Monthly Archives: August 2015

Former Attorney General: FBI probe is about Hillary Clinton, not her private emails

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey said Sunday that Hillary Clinton is indeed the focus of a Justice Department probe, calling the argument that the probe is about her private email network when she was secretary of state “ridiculous.” “The FBI doesn’t investigate machines,” Mukasey, a Bush administration attorney general, told “Fox News Sunday.” “It investigates people.” “It is not a […]

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Detroit Police Chief: Legal Gun Ownership Can Help Stop Crime

“More people have guns and it’s making burglars cautious.” In a city plagued by crime and guarded by a dwindling police force, residents of Detroit are increasingly taking protection of themselves, their families and property into their own hands. Those who do so responsibly have the support of Detroit Police Chief James Craig, reports Fox News. Chief Craig gave his public […]

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Phony Establishment Republican Elites: “You Can’t Secure The Border, You can’t Deport, You Can’t Stop Illegal Aliens,….”

Hey America… Why are you electing these traitors? Charles Krauthammer and George Will continue to showcase their insane alignment with the DC Machine writ large.  You might think of them as pundits, until you realize their punditry is expressed alignment with the policy positions of: John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Scott Walker, Chris […]

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London: Anti-Semitic Vandals Cover Jewish Monument in Raw Pig’s Meat

Anti-Semitic vandals desecrated a Jewish memorial in London on Thursday morning, peppering the structure with raw meat – including a pig’s carcass. The memorial and fountain, located in Whitechapel, is a testament to Edward VII, former king of the United Kingdom (UK) from 1901-1910. “In grateful and loyal memory of Edward VII, Rex et Imperator, Erected by subscriptions raised by Jewish […]

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Ted Cruz: End Birthright Citizenship

“That has been my position from the very first day of my running for the Senate.” Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz said Wednesday that we should “absolutely” end automatic birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants. In an interview on “The Michael Medved Show,” Cruz said he and Donald Trump agree about the need to end birthright citizenship, which he explained […]

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Driver’s Licenses Available To Illegals In 10 States And D.C.

Ten states and the District of Columbia issue driver’s licenses or similar certifications to illegal immigrants, according to a new analysis from the Pew Charitable Trusts. In a report issued this week, Pew Charitable Trusts reveals that as of this summer California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont, and Washington and the District of Columbia all issue […]

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St. Louis Back in Flames: Black Crime Wave Out of Control

As the progressive crime wave claims more lives. A disturbing yet familiar scenario is playing out once again in St. Louis, where police made nine arrests and dispersed demonstrators protesting the shooting of black American Mansur Ball-Bey, 18, on Wednesday. According to police, Bell-Bey aimed a weapon at two white officers who returned fire, killing him. Unsurprisingly, the protesters are disputing police […]

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Lobbyists Give $600K to Hillary Clinton

Hillary might be losing some support from voters over the scandal surrounding her private home-brewed email server, but she isn’t losing support from lobbyists. The former secretary of state has already netted $625,703 from 316 registered lobbyists and corporate PACs — more than double the number of donors of her nearest competitor, according to an analysis by The Hill. The […]

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Natalie Portman: “Jews Should Shift Focus Away from Holocaust”

It’s time for the Jewish community to shift focus away from the Holocaust, American-Israeli actress Natalie Portman opined Friday, stating that such focus has “detracted from atrocities committed around the world”. “I think a really big question the Jewish community needs to ask itself, is how much at the forefront we put Holocaust education,” Portman stated in an interview with the […]

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Surprise! Anti-Israel J-Street Group Elects Muslim as President

J-Street calls itself the organization that “gives political voice to mainstream American Jews and other supporters of Israel” but it is far from a pro-Israel group. In 2010 it was revealed that radical far left billionaire George Soros had donated $245,000 to the leftist organization in 2008, and another $500,000 in subsequent years. Co-founder Daniel Levy was caught on tape […]

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Israeli Arab Muslim Knesset Member had account from Ashley Madison cheating site

The government email address of Knesset Member Taleb Abu Arrar was one of millions leaked from, a website for people seeking extramarital affairs. Abu Arrar, of the Arab Joint List party, already has two wives, according to the Jerusalem Post. Because polygamy is illegal in Israel, he has a common-law marriage with his second wife. He has 10 children. “Someone signed up […]

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15,000 Ashley Madison Adultery Site Clients Used Federal Government Emails

Ever wonder what the Federal employees the government considers next to impossible to fire do all day? Well, for at least 15,000 Federal employees who used their work emails to log into, a dating site that allows you to arrange “discrete” “relationships,” many of which are with married individuals, that answer is pretty clear. Ashley Madison, whose tagline is […]

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Just like the IRS: Congressional Democrats to “investigate” group that exposed Planned Parenthood in videos

Congressional Democrats have opened their own investigation into the Center for Medical Progress, questioning whether the group broke federal laws in setting up a false-front company to secretly tape Planned Parenthood employees talking about their practices. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, also said it’s possible some of his colleagues in Congress knew about […]

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Jew-Hater Jimmy Carter Announces ‘Cancer Spread to My Brain’ and Then Attacks Israel Again

Ex-president says first radiation treatment is today and then attacks Israel again for rejecting “two-state solution” with Muslim terrorists. Former US President Jimmy Carter held a press conference on Thursday, in which he announced that the cancer which doctors discovered on his liver – that he revealed last Wednesday – has been found to have spread to his brain as well. Carter, […]

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Unbelievable: Secret deal with Iran allows Iran to do it’s own nuclear inspections

Rumors to this effect have been swirling for weeks, as you’re already aware. The Obama administration has been evasive about several secret side deals cut between Iran and the IAEA, prompting criticism from skeptics of the accord who note that US law requires the White House to release every single letter of the agreement to Congress for review. Secretary of State John […]

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Jewish Man and 2-Year-Old Girl Wounded in Arab Muslim Terrorist Rock Attack

Arab terrorists wound infant and man on major highway, hours after police officer wounded in Jerusalem firebomb attack. Two Israelis were wounded on Wednesday night by Arab terrorists throwing rocks on Highway 443, which runs from Lod past Modi’in to the northwest of Jerusalem – one of them was a two-year-old baby girl. The infant was lightly wounded by the rocks, […]

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Report: Blackberrys Belonging to Key Clinton Aides “Likely Destroyed”

Blackberrys belonging to top Hillary Clinton aides Huma Abedin [who has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group] and Cheryl Mills were returned to the State Department, but likely have been destroyed, The Hill reports. Abedin and Mills continued their employment with Clinton during her four years as secretary of state during President Barack Obama’s first term. They were given […]

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Hillary Clinton Can’t Write Off Scandal As Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy When The FBI Is Investigating

Hillary Clinton’s playbook to label attacks on her as a “vast right-wing conspiracy” falls short with her email scandal because it is the FBI, not congressional Republicans, that has launched a criminal investigation into her server, the Washington Post‘s Karen Tumulty said Tuesday. “It’s one thing to say that she has enemies out there. She does; she always has,” Tumulty said. “But […]

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Gosnell-Like Horror: Abortion Worker Describes Cutting Open Baby with ‘Beating Heart’

Planned Parenthood is sounding more and more like abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors.” The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a seventh investigative video August 19 featuring former StemExpress tissue technician, Holly O’Donnell, as she detailed how she “cut” open an aborted baby boy’s head with scissors while his heart was still beating. “It had a face,” she said. […]

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Why White People Seek Black Privilege

With Milo Yiannopoulos’ shocking report that Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King is in fact white – according to Yiannopoulos, quoting blogger Vicki Page, “King is white and has been lying about his ethnicity for years” – taboo questions now arise about the nature of race in America. King, of course, isn’t the first leading black activist with no black […]

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‘Israel Must Be Obliterated’: New Iranian Video Imagines Muslim Invasion of Jerusalem

A new video out of Iran presents the imagined scenario of Jerusalem being conquered by a military alliance of the country’s Revolutionary Guard forces and Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists, a Jewish news site reported Tuesday. Quoting the Middle East terrorism research organization the Investigative Project, the Algemeiner reported that the video was released two weeks after the Iran nuclear deal […]

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Hillary Clinton’s Private Server Holding Classified Information Kept in an Apartment Bathroom

No, really… It gets even worse: Tech firm that housed Hillary Clinton’s private server kept servers in an apartment bathroom. The IT company that stored Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was secretary of state operated out of a small loft apartment where its servers were stored in the bathroom, according to a new report. The Daily Mail reported […]

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Iran Opening ‘Special’ Schools to Train Nuke Experts

The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) stated on Tuesday that the Islamic Republic will soon be opening “special schools” to train future Iranian nuclear experts, according to regional reports. Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of Iran’s AEOI, announced that the country “plans to construct special schools to teach nuclear science and technology to the students,” according to Iran’s […]

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IRS Security Breach: Hackers Access Over 300,000 US Taxpayers Personal Information

The US Internal Revenue Service has confirmed that its “Get Transcript” security breach has seen 220,000 more taxpayers fall victim, with another 170,000 people to be contacted by the organisation. The United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has revealed that in excess of 220,000 taxpayers may have had their personal information accessed, in addition to the 100,000 originally reported, as […]

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Jeb Bush: Government/NSA needs broader powers to combat ‘evildoers’

[AP] – Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush said Tuesday that the government should have broad surveillance powers of Americans and private technology firms should cooperate better with intelligence agencies to help combat “evildoers.” At a national security forum in the early voting state of South Carolina, Bush put himself at odds with Republican congressional leaders who earlier this year voted […]

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Obama White House Appoints First-Ever Transgender Staffer

The Obama White House announced Tuesday that Raffi Freedman-Gurspan had been appointed outreach and recruitment director for presidential personnel in the Office of Personnel, the first ever appointment of a transgender to a White House post. “Raffi Freedman-Gurspan demonstrates the kind of leadership this Administration champions.” White House advisor Valerie Jarrett told gay magazine The Advocate. “Her commitment to bettering the lives of transgender […]

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Anti-Semitism: Jewish-American Pop Artist Banned from Music Festival

A European reggae festival has banned Jewish singer Matisyahu for refusing to declare his support for a [so-called] “Palestinian” state, reports Israel National News. There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It is a propaganda war intended to destroy the Jews. Spain’s Rototom Sunsplash festival disinvited Matisyahu after pressure from BDS campaigners calling for a boycott against Israel, even though he is American, not Israeli. Festival organizers cited Matisyahu’s open […]

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Islamic State ‘Mein Kampf’ Blames Israel for Global Terrorism

Experts pouring over secret Islamic State dossier found in Pakistan’s tribal badlands. Intelligence officials are comparing a newly discovered secret Islamic State document to Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” as it blames Israel for the rise of the Islamic State and crowns U.S. President Barack Obama as the “Mule of the Jews.” Found in Pakistan’s remote tribal region by American Media Institute […]

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Court Docs: Investigators Flag Over 300 Hillary Emails So Far

Court documents show federal investigators have flagged more than 300 emails from Hillary Clinton’s email cache for potentially containing classified information. According to several news outlets, which cite court documents, investigators have singled out 305 messages they recommend be sent to federal agencies for a closer look. Those emails were discovered after looking through roughly 20 percent of the 30,000 […]

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Exposed: Hillary Clinton’s Top Aid Huma Abedin and Muslim Terrorism

She should have been removed from all positions of power and influence years ago. They got Al Capone for tax evasion, and they may get Huma Abedin for “violating rules regarding vacation and sick leave” and for the “possible exchange of unsecured, classified data.” To be sure, these are serious charges, and the available evidence makes it abundantly clear that […]

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Rev. Farrakhan to Followers: ‘White People Deserve to Die’

The Rev. Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, told his followers in a sermon laced with racist invective and “allahu akbars” that white people deserve to die. The three-hour sermon, delivered last week according to Gateway Pundit, came after reports that he had called for 10,000 volunteers to “kill white people if the government doesn’t give the black […]

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Two Arab Muslim Terrorist Stabbing Attacks over Shabbat

Border guard and soldier stabbed in separate incidents in Samaria. Security forces shot both attackers. [Arab Muslims] stabbed a border guard and an IDF soldier in separate incidents today (Saturday). These were the second and third stabbings this week. The border guard was stabbed in the back late this afternoon near Tapuah Junction, in northern Samaria. Other guards quickly responded […]

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Abbas Condemns Israel for Killing a Terrorist While Stabbing a Jewish Police Officer

PLO chairman blasts the Israeli “occupation” after officers shoot and kill a terrorist who stabbed a Border guard. [PLO] chairman Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday night condemned Israel for killing a terrorist who stabbed a Border Police officer. Abbas, in a statement quoted by AFP, condemned the “killing by the occupation forces” of 21-year-old Rafiq Taj from Shechem, the terrorist who […]

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Illegal immigrant murders pregnant woman, boyfriend, and mother in Florida home

A 19-year-old illegal immigrant was being held without bail Saturday after the discovery of three bodies at a crime scene in a Florida home that veteran cops called “almost unimaginable.” Brian Omar Hyde appeared before a judge Friday on charges he killed his pregnant cousin Starlett Pitts, 17, and her 19-year-old boyfriend in a Lehigh Acres home Tuesday, and then […]

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Four black Florida teens arrested in carjacking, kidnapping of federal agent

Four high school students have been arrested in the carjacking and kidnapping of a Texas border patrol agent who was vacationing with his family in Florida authorities said. The agent was confronted at gunpoint in an Orlando hotel parking lot Wednesday night as he was packing up his car. He was forced into the backseat, pistol-whipped, tied-up and robbed of […]

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