Category Archives: Articles

‘Thank G-d for Abortion Providers’ – Episcopal and Methodist Clergy Bless Abortion Clinic

Seriously… have they ever even read the Bible? Some ordained ministers are throwing their support behind abortion providers. Last week, for example, clergy for Episcopal and Methodist churches were among religious leaders who gathered in Cleveland to bless an abortion clinic. “I’m here today standing alongside my fellow clergymen and clergywomen to say: thank G-d for abortion providers,” said Rev. […]

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Jerusalem: Three Jews Killed in Two Muslim Terrorist Attacks

Rabbi Yeshiyahu Krishevsky first victim to be identified; was run over by terrorist in Geula neighborhood. Funeral to commence shortly. Three people have been killed and as many as 17 others injured – some of them seriously – in two near-simultaneous terrorist attacks in Jerusalem. In the first incident, a 60-year-old man was killed and 15 others wounded, eight seriously, in a shooting attack on a […]

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Muslim Cleric Tells Muslims in Israel To Stab Jews, ‘Cut Them Into Body Parts’

Fatal stabbings by Arab Muslims have already taken place. The Free Beacon reports today that last week in the city of Rafah, a Muslim cleric spoke to a large crowd of [Arab Muslims], urging them to stab Jews and dismember them: Sheikh Muhammad Salah “Abu Rajab” during a sermon at Al-Abrar Mosque on Friday directed listeners to attack Jewish Israelis […]

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United Nations employee shares video on building a bomb while justifying terrorism

Remember Sohaib Fayyad, the UNRWA employee who changed his Facebook icon to a graphic of a “Like” icon modified to hold a stabbing knife? He recently shared a video from “Jerusalem Intifada” on how to build a homemade bomb: UNRWA yesterday issued a disgusting press release that condemned anything Israel is doing to defend itself from the current wave of […]

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Police hunt Muslim migrant “refugee” mob after they start shooting at people on public street

Chancellor Merkel is bringing in a million of these savages, Obama hundreds of thousands and PM Cameron tens of thousands. It’s the end of our world as we know it. “Illegal Immigrant Shooting: Afghan Males Hunted By Police After Firing At Member Of The Public,” by Donna Rachel Edmunds, Breitbart, October 12, 2015 Police are hunting a group of six […]

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Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s New Book Preaches Annihilation of America and Israel

The chilling rhetoric from Iran Obama doesn’t want you to know about. Ironically, as the financial rewards and the improved legitimacy that have resulted from Obama’s nuclear deal continue to benefit the Iranian ruling clerics, the Iranian political establishment’s hatred towards the United States is reaching its peak. This week, the highest authority in the Islamic Republic, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali […]

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California forces religious Jews and Christians to disobey own beliefs

California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill that orders faith-based organizations to refer women to abortionists, even though the same idea was tried in New York and failed. Brown’s signature on AB 775 already has triggered a series of lawsuits, because it forces religious pregnancy clinics to tell women and girls that California has public programs to provide immediate, […]

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Obama Administration Blames Global Warming For Muslim Violence in Syria

In her most dramatic speech to date about climate change, National Security Advisor Susan Rice [says junk science Global Warming] was partially responsible for the conflict in Syria and represents a looming threat to the entire world. “In the years prior to civil war breaking out in Syria, that country also experienced its worst drought on record,” she said during a […]

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Arab Muslim Terrorists Stab 13 Year Old Jew in Critical Condition

Two terrorists carried out attack which also seriously wounded a 24-year-old. A 13-year-old Jewish boy from Pisgat Ze’ev is in critical condition Monday after being stabbed nearly a dozen times by two teenage [Arab Muslim] terrorists in Jerusalem’s Pisgat Ze’ev neighborhood, marking the third terrorist attack in the capital in six hours. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the attack took […]

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Big Shocker: Iran Can’t Be Trusted, Convicts and Sentences American Journalist

WaPo outraged that Iran isn’t playing nice. It’s good to know that America is respected in the world and that its capitulation to Iran isn’t being taken advantage of. I mean, after giving the Islamic Republic essentially carte blanche to pursue its nuclear ambitions, the Iranian regime wouldn’t ramp up its long-range ballistic missile tests and then, to rub salt […]

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Obama on Hillary Email Scandal: “She Just Made a Mistake”

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s use of a private email server to conduct government business when she served as secretary of state was “a mistake,” but didn’t endanger national security, President Barack Obama said during an interview airing Sunday on CBS’s “60 Minutes.” Obama said public officials have to be more sensitive about how they handle information and personal data. Yet he […]

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Google is major technology vendor for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign

Unfortunately for freedom and liberty worldwide, Google’s [goal] is ‘Return Hillary Clinton’ to the White House’. Undercover until Drudge gave oxygen to the story on Friday in short: “An under-the-radar startup funded by billionaire Eric Schmidt has become a major technology vendor for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, underscoring the bonds between Silicon Valley and Democratic politics.”  (Quartz, Oct. 9, 2015) […]

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Obama’s Former Pastor and Mentor: “Israel is apartheid state”

Wright said that African-Americans, Native Americans and Muslim Arabs have suffered under the “three-headed demon” of “racism, militarism and capitalism.” Jeremiah Wright, President Barack Obama’s former pastor, called Israel an apartheid state and said “Jesus was a Palestinian” at a rally in Washington hosted by the Rev. Louis Farrakhan. There is no such thing as Palestine or a Palestinian. It […]

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The Left’s War on Jewish Self-Defense

Jewish life in America was built on providing guns to Jews so they could defend their lives. Comments that armed Jews might have saved lives in the Holocaust by resisting Nazi terror have been met with condescending mockery from the left. The Jewish establishment, a network of wealthy non-profit organizations that claim to represent Jews without ever being chosen by […]

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3 Cops Wounded in Stabbing at Jerusalem’s Old City over Shabbat

Terrorist stabs three police officers near Damascus Gate. Security forces killed terrorist, but also wounded another cop. Three police officers from the Yasam riot-control unit were wounded this afternoon (Saturday), near the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem’s Old City. Two of the officers noticed the attacker as he approached them and demanded that he identify himself. Instead of cooperating, the terrorist […]

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Female Arab Terrorist Detonates Explosives in Car Near Jerusalem

The driver yelled “Allahu Akbar!” and detonated a bomb in her car. A major tragedy was avoided Sunday morning when a 45-year-old police officer stopped a female suicide bomber at the al-Zaim checkpoint near Ma’ale Adumim, about three miles from downtown Jerusalem. According to police, the vehicle looked suspicious as it traveled slowly in the bus lane on Route 437 […]

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Youtube Hosts ‘Mood Music for Jihadis’ Playlists…Thousands of Them

“…most beautiful encouraging jihadis video.” Social media companies are compelled to police their space, monitoring, reporting and removing content that incites violence. Still, most fall painfully short of this obligation as is evident by the innumerable hate-filled pages calling for “death to [fill in the blank]” splashed across the likes of Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and other sites. While social media […]

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Susan Rice said Netanyahu’s Iran Opposition is Racist

In her view, the Israeli leader did everything but “use ‘the N-word’ in describing the president.” How race-crazy is the Obama administration? This is the angle from which Obama’s national security adviser was approaching the Iran deal. Rice, reflecting her generally more combative mind-set, would say to Abe Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, that in reacting to the […]

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Islamic State just killed a top Iranian general in Syria

Islamic State [terrorists] seized several villages from [rivals] north of Aleppo, Syria, on Friday, in a surprise attack that came despite intensive Russian airstrikes that Moscow insists are targeting the [terrorist] group, activists said. Iranian state media reported that a senior commander in Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard was killed by the Islamic State group on the outskirts of Aleppo city, […]

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Time Celebrates Mass Murder: ‘Che Guevara Didn’t Let Asthma Affect His Ambitions’

Cuban Communist Che Guevara was a brutal murderer who trained and commanded firing squads that executed thousands of men, women and children. A quote from his diary said “We don’t need proof to execute a man. We only need proof that it’s necessary to execute him. A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate.” Leftists love […]

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Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Grandson Launches Hunger Strike in Solitary Confinement

Meir Ettinger protests for phone access to speak with wife, after being transferred to isolation in breach of administrative order. Nationalist activist Meir Ettinger, who was arrested last month in an administrative detention with no trial or evidence, launched a hunger strike on Thursday after being transferred to solitary confinement and having access to phones removed from him with no […]

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Israel Asks YouTube to Remove Terrorist Videos Calling for the Slaughter of Jews

One a cartoon showing Jewish parents murdered in front of their children. [Meanwhile, Youtube continues to take down our Jewish videos – including a Hanukkah video.] Israeli officials have sent a letter to Google asking the company to remove two Palestinian propaganda videos from YouTube they believe glorifies violence against Jews, The Times of Israel reports. So far, only one […]

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PLO/Fatah officials: Murdering Jewish “settlers” is legal and “national duty”

PMW: Fatah officials: Murdering “settlers” is legal and “national duty” “The settlers’ presence is illegal, and therefore every measure taken against them is legitimate and legal,” according to Fatah Central Committee Member Jamal Muhaisen. [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 7, 2015] This attitude which has often been expressed by [PLO] and Fatah officials, explains the great support being expressed by [Arab] officials […]

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UN Chief Condemns Killings of Arab Terrorist – No Mention of Israeli Terror Victims

Further evidence of the UN’s moral blindness. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon today expressed concern over the recent violence between Israelis and so-called “Palestinians”, condemning the killings of the latter but omitting any mention of the Israeli victims of Arab terror, reports the Jerusalem Post. Ban said he is “profoundly alarmed by the growing number of deadly incidents in the West Bank, including east Jerusalem. The Secretary-General welcomes […]

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Deportation Rates For Criminal Immigrants Lowest Since Obama Took Office

Well, we have this “terrific” news from the Associated Press: Deportations of criminal immigrants have fallen to the lowest levels since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, despite his pledge to focus on finding and deporting criminals living in the country illegally. The share of criminal immigrants deported in relation to overall immigrants deported rose slightly, from 56 percent to […]

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The Racist Million Man Fraud Comes To Washington

Violence on the horizon? Rioting at this weekend’s Washington, D.C. gripe-fest celebrating the 20th anniversary of the endlessly hyped, misnamed Million Man March, seems like a definite possibility. Just this week 12 people were arrested in Hartford, Conn., for disorderly conduct after blocking traffic and access to the University of Hartford as they chanted “Black Lives Matter!” After demonstrators refused […]

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Third terror attack Thursday: Stabbing in Kiryat Arba, Jewish Victim Seriously Wounded

Jewish man seriously wounded in stabbing at Kiryat Arba gate, just outside Hevron. An Arab terrorist on Thursday afternoon stabbed a 25-year-old Jewish man in Kiryat Arba, located adjacent to Hevron in Judea, where the Jewish patriarchs and matriarchs other than Rachel are buried. The victim was seriously wounded with stab wounds to his back, in an attack that took place at the western […]

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Arab Muslim Car-Ramming Terrorist Attack Injures 2 Israeli Jewish Police Officers

Two Israeli Border Police officers were injured when a [Muslim terrorist] rammed his car into a West Bank checkpoint near Jerusalem. The driver sped up as he approached the Maale Adumim checkpoint in an attempt to run down the security forces on Wednesday evening, police said in a statement. Israeli soldiers fired on and injured the driver, Channel 2 reported. The driver was […]

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Donald Trump: Eminent domain is a “wonderful thing”

Trump thinks the government should be able to take your house, private property, or business and that it’s “wonderful”. Conservatives have been speaking out against eminent domain laws for years, but Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday evening said the government’s authority to acquire private land isn’t a bad thing. Land owners who have to turn over their property […]

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Amid new Arab Muslim terrorist attacks, Netanyahu bans law makers from Temple Mount to appease Jordan and Obama

JERUSALEM — An Arab attacker stabbed four Israelis with a screwdriver on Thursday before a soldier shot and killed him amid fresh violence that prompted Israel’s premier to bar Cabinet ministers and lawmakers from a sensitive Jerusalem holy site at the heart of the latest tensions. The attack in Tel Aviv was among three new stabbings on Thursday that left […]

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Defense Minister Ya’alon Blamed Jews for Arab Muslim Terrorist Attacks

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon blamed Jews for Arab terror attacks in a meeting with leaders of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria Tuesday, according to a source who was one of the participants in the meeting, which was hosted by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at his residence. “Ya’alon argued in the meeting that there is a connection between violent events […]

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Arab Muslim Terrorist Stabbing Attack in Petah Tikva; One Jew Wounded

Terrorist strikes near Petah Tikvah mall in day’s 3rd successive stabbing. An Arab terrorist has injured at least one person in a knife attack on passersby outside Petah Tikvah’s central mall close to Beilinson Hospital, in the third stabbing attack in a single day Wednesday. The attacker reportedly drew his knife and ran towards a crowd of civilians as he and his […]

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Still Think Islam Is A Religion Of Peace? – You Won’t After Seeing This

While many in the media, including Fox News, CNN, the Washington Post and others, including politicians like Barack Hussein Obama and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) continue to promote the lie that Islam is a “peaceful religion,” Freedom Outpost is allowing David Wood of “Answering Muslims” to respond to their claims from the Qur’an, in context, to demonstrate the lie that […]

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Record Release: Justice Department to Release 6,000 Criminals into America’s Streets

President Barack Obama’s friends over at the DOJ are releasing roughly 6,000 criminals back into America’s streets by Nov. 2, supposedly to ease “overcrowding” and to offset “harsh sentences”. The new releases include roughly 2,000 criminal foreign migrants, contradicting claims that illegal immigrants don’t contribute to crime. The migrants are to be repatriated to their home countries. The Obama administration […]

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Muslim Murders Police Official, Authorities Rush to Defend…Islam

Just another day in the suicidal West. Last week a fifteen-year-old Muslim, Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad, went to a police station in New South Wales and shot dead a civilian police employee, Curtis Cheng. After the murder, the young murderer was, according to an eyewitness, “dancing joyously.” Outside the station, he waved his gun at police and screamed “Allahu akbar” […]

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