Category Archives: Articles

Nuclear Arms Race: Saudi Source Reveals Plan for the Bomb

Head of state-affiliated Saudi TV channel reveals Saudi Arabia will ‘seriously try to get’ nuclear weapons following Iran deal. While US President Barack Obama claimed he prevented a nuclear arms race in the Middle East when he presented the Iran deal last Tuesday, a key source in Saudi Arabia laid bare that claim by expressing the country’s sense of urgency to acquire its own nuclear […]

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‘I WANT A LAMBORGHINI’ Video captures Planned Parenthood doc haggling over fetus parts prices

Second video shows Planned Parenthood doc haggling over price of fetal body parts. A new undercover video shows a top Planned Parenthood official discussing “less crunchy” techniques to get “whole specimens” and haggling over the price of fetus tissue sales because she wants “a Lamborghini.” And the activist behind the sting operation says there’s much more to come. Center for […]

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Families of Victims of Violence by Illegal Immigrants Storm Washington

At a Tuesday Senate hearing dedicated to the families who lost loved ones thanks to illegal aliens, Laura Wilkerson gave testimony on her youngest son Joshua’s horrific death while some in the silent audience wept. Wilkerson called on Congress to place American lives and interests over foreigners, especially those illegally living in the country. During the hearing, titled “Oversight of […]

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Poll of U.S. Muslims Reveals Ominous Levels Of Support For Shariah, Jihad

In light of the murder of five American military personnel in Chattanooga last week at the hands of presumed jihadist Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, it’s worth revisiting a worrying poll of American Muslims released last month by Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy (CSP). That survey of 600 Muslims revealed that “significant minorities embrace supremacist notions that could pose a threat to America’s security […]

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‘Gays’ shopped for Christian clerk to target

Case highlights determination to attack same-sex marriage resisters. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito warned in dissent that the “same-sex marriage” ruling would be used to “stamp out” those who disagree with the progressive agenda. It’s begun. According to an attorney with Liberty Counsel, a federal judge is expected to release a ruling as early as Aug. 11 on whether […]

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Holding a Gun, Iran Dictator Calls for Muslim World to Unite and Destroy Israel

And Obama just gave terrorist Iran nukes. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei went into a conspiracy-laden tirade on Saturday, blaming the “arrogant powers” for getting in the way of the Muslim world’s mission to unite and destroy Israel. More of the poisonous fruit of Obama’s nuclear deal. Where did it get us? Why did Obama give America’s worst enemy billions […]

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WH: Obama visit to Cuba will not ‘necessarily’ depend on human rights

The White House said Wednesday that a decision by President Obama to visit Cuba would not necessarily depend on the Castro regime providing more human rights protections and basic freedoms, but did say progress on those fronts would factor into his plans. “I wouldn’t necessarily suggest that the successful protection of those rights are required before any presidential visit is […]

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Planned Parenthood dealer of baby parts back online

It didn’t take long for Stem Express, the California-based company caught buying aborted baby parts from Planned Parenthood, to get back in business online.  Stem Express,  which LifeNews reported offline on Wednesday is back online today—advertising the sale of the same baby livers,  Deborah Nucatola so callously went on about during her salad and red wine lunch. Planned Parenthood’s baby […]

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Obama to use Social Security to screen seniors from getting guns

Because everyone is worried that Granny, who wants to protect herself, will be a terrorist? If people in the Social Security system are unable to manage their own affairs because of “marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease,” the Times reports, those people might find it difficult to purchase a firearm, if that information is reported to […]

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Obama STILL Has Not Ordered Flags Flown at Half-Mast for Servicemen Killed in Chattanooga Islamic Terror Attack

This Sunday marks three days since an Islamist gunman opened fire Thursday on military facilities in Chattanooga, Tennessee, killing five unarmed servicemen and wounding a policeman. President Barack Obama still has not ordered the lowering of the U.S. flag to half-staff at the White House and federal properties as a sign of respect and mourning for those killed, even though […]

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Israel urges rejection as US Congress receives suicidal terrorist Iran nuclear deal

Obama has promised to exercise his veto if Congress rejects the deal. President Barack Obama’s administration sent a nuclear agreement with Tehran to Congress on Sunday and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged US lawmakers to reject a deal he said would only feed an “Iranian terror machine”. In a first concrete sign of European determination to quickly rebuild economic […]

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The Americans Surrendered to Iran

Dr. Harold Rhode of Ariel University says there were never any real negotiations between Iran and the West. Rather, the Americans gave in. Dr. Harold Rhode, a former analyst for the Pentagon on the Middle East and today a lecturer at the Ariel University in Samaria, on Sunday told Arutz Sheva that the deal between Iran and the West was […]

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Queen Elizabeth Gives Nazi Salute on Film

LONDON (Reuters) – Buckingham Palace scolded Rupert Murdoch’s top-selling Sun tabloid on Saturday for publishing a previously unknown film from 1933 that appears to show Britain’s Queen Elizabeth performing a Nazi salute as a young girl. The black-and-white film from the year Adolf Hitler came to power purports to show future British king Edward VIII instructing his nieces, the current […]

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Exploding Muslim immigration overwhelms FBI

Expansive visa programs make it ‘impossible to track them all’ The FBI failed to stop another terror attack, this time in Chattanooga, and the pressure building on the bureau from President Obama’s reckless immigration policies may be reaching a boiling point, say security experts. And the problem goes far beyond a loose border, where some 400,000 illegal aliens enter each […]

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Mass-Murdering Butchers of Planned Parenthood

Despite repeated requests, U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen’s office refuses to comment on the video released last Tuesday showing Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services describing how the organization’s abortionists “crush” an infant so that its most valuable body parts can be saved and sold to buyers. Her silence says a lot about the abortion debate in this country. Why […]

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Greeks Hate Jews

The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith polled 10,000 Greeks this June, and was shocked to learn that Greeks hate Jews. Greece, wrote Alana Goodman in the Washington Free Beacon, …surpasses Iran and trails just slightly behind Turkey in the percentage of its residents who hold anti-Semitic views. In total, 67 percent of Greek respondents agreed with the majority of a list of […]

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Obama administration pledges to help Iran “protect its nuclear program”

The dimensions of Obama’s craven surrender to Iran are becoming more and more clear. Yesterday, the administration circulated a draft UN Security Council resolution to remove UN sanctions from Iran. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) 45%‘s cute little committee isn’t going to finish it’s ‘debate’ until mid-September. The fact that there will be no UN sanctions in place by then calls […]

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Tennessee terrorist was armed to the teeth and ready for jihad

Chattanooga Gunman Spent Time in Jordan The suspected Tennessee terrorist who killed four Marines was heavily armed and bent on waging war against America, according to local, state and federal authorities who spoke Friday, a day after the shocking attack at a military facility in Chattanooga. Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24, a Kuwaiti-born Chattanooga resident who was killed by police to […]

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White House Celebrates Muslim Holiday on Day Muhammad Murders Four Marines

President Barack Obama sent a celebratory message to Muslims around the world on the White House Twitter account nearly two hours before his first tweet on the subject of four dead Marines killed by an Islamic gunman. “From my family to yours, Eid Mubarak!” —@POTUS to Muslims celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr,” the White House tweeted. This message was tweeted at 4:48 p.m. […]

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Portland State University Will Shut Down Political Activity If It’s ‘Triggering’

What free speech? Portland State University bureaucrats are doing a great job demonstrating how overblown concerns about the emotional security of students can quickly lead to blanket censorship of constitutionally-protected political speech. Administrators told a conservative student that his political protest could “trigger” a negative reaction from others—as such, he was prevented from continuing with his plans. Student Christian Britschgi […]

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America’s Future? Canadian Man Faces Jail Time for Disagreeing with Feminists

6 months for having a conversation on Twitter?! A Canadian man, Gregory Elliott, faces six months in jail for having a disagreement with feminists on Twitter. He has been charged with criminal harassment. The case involves two feminists (originally it was three) who claim they were harassed in 2012 by Elliott on Twitter. They are currently in court in Toronto. […]

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Hillary Clinton Owns Iran Deal

After President Obama announced the nuclear deal with Iran, the criticism from leaders and lawmakers was swift … In contrast to these voices, however, the Democrats’ de facto presidential nominee Hillary Clinton embraced the bad deal. Of course, if things go further south, you can be sure she will try to distance herself. So it’s worth remembering she was integral […]

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Muslim Terrorist Murders Four Marines at TN Military Facilities

At least four Marines killed, one police officer injured. Two military facilities in Tennessee were attacked Thursday by a gunman—identified by law enforcement officials as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. The second attack reportedly resulted in at least four military personnel killed and one police officer shot. The gunman was killed by police officers. Abdulazeez first opened fire at an Armed Forces Career Center at a strip mall in Chattanooga, an attack […]

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The Left Defends Islam: CNN Analyst Unsure If Terrorist Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez’s Name is Muslim

On Thursday’s The Lead, CNN analyst Tom Fuentes was unwilling to conclude that the perpetrator of a mass shooting against servicemen in Chattanooga, Tennessee was Muslim. John Berman asked the former FBI assistant director, “Now that we have the name [Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez], the key questions are what?” Fuentes replied, “I know…what the name sounds like, but we don’t know […]

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70-year-old Jewish farmer beaten to death by Arab Muslims – ‘Why Do the Police Lie About Our Father’s Murder?’

Children of 70-year-old farmer in Israel beaten to death by Arab Muslims with terror records berate police for claiming botched robbery and ‘ignoring facts.’ The children of David Bar Kapara, the 70-year-old Israeli farmer beaten to death by Arab terrorists last month, held a press conference on Thursday in which they denounced the police’s claim that the murder was criminal, rather than terrorist, in […]

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Susan Rice: We ‘Expect’ Iran Will Spend Some Of New Money on Military and Terrorism

National Security Adviser Susan Rice said “we should expect” that some of the money Iran gets under sanctions relief as a result of the nuclear deal “would go to the Iranian military and could potentially be used for the kinds of bad behavior that we have seen in the region” on Wednesday’s “Situation Room” on CNN. Rice was asked about […]

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UN International Criminal Court opening “full criminal investigation” against Israel for “flotilla war crimes”

ICC orders its prosecutor to consider ‘Mavi Marmara’ war crimes allegations against IDF: In a shocking 2-1 decision, the International Criminal Court on Thursday ordered its Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to consider opening a full criminal investigation into 2010 Mavi Maramara flotilla war crimes allegations against IDF personnel only 7 months after Bensouda had closed the file. With harsh language, the […]

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What “deal” did terrorist Iran have to make? Obama didn’t even get 4 Americans hostages out

Meanwhile Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who received a Rose Garden welcome home from Obama, is back on U.S. soil and still hasn’t been condemned by the White House for dishonorably deserting his unit in Afghanistan – while Iran gets nuclear weapons and billion of U.S. tax dollars. The president has left behind four Americans in Iran, despite the years of […]

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Three masked gunmen in France target Jewish family for robbery and assault – Parents and son hospitalized

A French anti-Semitism watchdog group reports that a Jewish family was attacked and robbed in their suburban home Wednesday. According to the National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA) report, three masked men, described as of African descent [Muslim], broke into a home in Le Blanc-Mesnil, a few kilometers outside of Paris. They then held the parents and son captive […]

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Planned Parenthood facing investigations over ‘abhorrent’ video on selling aborted baby body parts

A shocking video showing a top Planned Parenthood official casually discussing the shipment of aborted fetus body parts to research labs is fueling calls in Washington and state capitals for investigations and hearings. The video, shot last July, was released by the Center for Medical Progress on Tuesday. It shows two undercover CMP activists posing as employees from a biotech […]

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Government Census Bureau Predicts 1.24 Million More Immigrants To Enter USA in 2015

New data from the U.S. Census Bureau—published in recognition of “World Population Day,” which was July 11—predicts that 1.24 million new immigrants will enter the United States in 2015. The Census Bureau published the new data in its International Data Base, which contains population estimates and projections up to the year 2050. The figure from the Census Bureau is a calculation […]

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NAACP Proposes Sand Blasting Stone Mountain to Remove Davis, Lee, Jackson

There is no end… The Atlanta chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has proposed that the sculpture of Confederacy President Jefferson Davis, General Robert E. Lee, and General “Stonewall” Jackson be sand blasted off the side of Stone Mountain in Georgia. Chapter leader Richard Rose is telling local news outlets, “Those guys need to go.” […]

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Hitler and Gun Control

One of the issues that liberals and gun control advocates are most loath to discuss is how heavily and effectively totalitarians and mass murderers have relied upon gun registration and other firearms controls to round up “enemies of the state.” Hitler, Stalin, Castro, and Mussolini all seized upon gun laws to punish, incarcerate, and even exterminate their opponents, while permitting […]

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Judenrat Leftist American Jews Who Shamefully Support A Boycott of Israel

These same Jews voted in Obama who is giving terrorist Iran nuclear weapons. These self-hating traitors stab Jews in the back for trying to defend their lives from mass murderers. Funded heavily by the New Israel Fund ($237,980 from 2006-2013), Israel Social TV is an NGO often used as a platform for conveying the anti-Israel ideologies of numerous NIF organizations.  […]

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The mainstreaming of sexual deviancy

You. Will. Be. Made. To. Care. The Learning Channel (TLC) is promoting an upcoming reality series called “All That Jazz.” It features a mentally disturbed teenage boy who, with his parents’ connivance, labors under the illusion that he is a girl. Big things are on the horizon for one of our favorite transgender teen activists. Jazz Jennings, the 14-year-old who […]

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US, World Powers Seal Formal Suicidal Nuclear Pact with Terrorist Iran

‘Today will be remembered in history as a black day for the entire free world.’ Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reacted to the Iranian nuclear deal on Tuesday morning, after Iranian and Western diplomats revealed a deal had been reached ahead of an official announcement of the agreement at noon Vienna time. According to Netanyahu, “the nuclear deal with Iran is […]

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