Category Archives: Articles

Rev. Farrakhan to Followers: ‘White People Deserve to Die’

The Rev. Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, told his followers in a sermon laced with racist invective and “allahu akbars” that white people deserve to die. The three-hour sermon, delivered last week according to Gateway Pundit, came after reports that he had called for 10,000 volunteers to “kill white people if the government doesn’t give the black […]

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Two Arab Muslim Terrorist Stabbing Attacks over Shabbat

Border guard and soldier stabbed in separate incidents in Samaria. Security forces shot both attackers. [Arab Muslims] stabbed a border guard and an IDF soldier in separate incidents today (Saturday). These were the second and third stabbings this week. The border guard was stabbed in the back late this afternoon near Tapuah Junction, in northern Samaria. Other guards quickly responded […]

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Abbas Condemns Israel for Killing a Terrorist While Stabbing a Jewish Police Officer

PLO chairman blasts the Israeli “occupation” after officers shoot and kill a terrorist who stabbed a Border guard. [PLO] chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday night condemned Israel for killing a terrorist who stabbed a Border Police officer. Abbas, in a statement quoted by AFP, condemned the “killing by the occupation forces” of 21-year-old Rafiq Taj from Shechem, the terrorist who […]

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Illegal immigrant murders pregnant woman, boyfriend, and mother in Florida home

A 19-year-old illegal immigrant was being held without bail Saturday after the discovery of three bodies at a crime scene in a Florida home that veteran cops called “almost unimaginable.” Brian Omar Hyde appeared before a judge Friday on charges he killed his pregnant cousin Starlett Pitts, 17, and her 19-year-old boyfriend in a Lehigh Acres home Tuesday, and then […]

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Four black Florida teens arrested in carjacking, kidnapping of federal agent

Four high school students have been arrested in the carjacking and kidnapping of a Texas border patrol agent who was vacationing with his family in Florida authorities said. The agent was confronted at gunpoint in an Orlando hotel parking lot Wednesday night as he was packing up his car. He was forced into the backseat, pistol-whipped, tied-up and robbed of […]

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Follow the Money: Planned Parenthood donated $25M to Democrats since 2000

The financial ties between Planned Parenthood and Democrats run deep, with the taxpayer-funded women’s health care and abortion provider’s employees and political arms donating at least $25 million to party lawmakers over the past 15 years, according to a analysis. The money, which flowed through an extensive web of Planned Parenthood employees, political action committees and soft-money donors accounts […]

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Iranian Video Games Teach Military Strikes on Israel

‘Anti-Zionist’ game urges destruction of Jewish state. An entity controlled by the Iranian government has released an “anti-Zionist” video game entitled “Missile Strike,” in which players are taught how to launch Iranian missile strikes on Israeli cities, according to an official report by the CIA’s Open Source Center (OSC) obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The anti-Israel video game was […]

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Osama Bin Ladin’s Son Calls for Attacks on Jewish Institutions

The national Jewish community’s security arm asked Jewish institutions to be on the alert after Osama Bin Laden’s son called for attacks on Jewish American interests. The Secure Community Network alert Friday said that Hamza bin Laden, who has ambitions to lead Al Qaeda, the terrorist organization founded by his father, posted an audio message calling “for the targeting of […]

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Baby chop-shop psyop: Leftists redefine for-profit infanticide as “merciful”

In the aftermath of the ongoing Planned Parenthood saga, in which this pro-abortion eugenics group was exposed for illegally harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for profit (which is a felony crime), the political left is now drum-beating the message that Planned Parenthood’s gross violence against unborn babies is actually a merciful act worthy of laud and praise. All […]

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EPA: Junk Science Global Warming Affects ‘Our Ability to Earn a Decent Living’

Obama’s hand picked EPA administrator Gina McCarthy has claimed with her global warming propaganda that it affects “our ability to earn a decent living” without ever explaining how that actually works. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy [who was picked by Obama] said on Tuesday that climate change affects “everything and everyone we love,” including our ability to secure a livelihood. […]

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Donald Trump is a Liberal

The property-magnate-turned-reality-star is just another big-government lefty. The latest indication that some Republicans are becoming uneasy about the prospect of a Donald Trump presidential candidacy: Conservative powerhouse Club for Growth took aim at the real-estate tycoon-turned-reality-TV-star on Monday, labeling him “just another liberal.” Despite considerable skepticism about whether Trump’s presidential ambitions are any more than “a publicity stunt,” as Club […]

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‘Slaughter the Jew’ OK – ‘Arabs Go Home’ Gets You Arrested

A Jewish protest was held in Ashkelon on Wednesday and again on Thursday evening to counter Arab demonstrators bused in to protest the possible forced feeding of Mohammad Allaan, a jailed Islamic Jihad terrorist who has been on a nearly 60-day-long hunger strike. Allaan was moved to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon on Monday morning, after doctors at Soroka Medical Center in Be’e’r Sheva […]

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Obama administration threatens states for defunding Planned Parenthood

The Obama administration threatened states taking steps to defund Planned Parenthood, claiming they may be in violation of federal law, HHS officials said on Wednesday. A spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services said that representatives of its agency, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, contacted state officials in Louisiana and Alabama earlier this month warning them […]

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Not News: Unarmed White Teen Killed by Cop; Two White Cops Killed by Blacks

The media enthusiastically remind us that it’s the first anniversary of the death of Ferguson’s Michael Brown, a death that spawned the so-called Black Lives Matter movement. In a September speech at the United Nations, President Barack Obama said, “The world also took notice of the small American city of Ferguson, Missouri — where a young man was killed, and […]

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Naftali Bennett calls for death penalty for Kahanist Jews

After two Jewish Kahanists were put under administrative arrest without a trial, Bennett says there must be “equal” punishment for Arab and Jewish “terrorists” – except the Kahanist Jews are the victims and Bennett fully supported the release of Arab Muslim mass murderers from Israeli prisons. Jewish Home chairman Naftali Bennett announced his support on Sunday for the use of administrative detentions, […]

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FBI seizes Hillary’s emails after finding she had two messages classified as ‘above top secret’ on private server

Hillary Clinton will turn over her email server to federal investigators – after it emerged that the insecure device contained at least two hyper-classified messages. Investigator found two messages deemed ‘Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information’ The hyper-secret messages passed through her insecure home server Thought to contain information from the CIA related to satellite imagery The FBI seized a thumb […]

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Dozens of cars and homes vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti in Texas Jewish community

SAN ANTONIO — A Jewish community on the North Side woke to widespread anti-Semitic vandalism Wednesday morning that included spray-painted swastikas, “KKK” lettering and other hateful slurs. “(We are) saddened and outraged,” said Howard Feinberg, a board member of the Rodfei Sholom Congregation, located near Northwest Military Drive and Huebner Road. “When we were finishing our morning prayers around 7 […]

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6th Shocking Video Catches Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies Without Patient Consent

The pro-life advocates behind the five shocking videos exposing Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies for research have released a 6th video today that shows how the abortion business sells body parts of aborted babies without patient consent. The video features Holly O’Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist who unsuspectingly took a job as a “procurement technician” at the […]

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US Senate Report: IRS Approved ONE… Yes, Only ONE Conservative Group in Three Years

Why isn’t anyone in the IRS in jail? Americans for Tax Reform has found an almost unbelievable factoid in the extensive Senate Finance Committee report on the targeting of conservative groups by the Internal Revenue Service under Lois Lerner. Over a period of over three years, Lerner’s clearly anti-conservative IRS approved the non-profit status of exactly one conservative political advocacy group. That’s […]

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California DMV employees traded cash for licenses

At least 100 commercial truck drivers paid up to $5,000 each to bribe California Department of Motor Vehicles employees for illegal licenses, federal authorities said on Tuesday. Officials said up to 23 traffic accidents could be related to the fraud, though there were no fatalities. Emma Klem, a 45-year-old Salinas DMV employee, and trucking school owner Kulwidner Dosanjh Singh, 58, […]

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Obama’s Betrayals: Willfully Supporting Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood

Dare anyone call it treason? It doesn’t get any more explosive than this: a high-ranking former Obama administration official charging that the administration made a conscious decision to support al-Qaeda – so where is the mainstream media? Brad Hoff reported in Foreign Policy Journal last Friday that “in Al Jazeera’s latest Head to Head episode, former director of the Defense […]

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Bennett Doubles Gay Youth Budget

Organization will receive almost NIS 1M. Education Minister ‘rejects with disgust’ MK Smotrich’s statement about ‘abomination parade.’ This is the religious party?? Has Bennett ever read the Torah? Obviously not! Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) says he has more than doubled the budget for IGY, an organization catering to homosexual and lesbian youth, following the murder of Shira Banki […]

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After nuke deal, European companies rush into Iran to sell tools of oppression

The lifting of international sanctions on Iran has triggered a stampede of European companies beating a path to Tehran to secure contracts, but some of the equipment being offered has dark, dual purposes in the hands of the Islamic Republic’s oppressive government. The cranes made by Austrian manufacturer Palfinger could be used to transform Tehran’s skyline, but also have played […]

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Trump Open To Idea of Continuing Taxpayer Funding of Planned Parenthood

During an interview with CNN Tuesday morning, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump stated that he was open to the idea of continuing to fund Planned Parenthood with federal tax dollars. “The problem that I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation. It is like an abortion factory, frankly,” Trump said. “And you can’t have it. And you just shouldn’t […]

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Obama vs. The Jews

It was his birthday and Obama was grouchy. “It’s my birthday and I’m going to be blunt,” Obama told the Jewish leaders meeting with him. When they complained that, “Words have consequences, and when they come from official sources, they can be even more dangerous,” he was unapologetic. “If you guys would back down, I would back down from some […]

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CA’s Latest Push to Naturalize Illegal Aliens

In addition to describing California state senator Ricardo Lara’s bill to provide taxpayer-subsidized insurance to illegal aliens, The Los Angeles Times reported on California Governor Brown’s continuing push to naturalize the same group, whether minors or adults, in spite of existing federal law and the moral mandate for a secure border. Continuing his push for change on immigration issues, Gov. […]

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Compromised: John Kerry has much to hide on his ties to Iran

Secretary of State John Kerry is becoming increasingly frantic as he takes his case for the deeply flawed Iran nuclear deal around the country. His latest argument, that congressional disapproval of the deal will be the “ultimate screwing” of Iran’s clerical Supremo – and that we should care – verges on hysteria. Whether it’s hysterically funny or a psychotic condition […]

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Ohio Supreme Court Board: Judges Can’t Use Freedom of Religion to Avoid Performing Same-Sex Marriages

Citing the judicial oath of office to “support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Ohio,” the opinion states, “A judge who is willing to perform marriages of only opposite-sex couples because of his or her personal, moral, or religious beliefs may be viewed as possessing a bias or prejudice against a specific class or group of […]

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State of Emergency: Cornel West and 4 Dozen Others Arrested at Ferguson

Following a night when two people were shot in Ferguson, Missouri, A state of emergency was issued in St. Louis County on Monday even as protesters were being arrested on the steps of the federal courthouse there, reports Newsweek. Academic agitator Cornel West was among those arrested, as were Black Lives Matter protesters DeRay McKesson and Johnetta Elzie, both of whom were released later. Several members of the […]

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Iran Deal: Yes, Obama Is Using Antisemitism

Jonathan Chait of New York magazine has attempted to defend President Barack Obama from claims he is using antisemitism to sell the Iran deal. Chait thinks that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lost his mind, so his judgment on matters related to Israel is somewhat in doubt. Still, he remains a rare voice on the left opposing the scourge of political correctness, so his opinion […]

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Islamic State Continues Brutality in Latest Video Showing New Method of Execution

Not content with beheadings, throwing men off buildings, or burning them alive, the Islamic State has moved on to yet another gruesome method of killing prisoners: blowing them up. In a new propaganda video released by the terrorist group, the jihadists are seen burying explosives in the ground in an undisclosed location in Afghanistan. The prisoners, whom the group referred […]

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Feminists Under Fire for Silence Over African Illegals Gang Rape in Israel

Five illegal immigrants from Eritrea were charged Friday in the Central District Court with the abduction and rape of a young woman they encountered at a club in Rishon Letzion six weeks ago. Israel’s normally ubiquitously vocal feminist leaders have said nothing about the case – and this is causing a backlash among women. According to the charge sheet, the woman […]

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Another 3 Jews Injured in West Bank Muslim Terror Attack

Three Israelis soldiers were injured, two seriously, in a terrorist attack in the West Bank when they were intentionally rammed by a car. The incident occurred Thursday afternoon near the Shiloh settlement located north of Ramallah. The two seriously hurt soldiers sustained head and chest injuries and were on respirators, according to reports. They were evacuated by helicopter to Hadassah […]

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