Category Archives: Articles

Trump on ‘Hannity’: I am open to illegal amnesty “because we’re not looking to hurt people”

And remember when phony RINO Sean Hannity was pro-amnesty? [Fox News] – Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Tuesday he is open to “softening” laws dealing with illegal immigrants in a “Hannity” town hall with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. His remarks were the latest sign he is considering softening a position he has taken since the onset of his campaign. Trump was […]

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Even Trump-Worshipping Ann Coulter is Angry With Trump’s “Softening” on Illegal Immigration

Chris Matthews really pressed a desiccated pterodactyl identifying itself as “Ann Coulter” on what it thought about Trump’s softening. The desiccated pterodactyl said it was very upset at Trump’s softening, as she’s just launched a new book based on his not being soft at all. Watch below [and try not to get sick]: 0 The desiccated pterodactyl even joked that […]

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Over Half of Hillary’s Meetings as Secretary of State Were With Clinton Foundation Cronies

In a blockbuster story that displays front and center the depth of the cronyism and corruption of Hillary Clinton, and also a credit to the mainstream media, despite whining by Donald Trump to the contrary, that negative stories about Hillary are being reported, the Associated Press (AP) reports that over half of those Hillary Clinton met with while the Obama […]

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Maine: Muslim “Refugee” Collected Welfare for 4 Years While Becoming Islamic Terrorist

An Iranian refugee receiving welfare benefits in Maine while becoming [a terrorist] before he fought and died for Islamic State has an enraged Gov. Paul R. LePage calling for a sweep of all such taxpayer-funded payouts in his state and nationwide. Adnan Fazeli, 38, came to Freeport, Maine, in 2009 and was killed last year on the battlefield in Lebanon after abandoning […]

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HORROR: University dean admits high school students dissected aborted babies

University of New Mexico School of Medicine dean Paul Roth admitted on video that researchers at the university procured aborted baby parts for dissection at a summer camp with high school students. The admission confirms allegations by the U.S. House Select Panel on Infant Lives that staff at the university’s Health Sciences Center provided aborted baby brains to students, though […]

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Trump: I Will Do the “Same Thing” as Obama When It Comes to Some Illegal Immigrants

Trump’s flip-flopped immigration policy is gonna look a lot like Obama’s – per Trump! Donald Trump said Monday that, as president, he would do the “same thing” as President Barack Obama when it comes to deporting some illegal immigrants. While the Republican nominee hasn’t fully reversed his position on deporting the estimated 11 million illegals already in the country, campaign manager […]

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Men chant ‘Black lives matter’ before viciously attacking white victims, police say

AKRON, OH (WOIO) – A group of men chanting “Black Lives Matter” was accused of viciously beating up seven white victims in Akron early Sunday morning. According to the police report, the attack happened around 12:30 a.m. in the area of Carroll and Goodkirk streets. Police said seven white men were walking when they were approached by five black men and two white men, shouting, “Black lives […]

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Laura Ingraham’s Site Bashes the “Constitution Worship” of Ted Cruz and Ben Shapiro

Laura Ingraham is an embarrassment and a complete sell-out. I had to read the article twice over to make sure I was seeing this correctly, but sadly, I wasn’t mistaken. Apparently, pro-Trump warrior and populist right-wing darling, Laura Ingraham, has writers that don’t necessarily believe that the right’s adherence and love of the document that keeps our freedoms in check […]

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Scientific Study: No Proof That People Are Born Gay or Transgender

Two top Johns Hopkins University psychiatrists say there is insufficient evidence to conclude people are born with heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual attractions. “The understanding of sexual orientation as an innate, biologically fixed property of human beings — the idea that people are ‘born that way’ — is not supported by scientific evidence,” Drs. Lawrence Mayer and Paul McHugh conclude in […]

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Trump on legalizing illegals: I’m not flip-flopping but we’re trying to “come up with something fair”

I … thought he already came up with an answer for illegals, namely, mass deportation. Did I dream that? We’re going to build a great big beautiful wall, we’re going to have a national“deportation force,” and then once everyone’s back on the other side of the border the “good ones” can line up to be readmitted as America’s need for […]

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Trump Spent Four Times as Much on Hats Than He Did on Campaign Organization

Trump skeptics are laughing at what was discovered in their most recent finance reporting as evidence that Trump is just not very serious about actually winning. From Politico: Meanwhile, spending on the 84-person staff and field organizing barely increased from the previous month, to just $392,000 and $432,000, respectively. The campaign dropped much more — $1.8 million — on hats […]

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Terrorist Iran releases images of new missile defense system

Meant to replace the absent Russian S-300 system, Iran paraded their own surface-to-air defense system in a ceremony with the president. Iran has released the first photos of its home-made air defense system, nicknamed “Bauer 373.” According to Iran, they developed the system as an alternative to the Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile system, which they never received as a result […]

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Obama’s Iran deal was a “horrible and tragic mistake”

And Israeli sovereignty should be respected in Jerusalem. Fox News contributor and former chairman of Concerned Veterans for America, Peter Hegseth visited Israel this week, looking to learn firsthand about the Arab-Israeli conflict and life in the Jewish state. “Seeing is believing and it is therefore critical that as many people of all backgrounds are encouraged to come to Israel,” […]

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How Breitbart Stabbed Ted Cruz in the Back

In late January, Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon was tipped off about a story that he hoped would damage Ted Cruz. Bannon, who this week became CEO of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, was told that a radio advertisement would be landing in Iowa aimed at hurting Cruz with evangelical voters — the very constituency the senator was depending on to […]

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Insanity! The Word “Man” Is Banned At Princeton University Because It’s Sexist and Homophobic

“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words” is a haunting quote from George Orwell’s 1984, where free thought could constitute a crime in the totalitarian state of Oceania. That’s not necessarily the case on the campus of Princeton University in New Jersey, but they are doing their part in banning words to foster a more inclusive community—whatever that means. […]

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Paul Manafort’s Closest Friend Calls Trump’s Nomination a “Mistake of Historic Proportions”

Paul Manafort was Donald Trump’s campaign chairman until he quit yesterday. I realize the headline from CNBC refers to Vin Weber as a “former top Gingrich ally”, but he is more precisely one of Paul Manafort’s closest friends and works at Mercury, LLC, Manafort’s former employer. Vin Weber, a key early lieutenant in the Newt Gingrich revolution that transformed the U.S. […]

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Next year 17% of Americans will have no choice of insurer on the Obamacare exchange

An new analysis finds 17% of Americans will have only one health insurer offering them plans on the Obamacare exchange next year. The analysis was performed for the NY Times by the McKinsey Center for U.S. Health System Reform. The NY Times reports: So much for choice. In many parts of the country, Obamacare customers will be down to one insurer when […]

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Trump Key Advisor is an Anti-Semite and Ridiculed the Holocaust

Schmitz had described his achievement in the Pentagon inspector general’s office as “I fired the Jews.” Joseph Schmitz, one of five Trump senior advisers, is accused of boasting that when he was inspector general at the US Department of Defense under President GW Bush, he got Jewish employees fired, McClatchy reported. Schmitz, a Washington attorney, said the allegations are lies, […]

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Paul Manafort quits Trump campaign in the wake of the Breitbart takeover and the Ukraine revelations

Here we go again with the disaster called the Trump campaign… Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump released a statement on Friday announcing that he had accepted the abrupt resignation of campaign chairman Paul Manafort. “This morning Paul Manafort offered, and I accepted, his resignation from the campaign. I am very appreciative for his great work in helping to get us […]

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Leftist BBC Says Opposing Shariah Law Is ‘Islamophobic’

The anti-Semitic British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) – a public broadcaster funded by a “TV licence” fee forced on UK television owners – has declared that resistance to Shariah law is “Islamophobic”. According to a news clip, BBC online coverage, and the comments of its reporter Catrin Nye, a man called “Paul” approached a BBC film crew while recording an interview […]

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Jewish Man Stabbed in France by Muslim Terrorists Yelling “Allahu Achbar”

The Arab Muslim terrorist had previously stabbed a Jew in 2010. A Hasidic man (Chabad), Chaim Levy, 62, was stabbed by an Arab [terrorist] on Friday in Strasbourg, France, at 11:45 AM France Time. Reports say the attacker yelled “Allahu Achbar”, pulled out a knife and stabbed Levy as he was walking back home from his pre-Shabbat shopping. Levy managed to run […]

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Montreal: Muslim woman runs over two police officers while shouting “Allah”

The police don’t even want to talk about the attack much less call it terrorism. On August 11, 2016, a woman shouting “Allah” drove over two officers from the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (Police Service of the City of Montreal), reported TVA Nouvelles. The officers were standing outside a police station in North Montreal when the incident […]

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Target Hit Hard From Transgender Bathroom Boycott; Now Decides To Add Single-Stall Bathrooms To All Its Stores

Target is now going to spend big bucks to ensure that every store has a single-stall bathroom. While it is not changing its ridiculous bathroom policy, it appears to be adding the bathrooms in an effort to appease the boycotters: WSJ – Target Corp. said it will spend $20 million to add a private bathroom to each of its stores […]

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Trump defends the Clinton Foundation: “Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt”

Even Sean Hannity, the loyal puppet and servant for the Trump campaign, was horrified. Donald Trump urged the American people to give Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation “the benefit of the doubt” when it comes to questions surrounding the money they have received from foreign countries. Trump sounded reluctant to go after Clinton in an interview with Fox News’ […]

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Illegal Migrants from Terror-Linked Countries Surging at Southern Border

U.S. officials are trying to establish closer cooperation with various Latin American nations to combat an increase in the number of illegal migrants from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East attempting to sneak into the United States. Between October 2015 and May 2016, the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, a component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), […]

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Arab Muslim TV in Israel: “We are a thorn in the throat of Zionism”

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information. A song broadcast on official Palestinian TV in July and earlier this month brags that Palestinians are a “thorn in the throat of Zionism,” Palestinian Media Watch reports. The upbeat song […]

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Trump claimed Ted Cruz was “controlled by Goldman Sachs”; Donald’s new CEO actually worked for Goldman Sachs

Mark Levin has a question for Donald Trump about his new CEO and some criticism he leveled at Ted Cruz during the primary. Mark Levin wants to know if Trump is controlled by Goldman Sachs. If you remember, Trump criticized Ted Cruz for being controlled by Goldman Sachs because his wife, Heidi Cruz, worked there. Well it turns out Steve […]

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Trumpanic At The Trumptanic: Butt-Kisser Breitbart News Takes Over Flailing Campaign

Trump shuffles management and appoints Breitbart Chairman to chief executive, pollster Conway to campaign manager. El Trumpo continues to shock and surprise us, and today is no exception as we discover that he’s merging his flailing campaign with Breitbart News and dumping Manafort [who will remain in a senior role] and everyone else telling him to tone it down. Ostensibly, […]

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Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort Laid The Groundwork For Russia’s Invasion Of Crimea

When Trump first brought on Paul Manafort to work on his campaign, many people predicted that this would come back to bite him in the rear, once the press got around to digging into Manafort’s work in Ukraine. UNEXPECTEDLY, now that the convention is over and Trump is definitely the nominee, the press has found some pretty astounding nuggets. Among […]

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