadership. The institute is intended to serve as a “legacy” for McCain and “is dedicated to advancing human rights, dignity, democracy and freedom.” It is a tax-exempt […]

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Enormous Collection of Nazi Artifacts Found in Argentina

Argentina seizes a major trove of Nazi artifacts proving, yet again, that high-ranking Nazis settled in Argentina after the war. Authorities in Argentina said Tuesday they had seized a major trove of authentic Nazi artifacts, including a bust relief of Adolf Hitler, AFP reports. Numerous sculptures and crafted objects including an eagle of the Third Reich were found in two shops and a […]

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Municipality Proves Netanyahu Freezing 6,000 Jerusalem Housing Units

… While Netanyahu approves over 6,000 Arab housing units for the terrorist Fatah PLO after promising to build new units for the Jews in Amona who were expelled from their homes for being Jewish. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been repeatedly declaring in recent months that scaffolding and bulldozers are free to return to the streets of Jerusalem, because there is […]

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Liberman Discloses Confidential Memo to Prove Netanyahu Lied About Terrorist PLO City Expansion

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman produced a classified document to prove Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [lied] about the Security Cabinet’s decision to expand the [so-called] “Palestinian” city of Kalkilya into Area C of the West Bank. Politicians in the Likud and Bayit Yehudi parties have been up in arms about the plan since it was publicized last week, with two cabinet […]

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Jared Kushner and Greenblatt to Visit Israel This Week to Force Two-State “Final” Solution on Israel

Trump’s White House official says two will meet Netanyahu and PLO terrorist Abbas as they pursue “substantive talks”. Former US ambassador Dan Shapiro, in a conference call on Monday organized by the Israel Project, said these visits are further signs of Trump’s seriousness “in trying to achieve the ultimate deal.” … That at least is how former US ambassador Dan Shapiro […]

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Russia Vows To Attack U.S., Allied Planes After U.S. Downs Syrian Jet

Accusing the United States of illegal military aggression in shooting down a Syrian jet Sunday, Russia vowed Monday to shoot down any aircraft of the U.S.-led coalition fighting in Syria that stray into what Russia established as a no-fly zone. “All flying objects, including planes and drones of the international coalition, detected west of the Euphrates, will be followed by Russian air defense systems […]

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GOP fake repeal of Obamacare taking shape

When the House of Representatives passed the Trump-approved fake repeal of Obamacare known as the American Health Care Act (AHCA) last month, Mitch McConnell and his minions shot it down immediately. Not because AHCA failed to repeal Obamacare, but because it failed to keep it and make it better. In Mitch McConnell’s world, nothing says destroy Obamacare “root and branch,” as he promised many […]

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Ted Cruz Gets Involved When Twitter Bans Conservative Chuck Nellis for No Reason

Google, Facebook, and Twitter are all on a mission to silence conservative voices. Senator Ted Cruz came to the defense of a grassroots activist on Twitter Sunday after news broke that Chuck Nellis, an influential Christian conservative voice with over 142,000 followers had his account suspended for no given reason. Nellis, who I’ve personally followed on Twitter for years and have yet to […]

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