Category Archives: Articles

Trump: The UN doesn’t solve problems, it causes them

President-elect reiterates his criticism of the United Nations in the wake of the anti-Israel resolution passed by the Security Council. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday once again criticized the United Nations in the wake of the anti-Israel resolution passed last week by the Security Council. “The UN has such tremendous potential. Not living up to its potential,” Trump told […]

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Fact Checking Kerry’s Speech Backing Arabs Terrorists In Israel Over Jews

President Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry, tried to defend Obama’s anti-Israel Middle Eastern policy in a tiresome 70 minute speech earlier today. The speech was littered with historical and geopolitical ignorance. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for […]

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Jew-Hater John Kerry: “Israel can EITHER be Jewish or Democratic. It cannot be BOTH!”

From the idiot behind giving terrorist Iran nuclear weapons… A horse masquerading as John Kerry addressed the contentious state of Israeli-U.S. relations in a speech today, and he managed to be a bigoted idiot about it. He’s being widely criticized for this comment saying Israel cannot be Jewish and Democratic: Wait, aren’t the Democrats right now angrily denouncing Putin for interfering […]

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Ted Cruz: ‘History will record Obama and Kerry as relentless ENEMIES of Israel’

Ted Cruz is a real friend of Israel and slammed the Obama administration for their anti-Semitism: America is an unshakable friend of #Israel, and we are horrified at what has transpired this week. #StandwithIsrael — Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) December 28, 2016 Here’s the full statement from the TedNado: “Like bitter clingers, President Obama and Secretary Kerry are spending […]

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Muslim Convention: “Black Slavery Was Nothing Compared To Present-Day Islamophobia”

Seeing that Muslims in Africa still own black slaves, it makes me wonder why so many blacks want to convert to Islam. The Muslim American Society (MAS) and Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) are holding their winter convention for three days, ending today. Keith Ellison, the Muslim representative from Michigan who is running for head of the DNC, was […]

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China: Muslims drive car into government building and set off bomb – one person dead

And leftists blame the victims instead of the terrorists… again. “The government has blamed the unrest on Islamist militants [that’s the leftist term for terrorists], though rights groups and exiles say anger at Chinese controls on the religion and culture of Uighurs is more to blame for the unrest.” Why, of course. What Islamic jihadists do is never their fault […]

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State Dept: US Refused to Defend Israel at UN for “Israel’s Own Good”

The Obama administration blamed Israel for the Arab Muslim violence against innocent civilians [Jews] in Israel. [Mark] Toner said the United States not using its veto power at the Security Council to protect Israel and instead abstaining from the vote was really for Israel’s own good. “This was a resolution that we could not in good conscience veto because it condemns […]

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Obama White House Directly Involved In Lobbying UN Against Israel

Yesterday, Israel’s ambassador to the United States accused the Obama administration of being behind the passage of a UN Security Council Resolution condemning Israel for building settlements on territory controlled by Israel. Now more information is coming out and it looks like the point man in the process was none other than America’s Rain Man, our crazy uncle, Joe Biden. […]

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Erdan Calls John Kerry’s Upcoming Middle East Anti-Israel 2-State “Solution” Speech Pathetic

John Kerry, along with Obama, would love to see Muslim terrorists destroy Israel. Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan criticized US Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday night, shortly after it was announced that he would give a speech on Middle East peace. State Department spokesman Mark Toner said that on Wednesday, Kerry will make remarks regarding Middle East peace […]

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Intelligence agencies sued for records on Russian election interference

A lawsuit has been filed against the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence seeking records pertaining to Russia’s interference in the presidential election. Journalist Jason Leopold and Ryan Shapiro, a Ph.D. candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District […]

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Russia Voted for UN Resolution Condemning Israel and Pushing Suicidal “2-State Solution”

Russia has apparently not quite finished expressing its views on the issues raised by the UN Security Council’s condemnation of Israel’s existence, development and growth in territory won from enemies who attacked the Jewish State in 1967 and thereafter. The full statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry explaining Moscow’s position following its vote in the UN Security Council in favor […]

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Santa Monica Synagogue Vandalized With Feces During Hanukkah

When Rabbi Boruch Rabinowitz arrived at his Santa Monica synagogue on the second day of Hanukkah, he made an unpleasant discovery. The front window was smeared with feces and rice, in close proximity to a menorah display. The vandalism, which occurred Saturday night or Sunday morning, did not include any anti-Semitic messages. But officials at the Living Torah Center Chabad […]

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Jerry Falwell Jr. Defends Trump: “Making Deals More Important Than Social Issues”

You know who made deals? Obama made deals with Iran. RINOs made deals with liberals. Despite what the Trump chorus line would have you believe, The Donald didn’t receive more voter support from Evangelicals than Mitt Romney, John McCain, or George W. Bush. In fact, a recent survey by the Barna Group shows that his support was “the lowest level […]

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Obama adviser blames Israel for UN resolution

In an interview with Channel 2 news, outgoing U.S. President Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes rejected Israeli accusations against the administration in connection with the UN Security Council vote against communities in Judea, Samaria, and east Jerusalem. “We are not endorsing a resolution that seeks to impose a resolution to the conflict,” claimed Rhodes, and added that the resolution […]

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PLO Arab Terrorists Escalate Attacks Around Jerusalem

[PLO Arab] terrorists attacked Israelis in multiple areas around the holy city of Jerusalem and at the holy resting place of the Biblical matriarch Rachel, just one day after … the start of Chanukah, the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights. On Monday afternoon, Arab terrorists attacked the Tomb of Rachel itself, aiming for the security forces who protect the tomb and those […]

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Trump Repeating Behaviors he Criticized in Clinton

Donald Trump spent the past two years attacking rival Hillary Clinton as crooked, corrupt, and weak. But some of those attacks seem to have already slipped into the history books. From installing Wall Street executives in his Cabinet to avoiding news conferences, the president-elect is adopting some of the same behavior for which he criticized Clinton during their fiery presidential […]

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Obama Quietly Signs The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” Into Law

The US government was already planning its legally-backed crackdown on anything it would eventually label “fake news.” Late on Friday, with the US population embracing the upcoming holidays and oblivious of most news emerging from the administration, Obama quietly signed into law the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which authorizes $611 billion for the military in 2017. In a […]

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Scrap the Iran Nuclear Deal

As the Obama presidency fades from the scene, its most consequential and catastrophic legacy in foreign affairs is its Iran policy. Iran’s clerical leaders today possess a nuclear infrastructure that is gradually expanding and is blessed by the international community. For the first time in its modern history, Tehran is in a commanding position from the Persian Gulf to the […]

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Neo-Nazis plan armed protest in Montana against Jewish businesses

“Spencer has said that he’s encouraged by Trump’s victory.” Personal attacks against [a Nazi] and his mother have escalated into an armed neo-Nazi protest in the small Montana town of Whitefish. The racist website “Daily Stormer” is organizing a protest against Jewish businesses and those who support them in Whitefish for the second week of January. In addition to a planned march […]

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Anne Frank school in Paris vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti

A pre-school in Montreuil, Paris named for Anne Frank was vandalized over the weekend with swastikas and other anti-Semitic and anti-Roma graffiti. According to Haaretz, the graffiti included the message “exterminate all the dirty Jews and the Roma.” French officials have vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice. On Twitter, French education minister Najat Vallaud-Belkacem described the inscriptions as “despicable” […]

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Trump Shares And Praises Warm Letter From Russian Dictator Putin

President-elect Donald Trump, already under fire from some Democrats because of his relationship with Vladimir Putin, disclosed he received “a very nice letter” from the Russian president and expressed hope Friday the two nations could work together. Trump’s comments came after a Dec. 15 note from Putin, made public Friday, asked him to accept “my warmest Christmas and New Year […]

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UN Demands Israel Halt All Settlements – Obama Follows Thru with Last ‘Screw You’ to Israel

The UN Security Council on Friday approved the resolution demanding that Israel halt its construction in Judea, Samaria, and eastern Jerusalem. 14 member states voted in favor of the resolution, which was resubmitted by New Zealand, Malaysia, Senegal and Venezuela a day after Egypt, which originally submitted it, withdrew it. The United States abstained from the vote and did not […]

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Ted Cruz backs DEFUNDING U.N. in SCATHING statement against Obama’s betrayal of Israel

The TedNado is speaking out against the betrayal of Israel by Obama in the U.N. vote today, and backing the congressional effort to defund the United Nations in a scathing statement he posted on Twitter: Today’s @UN vote is the culmination of the Obama admin’s systemic agenda to weaken #Israel & strengthen its enemies. — Senator Ted Cruz […]

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Where Did Trump Foundation Funds Actually Go? Violated Legal Ban on “Self-Dealing”

Donald Trump to dissolve his charitable foundation before taking office next month. A new 2015 IRS filing calls into question just how charitable the Donald J. Trump Foundation really is. The forms, posted late Monday on nonprofit tracking site GuideStar and first discovered by the Washington Post, reveal the foundation has admitted to violating the legal ban on “self-dealing,” meaning […]

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EPA “global warming expert” sentenced to 32 months for fraud, says lying was a “rush”

The EPA’s highest-paid employee and a leading expert on climate change was sentenced to 32 months in federal prison Wednesday for lying to his bosses and saying he was a CIA spy working in Pakistan so he could avoid doing his real job. John C. Beale’s crimes were “inexplicable” and “unbelievably egregious,” said Judge Ellen Huvelle in imposing the sentence […]

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University of Maryland: Muslim students demand prayer rooms in every ‘major building,’ shuttles to local mosque

Victimhood, whether perceived or actual, is power on today’s college and university campuses, which are no longer centers for learning, but are merely Leftist indoctrination camps. Thus these groups hang their preposterous demands on their supposed victimhood. This is also why there are so many anti-Muslim hate crimes that are faked by Muslims: when victimhood does not exist, it must […]

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Arab Traitor in Knesset Arrested For Aiding Hamas Terrorists in Security Prisons

This is what happens when you put the enemy in your own government. MK Basel Ghattas was arrested Thursday night after questioning in connection with allegations he passed cell phones, SIM cards and coded messages to Arab terrorist prisoners incarcerated in an Israeli prison, according to the Hebrew-language 0404 news site. According to the report, Ghattas passed information and communications […]

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Trump Team Calls for State Department Info on “Gender Issues”

President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team ordered the State Department on Wednesday to turn over all the information it had on “gender-related staffing, programming, and funding.” That has prompted fears the incoming administration will go after programs centered around women’s issues and those who work on those programs, according to the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin. Rogin reported he got a copy […]

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Berlin Truck Attacker is MUSLIM MIGRANT who BURNED DOWN SCHOOL in Italy, Arrested 3 times, NEVER DEPORTED

Take little comfort Americans, President Obama won’t deport criminal illegals either. Anis Amri was arrested three times this year and his asylum application was rejected, but deportation papers were never served and he disappeared. A European arrest warrant from Germany, indicates that Anis Amri (pictured above) has at times used six different aliases and three different nationalities. German police were […]

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Trump’s CIA pick faces ‘serious management problem’

Rep. Mike Pompeo is about to take on a particularly difficult task: Leading a spy agency ridiculed and criticized by the nation’s incoming commander-in-chief. If confirmed, as expected, to be the nation’s next CIA director, the Kansas Republican will take the reins of an agency Donald Trump has repeatedly bashed as ineffective and unreliable. Trump has even taken the unprecedented […]

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Huckabee Defends Trump’s $1 Trillion Spending Package. He Condemned Obama’s Plan. What’s the Difference?

Appearing on Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday, former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee defended Donald Trump’s proposed trillion-dollar infrastructure initiative: “Well, let’s first just talk about the fact that we really do have probably two-three trillion dollars in total needs that have been identified by the Civil Engineers of America. And I know that sounds like, ‘Well, let’s just go and spend […]

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Black shooter arrested for killing 3-year-old black baby because of “road rage”

Do black lives matter to the black community that kills it’s own children in cold blood? Authorities say a man suspected of fatally shooting a 3-year-old boy [named Acen King] in a road rage incident in Little Rock has been arrested. The Arkansas Democrat Gazette reports that Assistant U.S. Attorney Patrick Harris said late Thursday that the man had been […]

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Anti-Israel U.N. to vote on ‘anti-settlement’ resolution

UN Security Council will vote on Thursday afternoon on resolution calling on Israel to “cease all settlement activities”. The United Nations Security Council will vote on Thursday afternoon on an anti-Israel draft resolution, diplomats told Reuters on Wednesday evening. According to the news agency, the resolution will demand that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the [so-called] […]

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Gingrich: Trump Moving Past “Drain the Swamp” Talk

Just like we warned, Trump’s going all in for globalists and establishment. President-elect Donald Trump’s phrase “drain the swamp” was “cute,” but he is now heading in a different direction and might be leaving behind that campaign promise, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Wednesday morning. “I’m told he now just disclaims that,” Gingrich, who remains a close adviser of […]

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Trump vineyard asks to have more foreign workers

A Virginia winery owned by President-elect Donald Trump’s son is seeking more foreign workers, according to a new report. The Department of Labor petitioned for the winery, called Trump Vineyard Estates, to bring in six foreign workers using the federal government’s temporary work visa program known as H-2, BuzzFeed reported on Wednesday. Trump’s son Eric owns the Virginia vineyard. BuzzFeed News […]

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Trump Is Already Ditching His Movement and Supporters

The president-elect’s supporters are quickly discovering that he fights only in his own self-interest. We are one month from inauguration day, and it looks like the Donald Trump revolution is already almost over. In its place is a globalist establishment led by a rogue tweeter. Doubt me? Let’s review the great causes that motivated his base. Since winning the White House, […]

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House Report: Obama Admin Attacked Own Scientists to Advance Global Warming Agenda

The House Science, Space and Technology Committee issued a report Tuesday revealing that President Obama sabotaged his own scientists in order to advance his agenda on “climate change”. The Obama administration “engaged in a calculated effort to dismantle an Energy Department program so it could focus on meeting the goals of the president’s climate change agenda, even going as far as to […]

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‘Free us or you die, cracker!’: Armed black panthers march against police ‘genocide’

Black Panthers marched in Milwaukee over the weekend to protest police “genocide” of blacks, toting rifles and chanting “black power!” along with profanity-laced epithets against law enforcement. Other chants included “free us or you die, cracker!” as well as “f*** the pigs” and “f*** the police.” “This is genocide. It can’t go on,” said Dr. Alli Muhammad with the Revolutionary […]

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Insanity! Netanyahu says Israel is looking to absorb Syrian Muslims from Aleppo

The Foreign Ministry on Tuesday began exploring ways for Israel to “expand the medical assistance given to civilian casualties in Syria”, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday. “We see the tragedy of the terrible suffering of the civilians,” Netanyahu said at an annual New Year’s event he holds with the foreign press. “We are prepared to take in wounded […]

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Obama Announces ‘Indefinite’ Offshore Drilling Ban — Admin Says Not Even Trump Can Undo It

President Barack Obama on Tuesday took unilateral action to make most U.S. Arctic waters “indefinitely off limits” to future oil and gas leasing — just weeks before Donald Trump’s administration takes over. Obama invoked a provision in a nearly 70-year-old law pertaining to offshore leases, according to CNBC. “Today, in partnership with our neighbors and allies in Canada, the United […]

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Ted Cruz calls to cut funding of universities that boycott Israel

At the “Champion of Jewish Values International Awards Gala,” Ted Cruz called for the government to cease funding universities that support the boycott of Israel movement. Republican Texas Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz announced on Thursday that any university which supports legislation calling for the boycott of Israel ought to lose its federal funding. The announcement came in a […]

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