Category Archives: Articles

Ignoring White House Warnings, Terrorist Iran Test-Fires Another Missile

The test comes the same day the White House announced it is considering a proposal that would designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization. Iran test fired another surface to air missile Wednesday, officials told Fox news. The test, just as the last, occurred outside Semnan, about 140 miles east of Tehran. The test comes the same day […]

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Trump administration sends armored vehicles to Muslim Syrian “rebels” connected to Al Qaeda

So while Russia sends missiles to the Syrian government, Trump sends armored vehicles to the Al Quaeda connected so-called “rebels”. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of Arab and Kurdish forces in northern Syria, has received armored vehicles from the US, indicating increased support from Washington under the administration of President Donald Trump. A small number of vehicles arrived […]

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Israel Justice Minister: ‘Huge fines for social media sites that don’t remove incitement’

The wording here is extremely dangerous. The government can label anything they disagree with, for example, when Netanyahu claimed Jews praying at the temple mount was incitement. Any criticism of Islam or criticism of government policies could be labeled as “incitement”. Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Jewish Home) is working to promote the imposition of large fines for social media sites […]

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Breaking: Jeff Sessions Confirmed as New Attorney General

The Senate has just confirmed Jeff Sessions as the new Attorney General in a party line vote of 52-47: BREAKING: Senate confirms Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions to be attorney general despite strong Democratic opposition. — The Associated Press (@AP) February 9, 2017 BREAKING: Senate votes 52 to 47 to confirm Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general — NBC Politics […]

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Insane: Israel “Apologizes” for Questioning of Anti-Israel and Terrorist Supporting New Israel Fund VP

Instead of questioning this Nazi pig for 90 minutes, they should have thrown her out. Instead they apologize! Oh geez, they questioned the Jew hating VP for the Anti-Israel “New Israel Fund” for an hour and a half. How could they?? It’s just beyond torture! The head of Israel’s Immigration Authority on Thursday apologized for any possible anguish caused to […]

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Russia Sends Terrorist Syria Largest Missile Delivery to Date

Russia sends missiles to Muslim terrorist Syria that sits right next to Israel. Russia has just sent Syria the largest shipment of missiles between the two countries to date, the latest delivery between the two allies that could further change the stakes in the Middle East, U.S. officials told Fox News on Wednesday. The shipment of 50 SS-21 short-range ballistic missiles […]

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Establishment RINO Relic James Baker Wants to Tax Air, Calls it ‘Conservative’

I remember in the 1970’s, probably during the Carter years, my dad saying that “They’d tax the air if they could.” Well, now establishment RINO relic James Baker, who did his darndest to derail the conservative Reagan Revolution during his subversive activity in the Reagan administration, is calling for a “carbon tax,” a policy that is making my eighth grade […]

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GOP senator: ‘There’s not any real discussion taking place’ on ObamaCare

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said Tuesday there are no real talks taking place among Senate Republicans about a replacement for ObamaCare, The Huffington Post reported. “To be honest, there’s not any real discussion taking place right now,” Corker was quoted as saying. Corker said that during the Republican retreat last month, members of the GOP had “breakout sessions” on ObamaCare. […]

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Trump Administration Lists 78 ‘Under-Reported’ Terror Attacks – Leaves Israel Out!

List includes attacks – such as the Bataclan attack and San Bernardino – that were widely covered by media. No reason was given how list was compiled, and why Israel not included. The White House on Monday published a list of terror attacks from recent years that it claims were “under-reported” by the American media, after President Trump claimed in […]

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Israel proposed another prisoner swap with Hamas mass-murdering terrorists; Hamas rejected offer

The military arm of Hamas this morning said that Israel had proposed to it a prisoner swap deal via intermediaries. According to the Al Jazeera report, Hamas had answered the intermediaries that the proposal did not meet the group’s requirements and that it was, therefore, rejecting the proposal. Hamas is currently holding two Israeli citizens from southern Israel, as well […]

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Ted Cruz Destroys Bernie Sanders During “CNN Healthcare” Debate

And don’t miss out on Ted Cruz’s fact sheet that proves socialized medicine is a failure everywhere it’s been tried. CNN is so desperate for ratings they hosted a Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders “health-care” debate. [CNN] probably gave Bernie Sanders the debate questions ahead of tonight’s debate. Didn’t matter to Ted Cruz though, as even with the likely-hood of Bernie Sanders […]

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California Senate Leader Admits: “Half Of My Family” In Country Illegally With “False Social Security Cards”

Can someone please explain at what exact point in American history it became perfectly acceptable for an elected official to admit publicly that “half” of his family has committed numerous federal crimes including multiple counts of identity theft and falsification of federal records? In testimony provided before the California Senate’s Public Safety Committee, Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Leon […]

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Muslims scream ‘Allah Akbar’ after being sentenced for raping 11 year old repeatedly and getting her pregnant at 12

Six men were given sentences between 10 years and 20 years – and totalling more than 80 years – by a judge who heard details of how two young girls were groomed and sexually abused in the South Yorkshire town between 1999 and 2001. Judge Sarah Wright described how one of the girls was plied with alcohol and drugs and […]

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Former Planned Parenthood managers: We had to meet quotas for abortions

Does pizza make a great motivator to end a pregnancy? The latest video from Live Action features former Planned Parenthood managers discussing the financial pressure put on clinics to maximize the revenue stream from their core business — abortions. The pressure wasn’t just limited to the managers either, but also to the women who came to the clinic: “I trained […]

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Iran Officials: Obama Admin Gave Unwritten Consent For Iranian Ballistic Missiles Reaching Israel

On January 30, 2017, U.S. sources announced that Iran had conducted a failed test of a new ballistic missile, the Khorramshahr. According to reports, the missile exploded after a 965-km flight.[1] Both Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif (on January 31) and Defense Minister Dehghan (on February 1) stressed that Iran “asks permission from no one in the matter of its defense […]

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Obama’s Climate Scam Under Investigation

The House science committee is expected to take the Obama administration to task on Tuesday for intentionally trying to undermine scientific research on climate change at the United Nations when it didn’t suit the former president’s climate change agenda. New evidence was brought to the committee’s attention over the weekend that Republicans say show that the Obama administration rushed out […]

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CAIR Leader: Overthrow the U.S. Government

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) successfully presents itself to the media as a benign civil rights organization, … a description that conservatives ineffectively rail against. In this light, perhaps a tweet sent out just after midnight EST on Nov. 9 by Hussam Ayloush, long-time head of CAIR’s Los Angeles office, will help awaken the press to CAIR’s true Islamist identity. […]

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Muslim “Refugee” With Gas Pipeline Plans Arrested in New Mexico Border County

Police in a U.S. town bordering Mexico have apprehended an undocumented, Middle Eastern woman in possession of the region’s gas pipeline plans, law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch. Authorities describe the woman as an “Islamic refugee” pulled over during a traffic stop by a deputy sheriff in Luna County, New Mexico which shares a 54-mile border with Mexico. County authorities […]

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Each NHL Team Has an ‘LGBTQ-Inclusion Ambassador’ Now

It’s non-stop with the perverted and completely insane LGBTQQIP2SAA garbage being pushed in our faces. Every NHL team now has an “LGBTQ-inclusion ambassador” for a league that has no openly gay players. The NHL will host events throughout the month for its “Hockey Is For Everyone™” initiative that raise awareness about LGBTQ issues and gender equality in the all-men league. “The NHL […]

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Iran Threatens Nuclear Holocaust: “Only Seven Minutes Needed for the Iranian Missile to Hit Tel Aviv”

“Only seven minutes is needed for the Iranian missile to hit Tel Aviv,” senior member of the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission and former Revolutionary Guard official, Majtaba Zonour, told semi-official Fars News Agency Saturday. His comments follow days of heated exchanges between US and Iranian officials. Tensions between Washington and Tehran have intensified after the Trump […]

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Trump Compares Americans to Mass-Murdering Russian Dictator Putin: “You Think Our Country Is So Innocent?”

Amid the uproar, Trump plays golf. President Donald Trump said he had respect for Russian President Vladimir Putin and asked whether the United States is innocent in an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly set to air ahead of the Super Bowl on Sunday. “I respect a lot of people, that doesn’t mean I’m going to get along with him,” […]

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Senior Hamas terror commander dies after bomb he was working on exploded unexpectedly

A senior Hamas commander has died in what the group called an “accidental explosion” – basically, a “work accident.” The Izz a-Din al-Qassam military wing of the region’s ruling Hamas terror organization said in a news release that Muhammad Walid al-Quqa was “setting something up” when the blast occurred. Al-Quqa was a resident of the Al Shati community in northern […]

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Jewish community centers in US receive nearly 50 bomb threats in 2017 so far

Nearly 50 bomb threats have been received by Jewish community organizations in the US since the start of the year, in a climate of rising antisemitism nationwide. “These are regular occurrences now, with a frequency that’s been increased and on a scale that’s been increased,” Elise Jarvis, associate director for law enforcement outreach and communal security at the Anti-Defamation League, […]

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BUSTED: Government ‘Scientists’ Caught CHEATING to Further Global Warming SCAM

A whistleblower says the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) rushed a landmark study claiming the planet was warming much faster than expected in order to influence international climate negotiations. Dr. John Bates, the former principal scientist at the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C., told the Daily Mail NOAA’s 2015 study was meant “to discredit the notion of […]

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Inspector General: Obama IRS Employees Who Cheated on Taxes Allowed to Keep Jobs

Agency mitigates up to 82 percent of cases. More than half of IRS employees found to have intentionally cheated on their taxes last year were allowed to keep their jobs, according to numbers released by the inspector general that suggest the agency is still reluctant to punish its own staffers for breaking tax laws. Nine employees caught cheating between April […]

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JTF This Week: Trump adopts Obama anti-Israel policy; hundreds of Jewish youth heroically resist Amona expulsion (new video)

בס”ד Please publicize this important video everywhere possible. Video version on YouTube: The program is 29 minutes this week. You can listen to it here. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods, the link is provided below:

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Iran Defies U.S. and Carries Out New Missile Tests After Trump Imposes Sanctions

Iran carried out further missile tests during an annual military exercise, a day after President Donald Trump imposed fresh sanctions on a raft of individuals and companies in response to the country test-firing a ballistic rocket last week. The country successfully tested a range of land-to-land missiles and radar systems during the drills in a 35,000 square-kilometer stretch of desert […]

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They Lied All Along: Republicans Plan to “Repair” Not Repeal Obamacare

Is it possible to repair a house on fire without extinguishing the raging inferno in it? Republicans think we are stupid enough to believe so. First they promised to repeal Obamacare “root and branch.” Then they promised to “repeal and replace” without explaining its meaning — other than to legitimize the premise of Obamacare as a partial force for good. […]

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Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner pushed Donald Trump to uphold Obama’s Pro-LGBT executive order

It appears that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner never read the Torah. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner pushed President Donald Trump to uphold a 2014 executive order protecting LGBT people from workplace discrimination. The president’s daughter and her husband, who serves as a White House senior adviser, worked to nix a draft executive order outlining how to roll back some of the […]

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Facebook chief operating officer donates $1 million to Planned Parenthood to help murder babies

It’s past time to stop using Facebook. Facebook‘s chief operating officer, Sheryl Sandberg, donated $1 million to Planned Parenthood earlier this week, a source confirmed to CNBC. Sandberg has lent “longstanding, and now increased, support” to Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, told Refinery29, which originally reported Sandberg’s donation. Sandberg’s not alone: The organization […]

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Trump Turns on Israel: Warns Israel to Curb Settlement Construction

This is rather shocking because that’s exactly what the United Nations was condemning when everyone said Obama betrayed Israel by abstaining from the vote. From Arutz Sheva: U.S. President Donald Trump has warned Israel to stop its unilateral announcements of new construction in Judea and Samaria, an unnamed official in Washington told the Jerusalem Post on Thursday. The official said Israel’s […]

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Police Commanders on Amona Expulsion: “We didn’t know we would face this much opposition”

The brave Jews who resisted the Amona expulsion are heroes! Those “Jews” who took part in expelling Jews from their homes are traitors and will face punishment from Hashem. Brig. Gen. Yoram Sofer, the deputy commander of Shai District Police, who commanded the inner circle of police forces who carried out the eviction of the residents of Amona from their […]

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Mark Levin: Trump admin has now adopted Obama’s position on Israeli settlements

Mark Levin opened up his second hour talking about the bizarre statement from the Trump administration on Israeli settlements that he said sounds a lot like the position of the Obama administration. Levin points out that the statement isn’t just bizarre, it’s confusing. He characterized it his way: “Look we’re not saying they get in the way of peace, but […]

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If Israel hasn’t built new settlements in nearly 20 years, why isn’t there peace?

I also showed that the New York Times reported, parenthetically, that there has been “little building” over the past eight years in the territories. But if you have read Reuters and the NYT and all major news media during the past ten years, you would think that Israel has been building “settlements” non-stop and at breakneck speed. In fact, all […]

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U.S. Readies Sanctions on Iran After Ballistic Missile Test

The Trump administration is preparing to levy sanctions on Iran after it test-fired a ballistic missile, according to U.S. officials and others with knowledge of the decision. The sanctions are expected to be levied as early as Friday. Up to two dozen Iranian individuals, companies and possibly government agencies could be penalized. The sanctions come on the heels of the […]

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Liberals: “If We Don’t Let Muslims Into America, They’ll Kill Us!”

Our immigration policy should not be a hostage crisis. Trump’s executive order is “going to get Americans killed,” Senator Murphy declared. The Connecticut Democrat was joining a chorus of the clueless warning us that if we don’t let Muslims into America, they’ll join ISIS and kill us. Singing their brains out in the same stupid chorus were Senator McCain and Senator […]

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About 6.1 Million Illegals Filed Taxes in US – Many Didn’t Pay, Received Refunds

In the last presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Clinton said that “half of all” illegal immigrants in the U.S. “actually pay federal income tax.” PolitiFact, a Pulitzer Prize-winning fact check organization, investigated Clinton’s claim and reported: “While there is no official figure, experts estimate that about half of all undocumented workers pay federal income taxes, if not […]

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Kill the “Two State Solution”

The two-state solution, a perverse euphemism for carving an Islamic terror state out of the land of Israel and the living flesh of her people, is in trouble. The solution, which has solved nothing except the shortage of graves in Israel and Muslim terrorists in the Middle East, is the object of grave concern by the professionally concerned from Foggy […]

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Police expel 800 innocent Jews from their homes and land in Israel; 12 arrested and Jewish youths beaten

This is such a disgrace. Innocent Jews are being expelled from their homes in Israel to appease Arab Muslim terrorists who openly call for a holocaust against the Jewish people. The Police spokesman stated Thursday that “police units in the Amona area will continue and complete the evacuation of the area. Police officers are talking with leaders of the community […]

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Supreme Court Rejects Plan for Amona Alternative Homes; Expelled Jews Are Homeless

Gee, thanks for screwing your people, Netanyahu. You are such a “real right winger” who cares more about terrorists and the UN than innocent Jewish lives. As the orderly and disorderly eviction of the Jewish families of Amona in Samaria, the Supreme Court on Wednesday night has announced that the deal between the government and the Amona residents for an […]

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Trump To Mexico: Handle Your “Bad Hombres” Or The U.S. Military Might

Friday morning President Trump had a phone call with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto in which he intimated he’d send the U.S. military down to “take care of” the “bad hombres,” according to a excerpt of the call provided anonymously to the Associated Press. “You have a bunch of bad hombres down there,” Trump told Pena Nieto, according to the […]

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IRS Does Not Notify Taxpayers If a Child’s Identity Was Stolen to Commit Fraud

Agency issued refunds for returns flagged for possible identity fraud. The Internal Revenue Service does not notify taxpayers if their child’s identity was stolen to commit fraud, according to an audit from the Government Accountability Office. Criminals sometimes obtain an individual’s information—such as a Social Security number or date of birth—and uses it to file a fraudulent tax return to receive […]

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Doctors Banned From Calling Pregnant Women “Mothers” In Case It Offends Transgenders

Will Mother’s Day be a thing of the past because it’s too “offensive” liberals? British doctors have been told not to use the word “mother” when referring to pregnant women in case it offends transgender people. New guidelines issued by the doctors’ trade union the British Medical Association to its 160,000 members say expectant mothers should be called “pregnant people” […]

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