Category Archives: Articles

Trump’s new National Security Adviser: The label “radical Islamic terrorism” not helpful because terrorists are “un-Islamic”

How is this any different from what Obama said? President Trump appointed Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, left, as national security adviser on Monday. From the New York Times: President Trump’s newly appointed national security adviser has told his staff that Muslims who commit terrorist acts are perverting their religion, rejecting a key ideological view of other senior Trump advisers and […]

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Mike Pence Mistakes Nicaraguan Flag for Israeli Flag on Twitter

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Friday mistook the Nicaraguan flag for the Israeli one in tweets meant to express support for Israel and the Jewish people. Someone please tell the Pence social media team that’s the flag of Nicaragua, not Israel — Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) February 25, 2017 Pence included the wrong flag emoji in two tweets before […]

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“Jews are taking down their mezuzahs in fear of anti-Semitism”

Jews, it’s time to move to Israel like the Torah commands. Vice Chairman of the WZO says anti-Semitism increasing around the world, Jews in Europe afraid to even look Jewish. Swastikas and other anti-Semitic elements were drawn vehicles, playgrounds and school walls in New York City. The NYPD launched an investigation, but Yaakov Hagoel, the Vice Chairman of the World […]

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Sodom and Gomorrah Update: Tranny on Testosterone Wins Girls’ Wrestling Tournament

Transgender teenager taking testosterone wins Texas state girls’ wrestling tournament. A 17-year-old transgender boy completed an undefeated season Saturday by winning a controversial Texas state girls wrestling title in an event clouded by criticism from those who believe the testosterone he’s taking as he transitions from female to male created an unfair advantage. The family of Mack Beggs has said […]

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Iran Atomic Energy Chief: We’re Buying 950 Tons of Yellowcake from Kazakhstan

According to the head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran is buying 950 tons yellowcake from Kazakhstan, ISNA reported Saturday. Salehi claimed the deal was made with the boundaries of the joint commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). “The deal is supposed to be implemented over three years,” Salehi said. “It is expected […]

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Your Tax Dollars: Jesse Jackson, Jr. Receives $138,000 Per Year in Government Disability Benefits for “Bi-Polar” Disorder

Obviously, those racists are holding the black man down by only paying him 6 figures. A government ethics expert wants the federal government to investigate former Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.’s $138,000-a-year payout from a combination of worker’s compensation and Social Security disability benefits. The Chicago Tribune reported Jackson receives $100,000 per year in worker’s compensation benefits because he has bipolar […]

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Reuters: Trump says “I like the two-state solution”

In an interview with Reuters published on Thursday evening, President Donald Trump “stopped short of reasserting a US commitment to eventual Palestinian statehood,” and settled for reiterating he would be “satisfied with whatever makes both parties happy.” There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the […]

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Washington Gov. Signs Executive Order Barring State Officials From Arresting Illegal Immigrants

Police are now barred from complying with ICE. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed an executive order Thursday that would bar state and local law enforcement officials from arresting illegal immigrants at the request of federal officials. The order comes after Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly signed an executive order Monday calling for an expansion of the 287(g) program in which state […]

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Muslims at University of Texas Arlington: “Stuff Jews in the oven”

Muslim students mocking the Holocaust, inciting violence against Jews, delegitimizing the existence of Israel, and pushing a false “Palestinian” and “Islamophobia” victimhood narrative has become commonplace. … And now this hatred has even entered schools for the youngest children. Nancy Salem, who is quoted in the article below, taught at The Children’s Courtyard in South Arlington, Texas. Salem was also […]

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Rasicts? Student Activists Want “Permanent Whites-Free Zone” on Campus

Wait… isn’t that racist? Democrats are busy being the party of racism once again. A group of SJW activists known as Students4Justice asked the University of Michigan to give them “a permanent designated space on central campus for Black students and students of color to organize and do social justice work.” “We want documentation of past, current, and future student activism and […]

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Muslim Leader Tells American People: “Muslims Do NOT want Peace”

You can’t put it more succinctly. Americans need to understand the true wickedness of a religion many bobble-heads call “peaceful.” To Muslims, without worldwide Sharia law, there can be no peace. Get out your burkas, ladies. Put away adultery, homosexuality, and public displays of affection, my fellow free thinkers. If you don’t submit to Sharia law, Muslims have a right […]

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CNN Chris Cuomo: It’s “Tolerance” for an 12-Year-Old Girl to Be Exposed to a Penis

Chris Cuomo, who truly believes he is an intellectual powerhouse in the world of progressive media, was responding to folks on Twitter about the transgender school bathrooms issue that has been raging all day. Someone asked Cuomo what he thought about a girl seeing a penis in a locker room, and he truly out-Cuomo’d himself. That’s not tolerance, Chris. This […]

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Police to indict former Netanyahu Chief of Staff on corruption charges

After nearly a year and a half of police investigations, authorities recommended Thursday evening that former Netanyahu Chief of Staff Ari Harow be indicted on corruption charges. Police say that they have compiled enough evidence against Harow, who resigned as the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff in early 2015, to charge him with a series of offenses connected to business […]

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Trump DHS secretary vows to Mexican leaders: “No mass deportations”

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly says that, despite his department’s newly issued sweeping immigration guidelines, there will be “no mass deportations” of illegal immigrants out of the U.S. The statement came as Kelly and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson met Thursday with Mexican leaders in Mexico City in what was surely an effort to shore up relations between the two […]

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Boehner says a full Obamacare repeal and replace is “not going to happen”

Former House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is not confident the Republicans will ever fully repeal and replace Obamacare, despite repeated GOP promises to do just that. “[Congressional Republicans are] going to fix Obamacare — I shouldn’t call it repeal-and-replace, because it’s not going to happen,” Boehner said Thursday during a health care conference in Orlando, according to Politico. Instead, the […]

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Iraq suicide bomber was former detainee at Guantanamo Bay

Family members identified the Islamic State [terrorist] who blew himself up in a suicide bombing at an army base in Mosul, Iraq, this week as a former Guantanamo Bay detainee. Family members of Abu-Zakariya al-Britani confirmed his identity for several media organizations, saying the man claimed by the Islamic State to have committed the bombing was released from Guantanamo in 2004. […]

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Ted Cruz: Congress Should Use ‘All Authority’ to Rein in Activist Judges

In the last congressional session, Sen. Cruz introduced a bill that would have limited the jurisdiction of federal court on marriage. When asked about similar legislation, the senator reiterated his unapologetically bold thoughts on the subject of judicial overreach. “We should be using all legislative and constitutional authority to rein in the abuses [of activist courts],” Sen. Cruz said. Cruz […]

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Chicago High School Holding Racist Seminar Led by Black Lives Matter Activists

Parents are upset over a so-called “civil rights” seminar scheduled at a Chicago public school they believe is pushing one-sided, leftist propaganda onto students. According to PJ Media: The All-School Seminar Day at New Trier High School in Winnetka, Illinois, is set for February 28 and focuses on “understanding today’s struggles for racial civil rights.” It’s a full day of […]

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Texas Pre-School Muslim Teacher Removed From Classroom After Tweeting “Kill Some Jews”

The Jew-hating Muslims among us. Ms. Salem, a teacher at The Children’s Courtyard in South Arlington, Texas, tweeted vicious, murderous posts from her now-disabled Twitter account. Remarks such as:  “kill some Jews,” and “How many Jews died in the Holocaust? Not enough…HAHAHAHA.” She is on leave “pending investigation.” Can you imagine a tweet saying “kill some Muslims”? The teacher would have […]

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Feds Paid $1 Billion in Social Security Benefits to Individuals Without a SSN

The Social Security Administration paid $1 billion in benefits to individuals who did not have a Social Security Number (SSN), according to a new audit. The agency’s inspector general found errors in the government’s documentation for representative payees, otherwise known as individuals who receive retirement or disability payments on behalf of another person who is incapable of managing the benefits […]

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MSNBC Anchor: “Our Job” Is To “Control Exactly What People Think”

During a lively discussion centered on fears that President Trump is “trying to undermine the media,” MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski let slip the awesome unspoken truth that the media’s “job” is to “actually control exactly what people think.” SCARBOROUGH: “Exactly. That is exactly what I hear. What Yamiche said is what I hear from all the Trump supporters that I talk […]

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Planned Parenthood not meeting safety standards, employees not even washing hands after abortions

Pro-life activists are moving once again against the horrid abortion mill Planned Parenthood, targeting a clinic in Alabama after a number of alleged infection control violations and other serious offenses were uncovered. As reported by Life News, Fr. Terry Gensemer, of CEC for Life, said at a recent press conference that his organization had documented some 15 pages of alleged […]

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American university declares English grammar is “racist”

Just because many blacks embrace ebonics and are illiterate, doesn’t mean that everyone else is a racist. Is the American language in and of itself racist? The University of Washington at Tacoma says it is. The college has hung an anti-racist poster in the student writing center insisting American grammar is unjust and racist. As the statement reads “Racism is pervasive. It is […]

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Atheist forces school to drop Ten Commandments

The “tolerant” leftist atheists want the Bible to be wiped out, yet they still support and teach Islam. A Pennsylvania school district capitulated to the demands of a militant atheist who filed a federal lawsuit demanding the district remove a Ten Commandments monument erected on a public high school campus. New Kensington-Arnold School District agreed to remove the massive monument […]

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Biracial ESPN Reporter: Worst Racism I’ve Received Comes From Black People

While discussing the current racial divide in our country, Steele, who is biracial and married to a white man, asked black people to look within themselves before blaming others. Speaking from her own experiences, Steele said that the “worst racism” comes from black folks. “There are times that I believe that we, as African-Americans, can be hypocritical, and that is to […]

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BREAKING: Trump to keep Obama’s protections on DREAMERS

DHS has apparently released their new immigration memos and one thing they are doing is keeping in place protections on Dreamers: #Breaking News – Trump administration to leave in place protections for “Dreamers” — FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) February 21, 2017 Here’s more on what the new immigration memos say: FOX NEWS – Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly moved Tuesday […]

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Breitbart employees threaten to quit if gay pedophile Milo Yiannopoulos is not fired

Several employees have reportedly threatened to quit Breitbart News if Milo Yiannopoulos is not immediately fired. A top editor at the right-wing news outlet said “at least a half-dozen” employees have threatened to walk. Yiannopoulos had his invitation to speak at the Conservative Political Action Committee rescinded after he appeared to defend pedophilia in video clips that emerged on social […]

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Iran Ayatollah Khamenei: We will liberate “Palestine”, remove cancer of Israel

Iran’s spiritual leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called for the “complete Liberation of Palestine” on Tuesday, and slammed the Jewish state as a “cancerous tumor”. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. The comments were made at the […]

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Muslim riots broke out in a Swedish immigrant neighborhood just two days after Trump’s comment

Remember how Trump was ridiculed over his comments on Sweden and their immigrant problem, with people accusing him making up fake terrorism [because Sweden is covering up the fact that Muslims are destroying their country]? Well just a couple of days after Trump’s comment, violent riots broke out in an immigrant neighborhood: FOX NEWS – Riots erupted in a heavily […]

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Chelsea Clinton Attends “I am Muslim Too” Protest in NYC

This is the stupid garbage you get from fake “victims”. The real victims are being mass-murdered by Muslims. Where are any so-called “moderate” Muslims standing against violent jihad? Chelsea Clinton took to the streets of New York on Sunday to stand in solidarity with the Muslim community and protest Muslim discrimination. Clinton brought along her young daughter Charlotte. Linda Sarsour, a […]

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Netanyahu Backpedals on New Settlement, Tells Ministers Israel at Odds With Trump

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his security cabinet on Sunday that U.S. President Donald Trump’s request that Israel rein in construction in West Bank settlements makes it difficult to push for the establishment of a new settlement for evacuees of the illegal outpost of Amona. Netanyahu told the ministers they will probably need to come up with another solution for […]

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Pervert Milo Yiannopoulos on “The Joys of Young Boys Having Sexual Relationships With Older Men”

There is NOTHING conservative about homosexual or pedophile perverts. Breitbart, where Milo is a writer, thinks this news isn’t important and ignores it all together. Milo Yiannopoulos will speak at CPAC (although he is not, as some have reported, the keynote speaker.) A controversy has arisen concerning his comments suggesting that 13-year-old boys can consent to sexual relationships with older men; that […]

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ICE: 950,000 illegals with ‘removal orders’ for deportation set free under Trump

Despite media reports of a massive crackdown by President Trump on illegal immigrants, just a tiny percentage of the nearly 1 million on the government’s deportation list have been arrested, according to statistics provided to Congress. The 680 seized in recent sweeps by U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement agents represent just .07 percent of the 950,062 with deportation orders as […]

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Toronto mosque: “O Allah! Give us victory over the disbelieving people…slay them one by one and spare not one of them”

Canada is about to pass a resolution that will pave the way to the criminalization of “Islamophobia.” But about this, Canadian authorities have nothing to say. “Supplications at Masjid Toronto Mosque: ‘Slay them one by one and spare not one of them,’” by Jonathan D. Halevi, CIJ News, February 18, 2017: Masjid Toronto mosque in downtown Toronto is affiliated with […]

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JTF This Week: Trump worse than Obama on settlements; Bibi apologizes to New Israel Fund while expelling Chaim Ben Pesach (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 31 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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Netanyahu: “We agree with U.S. to normalize ties with Arab Muslim neighbors” who openly call for Israel’s destruction

This article from the Jerusalem Post sums up Netanyahu agreeing with Trump to make pals with the leaders of Arab Muslim terrorist countries to help make “peace” with the Nazi PLO: The U.S. and Israel have a common understanding as to how regional threats could normalize ties with Israel and its moderate Arab neighbors, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at […]

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Israel Defense Minister on settlements: “We can’t build without coordinating with the U.S.”

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman on Friday warned against annexation of Judea and Samaria or accelerated construction in the region without coordinating with the United States. “We cannot move forward without understandings with the United States, both regarding construction and application of sovereignty, so I suggest that everyone calm down,” Liberman said in an interview on Channel 2 News. “As for […]

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ICE: 350% More Illegals Deported Under Obama than Trump

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) took to social media to quell what it calls “dangerous and irresponsible” stories that allege the agency is executing “roundups” of illegal immigrants for deportation [because of the Trump administration]. Untrue, ICE said in a tweet. Reports of ICE checkpoints and sweeps or “roundups” are false, dangerous and irresponsible. — ICE (@ICEgov) February 16, 2017 […]

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Ted Cruz zeroes in on Trump’s border wall: “We need to FINISH the WALL!”

The Cruznado is backing Trump’s border wall bigly as he held some events to highlight what is happening at the border and what should be happening. In McAllen we already have 20 miles of wall, protecting our border. It keeps us safe, and works w/ levees to prevent floods. #FinishTheWall — Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) February 18, 2017 Joined […]

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel: “Islam is not the source of terror”

בס”ד German Chancellor Angela Merkel said today (February 18, 2017) that Islam is not the source of terrorism and that cooperating with Muslim states in the fight against it is vital. Merkel, who has been critical of US President Donald Trump’s attempt to impose a temporary travel ban on people from seven Muslim countries, was speaking on Saturday at the […]

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Bibi reneging on his promise to build new town for Amona expellees after Trump says to “hold back on settlements”

800 Jews are now homeless and Netanyahu’s promises mean nothing. This is what happens every time there is a “compromise” with Jewish expulsion. “Promises must be kept,” wrote Bennett on Twitter, following a report that the Prime Minister was reconsidering his pledge to build a new town for Amona expellees. In December, residents of Amona agreed to a “compromise” worked […]

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