Author Archives: Shlomo

VANITY: How can Donald Trump state he is Pro-life and still support Planned Parenthood?

How can anyone say they are pro-life if they support the largest and government funded abortion clinics? Donald Trump has “flatly stated” (as some have said) that he is Pro Life. Donald Trump has also come out in support of Planned Parenthood (just not for abortion) stating they do wonderful things. I need not remind my fellow Freepers that Planned […]

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JVP: “The occupation is responsible for global warming”

The so-called Jewish Voice for “Peace” supports terrorists, the destruction of Israel, and a holocaust against the Jews in Israel. There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. Actually, note the subtle cynicism: they aren’t saying directly that […]

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5 Times Donald Trump Praised Socialized Healthcare

During a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Monday, Donald Trump touted his healthcare plan. The Washington Examiner called the speech “a mixture of socialism and incoherence.” Trump’s Republican opponents have hit the businessman repeatedly over his effusive praise for socialized healthcare, but that hasn’t stopped him from pushing ahead. Here are five times Trump’s rhetoric about healthcare sounded more […]

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Trump Blames Republican National Committee for Getting Booed at Debate

Donald Trump set his sights on the National Republican Committee again, saying their continued, supposedly-unfair treatment of him is the reason why he got booed so much at the CBS debate Saturday night. Speaking at a campaign event today in South Carolina, Trump said that college students who had tickets to the debate probably sold them to lobbyists and special […]

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Trump Threatens to Sue Cruz For 5th Time… And Counting

Is this what people want for a president? Someone who threatens to sue when he doesn’t get his way? Republican Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump made another audacious claim today regarding Senator Ted Cruz’s “lies” during Saturday night’s Republican Debate on CBS. Trump said, once again, he will sue Cruz if he doesn’t “take down his false ads and retract his lies.” But will […]

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Donald Trump praises Saddam Hussein as… a terrorist fighter? Wait, WHAT?

Saddam Hussein paid the families of Arab Muslim suicide bombers in Israel. This is known. First, here’s the video and transcript of Donald Trump where, while spouting off all the other anti-war movement talking points of 2004-2007, Trump casually praises Saddam Hussein’s acumen as a terrorism-fighter. … Donald Trump: If you had Saddam Hussein – who was a bad guy and […]

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Ellen DeGeneres Thanks Obama for Gay Marriage; Obama’s ‘Proud’ of Her Activism

In a segment aired on Friday, talk show host Ellen DeGeneres began a gushing softball interview with President Obama by thanking him for pushing the gay rights agenda: “I cannot tell you or thank you enough for what you have for the gay community. So, thank you.” As her audience cheered, Obama proclaimed: “…it’s one of the things I’m proudest […]

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Israel’s government is allowing innocent Jews to be stabbed

‘They hate Jews,’ says mother of 11-year-old stabbed by Arab Israeli in Ramle; lawyer slams police for still not defining attack as terror. Police have yet to define as a terrorist the 17-year-old Arab Israeli from Ramle who last Monday stabbed and moderately wounded an 11-year-old Jewish boy in the coastal town, but the victim’s mother is far less confused regarding […]

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Jackie Mason: Bloomberg, With 12 Armed Bodyguards, Is a Hypocrite on Gun Control

Comedian Jackie Mason on Sunday accused former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg of being a hypocrite on gun control. “He’s standing there with 12 bodyguards, telling you that you shouldn’t have a gun to protect you, while he has 12 guys protecting him!” Mason said on Aaron Klein’s Sunday radio show on AM 970 “The Answer.”  “As if his life […]

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Tortured Duma Suspects Families Demand Deputy AG Resign

Families and supporters protest outside Deputy Attorney General’s home for hiding the torture and lying to the public. Families and supporters of the youthful Jewish suspects who were allegedly tortured by the Israeli Security Agency (ISA) as part of the investigation into last July’s lethal Duma arson protested Saturday night in front of the home of Deputy Attorney General Raz Nizri. Demonstrating […]

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Ted Cruz: Preventing Obama from Choosing Supreme Court Justice Scalia’s Replacement

Ted Cruz, following the tragic death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, pledged to honor his name by asking his followers to help prevent Barack Obama from nominating his replacement to the nation’s highest court. Justice Scalia, one of the court’s most steady Constitutional voices for decades, passed away at his West Texas ranch on Saturday. The 79-year-old died of […]

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Trump Hit By Club for Growth Ad in SC: ‘Nothing Conservative’

The right-leaning political advocacy group Club for Growth launched a major attack on Donald Trump, shelling out $1.5 million to run a new TV ad telling South Carolina primary voters, “there’s nothing conservative” about the billionaire developer. The 30-second spot that will begin airing Saturday, on broadcast, cable, and satellite stations across the Palmetto State, declares: “There’s nothing conservative about […]

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Who Wants to Be America’s Top Socialist: Senile Leftists Repeating Memorized Speeches

PBS, a venerable leftist institution long since past its prime, hosted two other leftist institutions past their prime, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, for the special Wisconsin edition of the Democratic Party’s newest hit show, Who Wants to Be America’s Top Socialist. “I believe in government,” Bernie Sanders declared. And that was the theme for the night. A political party […]

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Cruz: ‘The Only Person in This Field Who Can Beat Donald Trump Is Me’

“What Iowa and New Hampshire demonstrate is that the only person in this field who can beat Donald Trump is me,” Cruz said on “The Mike Gallagher Show.”  “The other candidates are not able to beat Donald Trump,” he added. “In many ways, this is becoming a two-person race between me and Donald Trump,” Cruz said. “You can’t beat Donald coming […]

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Rafael Cruz on son Ted’s campaign: ‘It’s all coming together because people want a voice’

On the day last March when Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, announced his candidacy for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, a Princeton professor opined on that the Texas senator’s “strategy of extremism” would make it very difficult for him to win the general election. A piece published the same day at argued Cruz was too extreme to win the […]

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Cruz Knocks Trump as Non-Conservative – Trump Admits It

Donald Trump has now made clear that the thrust of his campaign will not be conservatism. It will instead be populism and nationalism. For those looking for a governing philosophy of The Donald, his checkered political history has provided little guidance. He’s seemingly endorsed single-payer healthcare; he’s said he rejects Obamacare. He’s blasted money in politics; he’s talked about the […]

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Limbaugh: Cruz ‘Has Got to Be Your Guy’ – ‘Closest to Reagan’

With conservatives across the country facing a critical decision whether to back Donald Trump, top radio talker Rush Limbaugh said Wednesday that true conservatives have no choice but to vote for Ted Cruz. Limbaugh told his radio audience, “If conservatism is your bag, if conservatism is the dominating factor in how you vote, there is no other choice for you in […]

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Michael Reagan on Fox News Bias: ‘They’re in the Tank’ for Trump

Reports that Fox News is supporting Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio are false, since rivals Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have been featured heavily on the cable network’s signature programs, political commentator Michael Reagan told Newsmax TV on Thursday. “Megyn Kelly had Ted Cruz on last night for quite a long time, but on the other side, O’Reilly had Trump […]

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Rush Limbaugh: “If Conservatism Is Your Priority, There Is No Choice Other Than Ted Cruz”

This is the closest in our lifetimes we have ever been to Ronald Reagan. RUSH:  Jacksonville, Florida.  Hello, Scott.  Great to have you back on the EIB Network.  Hello. CALLER:  Hey, Rush.  How are you? RUSH:  Good, good, good.  Thank you. CALLER:  You know, a couple hours ago you mentioned that Bernie Sanders and Reverend Al had coffee together, and […]

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Unbelievable: After Daily Attacks From Muslim Terrorists, Israel Appoints Muslim Police Commissioner

Are Arab Muslims violently stabbing, shooting, blowing up, and mowing down your people with their cars? Why not put them in charge of your police force? Yeah, that’s makes sense. Israeli “history” is about to be made once again, and this time by Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan (Likud). Erdan intends to establish an executive administration that will be tasked […]

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Trump: “Conservatives helped the GOP betray the base,” you know

I can’t shake the nagging suspicion that not only isn’t this guy conservative, he doesn’t much respect conservatism either when you come right down to it. Here’s Trump firmly planting his flag in the soil of nationalism: Remember, it was the Republican Party, with the help of Conservatives, that made so many promises to their base, BUT DIDN’T KEEP THEM! […]

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High Profile Imam Urges Denmark To Allow Muslim Child Brides: ‘It’s Part Of Their Culture’

They are just following Muhammad, “the perfect example” who married his favorite wife Aisha when she was six. Imam Urges Denmark To Allow Muslim Child Brides: ‘It’s Part Of Their Culture,’ By Oliver Lane, Breitbart, February 11, 2016: Child brides being brought to Europe by their often considerably older migrant husbands are to be separated in Denmark, but one high […]

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Only Cruz Has Potential to Unite The Party; Trump Can’t Unite Conservatives

On Tuesday’s broadcast of Breitbart News Daily, Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon spoke with Richard Viguerie, author of Takeover: The 100-Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It, on the current state of 2016 Republican primary and the importance of uniting all Republicans to face the Democrats in November. Saying that he […]

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‘This Is for Malcolm X, Cracka’: Second Anti-White Attack in Brooklyn This Week On 51 Year Old Man

The New York Police Department’s Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating this week’s second possible anti-white attack that occurred in Brooklyn in which a black assailant assaulted a white man. In one case, according to the New York Daily News, a 51-year-old man reported that he was walking along Nostrand Avenue near Glenwood Road in Flatbush on Monday afternoon when […]

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High Stakes in South Carolina: Cruz Says State Plays ‘Critical Role’ That Iowa, New Hampshire Don’t

According to Ted Cruz, the fight for the 2016 Republican nomination is now just a two-man race: billionaire businessman Donald Trump and himself. The Texas senator’s comments came Wednesday morning during an interview on “The Mike Gallagher Radio Show.” Cruz’s evidence: the fact that he and Trump were the top Republicans in Iowa and New Hampshire. Though Cruz said the […]

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Orthodox Jewish man, 25, stabbed in Brooklyn in morning attack

An Orthodox man was stabbed on a sidewalk in the Brooklyn neighborhood that is home to the Chabad-Lubavitch movement’s world headquarters. Yehuda Lib Brikman, 25, who according to JPUpdates is newly married, was stabbed Wednesday morning in the upper back on a residential street in Crown Heights. He was rushed to Kings County Hospital in serious but stable condition shortly […]

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Cruz on Biased News Reporting of Rubio: ‘Looking Forward’ to ‘Wall-to-Wall Coverage’ of My Third-Place Finish

Ted Cruz, who came in third in New Hampshire’s primary Tuesday, wants to know if he’ll get the same Fox News coverage GOP presidential rival Marco Rubio got out of his third-place finish in Iowa, all while insisting he is the only candidate who can defeat front-runner Donald Trump. “I’m looking forward to wall-to-wall coverage from Fox News with the […]

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Sanders aims to “boost appeal among non-white voters” after NH win

Sen. Bernie Sanders, within hours of scoring a decisive New Hampshire victory over Hillary Clinton, was moving quickly to confront perhaps his campaign’s biggest challenge: proving his appeal can extend beyond rural, white voters. The Hillary Clinton campaign, looking to downplay its loss Tuesday night, was quick to point out that far more diverse states are up next on the […]

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Rubio Campaign Has ‘Effectively Collapsed’

Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign in New Hampshire collapsed because voters “made a judgment he’s not ready to be president of the United States,” Republican strategist Steve Schmidt said Wednesday, and he believes the Florida senator’s chances are slim unless he pulls off a miracle. “A fifth place finish in New Hampshire means effectively he’s bleeding out,” Schmidt, a political analyst […]

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Iran Publishes Pictures of Captured U.S. Sailors Crying

Obama’s hatred for America is manifest in his $100 billion payout and obsessive boot-licking to these murderous mullahs. Maybe these soldiers were crying because they knew Obama would do nothing to save them. Maybe they were crying about Benghazi. (Where’s George Patton when you need him?) And Hillary promises to continue Obama’s legacy of treason and America-loathing? “Iran Publishes Pictures […]

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Cruz: Trump Can’t Defend Record, So Engages In Profanity

Ted Cruz says Donald Trump has no choice but to engage in profanity because the billionaire businessman can’t defend his record. Cruz briefly addressed Trump’s latest insult Tuesday afternoon as he greeted voters inside Manchester’s Red Arrow Diner, a must-stop for candidates in both parties. “Part of the reason that Donald engages in insults is because he can’t discuss the […]

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‘The Roof of the Bus Goes Flying’ – Music Video Glorifies Jihadi Bus Bombings

And the world says nothing. The international community shakes its head and talks about the oppressed savages who behead, maim and sing about blowing up buses. “Oh martyrdom-seeker, the Al-Aqsa Mosque has called.” “You did not let a single bus drive through a neighborhood without having chunks of the bus and body parts go flying.” Obama say, “respect it.” ‘The […]

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Islamic State ‘Rape Handbook’ Lists 15 Rules For Using, Selling, Sharing Female Slaves

U.S. Special Operations Forces have reportedly just released a fatwa first intercepted in January that lays out 15 rules on how female slaves are to be treated by the Islamic State. The “handbook,” if you will, explains when and how an ISIS member can have sex with a female slave. It lists how and when she can be traded or sold, with whom her body can […]

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Cruz: It’s Nuts, Wrong, Dangerous and Immoral to Draft Women and Put Them In Close Combat

Cruz is right. Sen. Ted Cruz on Sunday talked about his opposition to drafting women into combat in the U.S. military in remarks to an audience at a town hall in Peterborough, New Hampshire. According to the Boston Globe, Cruz mentioned Saturday’s debate and without naming them referred to his competitors, Sen. Marco Rubio and Governors Jeb Bush and Chris […]

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Insanity: Israel plans to increase number of terrorists’ work permits

Plans to grant 30,000 additional work permits to Arabs from the West Bank. [Ynet] – Israel plans to increase the number of entry permits it grants to [Arab] workers, [so-called] “Palestinian” and Israeli sources said on Monday, in a drive to ease economic hardship that has contributed to a wave of [Arab terror] attacks. Publicly, the Israeli government has accused […]

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Trump Turns on Audience During GOP Debate

“That’s all of his donors and special interests out there.” Presidential candidate Donald Trump turned on the audience during Saturday night’s GOP debate, after the audience booed him while had a heated exchange with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. The exchange concerned the issue of eminent domain, which is the government’s ability to confiscate property from citizens for the public […]

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