Author Archives: Shlomo

Vanderbilt Sociology Professor: ‘White Privilege’ Responsible for Baltimore Riots

With free scholarships, affirmative action free jobs over more qualified candidates, black colleges (could you imagine the outcry if there was a white college?), tax breaks to start new businesses, and so many other privileges, it’s hard to hear the very racist term ‘white privilege’ putting the blame only on the lowest crime, lowest rape, lowest theft group of people […]

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Islamic State Tactics Are Similar to Nazi Germany’s

In January, Kurdish troops launched a major offensive that broke Islamic State’s lines in northern Iraq. In response, the jihadist group sent 14 giant tanker trucks loaded with explosives and bolted-on armor to launch a counter-attack. Kurdish fighters have faced terrifying attacks like that before — though not on this scale. Fortunately, before any of the trucks made it to the Kurdish […]

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Texas officer saved lives in shooting outside Muhammad cartoon contest, police say

A Texas traffic cop saved untold lives Sunday night when he took down two heavily armed men bent on storming a building where a ‘Draw the Prophet’ Muhammad contest was taking place, killing both before they could make their way inside. The police officer, who has not been identified by Garland Police Department officials, “probably saved lives,” said police spokesman […]

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Two Muslim terrorists killed, officer injured after shooting outside Muhammad cartoon contest in Texas

Two Muslim gunmen ‘carrying explosives’ attack anti-Islam art contest in Texas: Suspects dead and security guard wounded. Two armed men were killed after opening fire on a security guard outside an exhibit of artistic depictions of the Muslim prophet Muhammad in suburban Dallas Sunday evening. The City of Garland said in a statement posted on its Facebook page that the […]

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BDS Leader on Campus: “I love Hitler”

On the educational benefits of the campus boycott Israel movement The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement is a worldwide effort to turn Israel into a pariah state. I have written about it, and its foothold on American college campuses, here. South Africa has been a moral center of the movement. The BDS campaign is modeled on the campaign to end […]

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IDF Foils Terrorists Attacks near Jewish Community in Samaria – 2 Muslim terrorists tried to stab soldiers

Israeli soldiers overpowered two Palestinian Authority terrorists who tried to stab them to death Sunday night near the community of Yakir in northeastern Samaria. Soldiers disabled one of the terrorists and later caught the second man after he escaped. The terrorists are being questioned, and it is not yet known if they were acting on their own or were linked […]

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US reviews use of cellphone spying technology

Faced with criticism from lawmakers and civil rights groups, the U.S. Department of Justice has begun a review of the secretive use of cellphone surveillance technology that mimics cellphone towers, and will get more open on its use, according to a newspaper report. The cell-site simulators, also referred to by other names such as “IMSI catchers” or Stingrays, operate by […]

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IRS Steals $107,000 From Convenience Store Owner, Violating Its Own ‘Structuring’ Policy

Last October, in response to the outrage provoked by “structuring” cases in which the government took people’s money because their bank deposits were too small, the IRS said it would no longer do that unless there was evidence that the money came from an illegal source. In March the Justice Department announced a similar policy for seizures based on structuring, which […]

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Kerry Said he Wishes US Had Leader Like Iran’s supreme leader Khamenei

Senior cleric says Kerry told Zarif he ‘wished US had leader like Iran’s supreme leader,’ adding ‘US, Israel never were so weak.’ A senior Iranian cleric claims that US Secretary of State John Kerry told Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif that he “wished the US had a leader like Iran’s supreme leader” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in comments made during the negotiations […]

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The six officers accused in the death of Freddie Gray

The charges in the Freddie Gray’s death have catapulted six police officers with a mix of experience patrolling Baltimore’s hard streets from obscurity to notoriety. Prosecutors charged the officers with a litany of offenses Friday, including murder, involuntary manslaughter, assault and false imprisonment. They say Gray suffered a severe neck injury in the custody of the six cops and was […]

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Muslim terror supporting Middle East countries want weapons, promises from US for Iran nuke deal support

“Including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar” Leading Persian Gulf states want major new weapons systems and security guarantees from the White House in exchange for backing a nuclear agreement with Iran, according to U.S. and Arab officials. The leaders of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, plan to use […]

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Vast Majority of Homosexuals Not Interested in “Marriage”

“Less than 10 percent are really interested in marriage” The only other member of the Supreme Court who might surprise some with his decision is Chief Justice John Roberts. On Wednesday, the New York Times suggested that Roberts may vote to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide because of a possible gender discrimination issue. “I’m not sure it’s necessary to get into sexual orientation […]

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The Chilling Reason for China’s One-Child Murderous Policy

WASHINGTON – A leading figure in the fight against China’s mass fetal genocide says China doesn’t need its deadly one-child policy anymore.  In fact, the communist superpower now faces a population shortage, not a population excess. Human rights activist Reggie Littlejohn, head of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, accuses the Chinese Communist Party of using the outdated policy to terrorize the […]

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Baltimore Prosecutor Rules Freddie Gray’s Death a “Homicide”, 6 Officers Charged

Baltimore’s top prosecutor announced criminal charges Friday against all six officers suspended after a man suffered a fatal spinal injury in police custody, saying “no one is above the law.” “Mr. Gray’s death was a homicide,” State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby declared. His arrest was illegal and his treatment in custody amounted to murder and manslaughter, she said. The announcement came […]

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100 Baltimore Cops Injured in Black Riots; Asian Shop Owner Nearly Set on Fire

Nearly 100 Baltimore cops have been injured in the riots that began Monday following the funeral of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old man who died of a spinal injury in police custody. According to NBC News, Police Capt. Eric Kowalczyk said at a Thursday press conference that 98 officers were injured overall. Of those, 43 required emergency medical treatment at a […]

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Loyalty Rewards? Clinton donors, allies on Africa ‘safari’ with ex-president

Former President Bill Clinton and daughter Chelsea left earlier this week on a nine-day tour through Africa with a plane-full of family foundation donors and Hillary Clinton supporters in tow, adding jet fuel to accusations that contributors are getting rewarded — and courted for even more money. Those on the four-country tour are expected to observe foreign projects the Clinton […]

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Report: Gray died of broken neck suffered in van – “was intentionally trying to injure himself”

Medical examiner ‘found Freddie Gray’s catastrophic head injury was consistent with bolt in the back door of the police van’ Sources told a Baltimore television station that the medical examiner found Freddie Gray died as a result of slamming his head against the inside of a police van, breaking his neck. The local ABC affiliate WJLA reported sources said the […]

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It’s not the thug rioters but the cops politicians want off the streets

It doesn’t matter that Freddie Gray deliberately may have been trying to injure himself, banging about in a van.  It doesn’t matter because the truth doesn’t matter to those rioting in the streets.  It doesn’t matter because the violent protests in Baltimore have zippo to do with Gray’s death but everything to do with the anarchy that seeks to replace […]

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2,000 Syrian Muslim refugees headed to Idaho

Boise mayor lays out welcome mat: ‘Diversity isn’t a buzz word. It’s our birthright’ The multicultural transformation of Idaho will continue with a planned infusion of hundreds of refugees from Muslim countries over the next one to three years. A local newspaper in Twin Falls reported that city will receive 300 mostly Syrian refugees over the next fiscal year starting […]

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UN Threatens Australia Over Expelled Iranian Sheikh Who Claimed “The Holocaust is nothing but superstition”

The toothless United Nations, which loves to throw its weight around whenever the West does not kowtow to the numerous Islamic states that dominate its proceedings, issued a threat to Australia, giving the country 180 days to provide an “effective and enforceable remedy” for expelling an Iranian sheikh in 2010, accusing him of being a threat to national security. On […]

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Hillary Clinton Does Not Like Transparency

If there is a single, unifying theme to draw from the spate of negative stories that have dogged Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign so far, it is that the Clintons do not care for transparency. That’s the main thing we learned from the story that Hillary Clinton, while serving as C-SPANSecretary of State, relied exclusively on a privately run nongovernmental email […]

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Anti-Israel UCLA Group Investigated For Corruption

On Tuesday evening, the undergraduate student government at UCLA unanimously voted for the Election Board to investigate charges that the LET’S ACT! Slate used illegal fundraising tactics in numerous campaigns, according to the Daily Bruin, UCLA’s campus newspaper. Documents were released on Monday that seemed to indicate that Let’s Act, a group closely allied with the anti-Israel hate group Students […]

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Jeb Bush: Give 11 Million Immigrants Chance to Stay

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush declared Wednesday that 11 million immigrants in the country illegally should have an opportunity to stay, wading yet again into his party’s contentious immigrant debate. In tone and substance, Bush stands out among the many Republicans lining up for the GOP’s next presidential primary, where conservatives who oppose an immigration overhaul often hold outsized influence. […]

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Baltimore gun violence continues

Four people were shot Tuesday night, and five more Wednesday. At least two were fatal. Residents were milling around Wednesday morning along a Northwest Baltimore shopping strip where two people were shot the night before, including a 42-year-old man who died. An apparent blood trail dotted the sidewalk along a strip of mostly shuttered businesses. Joseph Patrick took down crime-scene […]

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State threatening anti-Common Core parents with jail

Fight over federalized testing escalates. Parents in South Carolina who are part of a nationwide revolt against Common Core say they are being threatened with “criminal accountability” if they prevent their children from taking the tests required by the controversial educational-standards program. Tamra Hood, a member of South Carolina Parents Involved in Education, said the state Education Department’s Chief Operating […]

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Friendly Reminder: More Than Half Of All Democrats View Socialism Favorably

So, while some might scoff at Sen. Bernie Sander’s (I-VT) self-described “democratic socialism and think it won’t resonate with the electorate, let’s not forget the Reason-Rupe poll that showed just as many Democrats who viewed capitalism favorably, viewed socialism with the same regard. Philip Bump at the Washington Post noted this flashback today, but also included that self-avowed socialists have done miserably in national […]

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Obama blames police, plays race card: Deaths of black men by police a ‘slow-rolling crisis’

As National Guard troops responded to rioting in Baltimore, President Barack Obama said Tuesday there have been too many troubling police interactions with black citizens across America in what he called “a slow-rolling crisis.” But he said there was no excuse for rioters to engage in senseless violence. Obama said those in Baltimore who stole from businesses and burned buildings […]

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Senate rejects legislation that would require that any nuclear agreement with Iran be approved by Congress

The United States Senate on Tuesday rejected legislation that would require that any nuclear agreement with Iran be approved by Congress, hours after Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid warned Republicans not to use the bill as a “platform for their political ambitions.” According to Reuters, the Senate voted 57-39 to reject the measure, which Republican Senator Ron Johnson offered as […]

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Obama State Dept. Refuses to Condemn Seizure of U.S. Cargo Ship Fired On and Captured by Iran

It’s an Obama world. The Obama State Department today refused to condemn the seizure of a Marshall Islands ship by the Iranian regime. Jeff Rathke from the State Department briefing refused to condemn the actions: Reporter: What do you consider the Iranian act? Is it a — an act of piracy, act of violence? Rathke: Again, I’m — this I […]

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