Category Archives: Articles

Trump Adviser: Abandon Your Reagan Conservatism – This Is Trump’s Party, Now

So can all the Branch Trumpidian cultists stop comparing Trump to Ronald Reagan, now? In a stunning show of cowardice and defeat, Stephen Moore, founder of Club for Growth, has rolled over and abandoned the conservative movement of Reagan for the populist, Big Government party of Trump. No. He literally surrendered. Moore is Trump’s top economic adviser. Many may have […]

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Trump Has Turned Down Daily Classified Intelligence Briefings Since the Election

Trump has turned down daily intelligence briefings and tells critics to “get a life”. President-elect Donald Trump has turned down daily classified intelligence briefings since the election in early November, leaving him with lots of “catching up to do” on national security issues, according to one senior U.S. official. Trump has only been given two briefings per a report in […]

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Australia Immigration Minister Charged With “Creating Terrorists” by Saying It Was Mistake to Bring in So Many Muslims

“Last week Mr Dutton argued the Fraser government had made ‘mistakes’ in parts of its 1970s’ migration program. Challenged in parliament to identify the groups he was referring to, Mr Dutton said ‘of the last 33 people who have been charged with terrorist related offences in this country, 22 are from second- and third-generation Lebanese Muslim backgrounds.’” This is a […]

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Evicting Jews in Israel Because They Are Jewish Is Ethnic Cleansing

Deputy Foreign Minister calls to end the ‘myth of the occupation’ There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) blasted proponents of a [so-called] two-state solution that would include the removal of […]

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Trump Foundation Admits To Violating Law

Over the course of this election season, Donald Trump’s personal philanthropy and his pattern of seemingly using his charitable foundation as a personal piggy bank received a lot of attention. His foundation was reported to have used foundation funds, that is, funds for which someone received a tax deduction, to pay the personal expenses of Trump and to buy Trump gifts. […]

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Obama’s “Justice” Dept Sues NJ Township for Rejecting Mosque

The Justice Department announced on Tuesday it is suing Bernards Township, N.J., because it denied zoning approval for the Islamic Society of Basking Ridge to build a mosque on land it owns. The township in December unanimously voted down the Islamic Society’s application to build a mosque, which the Justice Department says violates the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons […]

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95% of Child Rape and Molestation Convictions in the UK Were Committed by Muslims

Of the 100 Convictions there were: 95 Muslims, 5 Non-Muslims, and 20% were named “Muhammad.” These are the results of an investigation into “Child Grooming” (Child Rape and Molestation) in the UK. The Times identified 17 cases in which men groomed girls they met on the street. Most of the offenders were of Pakistani origin and most of the victims were white November […]

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DHS: Tens of Thousands of Green Cards Have Vanished

Tens of thousands of green cards, used to identify foreign citizens living inside the United States legally, are unaccounted for, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson reported Tuesday. “It appears that thousands of green cards have simply gone missing,” Department of Homeland Security Inspector General John Roth said in a news release Monday. “In the wrong hands, green cards may enable terrorists, […]

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The LGBTTQQIAAP* Movement Demonstrates Why They a Danger to Children and Society

*LGBTTQQIAAP (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual). I swear I am not making this up. The current law in the State of Texas requires schools to allow parents access to 100% of all their children’s records, academic, disciplinary, health, you name it. The only exception are instances where something has happened that has triggered the […]

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Neo-Nazi Trump Conference Salutes Trump’s Victory With Chants of ‘Seig Heil!’

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum just blocks away on Monday condemned the “hateful rhetoric”. Celebrating Trump’s victory, and alt-right conference sporting more than 200 attendees was held in Washington D.C. on Saturday at the Ronald Reagan Building. The conference itself was put on by the National Policy Institute, spearheaded by Richard Spencer, an open white nationalist. “Hail Trump, hail our […]

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Trump to NYT: I Would Love To Be The One To Make “Peace” Deal Between Israel and the PLO Terrorists

Trump, once again, claims he will pressure tiny Israel to make concessions to Muslim Nazi terrorists who openly claim that Hitler didn’t finish the job. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. President-elect Donald Trump told top […]

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Under-Reported Arab Muslim Intifada Continues: 14 Rock Attacks in Israel in One Day

A perusal of the main news media finds that, except for the Hawara attack, the stonings were barely reported, if at all. Jewish blood is cheap. As of 18:30 on Monday evening, at least 14 rock attacks had been perpetrated against Israeli targets since morning, reports the Hatzalah organization of Yosh (Judea and Samaria) and the 0404 website. In one […]

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Trump to NYT, No More Criminal Probes of Hillary Clinton: “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons”

President-elect Donald Trump said Tuesday that he would not pursue any further criminal investigations of Hillary Clinton regarding her private email server use or the Clinton Foundation. “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” Trump told The New York Times in an on-the-record interview with reporters and editors. “She went through a lot and suffered greatly in […]

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Trump Flip-Flops on Global Warming: “There Is Some Connectivity Between Humans and Climate Change”

The President-elect had said gobal warming was a hoax but now believes it and blames humans – just like liberals. It is hard to keep up with the pace of change in the mind of Donald Trump. Just hours after announcing he was not going to pursue an investigation of Hillary Clinton over her use of a personal email server, he indicated another […]

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Breitbart and Trump Supporters Unhappy With Trump’s Shift Away From Campaign Promises

Is the honeymoon over, so quickly? Maybe. Breitbart took a break from their alt-right lovefest today, to express shock and dismay over the announcement that Trump would not seek a special prosecutor to handle an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server. There would be no “lock her up” moment. Instead, Trump wants to help his old friend “heal.” Just for […]

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300% Jump in Aliyah From Brazil

Baruch Hashem! The number of immigrants making Aliyah from Brazil to Israel surged in 2016, rising more than 300% over the average annual rate. According to a report by the Jewish Agency, some 700 immigrants will have moved from Brazil to Israel by the end of the year. About 650 immigrants have already moved to Israel, with 50 more expected […]

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Turkish President Defends Hamas and Compares Jews to Hitler

“I don’t agree with what Hitler did and I don’t agree with what Israel did in Gaza” says Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Just a week after Israel and Turkey “resumed full diplomatic ties” [yeah, right] by mutually naming new ambassadors, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sounded anything but conciliatory in an interview aired Monday in which he refused to […]

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Muslim “Refugee” Rapes 5-Year-Old, Liberal Judge Utters 2 Words Before Freeing Him

After an innocent 5-year-old told his mother about the heinous sexual acts he was forced to perform on an asylum seeker, the refugee rapist was arrested and put on trial. However, instead of giving him prison time or deporting him, the judge decided to let him go free with just 2 stomach-churning words. A mother experienced every parent’s worst nightmare […]

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Soviet Dictator Vladimir Putin Says Trump Confirmed “Willing to Mend Ties”

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Sunday U.S. President-elect Donald Trump confirmed to him he was willing to mend ties, though he also said he would welcome President Barack Obama in Russia. “The President-elect confirmed he is willing to normalize Russian-American relations. I told him the same. We did not discuss where and when we would meet” Putin also told […]

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JTF This Week: Likely Trump Defense Secretary is Jew-hater James Mattis; Parashat Vayera; JTF proven right on Lieberman (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 24 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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Trump’s Top Defense Secretary Pick Calls Israel “Apartheid” State

Trump Lavishes Praise on General General Mattis as he warns ‘Israeli settlements’ are turning country into an ‘Apartheid’ state. Donald Trump confirmed on Sunday that retired Marine General James Mattis is a leading candidate for Secretary of Defense, a day after the two met at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. The former Central Command (CENTCOM) commander was a strong […]

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Egyptian Muslim “Human Rights Activist”: Hitler “Great Man” Who “Exposed Truth About Jews”

Hatred of Jews is deeply ingrained in the Qur’an, which calls Jews “the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers” (5:82), and says that they “have been put under humiliation wherever they are overtaken, except for a covenant from Allah and a rope from the Muslims. And they have drawn upon themselves anger from Allah and have […]

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11-Year-old Hindu Boy Gang-Raped and Murdered in Swimming Pool by Pakistani Muslims

An 11-year-old Pakistani Hindu boy named Inder Vineet Hotwani has been allegedly raped and murdered at the premises of a club in Sindh province, triggering protests by people demanding justice for the family, a media report said today. The son of a Hindu doctor was found dead in a swimming pool inside the Hyderabad Club on April 13. The family members of […]

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Pope Francis Defends Communism: “…It Is the Communists Who Think Like Christians”

Last week, Pope Francis told Italian journalist and co-founder of the newspaper La Repubblica Eugenio Scalfari that “…it is the communists who think like Christians.” Here is the exchange: Q: You told me some time ago that the precept, “Love your neighbour as thyself” had to change, given the dark times that we are going through, and become “more than […]

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Five Things to Know About Trump’s Infrastructure Plan

Buzz is growing around President-elect Donald Trump‘s plans for a massive infrastructure package. Republican and Democratic lawmakers frustrated by the lack of significant federal transportation spending are hopeful they can work with Trump on a bill, making it one of the few bipartisan issues that could see action next year. Construction stocks soared following Trump’s acceptance speech in which he pledged […]

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Unbelievable: Netanyahu Begs Trump Not to Scrap Iran Nuke Deal!

Netanyahu to urge Trump to ‘tighten noose’ on Iran and NOT scrap nuke deal. A senior Israeli official reportedly said that Netanyahu had already talked with national security advisors and plans are in the works. anyahu plans to push President-elect Donald Trump into tougher Iran sanctions, officials told Bloomberg. A senior Israeli official reportedly said that Netanyahu had already talked […]

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Report: Trump Circle Furious Over Liberman’s Leftward Pull on Settlements

President Elect Donald Trump’s associates are enraged over a statement Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman made this week, suggesting Israel must cool its heels over Trump’s election and approach him with modest proposals regarding settlement construction. Speaking to political reporters on Wednesday, Liberman said, “If we receive confirmation of the Bush-Sharon understandings, we should grab it with both hands.” The Bush-Sharon […]

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The Rabbi of Ofra and the Chief Rabbi of Israel Praying to Allah with Hamas

This is so evil and disgusting. They prayed “in the name of Allah the merciful and compassionate” while defending Islam. This is what we are up against. Prominent Israeli rabbis attend a “peace” conference for religious leaders in Spain – along with a founder of Hamas. Dozens of senior rabbis from Israel, including the Chief Ashkenazic Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi […]

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Trump Has Donated More to Chuck Schumer Than to Any Other Senator

New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, the incoming Senate minority leader, will soon be the highest-ranking Democrat to go toe-to-toe with President-elect Donald Trump. Ironically, it is Schumer who has received more donations from the billionaire businessman than any of his fellow senators. From 1996, when Schumer was running for a seat in the House of Representatives, to 2010, Trump donated $9,000 […]

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Abortionist: We’ll Do It Illegally If We Have To

“There will be care by providers.” An abortion provider, whom sting artists caught on tape last year discussing baby body parts procurement in the Planned Parenthood fetal tissue trafficking scandal, has vowed to perform abortions illegally if push comes to shove in the Trump administration. Since Donald Trump became President-Elect last Tuesday, the pro-abortionists have been melting into a cry circle, many […]

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How Did Terrorist Hezbollah Get American Tanks?

What’s Israel’s connection to US-made armored vehicles now in the hands of Islamic terror group? How did the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah get its hands on American-made armored vehicles? That’s the question now being investigated by the US State Department, after photographs from a recent military parade the Syrian city of Al-Kosair put on by the Iranian-backed terror organization revealed […]

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Huckabee Apologizes for Saying Jews Daubed Swastika to Smear Trump

“They accused me of spreading false information and hatred, and demanded an apology, and they’re right, I do owe readers an apology.” Mike Huckabee apologized for posting a false news report blaming “liberal, Jewish” students for an alleged hate crime that involved a mention of President-elect Donald Trump. The story, appearing on the Conservative Tribune website, blamed an attack in […]

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Commie NYC Mayor De Blasio Senior Adviser Ripped for Posting Photo of Sister Holding ‘F*** Whiteness’ Sign

A senior aide to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio received sharp criticism for posting a photo to Facebook of his sister holding a sign that read “f*** whiteness.” The photo was uploaded on Monday by de Blasio adviser Lincoln Restler, who said he and his mother “took to the streets to stand in solidarity with immigrant New Yorkers” […]

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Phony Jerry Falwell Jr. ‘Willing to Serve’ in the Trump Administration

Now we know why the phony Jerry Falwell Jr. defended Trump and dumped everything the Bible says about how to judge people and right and wrong. Yet another name has arisen in the sweepstakes that is President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet naming process: Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University and a longtime evangelical supporter of the billionaire businessman. According to […]

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Trump-Themed Swastika Graffiti Found in Upstate New York

Graffiti that included a swastika and seemed to reference Donald Trump’s campaign slogan was found in an upstate New York town on the same day the Republican nominee won the presidential election. On Wednesday in Wellsville, in Allegany County, a passer-by spotted a swastika and the phrase “Make America White Again” on a softball dugout, according to the Wellsville Daily Reporter. Trump’s campaign slogan […]

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Google’s Eric Schmidt Wore ‘Staff’ Badge at Hillary Clinton Election Night Party

Hacked memo revealed Schmidt was working directly with the Clinton campaign. Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, Inc., was spotted at Hillary Clinton’s “victory” party last Tuesday wearing a staff badge, according to a picture recently submitted toPolitico. Google came under fire earlier this year for allegedly altering search results to paint Hillary Clinton in a more favorable […]

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