Author Archives: Shlomo

U.K. Declares Independence from E.U. Globalist Elite; Prime Minister Resigns – Muslim Migration Played Biggest Role

More Britans were concerned about Muslim migrants invading their country than their economy. Even Europeans are getting sick of having violent barbaric Muslims invade their countries and declare Sharia law while raping their daughters. From There are two main political reasons: the internal politics of a governing Conservative Party that has become increasingly Euroskeptic, and the anti-immigration-fueled rise of the […]

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Ultra-Liberal CNN hires failed Trump campaign manager Lewandowski… as political commentator

Three days after being ousted from the Donald Trump campaign, Corey Lewandowski is a political commentator for CNN. On Thursday Lewandowski joined CNN’s stable of political experts who appear across the channel’s newscasts and talk shows. For CNN executives, the hiring was a coup. Lewandowski brings first-hand experience running a historic presidential campaign. But his hiring was also highly controversial, […]

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Democrat Charlie Rangel: Guns must be taken from citizens, but it’s ‘different’ for lawmakers – they ‘deserve protection’

These politicians deserve to be thrown out on their tuchus! New York Democratic Congressman [and racist] Charlie Rangel has for decades been a constant voice for taking away American’s Second Amendment rights but now he is saying he “deserves” guns even as he is trying to take them away from the common people. Kerry Picket of The Daily Caller ran […]

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Paying cash for hospital bills is 5 times cheaper than your government mandated Obamacare insurance

Gee, thanks Obama. Shellshocked by those astronomical Obamacare premiums? You might want to consider just ditching the failed health insurance “tax” altogether and paying cash for medical services on an as-needed basis because, truth be told, you’ll end up shelling out far less money in the long run. This was the recent experience of a California woman named Caroline who, […]

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Rabbi arrested at Geulat Tzion hilltop by Israeli police for simply being there

Residents of Geulat Tzion were outraged when Rabbi Meir Goldmintz was arrested and dragged by police officers merely for being present on the hilltop. The hilltop of Geulat Tzion in Gush Shilo has experienced constant harassment by the Shabak, Nationalistic Crimes Unit, and other governmental agencies for the past few months. During the week of June 5th, the lines were […]

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Calls For Attorney General Lynch To Resign Over Claim That ‘Love’ Is Best Response To Islamic Terrorism

Attorney General Loretta Lynch is getting a tongue-lashing from Republicans for her claim that “love” and “compassion” are the best tool to fight terrorism. “Our most effective response to terror and hatred is compassion, unity and love,” Lynch said after meeting with officials in Orlando, Fla., on Tuesday — a week after a gunman at a gay nightclub killed 49 […]

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How To Understand The Donald Trump Campaign By Understanding Real Estate Scam Artists

Trump’s Entire Campaign is a Failed Real Estate Investment. How the Republican Party Bought a Few Tens of Millions of Copies of the Art of the Con. So a lot of people don’t have much experience with real estate developers. Donald Trump is basically a walking cliche. I’ll explain. First, remember that at a certain scale, developers aren’t pitching land […]

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The ‘Lone Wolf’ Terrorist Is a Myth

Islam is a barbaric religion of horrific violence and cruelty started by a pedophile and illiterate desert warrior who converted his armies by the sword. President Obama says don’t worry, the Orlando terrorist was just another “lone actor” operating in isolation, unconnected to any larger group of supporters. In fact, these so-called “lone wolves” are running in packs, and suggesting […]

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What Exactly Would It Mean to Have Egomaniac Trump’s Finger on the Nuclear Button?

He’s already said he wants to give nukes to Saudi Arabia, Korea, and Japan, and talked about nuking China. The question of Donald Trump’s temperament and judgment on matters of war and peace is stirring attention—and trepidation, particularly when the subject of nuclear weapons comes up. Some people believe that Trump himself is the maniac, the madman with nukes that […]

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You Can’t Make This Up: Donald Trump Questions Hillary’s Faith

Wow. Trump met today with a number of Evangelical suckers leaders to pitch himself as a man of faith, and during the course of the meeting, he had the following… interesting.. remarks about Hillary’s faith: New York (CNN)Donald Trump argued Tuesday that the American public knows very little about Hillary Clinton’s religion, raising questions about how it will impact her […]

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Attorney General Lynch: Pulse Jihadi’s True Motive ‘May Never Be Known’

Here, let me help out a little. It was because of ISLAM! President Barack Obama’s loyal Attorney General is struggling to help the president’s see-no-Islam narrative survive the massacre at the Pulse gay nightclub. AG Loretta Lynch travelled down to Florida on Tuesday, where she presented Obama’s administration as the protector of grieving gays from inexplicable hate that has nothing […]

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‘Guccifer 2.0’ Strikes: Hacker Releases Hillary Clinton Dossier

You would think the government could at least secure their own servers, right? A hacker who goes by the name ‘Guccifer 2.0’ has published a dossier of Hillary Clinton-related documents purportedly accessed during the recent attack on the Democratic National Committee’s computers. In a blog post Tuesday, Guccifer 2.0 described the haul as “a big folder of docs devoted to […]

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Islamic Law: Father’s Lust for His Daughter is Not A Sin If The Daughter is Over 9 Years Old

Turkey has an official directorate in charge of interpreting Islamic law, popularly known as the Diyanet. It has a website where people ask questions about various aspects of Islamic law. The website recently stirred up controversy by issuing a fatwa, or religious ruling, which asserted that fathers having lustful feelings toward their own daughters are not necessarily violating religious law, […]

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Falling Apart: Now Trump Top Advisor Resigns After Mocking Lewandowski’s Firing

This is what happens when an incompetent egotistical maniac hires “yes” men. Talk about a thickening plot! Michael Caputo, a top advisor to the Trump campaign has resigned after sending out a tweet that reportedly was meant to be in response to news of Corey Lewandowski’s firing. Ding dong the witch is dead! — Michael Caputo (@MichaelRCaputo) CNN […]

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Veteran Forcibly Dragged from Air Force Ceremony for Mentioning God

When a veteran started offering traditional remarks at a military flag-folding ceremony, several uniformed airmen assaulted him, dragging him out of the room because his remarks mentioned God. Now First Liberty Institute lawyers representing retired Senior Master Sergeant Oscar Rodriguez are demanding that the U.S. Air Force apologize and punish those responsible or face a federal civil-rights lawsuit. For countless […]

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Report Exposes Herzog’s Plan to End Israel As We Know It

A paper of understanding that was exposed Sunday night by Channel 10 News shows that MK Isaac Herzog, who conducted extensive meetings with PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas before the March 2015 elections, agreed to hand over all of Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem to a [so-called] “Palestinian” State, and reached a deal on letting Arab refugees come back to live inside 1967 […]

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Panic sets in over prospect of losing another conservative SCOTUS justice

While not entirely unexpected, this is what we might refer to as a wake-up call. As reported by the Washington Examiner over the weekend, sources close to conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas say that he’s looking at announcing his retirement after the elections this November. Justice Clarence Thomas, a reliable conservative vote on the Supreme Court, is mulling retirement […]

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Islamic State beheads four-year-old girl then forces mother to soak hands in dead daughter’s blood

The twisted group decapitated the defenseless little girl in what they described as a ‘punishment’ for her mother’s behaviour. The youngster was brutally murdered in Raqqa, Syria, ISIS’s de-facto capital in the war- torn country. A witness, who was too afraid to be named, said: “A mother told her four-year daughter to go home and she refused. “And then the mother told […]

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Silent Intifada Weekly Summary: Over 80 jihad terrorist attacks in Israel leave 7 Jews injured

This week as almost every week there were dozens of terror attacks of varying severity not reported in most major media outlets. We report on these silenced events to present a fuller picture of the reality in Israel and balance the picture presented to innocent readers abroad. We hope that by reporting these incidents we can raise awareness so that […]

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Islamic Hadith justifies jihad against infidels; Recited before beheading of second Canadian hostage

In his statements condemning the beheading of two Canadian hostages by Abu Sayyaf group, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau avoided mentioning the Islamic ideology espoused by the terrorist group and its affiliation with the Islamic State (a.k.a. IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Caliphate). Abu Sayyaf operatives demonstrated in both beheadings their adherence to the teachings of Islam in the jihad, or holy […]

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Polls Show Trump’s Popularity Going Downhill

Donald Trump’s favorability rating is continuing to slide — with major polls showing that more and more, the presumptive Republican presidential candidate just isn’t liked. An ABC News/Washington Post poll reveals that 70 percent of those surveyed have an unfavorable opinion of the billionaire real-estate tycoon, up 10 points from last month. And a Bloomberg Politics poll found 66 percent […]

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Walmart Hostage Taker Shot by Cops in TX Was Muslim “Refugee” Named Mohammad

The police refuse to call it terrorism – instead calling it “workplace violence”. A man who took two co-workers hostage at an Amarillo, Texas, Walmart Tuesday was a Muslim refugee from Somalia, and that fact came as no surprise to those who track the federal government’s robust refugee resettlement program. Amarillo is bursting at the seams with foreign refugees, from […]

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Iran: “We Can Destroy Israel in Minutes”

A top Iranian military official this week said the Islamic Republic has the means to destroy all of Israel in a matter of minutes. “If the Supreme Leader’s orders [are] to be executed, with the abilities and the equipment at our disposal, we will raze the Zionist regime in less than eight minutes,” Ahmad Karimpour, an advisor to Iran’s Revolutionary […]

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Former DHS employee ADMITS Obama forced them to SCRUB records of Muslims with terror ties

This is something from earlier this year but it’s really important, especially in light of the Orlando mass shooting. Phillip Haney, a former DHS employee and whistleblower, wrote earlier this year that he was ordered to scrub database records of Muslims with terrorist ties in late 2009 by his superiors in the Obama administration. And he knew that the implications […]

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U.S. Homeland Security Report Calls for Rejecting Islamic Terms Like ‘Jihad’ and ‘Sharia’

A new Department of Homeland Security report urges rejecting use of Islamic terms such as “jihad” and “sharia” in programs aimed at countering terrorist radicalization among American youth. The Homeland Security Advisory Council report recommends that the department focus on American milliennials by allocating up to $100 million in new funding. It also urges greater private sector cooperation, including with Muslim communities, […]

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Top Muslim Imam: “Beating wives is the only way to control them”

A leading Pakistani cleric has provided male followers with a step-by-step guide to controlling their women – with a “light beating” suggested at the end of the process for problem wives. Muhammad Khan Sherani, chairman of the Council of Islamic Ideology in Pakistan, offered a weirdly archaic model to men because: “When we draft a bill concerning women we have […]

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DNC Trump Files Stolen By Russian Hackers Are Leaked Online

About 200 pages of what looks to be opposition research on Donald Trump stolen from the Democratic National Committee’s files were dumped online Wednesday, according to Gawker, which published some of the files. The document, titled “Donald Trump Report,” includes an attack on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s character and record, and hundreds of pages describing instances of Trump changing […]

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US Dept Homeland Security Secretary: “Right-Wingers Pose Same Threat As Islamic Extremists”

One month after the San Bernardino terrorist attack that left 14 innocent people dead, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told advisors that right wing extremists pose just as much of a threat to the country as Islamic extremists. Johnson made the comments during the Homeland Security Advisory Council’s (HSAC) January meeting. City of Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo, whom Johnson […]

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