Author Archives: Shlomo

Turkey’s Muslim “Refugee” Scam

Turkish government allows African migrants easy access to Europe’s borders. As if Europe’s refugee burden wasn’t crushing enough, the British newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, reported recently that Turkey is deliberately adding fuel to the spreading fire. According to the Telegraph, the European Union border agency, Frontex, is claiming that Turkey is responsible for an upsurge in African migrants illegally crossing […]

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Ted Cruz: Republican Leadership Leads The Onslaught Attacking Conservatives

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slammed Republican leadership on Monday for slavishly serving the interests of major corporations — and worse, leading attacks from the Left on its conservative grassroots base. The Democrats are “relentless” in pursuing their principles, Cruz said, which include ever-increasing government spending and unlimited abortion rights. They’re “willing to crawl over broken glass with a knife between their […]

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Obama Frees 20th 9/11 Hijacker

Today it’s Osama bin Laden’s aide; tomorrow it could very well be the Blind Sheikh. The Obama administration quietly shipped Osama bin Laden’s bodyguard back to the Wahhabist Kingdom of Saudi Arabia last week despite warnings that the Muslim terrorist remains a serious threat to the United States. The newly released terrorist detainee is Abdul Shalabi, 39, who trained to […]

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Obama brings 1,500 terrorists to U.S. – Crimes allegedly done ‘under duress’

The Obama administration allowed 1,519 terror-stained foreign refugees into the U.S. last year because their crimes were allegedly committed “while under duress.” The administration last year eased federal restrictions against terrorist activity for refugees and asylum seekers. Under the old rules, these 1,519 foreign nationals would have been banned from entering the country because they supported terrorist causes. But under […]

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RINO Mitch McConnell Advances Spending Bill with Planned Parenthood Funding

The Senate on Monday delivered a strong vote of confidence to a bipartisan spending bill that’s needed to head off a government shutdown at midnight Wednesday. The 77-19 vote powers the measure past a filibuster by some of the chamber’s most ardent conservatives, who were angered that Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell stripped a provision that would cancel federal funding […]

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Iranian Commander on Muslim Mecca Stampede: “The Jews Did It”

“A deliberate crime” on the part of the Saudis and the “usurper Zionist regime.” Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazzayeri said that last week’s stampede near Mecca [where Muslims killed over 1,100 of their own Muslims] may have been a “deliberate crime” on the part of the Saudis and the Israelis, reports the Fars News Agency [FNA]. […]

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Ahmed Mohamed’s Qatari Vacation with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood

The story of Ahmed Mohamed, the Dallas schoolboy made famous by the reaction to his arrest for bringing a homemade clock that resembled a suitcase bomb to school, has taken another curious turn. According to the Dallas Morning News, Ahmed and his family have accepted an invitation extended by the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development to visit […]

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Even More Benghazi Emails Discovered on Hillary’s Private Server

Nearly 1,000 new emails to be handed over for investigation. The State Department previously claimed to have turned over all of Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi-related emails for investigation. However, on Friday the State Department informed the House Select Committee on Benghazi that they would deliver approximately 925 new Clinton emails relating to Benghazi and Libya that it had overlooked. Luckily for Clinton, Remy‘s […]

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It’s Official: Ground Zero Mosque Defeated!

The infamous project to build a mosque where the Twin Towers were destroyed by Muslim terrorists is officially dead. Crains New York reports that the unsavory developer behind the Ground Zero Mosque initiative, Sharif El-Gamal, is now making different plans: “Mr. El-Gamal’s Soho Properties has proposed a 667-foot condominium tower at lower Manhattan’s 45 Park Place. The glass skyscraper, which […]

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‘Europe is Eurabia Right Now’

Brigitte Gabriel, an Arab Christian, who as a young girl was a victim of radical Islam during the Lebanese Civil War. In her book Because They Hate, Gabriel recounts that in 1975 when she was 10-years-old living in southern Lebanon, Muslims from throughout the Middle East poured into her country and declared jihad against the Lebanese Christians. For over seven years […]

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Pope Francis Promotes Illegal Immigration “Don’t Be Ashamed”

Pope Francis ended his US tour in Philadelphia today. He promoted illegal immigrants on his way out the door. Francis urged Americans to “remember the foundation” as if we are a nation of illegal immigrants. Pope to immigrants: “You bring many gifts to your new nation. You should never be ashamed.” — ABC News (@ABC) September 26, 2015 […]

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John Boehner to resign at end of October

House Speaker John Boehner announced he will resign from Congress at the end of October, a surprise end to his congressional career that followed repeated clashes with conservative members of his Republican conference. The speaker said in a statement that he is resigning because “prolonged leadership turmoil would do irreparable damage to the institution.” He had intended only to serve […]

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Iran Promises to Violate Nuke Deal – Never signed official nuke deal

While Iran’s top military commander says proud of terrorism support and – again – vows to destroy Israel. Multiple senior Iranian officials have vowed in recent weeks to violate the recently inked nuclear accord that aims to constrain the Islamic Republic’s contested nuclear enrichment program, according to multiple comments by top Iranian leaders. Iranian leaders, including President Hassan Rouhani and […]

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Ted Cruz: McConnell, Boehner Surrendering on Iran, Planned Parenthood

‘Republican leadership has handed all of their authority to Barack Obama’ Ted Cruz slammed Republican leaders in Congress on Thursday for surrendering on the Iranian nuclear deal and Planned Parenthood. The Texas senator and GOP presidential candidate told reporters in his Capitol Hill office that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) and House Speaker John Boehner (Ohio) have admitted defeat by […]

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Will Europe put a Yellow Star on Israeli Products?

The European Union has just agreed to remove the sanctions from Iran’s anti-Semitic regime and put them on the Jewish State of Israel. In the very same week that the EU Court of Justice based in Luxembourg relaxed the sanctions against Iran’s main aluminum manufacture company (Iralco), the very same EU imposed its first sanction against Israel. It consists of the marking of products from Jewish communities in Judea […]

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NSA Chief: Clinton’s Private Server Was ‘Opportunity’ for Foreign Spies

NSA director Mike Rogers

National Security Agency (NSA) director Mike Rogers admitted on Thursday that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to conduct official government business while she was secretary of state represented an “opportunity” for foreign spies. “You really want to drag me into this one, sir?” Rogers laughingly asked Senator Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) during a Thursday cybersecurity hearing before the Senate […]

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Rape-Hoaxer Lena Dunham Interviews Rape-Denier Hillary Clinton

Just months after recanting a phony rape charge against an innocent man and apologizing for making light of what many have described as the sexual abuse of her younger sister, “Girls” star and creator Lena Dunham landed an interview with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the current Democrat frontrunner. This is just another episode of Leftists Are Forgiven For […]

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Sudanese Muslim Claims Macaque Monkeys Descended from Jews

Mus’ab Al-Mosharraf, who blogs for the left-wing Arabic Elaph website, claims that “it is indisputable that there are monkeys of Jewish origin.” A Sudanese Muslim journalist who blogs for a popular leftist Arabic website claims that macaque monkeys are directly descended from Jews, a phenomenon which the Koran claims occurred after Allah punished the Hebrew people. Mus’ab Al-Mosharraf, who blogs […]

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Arab MKs Threaten Israel with ‘Intifada’ on Sukkot Holiday

Arab Israeli leaders and Joint List MKs join Abbas’ threat of looming intifada over Israeli so-called ‘attacks’ on Temple Mount. Islamic Movement officials have threatened Israel with a third intifada to begin on Sukkot, against the backdrop of so-called Israeli “attacks” at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount [where Arab Muslims have been rioting and making bombs]. In an interview […]

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General of Iran’s Army: “We Are Going to Destroy Israel”

And Obama wants to give them nukes. Ataollah Salehi, commander of Iran’s army, said on Tuesday that the Islamic Republic would destroy Israel at all costs, regardless of the recent nuclear deal, reports the Washington Free Beacon. According to the state-controlled press, Salehi said, “Israel only barks. No matter how much weapons are given to [it], we are going to destroy them. We will promise […]

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Israeli forces shoot Arab Muslim terrorist after yet another stabbing attempt

Israeli forces shot a female [Arab Muslim terrorist] after she attempted to stab a soldier at a West Bank checkpoint on Tuesday, the military said, as tensions continued to simmer ahead of this week’s major Jewish and Muslim holidays. The military said forces opened fire and “identified a hit” following the incident in the West Bank city of Hebron. The […]

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Anti-Israel Propaganda in Elementary Schools: Third Graders Learn About “Israeli Occupation”

Tamimi’s work consists in encouraging Israeli Muslim children—including his own—to provoke Israeli soldiers. There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy the Jews. Anti-Israel activists are gloating on social media that they were able to get [so-called] “Palestinian” activist Bassem Tamimi—who is known for encouraging [Arab Muslim] children to confront […]

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Western Europe Shutting Doors to Muslim “Refugees”, Putting Up Razor-Wire Fences

As doors slam shut in Western Europe and razor-wire fences go up in the east, the massive wave of Middle Eastern refugees is backing up in the Balkans, where overwhelmed nations lack the will or resources to offer a long-term solution. The ultimate destination for many of the refugees from Syria, Iraq, Libya and other war-torn nations is Germany, both […]

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Women Celebrate Their Abortions With Viral ‘#ShoutYourAbortion’ Hashtag

Thousands of women turned to Twitter Monday to publicly laud their abortions. Using the viral hashtag “#ShoutYourAbortion,” women from various backgrounds explained why they chose to terminate their pregnancies and how they thought it had benefited their lives. My abortion was in ’10 & the career I’ve built since then fulfills me & makes me better able to care for […]

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Flashback: Obama was ‘quite religious in Islam’

President Obama’s faith is taking center stage again after ABC’s “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos grilled Donald Trump over the presidential candidate’s lack of response to a question he received during a campaign event last week where a man claimed Obama was a Muslim. “I take that point,” stated Stephanopoulos, when Trump explained he is facing controversy for simply not […]

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German mayor blames Israel for Syrian refugee crisis

The Social Democratic mayor of Jena, Albrecht Schröter, on Friday accused Israel of partial responsibility for the Syrian refugee crisis and called on Germany’s foreign minister to “show less restraint” toward the Jewish state. “The Social Democratic Party must reject Schröter’s absurd statement!” Green Party deputy Volker Beck said. “Drawing a connection between Israel and the refugees and the civil […]

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Tolerance? U.S. Soldiers Told To Ignore Rape of Boys Because It’s “Afghan Culture”

There is an absolutely horrifying story out in the New York Times today featuring U.S. soldier whistleblowers who say they were told to ignore rampant sexual abuse of young boys by Afghan allies because “it’s there culture.” In his last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: From his bunk in southern […]

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Trump: “I Love the Muslims” – Would Consider Putting One In His Cabinet

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, under fire for not correcting a man at a New Hampshire town hall for attacking Muslims and accusing President Barack Obama of being one, said on Saturday he loves Muslims and would consider putting one in his cabinet, CNN reports. Trump spoke before a high school homecoming event in Urbandale, Iowa, and was asked by […]

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John Kerry says U.S. will take 85,000 Muslim “refugees” next year; 100,000 in 2017

BERLIN –  Scrambling to address a growing Syrian refugee crisis, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced Sunday that the United States would significantly increase the number of worldwide refugees it takes in over the next two years, though not by nearly the amount many activists and former officials have urged. The U.S. will accept 85,000 refugees from around the […]

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U.S. House Votes to Make Killing Babies Born Alive During Abortion a Crime

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Friday that would protect babies born alive during abortion by making it a federal crime to kill the baby after it is born, either by an overt act, or through gross negligence. The bill, entitled the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act was introduced by Congressman Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) H.R. 3504, […]

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Transgenderism is a disorder stemming from psychological trauma, says man who had TWO sex changes

A Los Angeles man who decided out of discontentment to take the plunge and switch his gender to become a “woman” has now reverted back to being a man. Walt Heyer, 42, says gender reassignment surgery had a “tremendous, destructive process” on his life, which is why he made the choice to have a second sex change to revert back […]

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