Category Archives: Articles

Self-hating Jewish Traitor Leftists in Israel Call to Cancel Jerusalem Day

Leftists claim day celebrating Israeli sovereignty is an ‘ugly stain,’ spreads ‘lies’ in latest attack on national tradition. After the High Court for Justice rejected demands to cancel the traditional Jerusalem Day Rikudegalim, or flag dance, leftists are now demanding to go one step further: canceling Jerusalem Day itself. The Gush Shalom (lit. Block of Peace) movement published a last-minute declaration […]

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Taking the Weekend Off: Hillary Clinton to Avoid Media, Days 34 & 35

Even as the book Clinton Cash by Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer is, once again, the talk of the Sunday news and interview shows, one of the book’s subjects is keeping mum. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has not given an interview to a national media outlet since she announced her candidacy, via Twitter, on April 12. Other candidates, both announced and unannounced, have given dozens, […]

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NY Nazi Times: Death Penalty for Boston Terrorist a ‘Blot’ on City’s Shining Reputation

The front of Sunday’s New York Times will evidently be blessed with “Death Penalty Leaves Boston Unsure of Itself.” The paper found the death sentence handed down to convicted Boston Marathon terrorist bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev a “blot” on Boston’s compassionate liberal reputation, which has rendered the finish line “a place of ambivalence,” with no end of self-righteous Bostonian handwringing on […]

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U.S. Attorney: Boston Bombing “Was Not a Religious Crime” – Defends Islam

Islam is a religious death cult filled with hatred and violence. Speaking to reporters Friday after the announcement of the death sentence decision for Boston bomber [terrorist] Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz made certain to clarify for Americans that “Islam had nothing to do with the Tsarnaev brothers’ terrorism”: Even in the wake of horror and tragedy, we are not […]

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‘Treasonous’ educators ‘dumbing down’ U.S. kids

‘We should view it as an act of war’ Educators are committing an “act of war” against America’s school children and intentionally dumbing down the nation, charges international journalist and educator Alex Newman. Education bureaucrats – not ordinary teachers – are the criminals guilty of “treason,” he says. “I hope this isn’t taken as an attack on teachers,” Newman said […]

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Senate panel probes ObamaCare aid confusion, as customers learn they owe IRS

The Senate’s top investigative committee has launched an inquiry into the system that’s supposed to ensure ObamaCare tax credits go to the right customers for the right amounts — amid concerns that many Americans are getting inflated or improper subsidies. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, who is leading the investigation, says because of the confusion with the system, millions of Americans […]

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Obama Says “Two-State Solution” for Israel and Muslim Terrorists “Vital for Peace”

There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy the Jews. [Anti-Israel] President Barack Obama said on Thursday he continues to believe a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians was “absolutely vital” for achieving “Middle East peace”. Obama said he believed the two-state option was also the best for the […]

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Kentucky Sheriff on Shooting Victim: ‘We Are Glad That He Is White…’

Nelson County Sheriff Ed Mattingly stated bluntly Monday that officials were “glad” that a man who was shot by a deputy was “white,” adding that though they “shouldn’t have to be worried about that,” they didn’t want “backlash or violence” due to the public being “misinformed” by the media. In a joint press conference Monday with Bardstown Police Chief Rick […]

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ABC’s Stephanopoulos moderator for 2012 presidential debates gave $75G to Clinton Foundation without disclosing it

Stephanopoulos’s was the ABC News moderator who hammered Republican candidate Mitt Romney in the 2012 debates. ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos got deeper in hot water Thursday with his network, which revised upward to $75,000 the amount of money he contributed to the Clinton Foundation without full disclosure to the network or viewers — while he was covering Hillary […]

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Explosion in Gaza Hamas Training Camp Wounds at Least 50

At least 50 [Arab Muslims] were wounded in a blast that occurred Thursday inside a training camp for terrorists in Gaza, Hamas officials, medics and witnesses said, according to AFP. “An explosion happened inside a post of the resistance in Beit Lahya,” said interior ministry spokesman Iyad al-Bozum, in reference to the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s so-called “military wing”. […]

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Donald Trump’s Clinton donations put him on defense

‘The Donald’ swept into ABC scandal with Stephanopoulos Just as ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos revealed he made undisclosed donations to the Clinton Foundation and apologized for not revealing the conflict of interest, another big name with presidential aspirations came forward with an admission. Real estate magnate Donald Trump gave at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation while his […]

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U.S. Department of Homeland Security caught busing in illegal Somalis from Mexican border

The U.S. is bringing in 100,000 Muslims every year through legal channels such as the United Nations refugee program and various visa programs, but new reports indicate a pipeline has been established through the southern border with the help of the federal agency whose job it is to protect the homeland. They are coming from Somalia and other African nations, […]

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Lawmakers Express Shock, Dismay: Pope to officially recognize so-called “Palestinian” statehood

Note: There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy the Jews. From Politico: After Pope Francis moved to recognize a Palestinian state, some gung-ho defenders of Israel suggested the pontiff should stick to preaching and stay out of politics. “It’s interesting how the Vatican has gotten so political when ultimately […]

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Swastikas Carved into Sidewalk in Front of Brooklyn Kosher Store

An employee at Moisha’s Discount Supermarket in Brooklyn discovered two swastikas carved into the sidewalk in front of the Brooklyn store yesterday (Monday). Authorities are unsure who carried out the vandalism, but say that it occurred between 10:00 pm Sunday evening and 2:30 pm Monday afternoon, while the new concrete was still wet. Police say they are investigating the act […]

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Hillary Clinton continues to avoid the press one month into campaign

WASHINGTON –  One month after Hillary Clinton announced her bid for the White House, the former secretary of state is under fire for dodging questions from the media and keeping to tightly orchestrated campaign events. The Democratic presidential frontrunner has subjected herself to zero formal interviews since entering the race. And the growing field of Republican candidates, who themselves have met […]

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Baltimore’s Problems Not Rooted in Racist Police

Attorney General Loretta Lynch has announced a Justice Department investigation to determine whether the Baltimore Police Department’s practices are unconstitutional and violate civil rights; in short, whether or not the police force there is racist. It will come as no surprise if the investigation concludes that it is, because accusing the department of racism diverts attention from the city’s real […]

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University Diversity Officer: It is impossible for a black woman to be racist or sexist to white men

The Daily Caller reports that a U.K. university diversity officer who faced a backlash after banning white people from an event defends herself with the claim that it is literally impossible for a minority woman to be racist. Bahar Mustafa, a student who also serves as a welfare and diversity officer at Goldsmiths University, drew public condemnation several weeks ago […]

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Obama and FDA: Let Gay Men Donate Blood

The Obama administration, more interested in pleasing its LGBT supporters than in protecting the health of the general public, is proposing “new rules” through the FDA that would terminate the 32-year-old ban on blood donations from gay and bisexual men. Hilariously, the FDA would still ban gay men from donating if they confess to having sex with a man within a […]

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J-Street Joins Anti-Israel Groups: Trying to Prevent Anti-BDS Legislation

J-Street joins anti-Israel groups in unsuccessful attempt to scupper legislation which would deal a death blow to BDS in America. J-Street has been lobbying furiously to torpedo legislation currently making its way through the US Congress to combat the anti-Israel BDS (Boycott Divestment and Sanction) Movement. In late April, the Senate Finance Committee adopted new amendments to the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), […]

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Obama Admin Apologizes to U.N. for American Cops – Stabs America in the Back

Promises to prosecute those who “wilfully use excessive force.” The Obama administration apologized Monday to the United Nation’s [so-called] Human Rights Council for American law enforcement personnel whom it described as “willfully us[ing] excessive force,” at times with racist motivation. In its defense of its handling of the issue, the administration touts prosecuting over 400 law-enforcement officials and committing itself […]

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At Poverty Summit, Obama Praises Public Schools–While His Kids Go to Private School

Another case of “do as I say, not as I do” by President Obama. Speaking at the Catholic-Evangelical Leadership Summit on Overcoming Poverty at Georgetown today, President Obama discussed investing in public schools and bemoaned the fact that many people choose to instead send their kids to private schools. Obama laments that people start sending kids to private schools, working […]

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Innocent store owner still fighting IRS after feds seized his $107G account

When federal agents stormed into Lyndon McLellan’s North Carolina convenience store last October without warning and accused him of trying to put one over on the government, the small business owner wasn’t sure what was happening. “They asked me if I knew what ‘structuring’ was and then they showed me some cash deposits I made in a 24-hour period,” he […]

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University Report: A Room Full of White People Is a Microaggression

Apparently, just being in certain rooms is a microaggression. According to a new report released by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, just “walking into or sitting in” a classroom full of white people is a microaggression in itself. “Students of color reported feeling uncomfortable and unwelcomed just walking into or sitting in the classroom, especially if they were the only […]

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Clinton cash controversy: Why it matters to every American

One of the last vestiges of broad-based bipartisan agreement in American politics is the belief that foreign money should not influence U.S. political leaders and their decisions. The Supreme Court has unanimously upheld the ban on foreign political money, and President Barack Obama and Republicans have echoed similar themes. We now know that the Clinton Foundation served as a conduit for the […]

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Boston U Prof: ‘White Masculinity is THE Problem for America’s Colleges’

Saida Grundy, a sociology and African-American studies professor at Boston University, recently declared that “white masculinity is THE problem for America’s colleges.” Despite the attack on “white college males,” whom she called a “problem population,” the university has stood behind the newly-hired professor, defending the openly hostile statements against a large segment of the student population as free speech. “White masculinity […]

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Jihad Watch ‘most-attacked site on Internet’

Robert Spencer says his Jihad Watch website, which documents the global threat of Islamic supremacism, is one of the world’s most-attacked websites. He cites a letter from the chief technical officer of the Internet security firm Sucuri, which is tasked with protecting the Jihad Watch site. “Here at Sucuri, we protect thousands of websites through our enterprise Website Firewall,” said […]

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Music Videos, Drugs, Whatever: The DEA Will Take That $18,000, Young Man

Law enforcement agencies in the state of New Mexico may not be able to seize citizens’ assets without charging them with a crime, thanks to a new law signed last month. But said law means nothing to federal law enforcement agencies. While the Department of Justice investigates alleged racist police practices in Baltimore, the agency’s wayward child, the Drug Enforcement […]

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Report: Vulnerability of the Electric Grid

A report by the Center for Security Policy (CSP) paints a dire picture regarding the vulnerability of the U.S. (and by extension—Canadian) electricity grids from man-made or natural electromagnetic disturbances. The CSP and others in the national security sector have been beating this drum for a number of years, but unfortunately all too little is being done about the risks. […]

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Israel: Arab Muslim Terrorist Stabs Jewish Man Outside of Mishor Adumim – Still at Large

A [Muslim] Arab terrorist stabbed a Jewish man at the Al-Zaim junction outside of Mishor Adumim on Monday morning, leaving him with light injuries, the Judea-Samaria Police stated. Mishor Adumim is just outside of Jerusalem. Magen David Adom (MDA) medics were notified of the attack at 7:53 am and rushed to the scene; they treated a 19 year-old victim on-site and […]

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Brussels Jewish Museum invites Jew-hating BDS to “refllect” on antisemitism

From The New Antisemite: It is a well established fact that Israel-bashing is one of the main causes of antisemitism in Europe.  Or isn’t it?  Well, the Museum is organising a conference entitled Reflexions on antisemitism and islamophobia” and the two guest speakers are two militant Israel-bashers and pro-BDS.  They are Nadia Fadil and Anya Topolsk.  Both are signatories of the BELGIAN CAMPAIGN […]

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After State Attorney Charged Cops, Crime Is Surging In Baltimore

Some conflict of interest issues have been raised against Baltimore City State Attorney Marilyn Mosby. Some are arguing that her office overreached when she brought charges against the six police officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray, especially the driver of the van; he’s been charged with second-degree murder. Gray died in custody after being arrested on April 12. He […]

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Satanists Sue for ‘Religious Exemption’ to Keep Abortion in Missouri

A branch of the Satanic Temple sued Missouri on Friday seeking a religious exemption to the state’s mandatory 72-hour law regarding abortion after a member was denied the procedure at a Planned Parenthood office. Under the lawsuit, the group is citing the Federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in the way that Christian businesses and organizations have to avoid providing […]

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Ex-Gitmo warden ‘beyond disgusted’ Obama released Taliban 5

In a radio interview broadcast Sunday, Col. Michael Bumgarner, formerly the commander of the guard force at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, declared he is “beyond disgusted” at President Obama’s decision to release the so-called Taliban Five. The five high-risk former members of the Taliban government were released from Gitmo last June in exchange for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. […]

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Government Protection against terrorism for Americans doesn’t exist anymore

It isn’t that Mohammed Cartoon Contest organizer Pamela Geller is getting no protection against ISIS terrorists who threaten her life that should matter most.  It’s that she—and every other American citizen—can no longer count on protection against Islamic terrorism from the uncaring President Barack Obama administration. In a world where Islamic threats like: “we will send all our Lions to […]

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