Monthly Archives: April 2016

Obama administration: IRS must publicize sensitive tea party data obtained in targeting

The IRS says it has stopped targeting the tea party — but three years later, the tax agency is still holding on to the sensitive information it pried from the conservative groups through invasive questions, and officials are even vowing to make the answers public. Groups caught up in the scandal say that is proof the targeting is continuing, and […]

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IRS chief: Agency encourages illegal immigrant theft of SSNs to file tax returns

The IRS is struggling to ensure that illegal immigrants are able to illegally use Social Security numbers for legitimate purposes, the agency’s head told senators on Tuesday, without allowing the numbers to be used for “bad” reasons. IRS Commissioner John Koskinen made the statement in response to a question from Sen. Dan Coats, R-Ind., during a session of the Senate […]

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The Facts: Cruz Swept Colorado because the Grassroots Chose Ted, not Trump

Judging only by Donald Trump’s fuming Twitter feed, the Drudge Report’s banner — “Cruz Celebrates Voterless Victory” — or the raging headlines of the alt-right’s favorite “news” websites, one would be justified in thinking that a nefarious cabal of The Establishment stole Colorado’s delegates to the Republican National Convention from Trump and handed them on a silver platter to Ted […]

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Trump the Sore Loser (Again)

Donald Trump is right: The system is rigged. It’s rigged in favor of front-runners. That’s why Trump, who is leading the Republican nominating contest, has a larger percentage of delegates (46 percent) than of votes (37 percent). Unsurprisingly, Trump never mentions when the rules have helped him. He much prefers to whine and peddle conspiracy theories when they don’t. Trump’s […]

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Top Imam tells Muslim migrants to “breed children” with Europeans to “conquer their countries”

… and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing.’ A top Iman has told Muslims to use the migrant crisis to breed with European citizens and ‘conquer their countries’. Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem claiming Europe was only welcoming refugees as a new source of labour. He said Europe was facing a […]

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Trump’s Health Care Plan Just Got Scarier

The Donald’s chief policy adviser pledges that it will be “bipartisan.” Ronald Reagan famously said that the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: “I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.” As Obamacare has demonstrated all too clearly, any such declaration from a federal official is indeed cause for alarm. Nearly as scary for conservatives is […]

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Wake-Up Call: One Quarter of British Muslims Admit Supporting Forced Sharia Law

And those are only the numbers of those who admit want Sharia law. A new comprehensive survey of Muslims living in Great Britain is raising new concerns about assimilation and shared values, as significant percentages of poll respondents espouse at least some views widely seen as illiberal within Western societies. In light of deadly ISIS attacks in two European capitals within […]

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Bloomberg Poll: Three-Quarters of Married Women Dislike Trump – Will Hurt Trump in Coming Contests

Gee, I wonder why? Donald Trump is viewed negatively by almost three-quarters of married women in a potential general election and trails Hillary Clinton by double digits among those voters, highlighting his weakness in a key segment of the Republican base. Seventy percent of married women who are likely general-election voters have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican front-runner, according […]

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Republican Jews Look to Ted Cruz

They’ve already backed multiple other candidates, but Cruz is trying to get Republican Jewish Coalition members to rally one more time. As Cruz heads to the Republican Jewish Coalition’s spring meeting here, he’s about to encounter a group of donors that, in another cycle, would have already been enthusiastically committed to the likely Republican nominee. But this time around, many […]

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How Bernie Sanders and other leftists help whitewash Jew-hatred on the Left

At a Bernie Sanders event in New York City, a black “community activist” began ranting about “Zionist Jews” running the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. At previous events, Sanders had been quick to condemn what he claimed was bigoted and Islamophobic rhetoric by Republicans. But when confronted with the real thing by a left-wing activist at one of his own […]

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Supreme Fail: Trump’s ‘Best People’ Accidentally Tell His Supporters To Vote for Cruz Delegate

This is just … well it’s just the bee’s knees you guys. We’ve already reported several times here at RedState how bad Trump’s organization is blowing it in Colorado, but believe it or not, they still managed to make things worse. They told their people to vote for Cruz people. Seriously. See, the delegate ballot consists of numbers, with each […]

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Under New U.S. “Refugee” Surge, Processing Time Slashed to 3 Months

We knew this was coming. In order for the Obama administration to achieve its goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. this year, the so-called vetting process for migrants, which typically takes anywhere from 18 to 24 months, has reportedly been slashed to three months: “While the resettlement process usually takes 18 to 24 months, under the surge operation this will […]

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Two of Trump’s three oldest kids can’t vote for him in NY… they didn’t bother to register as Republicans

And the hits just keep on coming. Of the Donald’s three oldest progeny…..only ONE will be able to cast a vote for dear old dad next Tuesday . Yup, it turns out that two, Ivanka and Eric, never bothered to register as Republicans, and thus are barred from voting for pops. New York is a closed primary (something a lot of […]

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Silent Intifada: Over 80 Arab Muslim terror attacks this past week – Four Jews injured

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that […]

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Cruz deals Trump another blow as he sweeps Colorado delegates

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz swept Colorado’s GOP convention Saturday, taking 13 additional delegates to rack up all 37 from the state, according to local reports. Cruz’s superior ground game forces pummeled Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s limited attempts at gaining delegates. The convention in Colorado has made headlines for the Trump campaign’s inability to run a conventional operation dependent on […]

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Cruz Goes 11 for 12 in Iowa

Sen. Ted Cruz won 11 of the 12 Iowa GOP delegates chosen during the state party’s four district conventions  on Saturday. Cruz’s victories came at the expense of  Donald Trump. Despite having  vocal groups of supporters at each convention, none of the delegates selected pledged to back Trump. The one delegate not backing Cruz is uncommitted. The near-sweep in Iowa’s […]

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The Many Scandals of Donald Trump: A Cheat Sheet

A rough guide to controversies surrounding the Republican front-runner, from mafia ties to anti-trust violations to bankruptcy. The 2016 presidential election could be the most scandal-plagued match-up since James Blaine’s allegedly corrupt business deals squared off against Grover Cleveland’s alleged illegitimate child in 1884. On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton is poised to win the nomination, bringing with her a […]

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Grade School Children Choked With Chains, Attacked By Migrant Children: “Muslims Rule the World”

The left sacrifices its women, its children and whatever humanity leftists pretend to have for their totalitarian objectives cloaked in smiley emoticons. If you missed the Munk debates in Canada over Muslim refugees from jihad countries — watch it here. Watch the left elites laugh at refugee rape victims. One boy yelled “Muslims rule the world” while choking a third […]

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Incompetence: Trump Campaign Disorganized, Plagued by Mistakes; Issues Error-Filled Ballots

And an email from the Donald Trump campaign asking supporters to try to become delegates in Washington went out two days after a crucial deadline. Ted Cruz finished Colorado’s delegate fight the way he started it: With overwhelming victory. Donald Trump finished it the way he started as well: With a disorganized and frustrated campaign plagued by mistakes. Cruz took […]

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70 Percent of Americans View Trump Negatively

For Americans of nearly every race, gender, political persuasion and location, disdain for Donald Trump runs deep, saddling the Republican front-runner with unprecedented unpopularity as he tries to overcome recent campaign setbacks. Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared […]

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Iran announces new atomic facility; shows off 12 new nuclear products

On Day of Nuclear Technology, Rouhani also announces new atomic facility, unveils latest technology. In a ceremony to mark Iran’s National Day of Nuclear Technology, the Islamic Republic on Thursday announced the unveiling of twelve new, self-developed nuclear products in several different fields, ranging from fuel and laser technology to power plants and reactors. Among the products unveiled at the […]

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Cruz Calls Out O’Reilly: You Defend Trump

Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz confronted Bill O’Reilly Thursday over his coverage of Donald Trump, telling the Fox News host that he often defends the brash billionaire. The remark from Cruz came during an exchange on Trump’s political donations to Democratic politicians. “He did it as a businessman,” O’Reilly argued. “He did it as a businessman.” That answer, which is […]

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State Department Explains Why U.S. Participated in Saudi Book Fair That Featured Anti-Semitic Works

The State Department on Tuesday said that it was “not aware” that anti-Semitic books were displayed at the Riyadh International Book Fair in Saudi Arabia in which the U.S. Embassy participated. Following a blogger’s revelation that the works displayed included anti-Semitic screeds about the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and “Mein Kampf,” Deputy State Department Spokesman Mark Toner said […]

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Planned Parenthood Wants to Kill Disabled Babies, So They’re Suing Indiana

America in 2016 is such a backwards disgrace. The Left fights for the “right” of transgender individuals, who reject their biological design, to use whichever bathroom fits their delusional preference. But the most basic of rights, the right to life, is rejected for those with “defects”. Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, signed House Bill 1337 into law on March 24. The […]

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CREEPY. CREEPY. CREEPY. Donald Trump Discusses His Infant Daughter’s Breasts

There is funny and there is creepy. And Donald Trump’s sexualization of his daughters, in my opinion, crosses the line. Not in the pedo-bear creepy kind of way but in the lecherous my-daughter-is-a-collection-of-body-parts kind of way that lets you know that’s how he’s looking at your wife or daughter or any other woman he meets. My colleague, Neil Stevens, reported […]

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Cruz Outmaneuvering Trump in GOP Delegate Fight

Ted Cruz’s emphatic victory in Wisconsin’s Republican primary gave new energy on Wednesday to groups battling to prevent Donald Trump from capturing the party’s presidential nomination. What once appeared as a long-shot bid to force a contested convention in July by blocking Trump from amassing enough delegates to secure the nomination gained momentum from Cruz’s 13-point win in the Midwestern […]

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College imposes mandatory fee on students to fund scholarships for illegal immigrants

A private college in Arizona is charging students a fee to fund a scholarship for illegal immigrants, a controversial move supporters say gives a hand to those who need it but anti-illegal immigration advocates call irresponsible. Prescott College is tacking a $30 annual fee onto its $28,000 annual tuition to establish an annual scholarship for “undocumented” students, as part of […]

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BREAKING: Civil War Erupts In the Donald Trump Campaign

Yesterday, Moe Lane posted on the growing discord in the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign has never been accused of being a highly organized and smoothly functioning organization. Rather it is the product of a mediocre intelligence who hires sub-mediocrities and gives them instructions. POLITICO provided a lot of behind-the-scenes detail that only starts coming out when the rats start […]

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Fallout: Donald Trump Will Fall 50-100 Delegates Short of 1,237 Needed to Clinch Nomination

Ted Cruz’s overwhelming victory in Wisconsin on Tuesday makes it all but impossible for GOP frontrunner Donald Trump to win the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination ahead of the RNC convention in Cleveland. Trump currently leads the GOP field with 743 delegates. He would need to win 58.9 percent of the remaining pledged delegates to obtain the […]

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Dick Morris: ‘Total Implosion of Donald Trump’

Ted Cruz’s resounding victory in Wisconsin Tuesday “indicates a total implosion of Donald Trump,” political strategist Dick Morris told Newsmax TV. “It’s unlikely that that will be confined to Wisconsin,” Morris told host Dennis Michael Lynch on “America Votes: 2016″ in an interview.” He can’t handle the pressure.” He said that the spatting between the two rivals during the Wisconsin […]

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Cruz Jumps Nearly 20 Points in National Poll, Now in Dead Heat With Trump

A Reuters poll out today shows Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tied nationally with businessman Donald Trump among Republican voters. Cruz has 35.2 percent support compared to Trump’s 39.5 percent support, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released today. The poll’s margin of error is 4.8 percentage points. A March 28 Reuters poll also showed the two candidates tied nationally. The statistical […]

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Bernie Sanders’ slander: “Israel killed ‘over 10,000 innocents’ in Gaza”

Massively inflating toll, Sanders suggests Israel killed ‘over 10,000 innocents’ in Gaza Massively amplifying even [terrorist] Hamas’s own figures, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders suggested Israel had killed “over 10,000 innocent” [so-called] Palestinian civilians in Gaza during the war there in the summer of 2014, and said the high casualties were the result of an “indiscriminate” military offensive. In an […]

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Top Iranian General: Iran Preparing for All-Out War With U.S.

Why is Obama giving these lunatics nuclear weapons? Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari a gathering of senior IRGC commanders in Tehran Tuesday that Iran is preparing for all-out war with the United States and its allies. Jafari also boasted that the U.S. “would not be able to do a damned thing” about Iranian advances in its ballistic missile program, according to Israel National […]

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Why Is John Kasich Still In It?

Is John Kasich completely mental or is he trying to throw the Republican primaries? John Kasich finished up in Wisconsin tonight with a disappointing 14.5% Disappointing, but not surprising. If the sun rises and Kasich has not announced that he is ending his futile efforts to win the presidency, then there is a serious disconnect between this man and the […]

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