Author Archives: Shlomo

Obama’s EPA Spends $10.8 Million for Teacher Training on Global Warming Indoctrination for Children

They are using your own tax dollars to brainwash and indoctrinate your children. The Environmental Protection Agency is spending over $10 million in taxpayer dollars for a five-year program to train teachers to “deliver high-quality environmental education in formal and non-formal education settings.” “Environmental educators help learners of all ages understand and value the ecosystems around them,” said U.S. EPA […]

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Muslim “Refugee” Who Raped 10-Year-Old Boy Gets Pass Because “He Didn’t Know It Was Wrong”

Muslim migrants in the West have long since learned that their best defense is just claiming that they didn’t know it was wrong. Almahde Ahmad Atagore, a Libyan Muslim, sexually assaulted girls as young as 13. The judge told him, he was “very ill prepared to deal with cultural differences”. But it was really his victims who were ill prepared […]

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New Trump Hotels to Dump the Trump Name

The Trump name, which is Donald Trump’s primary business asset, is now so toxic that his company is running away from it as fast as possible. Travel and Leisure reports: Amidst reports that occupancy rates at Trump Hotels have slipped this election season, the company has announced that new brand hotels will no longer bear the Trump name. The newest […]

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We Expect More Integrity From TV Game Shows Than From Presidential Elections

We are collectively paying the price for celebrity worship. We are collectively paying the price for allowing the Media to blur the line between entertainment and news. News shows play for ratings. Why be a News Reader when you can be a Star? Why report the news when you can be the news? I’m Leslie Stahl, I’m Morley Safer, I’m Mike Wallace. I’m Candy Crowley, and […]

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Trump Pledges to Accept Election Results — ‘If I Win’

‘I’m being asked to waive centuries of legal precedent designed to protect the voters,’ the Republican nominee declares at an Ohio rally. Donald Trump will accept the outcome on Nov. 8 — “if I win,” the Republican presidential nominee declared Thursday, mocking critics who have scolded him for suggesting he may not concede the election to Hillary Clinton if he […]

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How Russia’s Twitter Bots and Trolls Work With Donald Trump Campaign Accounts

In this article I shall however examine the way in which Russian bots are created and used to follow and boost Trump online. It is not that Donald Trump does not have widespread support. He does; even at his current polling lows, his support includes millions of Americans. It is, rather, that Trump’s supporters are incredibly unlikely to use Twitter. Broadly […]

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Iranian General: “Presence of America in region is cancerous malign tumor that can only be treated by removing filthy tumor”

“The goal of holding this drill is the creation of readiness so as to be able to combat any threat, and should a war occur, the Air Force will be the first force to enter the battlefield.” That war will have been financed and brought to you by Barack Hussein Obama. “‘We are ready for war’ Iran’s deadly threat in […]

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Iran Still Kidnapping US Citizens, Wants Billions in Ransom

Iran wants “many billions of dollars” from the United States for the release of multiple American hostage, The Washington Free Beacon reports. According to the Beacon, senior officials in the Iranian government have been considering requesting payment for months. Earlier this year, the White House paid $1.7 billion to Iran, $400 million of which was given over on the same […]

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Census: Record 42.4m Immigrants, 23% of School Kids, Muslims Biggest Jump

  At 42.4 million, there are now more immigrants, legal and illegal, in America than ever before, fueled by a massive flood from Muslim nations, and the growing numbers are substantially impacting public services like public schools, according to a weighty new analysis of Census Bureau data. One impact of note: There are 10.9 million students from immigrant households in […]

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Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef Opposes Jewish Entry to Temple Mount – Judaism’s Holiest Site

Shas was the party that threw Chaim Ben Pesach out of Israel. In Shas party event Wednesday in Jerusalem, Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef said that Jews may not ascend Temple Mount. Thousands took part Wednesday in a ‘Greet the Rabbi’ event organized by the Shas party in Jerusalem and attended by the spiritual and political leaders of the party. […]

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Donald Trump has lost the presidential election – it just won’t be official for another few weeks

The outcome of Wednesday’s debate is pretty straight-forward: Donald Trump has lost the presidential election — it just won’t be official for another few weeks. Going in to Wednesday’s final presidential debate, Hillary Clinton had led in nearly every national poll taken this month, and has pulled ahead in most key states that would provide her with enough electoral votes […]

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Trump Jr. Upset He Can’t Make Fun of Overweight People – Calls It a Disease

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Trump Jr., in a January 2012 appearance on “Opie and Anthony,” lamented that he couldn’t make fun of people who are overweight due to political correctness. “By the way you can’t, you can’t even make fat jokes now without, like, there’s a whole segment of people that like, that’s almost the worst […]

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Anti-Israel U.N. Resolution Claiming Western Wall and Temple Mount Have “No Jewish Connection” Passes Again

Despite Israel’s undertaking of last-ditch diplomatic efforts, the revote at UNESCO today on a controversial resolution denying the Jewish connection to the Temple Mount and Western Wall yielded the same result as before. Earlier, Mexico relieved its UNESCO representative, Andres Roemer, from his position, after he refused to vote for the anti-Israel resolution – in opposition to Mexico’s official stance. […]

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Youtube Puts Pro-Israel Videos on ‘Restricted Mode’

Youtube classified pro-Israel videos in same category as videos with objectionable content. Youtube, owned by Google, has placed 21 videos of non-profit educational organization “Prager University,” run by conservative talk-show host Dennis Prager, on “restricted mode.” Among these are three pro-Israel videos relating to the founding of Israel, the IDF, and Palestinian refugees. Restricted mode allows guardians to protect children […]

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CNN’s Chris Cuomo Says It’s Illegal to Read Hillary’s Emails on WikiLeaks

What’s actually illegal is keeping classified information on a private, unsecured server, and then lying to Congress about it. CNN anchor (and Democrat partisan) Chris Cuomo says it’s illegal to view Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails. He says only the media can look at all the WikiLeaks documents. This claim is unfounded, and just goes to show the media’s extreme bias […]

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Kremlin Prepares for ‘Nuclear War’ As White House Considers ‘Cyber Attack’ as Middle East Hangs Between

Russia’s President Putin tells his people to prepare for nuclear war; US President Obama threatens a “massive cyber attack” on the Kremlin. Half the world hangs between. Russian media is warning citizens to prepare for war – specifically, nuclear war – and ordering officials to prepare the nation’s bomb shelters and ensure that citizens have reviewed proper use of their […]

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Federal Court: Jewish and Christian Pregnancy Centers Must Tell Patients Where They Can Kill Their Babies

A federal court just ruled that pregnancy centers have to tell their patients where they can get publicly-funded contraception and an abortion—even if it violates their religious beliefs. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that California law AB 775, which compels Christian, pro-life pregnancy centers to advocate for abortion, doesn’t impede their First Amendment right to exercise their religious beliefs. […]

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80% of Muslims in West live on welfare

What a sober warning from an Egyptian researcher. Just by examining the welfare statistics of Muslim immigration into Western Europe, he sees into our future — and it is not a pretty one. Eighty percent of the Muslims living in the West are living on welfare, sucking away money that could go to the Europeans who are working, and who could […]

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Female Evangelicals Respond To Trump And To The Evangelical Men Who Defend Him

This presidential election cycle as a whole has been one disgusting display after another. Neither candidate should be awarded with the presidency. Neither one possesses strong moral fiber. Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have things in their past and present which are highly questionable or downright insidious. Yet both of them have cheerleaders willing to prop up and protect them at any cost. […]

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Trump Claims To Not Know His Accusers, But Newest Accuser Appeared On His TV Show

When professional ambulance chaser, Gloria Allred becomes involved, all that’s left to complete the spectacle are the midget jugglers and an epilogue by Jerry Springer. The latest in the parade of women who have stepped forward to accuse the national disgrace… aka… the GOP nominee, Donald Trump, of sexual misconduct was introduced earlier today. Trump was in Greensboro, North Carolina […]

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Report: Trump Blocked His Campaign From Researching Him

Donald Trump denied requests from his own presidential campaign to research his past, according to a new report. Trump’s reluctance contributed to his team being largely unprepared for the fallout over his past treatment of women, Bloomberg Politics reported Thursday. Bloomberg said Trump’s first campaign manager requested he undergo a forensic evaluation before entering the presidential race. Corey Lewandowski argued […]

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Jew-Hating United Nations Proclaims Western Wall Not Jewish – Claims It’s Exclusively Muslim

UNESCO resolution expected to pass not only denies Temple Mount’s Jewish ties, but also portrays Western Wall as Muslim holy site. Half a year after the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) accepted an initial resolution denying the Temple Mount’s place in Jewish history and the Jewish faith, the UN body is expected to pass another measure on […]

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Report: Federal Judge Sets December Hearing for Lawsuit Accusing Trump of Raping 13-Year-Old Girl

A federal judge ordered Wednesday that a representative for Donald Trump and disgraced billionaire Jeffrey Epstein appear in court alongside an an attorney for a woman, whose name has not been disclosed, claiming the Republican presidential nominee raped her when she was 13 years old. Judge Ronnie Abrams, who was appointed by President Barack Obama and overwhelmingly approved by the […]

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Yet Another Trump Victim Speaks Out: Physically Attacked By Trump With Wife Just Rooms Away

Unsurprisingly, the list of women attacked by, groped by, kissed by Trump – without their consent – grows. Best selling author, Natasha Stoynoff, is just another name on that list, and her experience at the hands of Trump should bother us all. As reported by People, and written by the victim herself (emphasis mine): …in December 2005, around the time […]

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Top Trump Supporter Newt Gingrich Thinks Trump Is “Frankly Pathetic”

Sooo… Newt Gingrich, Trump’s political Svengali for this campaign, was on Fox Business’ Mornings with Maria Bartiromo and gave this interesting assessment. MARIA BARTIROMO (HOST): But let’s talk about the current Speaker of the House. I mean you were in this seat. I want to know what you would be doing at this moment, because Paul Ryan says he’s continuing […]

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James O’Keefe Who Made Videos Against Planned Parenthood Explains Why He Was Banned by Twitter

Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter are all notorious for shutting down and censoring conservative sites. It’s because of the so-called “tolerance” from the left. James O’Keefe was on Fox Business a few moments ago explaining why he was blocked by Twitter and talking about his latest video on voter fraud in New York. O’Keefe said he was logged in last night […]

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New Jersey Judge Issues Criminal Summons Against Christie Over Bridgegate

A criminal summons will be issued against New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie after a municipal court judge determined probable cause at a hearing Thursday regarding a citizen complaint related to the 2013 lane closures to the George Washington Bridge, according to a court spokesperson. In his complaint, Bill Brennan accused the Republican governor of official misconduct saying Christie “knowingly refrained […]

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Gropeageddon! Media Drops Bombshell On Four More Cases of Trump Sexual Harassment

The media has chosen tonight to throw everything including the kitchen sink at Trump today with four different allegations of sexual harassment. In last hour: – NYT report on the 2 women – CBS report on 10-yr-old girl – Palm Beach Post report woman saying Trump groped her. — Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) October 12, 2016 First the New York Times says […]

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Trump Walked In On Miss Teen USA Contestants While They Were Changing — Some As Young As 15

The other day I highlighted for you the story about Trump bragging about bursting in on beauty contestants while they were changing. Some of those beauty contestants are now speaking out and confirming the story — and some of them were as young as 15 years old: Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant said Donald […]

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Report: Dead People Got $1.5 Million in Benefits From the Government

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued $1.5 million worth of benefits to dead people. According to an audit by the agency’s inspector general, the improper use of taxpayer funds happened from 2013 to 2015. “Because medically necessary services cannot be provided after a Medicare beneficiary dies, payments for claims with dates of service after the individual’s death are generally […]

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Clinton Campaign Emails: Blacks and Muslims Are “Professional Never-Do-Wells”

I bet ol’ Al Sharpton completely ignores this one. In Wikileaks emails, Hillary Clinton has supposedly said: What makes for successful immigration? It’s no brain surgery, but the media have long failed to provide a clear credible answer. They are unable to come up with an answer or don’t like the answer that’s staring them in the face. The main reason […]

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2-in-5 Adults Say Trump Disqualified Himself

Two-in-five American adults believe Donald Trump is no longer qualified to run for president after last week’s hot mic incident, according to a Reuters/IPSOS poll released Tuesday evening. Nearly 20 percent of that group identified themselves as Republicans, indicating Trump upset some of his core supporters with lewd comments about using his fame to forcibly seduce women. But half of […]

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