Category Archives: Articles

NY High School Students Wear T-Shirts with Swastika and the word “Auschwitz”: “Hit the showers!”

And these depraved animals weren’t expelled? Where are the other parents? Where are school officials? Speak about Islam in a public school and you will be ruined (as was this teacher in Texas) but this? In a statement, school district brass noted that “the actions of these students are not representative of the student body at Commack High School. We […]

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Police: Muslims Murdered 12 Christians – thrown overboard during Med voyage

[Yahoo! News] – Italy’s migration crisis took on a deadly new twist Thursday as police in Sicily reported that Muslim migrants had thrown 12 Christians overboard during a recent crossing from Libya, and an aid group said another 41 were feared drowned in a separate incident. Palermo police said they had detained 15 people suspected in the high seas assault, […]

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MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry joins Al Sharpton in gallery of tax deadbeats – Owe’s IRS $70,000

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry and her husband, James Perry, owe about $70,000 in delinquent taxes to the Internal Revenue Service, the Winston-Salem Journal reported Thursday. The IRS filed a tax lien on the Perrys on April 6 for the outstanding debt, which is from 2013. In an email to the Winston-Salem Journal, Harris-Perry said she was unaware of the tax lien but […]

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Iran releases ‘fact sheet’ of nuclear agreement at odds with US version

Besides differences in number of centrifuges that can operate and length of the deal, Iran’s fact sheet also claims that there must be an immediate end to all US, EU sanctions and UNSC resolutions. The Iranian parliament’s nuclear committee released a fact sheet on Wednesday regarding the framework agreement reached in Lausanne over its nuclear program, and it differs significantly […]

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No, Really… Mexican Theme Park Offers Illegal U.S. Border Crossing Attraction

Illegal immigration may be a big issue at the U.S.-Mexico border, but in one Mexican town it counts as a theme park attraction. The U.K. Telegraph reports that a theme park in El Alberto, Mexico has been selling tickets for tourists to pretend they are illegal immigrants crossing the border into the U.S.— for over a decade. The park is called EcoAlerto. […]

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Israeli researchers say attacks against Jews spiked in 2014

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Jewish communities around the world faced an “explosion of hatred” last year, with the number of violent anti-Semitic attacks rising by 38 percent, according to a report released Wednesday by Israeli researchers. With most of the violence concentrated in Western Europe, Jewish leaders warned that many in their communities are questioning whether they have any […]

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Muslim Arab arrested for attempted rape in Jerusalem

A 21-year-old Arab man from the Shuafat Refugee Camp was arrested Thursday morning on charges of aggravated assault and attempted rape, for allegedly attacking a woman in Jerusalem’s French Hill neighborhood the previous night. According to police, the victim is a 24-year-old living and working at the German Embassy, who was accosted while walking her dog. When the woman refused […]

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Iran’s Supreme Leader anoints Israel as the Great Satan with the US only its slave

Two tweets from Iran’s Supreme Leader yesterday show that the US has lost its perch as being Great Satan to Israel’s Little Satan. If US officials act agnst Zionists’ wishes,they threaten to make them resign or create scandal for them.That’s why they’re Zionists’ yes-men — (@khamenei_ir) April 15, 2015 US govt has entrusted its economic power & national status […]

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Does Switch Really Make It Kosher To Switch Lights on Shabbat?

(JTA) — It promises a revolutionary innovation that could transform Jewish Sabbath observance. By changing the way a light switch works, the patented Kosher Switch offers a novel — and, its backers say, kosher — way to turn light switches (and, perhaps, other electrical appliances) on and off during Shabbat, circumventing one of the Sabbath’s central restrictions: the use of […]

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Another Arab Muslim terrorist runs over two Jews with car near Jerusalem – Victims seriously wounded

Late Wednesday evening, April 15, a vehicle slammed into two Israelis waiting at a bus stop in the French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem. The incident took place at the intersection of Ramat Eshkol and Route One. A 20 year-old female soldier and a 30 year-old male civilian were struck by the car. The two injured Israelis were taken to Ein […]

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Hillary Clinton Was Asked About Her Email Use Years Ago and Didn’t Respond

Back in 2012, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), as part of his frequent investigations of the behavior within President Barack Obama’s administration as the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sent a letter directly asking then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton if she or any other senior agency official at the State Department had used a personal email account […]

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Clinton Campaign Kicks Off as Hillary’s Top Senior Aide, Huma Abedin Linked to Muslim Brotherhood, Probe Begins

At long last the Department of State is investigating why a top Hillary Clinton aide with generational ties to Islamic terrorism was allowed to work in a sensitive government position while simultaneously working for a Clinton-connected private sector consulting firm. Hillary Clinton and the senior aide, Huma Abedin, apparently conspired to keep the sweetheart working arrangement that the Muslim Brotherhood-linked […]

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Islamic State committing ‘organized rape’ of women, girls: rights group

Islamic State [terrorists] are committing harrowing crimes against Yazidi women and girls in Iraq, including organized rape and sexual assault — and in one case, chose women by drawing names in a “lottery,” according to a report by Human Rights Watch. “… Those fortunate enough to have escaped need to be treated for the unimaginable trauma they endured,” said Liesl Gerntholtz, […]

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Hillary Clinton’s Common Core Problem

Which presidential candidate is most likely to be tripped up by their position on the Common Core? Jeb Bush comes to mind, of course. Yet the candidate whose support for Common Core could be most personally perilous—and most consequential for the larger 2016 race—is Hillary Clinton. Yesterday, Clinton effectively endorsed the Common Core. Yes, she threw a bone to liberal […]

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Leftist Evil: 1/3 Dutch GPs Would Kill Mentally Ill

42 mentally ill patients were “euthanized” in the Netherlands. Whoa! Don’t tell me that euthanasia doesn’t lead off a vertical moral cliff: A recent survey of Netherlander MD general practitioners found that very high percentages would kill cancer patients, and 1/3 would be willing to euthanize the mentally ill. From the PsychCentral story: For mental illness, only 34 percent would consider […]

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White House: New Transgender Bathroom!

The White House, in one more attempt to satisfy the LGBT community and satisfy Barack Obama’s obsession with transforming America, has now designated a gender-neutral restroom for visitors and staffers inside the White House. The restroom is situated in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where numerous staff offices and meetings are held, according to NBC News. The announcement of the […]

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Federal agents who had sex parties with hookers and let drug cartels foot the bill cannot be fired

DEA chief tells House committee she can’t fire agents involved in sex parties. WASHINGTON –  With the Secret Service still smarting from its 2012 prostitution scandal in Cartagena, Colombia, another federal law agency is in hot water over an even more salacious sex scandal – in the same country. The Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Michelle Leonhart, Tuesday faced a grueling […]

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Black Judge Gives Black Home Invader Probation, Calls White Victims Racist

A black judge, offended by a white family’s concern that their toddler was frightened of black men after a violent home invasion and robbery, publicly shamed them and let off the convicted man with mere probation. When Gregory Wallace was sentenced for alleged armed home invasion near Buechel, Kentucky, Judge Olu Stevens “slammed” the homeowners, Jordan and Tommy Gray, for not correcting their […]

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Federal Judge Orders DOJ To Release Illegals Without Bond

Ruling could impact “tens of thousands” of illegal immigrant detainees. A federal judge in Seattle has ordered the Department of Justice to release illegal immigrants detained for failing to post a required bond. The decision could impact tens of thousands of detainees nationwide. U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik issued the order Monday, citing a law he argued should overrule a conflicting […]

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Even Germany Speaks Out Against Russia Giving Iran S-300 Anti-Missile System

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Tuesday spoke out against Russia’s decision to prepare to deliver missile systems to Iran, Reuters reported. Speaking before a meeting of G7 foreign ministers in the northern German city of Luebeck, Steinmeier said that it was “too early” to think about rewarding Iran. “We’re in the middle of a process,” he was quoted as […]

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Only 4% Got the Right Obamacare Subsidy

Tax Day is tomorrow, and if Obamacare wasn’t complicating people’s lives enough already, it’s going to make paying taxes even more of a pain for most of the people who have signed up for subsidies. According to Betsy McCaughey over at Investor’s Business Daily, if you applied for a federal Obamacare subsidy, chances are the bureaucrats got it wrong. Per […]

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Thanks To Obama And Clinton, Russia Selling Advanced Missiles To Muslim Terrorist Iran

We now see one of the first results of the disastrous deal that Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton made with Muslim terrorist Iran to legitimize their nuclear bomb-making program. On Monday, Russia announced it has lifted its self-imposed ban on shipping sophisticated S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran. A deal was signed in 2007 worth roughly $800 million […]

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Obama tries to sell his suicidal Iran deal to establishment liberal Jewish leaders and donors

The Obama administration’s effort to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the Jewish community kicked up a notch with two meetings scheduled on the same day between the president and Jewish leaders. President Barack Obama will attend two White House meetings Monday with Jewish leaders on Monday — one with organizational leaders, and a second unusual meeting with a group […]

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Islamic State hacks Australian airport website with threatening message to Israel

The website of Hobart International Airport was replaced with a pro-Islamic-State message. Islamic State hackers managed to take down a small Australian airport’s website on Sunday, replacing the site with a threatening message. According to the Australian Broadcast Corporation, on Sunday around 3:00 a.m. local time, the website of Hobart International Airport in Tasmania was hacked by a group calling […]

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Federal Judge Calls Out Justice Dept on Immigration Lies

“This Court expects all parties, including the Government of the United States, to act in a forthright manner and not hide behind deceptive representations and half-truths.” The battle between federal district court Judge Andrew Hanen and the Obama administration over the president’s executive orders on immigration ratcheted up Tuesday. Hanen issued a second order this week that charged that the […]

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Netanyahu makes statements about Iran but does absolutely nothing

Isn’t it time that Israel bombed Iran’s nuclear facilities and made sure the people of Israel are safe from a nuclear holocaust? Millions of innocent lives are at stake. Netanyahu, we don’t care what Obama thinks… and there is no such thing as a “good” or “better deal” with lunatic terrorists! Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued the following statement: “In […]

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Hillary Clinton Makes Junk Science “Global Warming” Her Central Issue for 2016

It’s official. Hillary Clinton is running for President of the United States. That wasn’t a surprise, but something about her campaign really stood out yesterday – and most people missed it. This tweet by John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman: As reported at ThinkProgress, Hillary’s campaign is the first major presidential campaign to make [global warming] a central issue. … We […]

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New documents show Obama administration’s scandalous misuse of the IRS to target conservatives goes far deeper

Judicial Watch has just released a new batch of documents forced out of the IRS that show the Obama administration’s scandalous misuse of the IRS to target Tea Party and other conservatives goes far deeper than realized. Included in the new batch of documents is a February 2012 email from Lois Lerner, who was then head of the IRS’ Exempt Organizations Branch, asking that […]

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Above the Law: Kerry Urges Lawmakers to Stay Out of Iran Deal That Would Give Iran Nukes

Secretary of State John Kerry says lawmakers should “hold their fire” as negotiations with Iran continue. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday urged lawmakers not to put up obstacles in the path of the talks between Iran and the West on its nuclear program, AFP reported. Kerry spoke with CBS’s “Face the Nation” as he prepares to defend […]

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Spain Muslim Terrorists Plot to Bomb Jewish Bookstore

Members of a [Muslim terrorist] cell arrested this week in Spain were trying to obtain explosives to bomb a Jewish bookshop in Barcelona, an investigating magistrate said on Friday. Other potential targets of the group included synagogues and public buildings in the Catalonia region, the magistrate said in a report after receiving information from prosecutors. The report said seven of […]

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Ted Cruz reacts to Hillary Clinton’s announcement she is running for President

Is the world safer because Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State? No. HOUSTON, Texas — Today U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, issued the following statement in reaction to the announcement that Hillary Clinton is running for President: “Hillary Clinton just announced what we’ve known for a long time — she’s running for president, again. But the good news is that […]

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The lies begin: Hillary Clinton claims credit for ‘tough new sanctions against Iran’

Hillary Clinton announced today that she is running for President (Hat Tip: Memeorandum), and her newly minted campaign has already started to lie. Clinton, it claims was behind ‘tough new sanctions‘ against Iran. And when President Obama asked Hillary to serve as his secretary of state, she put aside their hard-fought campaign and answered the call to public service once […]

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